Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Rudi Dekkers Enters a Sealed Plea: May Never Go to Trial


Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here.

COMMENT: For years, we’ve cov­ered the hero­ic, lone­ly research done by Daniel Hop­sick­er on the 9/11-relat­ed flight schools in South­ern Flori­da.

Sad­ly and pre­dictably, the jour­nal­is­tic com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing the so-called “pro­gres­sive sec­tor,”  have ignored Hop­sick­er’s inci­sive work, which has revealed, among oth­er things, that:

 Rudi Dekkers–one of the prin­ci­pal fig­ures in the milieu to which Atta and asso­ciates belonged–was arrest­ed for drug traf­fick­ing in Hous­ton.

Dekkers has entered a seal plea agree­ment, which will like­ly mute any pub­lic dis­clo­sure of the find­ings in the case.

With all of the pow­er­ful male­fac­tors linked to the Dekkers inves­ti­ga­tion, it is not sur­pris­ing that the sit­u­a­tion will be resolved behind the scenes.

Source: Rudi Dekkers Drug Case ‘Will Nev­er Go to Tri­al’ ” by Daniel Hop­sick­er; Mad Cow Morn­ing News; 3/6/2013.

EXCERPT: The upcom­ing tri­al in Hous­ton of Rudi Dekkers for drug traf­fick­ing has been pushed back and may now nev­er hap­pen, accord­ing to a lawyer close to the case.

“The case has been con­tin­ued, and a plea agree­ment is in the works,” said the attor­ney, who asked for anonymi­ty. “The case will nev­er go to tri­al. That’s all I can say.”

The Asst U.S. Attor­ney declined com­ment, as did a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Floyd Carl­son Choate, the promi­nent Hous­ton law firm recent­ly retained by Dekkers. In a brief phone con­ver­sa­tion in which he declined com­ment, part­ner Chisto­pher Choate con­firmed he is from the old New Eng­land fam­i­ly whose name adorns pres­ti­gious Con­necti­cut board­ing school Choate.

In the after­math of the 9/11 attack, it was Rudi Dekkers’ run­ning account of the char­ac­ter and per­son­al­i­ty of Mohamed Atta and the oth­er ter­ror­ists which trans­fixed a nation and the world. He was every­where on tele­vi­sion.

The con­tro­ver­sial Dekkers—who man­aged the Venice Flori­da flight school which trained both ter­ror­ists who crashed air­lin­ers into the World Trade Cen­ter— was arrest­ed in the park­ing lot of a flight school in Hous­ton in ear­ly Decem­ber car­ry­ing a suit­case stuffed with two pounds of hero­in and more than 80 lbs of cocaine.

The tri­al was set to begin Feb­ru­ary 23.  But on Jan­u­ary 18 Dekkers’ lawyers filed what the court dock­et calls a “Sealed Event.”  Then on Feb­ru­ary 7 the judge issued an “Order on a Sealed Motion.” . . . .


2 comments for “Rudi Dekkers Enters a Sealed Plea: May Never Go to Trial”

  1. The FBI assert­ing in court that an FOIA release of clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion on an inves­ti­ga­tion into these activi­ies would pose a nation­al secu­ri­ty risk. The rea­son why it would pose a risk is that it “would reveal cur­rent spe­cif­ic tar­gets of the FBI’s nation­al secu­ri­ty inves­ti­ga­tions,” the accord­ing to the FBI. That cur­rent inves­ti­ga­tion in ques­tion is over a sud­den, anom­alous depar­ture by two Saud­is liv­ing in Sara­so­ta two weeks before the attacks. It also looks like the new­ly released doc­u­ments indi­cate the exis­tence of 2002 inves­ti­ga­tions that found exten­sive con­nec­tions between the Sara­so­ta Saud­is the the Venice aiport 9/11 hijack­ers includ­ing actu­al vis­its to the Sara­so­ta home. Ok then:

    The Mia­mi Her­ald
    Mys­tery of Sara­so­ta Saud­is deep­ens as Jus­tice moves to end law­suit cit­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty
    Post­ed on Mon­day, 06.03.1

    By Dan Chris­tensen and Antho­ny Sum­mers

    A senior FBI offi­cial has told a Fort Laud­erdale fed­er­al judge that dis­clo­sure of cer­tain clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion about Saud­is who hur­ried­ly left their Sara­so­ta area home short­ly before the attacks on 9/11 “would reveal cur­rent spe­cif­ic tar­gets of the FBI’s nation­al secu­ri­ty inves­ti­ga­tions.”

    Records Sec­tion Chief David M. Hardy’s asser­tion is con­tained in a sworn 33-page dec­la­ra­tion filed in sup­port of a Jus­tice Depart­ment motion that seeks to end a Free­dom of Infor­ma­tion law­suit filed last year by BrowardBulldog.org.

    The government’s lat­est court fil­ings, thick with veiled ref­er­ences to for­eign coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence oper­a­tions and tar­gets, deep­en the mys­tery about a once-secret FBI inves­ti­ga­tion of Esam and Deb­o­rah Ghaz­za­wi and their ten­ants, son-in-law and daugh­ter, Abdu­laz­iz and Anoud al-Hijji.

    The fil­ings by Mia­mi Assis­tant U.S. Attor­ney Car­ole M. Fer­nan­dez also seek to jus­ti­fy in the name of nation­al secu­ri­ty numer­ous dele­tions of infor­ma­tion from FBI records about the decade-old inves­ti­ga­tion that were released recent­ly amid the ongo­ing lit­i­ga­tion.

    They do not, how­ev­er, explain why an inves­ti­ga­tion the FBI has said found no con­nec­tion between those Saud­is and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed near­ly 3,000 peo­ple involves infor­ma­tion so secret its dis­clo­sure “could be expect­ed to cause seri­ous dam­age to nation­al secu­ri­ty.”

    The inves­ti­ga­tion, which the FBI did not dis­close to Con­gress or the 9/11 Com­mis­sion, was first report­ed in a Sep­tem­ber 2011 sto­ry pub­lished simul­ta­ne­ous­ly by BrowardBulldog.org and The Mia­mi Her­ald.

    It began after neigh­bors in the gat­ed com­mu­ni­ty of Prestancia report­ed that the al-Hijjis had sud­den­ly depart­ed their home at 4224 Escon­di­to Cir­cle about two weeks before the attacks. They left per­son­al belong­ings and fur­ni­ture, includ­ing three new­ly reg­is­tered cars, one of them brand new.

    Accord­ing to a coun­tert­er­ror­ism offi­cer and Prestancia’s for­mer admin­is­tra­tor Lar­ry Berberich, gate­house log books and pho­tographs of license tags were lat­er used by the FBI to deter­mine that vehi­cles used by the hijack­ers had vis­it­ed the al-Hijji home.

    The FBI lat­er con­firmed the exis­tence of the probe, but said it found no evi­dence con­nect­ing the Ghaz­za­w­is or the al-Hijjis to the hijack­ers or the 9/11 plot.

    The new­ly released FBI records con­tra­dict the FBI’s pub­lic denials. One report dat­ed April 4, 2002, says the inves­ti­ga­tion “revealed many con­nec­tions” between the Saud­is who fled Sara­so­ta and “indi­vid­u­als asso­ci­at­ed with the ter­ror­ist attacks on 9/11/2001.”

    The report goes on to list three of those indi­vid­u­als and con­nect them to the Venice, Flori­da, flight school where sui­cide hijack­ers Mohamed Atta and Mar­wan al-She­hhi trained. The names of those indi­vid­u­als were not made pub­lic.

    The FBI removed addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion in the report, cit­ing a pair of nation­al secu­ri­ty exemp­tions to the Free­dom of Infor­ma­tion Act.


    For months, the FBI claimed it had no respon­sive doc­u­ments regard­ing its Sara­so­ta inves­ti­ga­tion. But on March 28, Hardy unex­pect­ed­ly announced the Bureau had locat­ed and reviewed 35 pages of records. It released 31 of them.

    Pros­e­cu­tor Fer­nan­dez now con­tends the FBI con­duct­ed a “rea­son­able search” and that “no agency records are being improp­er­ly with­held.”

    Her motion asks the court to grant sum­ma­ry judg­ment in the government’s favor.

    Well this is all high­ly unex­pect­ed!

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 5, 2013, 7:44 pm
  2. Only in amer­i­ca would we waste time and mon­ey on a piece of thrash like this guy. Send him where they exe­cute drug deal­ers and be done with this waste.

    Posted by mahituna | November 23, 2013, 7:34 am

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