Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Saudi Terrorism Link to Killing of Colorado’s Chief of Corrections?

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

COMMENT: In the after­math of the assas­si­na­tion of Col­orado Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tions Chief Tom Clements, observers are ask­ing if there are links to his recent han­dling of a high-pro­file case involv­ing a Sau­di accused of sex­u­al­ly abus­ing his Indone­sian house­keep­er.

Homaid­an al-Tur­ki had also been men­tioned in con­nec­tion with ter­ror­ism and was some­thing of a cause cele­bre in Sau­di Ara­bia, where both the sex­u­al abuse charges and ter­ror­ism alle­ga­tions were dis­missed as inci­dents of “Islam­o­pho­bia.”

In addi­tion to Sau­di roy­als, State Depart­ment per­son­nel and for­mer Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty chief Michael Chertoff went to bat for al-Tur­ki.

Might some­one have been paid to elim­i­nate Clements? If so, who? Is there a link to Clements’ han­dling of the al-Tur­ki case?

“Tom Clements Dead: Col­orado Depart­ment Of Cor­rec­tions Chief Shot At Home, Gun­man On The Run” by P. Solomon Ban­da; Huff­in­g­ton Post; 3/21/2013.

EXCERPT: Tom Clements, 58, was shot around 8:30 p.m. Tues­day in Mon­u­ment, north of Col­orado Springs, and a wit­ness report­ed a per­son dri­ving away in a dark-col­ored “boxy” car that had its engine run­ning at the time of the shoot­ing, author­i­ties said.

Inves­ti­ga­tors were explor­ing all pos­si­bil­i­ties, includ­ing that the shoot­ing could have been relat­ed to Clements’ job as exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Col­orado Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tions, which he took after years work­ing in Mis­souri cor­rec­tions. . . .

. . . . While Clements gen­er­al­ly kept a low pro­file, his killing comes a week after he denied a request by a Sau­di nation­al to serve out the remain­der of a Col­orado prison sen­tence in Sau­di Ara­bia. He cit­ed al-Turk­i’s refusal to under­go sex offend­er treat­ment.

Homaid­an al-Tur­ki, a well-known mem­ber of Den­ver’s Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty, was con­vict­ed in state court in 2006 of unlaw­ful sex­u­al con­tact by use of force, theft and extor­tion and sen­tenced to 28 years to life in prison. Pros­e­cu­tors said he kept a house­keep­er a vir­tu­al slave for four years and sex­u­al­ly assault­ed her. A judge reduced the sen­tence to eight years to life.

Al-Tur­ki insist­ed the case was polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed. He owned a com­pa­ny that some years ago sold CDs of ser­mons record­ed by Anwar al-Awla­ki, killed in a drone strike in Yemen in 2011.

Al-Turk­i’s con­vic­tion angered Sau­di offi­cials and prompt­ed the U.S. State Depart­ment to send Col­orado Attor­ney Gen­er­al John Suthers to Sau­di Ara­bia to meet with King Abdul­lah, Crown Prince Sul­tan and al-Turk­i’s fam­i­ly.

After Clements’ shoot­ing, some­one with the State Depart­ment called the Col­orado Cor­rec­tions Depart­ment. . . .

“Homaid­an al-Tur­ki”; Wikipedia

EXCERPT: . . . . Defense argu­ment
Defense attor­ney John Richi­lano argued the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment only filed fraud­u­lent sex-slave charges after fail­ing to make a ter­ror­ism case against Al-Tur­ki. They claimed Mr. Al-Tur­ki was under FBI-inves­ti­ga­tion on pos­si­ble ter­ror­ism links before his arrest. Fed­er­al court doc­u­ments filed by the defense show that the Den­ver Joint Ter­ror­ism Task Force had Al-Tur­ki under a “full fledge inves­ti­ga­tion” sus­pect­ing “he is close­ly aligned to ter­ror­ists and may be pro­vid­ing mate­r­i­al sup­port to ter­ror­ism.” Evi­dence also indi­cat­ed a fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion of pro­ceeds from Al-Basheer Pub­li­ca­tions. They high­light­ed an inci­dent from April 2005 in Illi­nois, when state police stopped Al-Tur­ki on Inter­state 80 near LaSalle. A mes­sage on the nation­al crime infor­ma­tion com­put­er warned the offi­cers “ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion mem­ber — cau­tion, do not alert this indi­vid­ual to this notice.” His lawyers claim school doc­u­ments in his car were removed, copied and faxed by the Illi­nois State Police to the Den­ver FBI. The U.S. Attor­ney’s Office respond­ed by main­tain­ing that the ter­ror­ism inves­ti­ga­tion was total­ly unre­lat­ed to the vic­tims alle­ga­tions. . . .

. . . . The Homaid­an Al-Tur­ki case sparked con­tro­ver­sy and high-pro­file atten­tion from Mus­lims world­wide, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the King­dom of Sau­di Ara­bia, where local media por­trayed him as a vic­tim of bias against Mus­lims and said he would not have been con­vict­ed of these crimes had he been tried in his native coun­try.

For exam­ple, in a show of sup­port, the Sau­di gov­ern­ment pro­vid­ed Al-Tur­ki with $400,000 to post bond. In Novem­ber 2006, Col­orado Attor­ney Gen­er­al John Suthers trav­elled to Sau­di Ara­bia where he vis­it­ed King Abdul­lah, Crown Prince Sul­tan, and Al-Turki’s fam­i­ly in an attempt to clear up “mis­per­cep­tions” about the U.S. judi­cial sys­tem and ease the Sau­di roy­al fam­i­ly’s con­cerns over whether Homaid­an Al-Tur­ki was treat­ed fairly.[19] Suthers went there at the request of the U.S. ambas­sador in Sau­di Ara­bia, who had the State Depart­ment con­tact Col­orado Gov­er­nor Bill Owens. The trip was spon­sored and paid for by the U.S. State Depart­ment.

Even years after the case was closed, the issue con­tin­ues to arouse pow­er­ful emo­tions in Sau­di Ara­bia and affect the del­i­cate bal­ance of Sau­di-US for­eign rela­tions. Saleh Bin-Humaid, chair­man of the Con­sul­ta­tive Assem­bly of Sau­di Ara­bia (Shoura Coun­cil), brought up Al-Turki’s case dur­ing an offi­cial meet­ing with the US Sec­re­tary of Home­land Secu­ri­ty Michael Chertoff in Riyadh on March 26, 2009, when he urged Amer­i­cans to review the top­ic. Accord­ing to a pub­lic state­ment from Bin-Humaid, “The Sau­di peo­ple sym­pa­thize with Homaid­an Al-Tur­ki and they close­ly fol­low up his case.”

In 2010, a cam­paign has been launched by the cit­i­zens of Sau­di Ara­bia, Homaid­an’s friends and fam­i­ly, and all those who hope for his release. . . .



11 comments for “Saudi Terrorism Link to Killing of Colorado’s Chief of Corrections?”

  1. There’s a now-dead man offi­cials are sus­pect­ing of assas­si­nat­ing Clements. There are no direct ties to any Islamist move­ments so far. White Suprema­cists, on the oth­er hand...:

    Los Ange­les Times
    Sus­pect in Colo. prison chief shoot­ing may have ties to prison gang

    By Mol­ly Hen­nessy-Fiske and Jen­ny Deam

    March 22, 2013, 11:33 a.m.

    HOUSTON — A Col­orado parolee died after he was crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed by North Texas law enforce­ment at the end of a high-speed chase Thurs­day, and offi­cials said he is sus­pect­ed in the killing of Colorado’s state pris­ons chief and a Den­ver piz­za deliv­ery man.

    The man was iden­ti­fied Fri­day as Evan Spencer Ebel, 28, said Susan Gomez, spokes­woman for the Wise Coun­ty Sher­iff in Texas.

    Ebel was tak­en to John Peter Smith Hos­pi­tal in Fort Worth on Thurs­day for treat­ment but could­n’t be saved. The body was trans­ferred to the Tar­rant Coun­ty Med­ical Exam­in­er overnight, hos­pi­tal and med­ical examiner’s staff told The Times.

    On Thurs­day, inves­ti­ga­tors from three Col­orado police agen­cies trav­eled to Texas to inves­ti­gate Ebel’s pos­si­ble link to the slay­ing of prison chief Tom Clements, 58, who was fatal­ly shot when he answered the door of his home Tues­day. The black Cadil­lac Ebel drove had Col­orado license plates and matched the descrip­tion of a car spot­ted at the time of the shoot­ing out­side Clements’ home in Mon­u­ment, Colo.

    Clements came to Col­orado two years ago after work­ing for 30 years in the Mis­souri prison sys­tem.

    Also, Col­orado offi­cials said they are inves­ti­gat­ing Ebel’s pos­si­ble con­nec­tion to the Sun­day killing of Nathan Leon, a Den­ver piz­za deliv­ery man.


    Also unclear Fri­day was Ebel’s pos­si­ble con­nec­tions to white suprema­cist groups and what brought him to Texas. The Den­ver Post report­ed that the attack on Clements may have been a hit ordered by 211 Crew shot callers from state prison. A fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cial also con­firmed gang affil­i­a­tion to the Asso­ci­at­ed Press.

    In Jan­u­ary, a North Texas pros­e­cu­tor who had been involved in cas­es against mem­bers of the Aryan Broth­er­hood of Texas was gunned down out­side a cour­t­house the same day that two of the gang’s mem­bers plead­ed guilty to rack­e­teer­ing charges in fed­er­al court in Hous­ton. His assailants, who were described as wear­ing tac­ti­cal gear, their faces cov­ered, have not been arrest­ed.

    Kauf­man Police Chief Chris Aulbaugh released a state­ment Fri­day say­ing Dal­las and Den­ver FBI offi­cials were “com­par­ing the homi­cides of Mark Has­se and Tom Clements to deter­mine if there is any evi­dence link­ing the two crimes.”

    “If any link is found, or a pos­si­ble link is dis­proven, that infor­ma­tion will be released at the appro­pri­ate time,” Aulbaugh said.

    Mark Potok, senior fel­low at the South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter based in Mont­gomery, Ala., said that even though the 211 Crew and Aryan Broth­er­hood of Texas are not known to be con­nect­ed, “It is remark­able that we have had these two mur­ders that might be assas­si­na­tions ordered by white suprema­cist prison gangs.”

    He said the 211 Crew, also known as the Aryan Alliance, was formed in 1995 by a Col­orado inmate, now claims sev­er­al hun­dred to a thou­sand mem­bers, but has no real pres­ence out­side of Col­orado. The gang has a hier­ar­chi­cal, para­mil­i­tary struc­ture, he said, and new mem­bers are required to learn a ver­bal and writ­ten code the gang uses to com­mu­ni­cate.

    The gang draws its name from the Cal­i­for­nia penal code for rob­bery. Although it formed to defend mem­bers against black prison gangs, Potok told The Times the 211 Crew “quick­ly mor­phed into a very seri­ous crim­i­nal enter­prise. They adhere to the ‘blood in, blood out’ rule. In order to join the group you’re sup­posed to attack some­one on orders of a shot caller. If you try to leave the gang, you will be harsh­ly dis­ci­plined and like­ly killed.”

    Most of the gang’s mem­bers are in prison, Potok said. When mem­bers are released they are expect­ed to engage in crim­i­nal activ­i­ties to earn mon­ey, often traf­fick­ing and sell­ing illic­it drugs such as metham­phet­a­mine, he said.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 22, 2013, 12:16 pm
  2. @Pterrafractyl–

    IF, in fact, this guy is Clements’ killer and does, in fact, have links to the AB’s, 211 Crew or both, that rais­es more ques­tions than it answers.

    The pos­si­bil­i­ty that the Saud­is hired a white-suprema­cist killer is not out of the ques­tion.

    Both hate Jews and ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty have had involve­ment with ele­ments of the AB’s and oth­er White Suprema­cist groups.

    Check out FTR #297, about the back­ground to a fatal dog maul­ing case in San Fran­cis­co.

    We should also note Sau­di links to the milieu of orga­nized crime, which could cer­tain­ly farm-out a con­tract to a will­ing and capa­ble white-suprema­cist group, in order to deflect sus­pi­cion.

    FTR #512 high­lights some of those con­nec­tions.

    FTR #‘s 361, 731 detail some of the evo­lu­tion of the Sau­di-Nazi link.

    Keep up the great work!

    Dave Emory

    Posted by Dave Emory | March 22, 2013, 6:21 pm
  3. Who con­tract­ed the hit?
    The Gov­er­nor of Col­orado knew the sus­pects fam­i­ly:

    From CNN:


    Links in Col­orado shoot­ings? Cadil­lac, bul­let cas­ings and a piz­za box, police say By Jim Spell­man, Ed Lavan­dera and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
    updat­ed 9:40 PM EDT, Fri March 22, 2013


    “Sus­pec­t’s trou­bled past”

    As author­i­ties look for pos­si­ble links in the case, a trou­bling por­trait began to emerge of Ebel.

    By all accounts, Ebel came from a priv­i­leged upbring­ing. His father, Jack Ebel, an attor­ney and for­mer oil exec­u­tive, counts Col­orado Gov. John Hick­en­loop­er among his friends.

    “When I first came out to Col­orado 30 years ago, he and I worked in the same oil com­pa­ny,” Hick­en­loop­er told reporters Fri­day.

    The gov­er­nor described Jack Ebel as “gen­er­ous to a fault,” but said the son “had a bad streak.”

    “We knew his son grow­ing up that he just had a bad streak,” Hick­en­loop­er told CNN affil­i­ate KUSA. “I think Jack, his wife, they did every­thing they could.”

    Hick­en­loop­er, who did not go into details about the behav­ior, said he first learned the younger Ebel was a sus­pect in the killing of Clement on Thurs­day.

    His first reac­tion? “There can’t be two Evan Ebels.”

    “I did­n’t even know Evan was out,” Hick­en­loop­er said, adding that he called the Ebel fam­i­ly a short time lat­er.

    The Ebels, accord­ing to Hick­en­loop­er, were dev­as­tat­ed by the news.

    The gov­er­nor said he nev­er inter­vened on behalf of the younger Ebel, and he said Jack Ebel nev­er made such a request.

    Lengthy prison record

    In 2003, at the age of 18, Evan Ebel was charged with felony armed rob­bery after bran­dish­ing a gun and threat­en­ing to kill a man unless he hand­ed over his wal­let, court doc­u­ments show.

    “I’m not play­ing. ... This is not a joke,” Ebel said as he point­ed a gun at the vic­tim’s head, accord­ing to wit­ness state­ments at the time.

    Ebel plead­ed guilty to the charge and was sen­tenced to three years in jail, serv­ing just over a year.

    Just months after his release, he was arrest­ed again. This time for felony men­ac­ing, rob­bery and assault. He plead­ed guilty to those charges in 2005 and was sen­tenced to anoth­er three years in prison.

    In 2006, while in prison, Ebel was charged with assault­ing a deten­tion offi­cer, records show. He plead­ed guilty and received an addi­tion­al four years on his sen­tence.

    *The state Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tions will not dis­close when Ebel was released from prison, cit­ing the ongo­ing crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion.*

    Shift in inves­ti­ga­tion

    The emerg­ing details about the inves­ti­ga­tion appear to indi­cate author­i­ties are shift­ing away from con­sid­er­ing the pos­si­ble involve­ment of Homaid­an al-Tur­ki, a Sau­di nation­al.

    On Thurs­day, Pres­ley said that inves­ti­ga­tors were con­sid­er­ing the pos­si­ble involve­ment of al-Tur­ki after a local news out­let, cit­ing an anony­mous source, said they were look­ing at con­nec­tions between the Sau­di nation­al and Clement.

    Al-Tur­ki was con­vict­ed of sex­u­al­ly assault­ing his house­maid at his Auro­ra, Col­orado, home sev­en years ago. This month, Clements denied al-Turk­i’s request to serve the remain­der of his Col­orado prison sen­tence in Sau­di Ara­bia, records show.

    Attor­neys for al-Tur­ki did not imme­di­ate­ly return a CNN request for com­ment.”

    While research­ing I came across a site that ques­tioned why the 211’s were work­ing with a His­pan­ic gang.
    That indi­cates that they could have pos­si­bly been open to deal­ing with oth­er sources of mon­ey. Sau­di mon­ey.
    Let’s see what hap­pens..

    Why won’t the Dept. of Cor­rec­tions release infor­ma­tion about Ebel’s prison details, as described in the arti­cle above?

    Who con­tract­ed the hit?

    Posted by Swamp | March 22, 2013, 7:12 pm
  4. There was quite a big update recent­ly on the inves­ti­ga­tion into Evan Ebel’s mur­der spree: we’re now learn­ing that Ebel had a hit list of more than 20 offi­cials. One of those offi­cials claims he’s nev­er had any­thing to do with Ebel, although he was involved in the Homaid­an al-Tur­ki case:

    Evan Ebel’s hit list sug­gests ongo­ing threat to offi­cials
    By Kirk Mitchell
    The Den­ver Post
    Post­ed: 03/17/2014 12:01:00 AM MDT

    New details are emerg­ing in the inves­ti­ga­tion into the mur­der of Col­orado pris­ons direc­tor Tom Clements that indi­cate parolee Evan Ebel did­n’t act alone and that near­ly two dozen peo­ple were tar­get­ed.

    Among new find­ings by The Den­ver Post:

    • A fed­er­al offi­cial who had no deal­ings with Ebel said he was named on a hit list found in Ebel’s black Cadil­lac DeV­ille two days after Clements was killed on March 19, 2013.

    • Anoth­er gov­ern­ment offi­cial said Ebel’s hit list con­tained the names of more than 20 offi­cials — far high­er than pre­vi­ous­ly known.

    • That same source said one offi­cial on the hit list is con­cerned about the lack of infor­ma­tion com­ing from the El Paso Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Depart­ment, the lead inves­tiga­tive agency in the Clements case.

    Those whose names appeared on the hit list remain fear­ful a year lat­er because of a mys­tery that Ebel, a parolee who was killed in a shootout with Texas author­i­ties on March 21, 2013, can’t answer. Did Ebel act alone, on behalf of a prison gang “shot caller” or at the behest of some­one else?

    Some have sug­gest­ed the threat of dan­ger might have died with Ebel, but one man on the hit list does­n’t buy it.

    “There is a mur­der­er at large,” said the fed­er­al offi­cial, who spoke to The Den­ver Post on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty because of a con­tin­u­ing threat against his life and the lives of fam­i­ly mem­bers.

    “My name was one of the names on the list,” the fed­er­al offi­cial told The Post on Thurs­day. “I did­n’t know Evan Ebel, and I had no con­tact with Evan Ebel.”

    The offi­cial did, how­ev­er, have some involve­ment with Homaid­an al-Tur­ki, a Sau­di inmate who has been con­sid­ered a per­son of inter­est in the Clements inves­ti­ga­tion.

    With­out point­ing fin­gers at any­one in par­tic­u­lar, the offi­cial said that the appear­ance of his name on the list was telling from a pure­ly inves­tiga­tive stand­point.

    “Pret­ty inter­est­ing,” he said.

    The offi­cial said he’s very eager to see author­i­ties catch who­ev­er else might have been involved. He also said he has been forced to take unusu­al secu­ri­ty mea­sures.

    Anoth­er gov­ern­ment offi­cial who also spoke to The Post on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty said Fri­day that Ebel’s hit list had more than 20 names on it. The source, who has been privy to details of the inves­ti­ga­tion, declined to dis­cuss the iden­ti­ties of those on the list.

    So far, only one per­son has faced pros­e­cu­tion in con­nec­tion to the mur­ders of Clements and piz­za-deliv­ery dri­ver Nathan Leon. Ste­vie Marie Vig­il, a long­time friend of Ebel, plead­ed guilty and was sen­tenced to 27 months in prison for giv­ing Ebel the 9mm Smith & Wes­son hand­gun he used to kill both men.

    But the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, and detec­tives are vig­or­ous­ly fol­low­ing leads, El Paso Coun­ty sher­if­f’s spokesman Lt. Jeff Kramer said. The inves­ti­ga­tion has twist­ed into so many tan­gents requir­ing hun­dreds of inter­views both inside and out­side of prison that it has extend­ed the length of the already “mas­sive” inves­ti­ga­tion, he said.

    “The scope of this case is going to be much larg­er than most cas­es,” Kramer said, explain­ing that many gangs and inmates poten­tial­ly had rea­son to kill Clements. “We have to answer with a lev­el of cer­tain­ty. That’s a daunt­ing task. It’s hard to put a timetable on this.”

    Kramer said sev­er­al sher­if­f’s inves­ti­ga­tors are try­ing to deter­mine whether Ebel had co-con­spir­a­tors, includ­ing fel­low mem­bers of the 211 Crew, a white suprema­cist prison gang. Al-Tur­ki, who has been moved from a Col­orado prison to a fed­er­al facil­i­ty in Ari­zona, has not been elim­i­nat­ed as a per­son of inter­est, he added.

    “We are con­sid­er­ing a num­ber of groups and a num­ber of peo­ple,” Kramer said.

    In 2006, al-Tur­ki was con­vict­ed of sex­u­al­ly assault­ing his Indone­sian house­keep­er. Al-Tur­ki, who says he is inno­cent of sex assault and denies involve­ment in Clements’ death, is serv­ing an eight-years-to-life prison sen­tence.

    Al-Tur­ki was iden­ti­fied as a per­son of inter­est ear­ly on in the Clements mur­der. A week before the mur­der, the pris­ons chief had denied a request by al-Tur­ki to be trans­ferred to Sau­di Ara­bia for the rest of his prison sen­tence.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 19, 2014, 6:06 pm
  5. 1994: Bin Laden Front Estab­lish­es Secure Com­mu­ni­ca­tions through Den­ver Using US Army LinesEd­it event
    The Lon­don-based Advice and Ref­or­ma­tion Com­mit­tee (ARC) estab­lish­es a secure sys­tem for com­mu­ni­ca­tions between Sau­di Ara­bia and Lon­don for Osama bin Laden. The sys­tem is set up by Den­ver res­i­dent Lujain al-Imam, wife of Lon­don-based Islam­ic activist Moham­mad al-Mas­sari, at his request. The calls are rout­ed from Sau­di Ara­bia to Britain through Den­ver, Col­orado, using toll-free lines estab­lished for US ser­vice­men dur­ing the Gulf War, in order to stop the Sau­di gov­ern­ment from inter­cept­ing the mes­sages. After the sys­tem is set up, bin Laden calls al-Mas­sari to thank him. It is not known how long the phone sys­tem is used. How­ev­er, in late 2001 al-Imam will say that some of the peo­ple involved in set­ting up the sys­tem are still in the Den­ver area, but she will not name them.

    Den­ver-based rad­i­cal pub­lish­er Homaid­an al-Tur­ki begins to be inves­ti­gat­ed over sus­pi­cions he is involved in ter­ror­ism in 1995, it is not known why.

    Posted by adam | December 23, 2016, 9:53 am
  6. @Adam–

    What is your source for this?

    This is real­ly impor­tant, and if you could pro­vide a source, that would be excel­lent!

    Thanks so much!



    Posted by Dave Emory | December 24, 2016, 3:15 pm
  7. Hi. I found that on the his­to­ry com­mons site while research­ing al-Mas­sari. The source would seem to be al-Mas­sari him­self in 2001:

    Mon­day, Novem­ber 12, 2001, Secret phone sys­tem oper­at­ed by an al-Qae­da cell out of Den­ver

    The 800 num­ber was used to thwart Sau­di attempts to inter­cept calls by the group to Britain, By Lou Kilz­er Scripps Howard News Ser­vice

    DENVER — One of Osama bin Laden’s key al-Qae­da cells used a phone sys­tem in Den­ver for secret com­mu­ni­ca­tions between Sau­di Ara­bia and Britain in the 1990s, accord­ing to a bin Laden con­fi­dant based in Lon­don.
    The sys­tem, using an MCI 800 num­ber, was estab­lished to thwart Sau­di attempts to inter­cept mes­sages, said Mohammed al-Mas­sari.
    It incor­po­rat­ed toll-free lines estab­lished for U.S. ser­vice­men dur­ing the Gulf War, al-Mas­sari said. The calls were placed from Sau­di Ara­bia and then trans­ferred from Den­ver to Britain.
    His estranged wife, for­mer Den­ver res­i­dent Lujain al-Iman, who also lives in Lon­don, con­firmed his account. And Den­ver’s FBI office said it is aware of the al-Qae­da con­nec­tion to Den­ver, but would not elab­o­rate.
    Some still in Den­ver
    Al-Iman, 35, said she set up the Den­ver-based tele­phone sys­tem at her hus­band’s request in 1994. She said she does not know how long the Lon­don al-Qae­da cell — the Advice and Ref­or­ma­tion Com­mit­tee — used the phone account.
    Some of those involved with the tele­phone set­up are still in the Den­ver area, al-Iman said, although she declined to pro­vide names.
    Al-Mas­sari, 55, a the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist and for­mer Sau­di diplo­mat, was post­ed to Den­ver for 2 1/2 years as an edu­ca­tion­al attache work­ing with stu­dents. But his mil­i­tant oppo­si­tion to the House of Saud got him recalled to Sau­di Ara­bia in late 1986, where he taught at King Saud Uni­ver­si­ty in Riyadh.
    Al-Mas­sari, dur­ing a phone inter­view from Lon­don, said it took six weeks to get the tele­phone lines to work. Bin Laden per­son­al­ly called him to thank him and to exchange small talk after the sys­tem was acti­vat­ed, he said.
    The Advice and Ref­or­ma­tion Com­mit­tee was cre­at­ed as a pro­pa­gan­da organ by bin Laden in 1994. Its for­mer leader, Khalid al Fawwaz, is under indict­ment for con­spir­ing to kill Amer­i­cans between 1993 and 1998.
    Bin Laden con­nec­tions
    Al Fawwaz pur­chased the satel­lite phone that bin Laden lat­er used to send him instruc­tions con­cern­ing the bomb­ing of two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998, accord­ing to tes­ti­mo­ny at the tri­al of al-Qae­da mem­bers accused in the bomb­ings.
    Al Fawwaz was a key con­nec­tion between bin Laden and al-Mas­sari and his wife, al-Iman.
    Al-Iman said she knew Al Fawwaz worked for bin Laden when she set up the Den­ver phone lines, but she did not sus­pect that Al Fawwaz might be involved in ter­ror.
    Find­ing a wife
    Though he may have start­ed out a human rights activist, al-Mas­sari has become increas­ing­ly mil­i­tant in his sup­port of bin Laden’s ter­ror­ism. He has pub­licly endorsed bin Laden’s actions, includ­ing his dec­la­ra­tion of war on the Unit­ed States and its cit­i­zens.
    The Sau­di gov­ern­ment has pressed Pres­i­dent Bush to use his influ­ence on British Prime Min­is­ter Tony Blair to have al-Mas­sari deport­ed to Sau­di Ara­bia, accord­ing to news reports.
    Al-Iman grew up in Den­ver and, at 18, mar­ried her first Ara­bic hus­band. The mar­riage last­ed a year. She mar­ried her sec­ond hus­band a year lat­er, in 1987. That mar­riage last­ed three years and pro­duced a son, Ali Atif.
    In ear­ly 1991, al-Mas­sari — then liv­ing back in Sau­di Ara­bia — called old friends in Den­ver to inquire about find­ing a wife. Though he was 20 years her senior, al-Iman agreed to the union and they were mar­ried that year.
    Al-Mas­sari and some like-mind­ed men formed the Com­mit­tee for Defense of Legit­i­mate Rights in 1993, and met with sev­er­al Amer­i­can diplo­mats. Soon after that, he was ensnared in a Sau­di drag­net and impris­oned for six months. He then escaped to Yemen and made his way to Lon­don, she said.
    Al-Iman had giv­en birth to their son and remained in Sau­di Ara­bia. When she tried to return to Den­ver, author­i­ties said her old­est son could not go with her.
    Back in Den­ver, al-Iman estab­lished the Action Com­mit­tee for the Rights of Mid­dle East Minori­ties to work in tan­dem with her hus­band’s com­mit­tee in Lon­don. That’s when al-Mas­sari asked her to set up the 800 phone sys­tem, she said.

    Posted by adam | December 26, 2016, 6:26 am
  8. Mas­sar­i’s pro­tege Babar Ahmad ran Azzam.com which was ‘pow­ered by’ an obscure Cana­di­an com­pa­ny found­ed around 2001, Amanah Tech. I found online Amana also asso­ci­at­ed with alasr.ws found­ed by a Sau­di man in Ida­ho, Sami Omar Al-Hus­sayen, who worked for IANA. This web­site pub­lished in the Sum­mer of 2001 an arti­cle which advo­cat­ed sui­cide oper­a­tions

    The arti­cle was writ­ten by a rad­i­cal Sau­di sheikh, i believe it was Salman al-Ouda who worked with the bin Laden polit­i­cal org and al-Mas­sari. A por­tion of the arti­cle appar­ent­ly read as fol­lows:

    “The sec­ond part is the rule that the Mujahid (war­rior) must kill him­self if he knows that this will lead to killing a great num­ber of the ene­mies, and that he will not be able to kill them with­out killing him­self first, or demol­ish­ing a cen­ter vital to the ene­my or its mil­i­tary force, and so on. Thi­sis not pos­si­ble except by involv­ing the human ele­ment in the oper­a­tion. In this new era, this can be accom­plished with the mod­ern means of bomb­ing or bring­ing down an air­plane on an impor­tant loca­tion that will cause the ene­my great loss­es”

    I was unable to locate this using way­back machine how­ev­er i did find some­thing writ­ten by Salman al-Ouda which advo­cat­ed “Com­man­do oper­a­tions.”

    Still not sure if Homaid­an al-Tur­ki was involved with them.

    Posted by adam | December 26, 2016, 6:30 am
  9. “alasr.ws found­ed by a Sau­di man in Ida­ho, Sami Omar Al-Hus­sayen, who worked for IANA.”

    A man named Saleh Al Hus­sayen stayed in the same hotel as the 911 hijack­ers. his wife told inves­ti­gat­ing offi­cers he had a broth­er in Ida­ho.


    A back­ground search showed only one alhus­sayen in Ida­ho. Could Saleh and Sami Omar be relat­ed?

    Posted by adam | January 7, 2017, 6:33 am
  10. What inter­ests me about the case below is pos­si­ble sim­i­lar­i­ties between this sto­ry and the assas­si­na­tion of Tom Clements. Obvi­ous­ly the OKC bomb­ing has ties between white nationalist/far right/christian iden­ti­ty and al qae­da built into it. The ARA was mod­elled after the IRA and saw them­selves as fight­ing jew­ish impe­ri­al­ism, so had com­mon ground with al qae­da. Accord­ing to wikipedia “The sub­stan­tial evi­dence in the case indi­cates that the assas­sin (of Clements) was Evan Spencer Ebel, a 28-year-old white suprema­cist and fol­low­er of Asatru,”

    so, could Ted Richard­son have been killed by some­one sim­i­lar?:

    Assis­tant US Attor­ney Inves­ti­gat­ing OKC Bomb­ing Com­mitts Sui­cide
    By: Patrick B. Bri­ley

    In 1997, Assis­tant Us Attor­ney, Ted Richard­son, was found dead near his church in OKC with a shot­gun wound to his chest.

    Jane Thomas and her hus­band knew Richard­son for many years and Mr. Thomas went hunt­ing with Richard­son. Jane Thomas told me and the news direc­tor, Jer­ry Bohnen, of KTOK radio in OKC, that she and her hus­band feel very strong­ly that Richard­son did not com­mit sui­cide, but sus­pect that he was mur­dered. The offi­cial gov­ern­ment pub­lic posi­tion on the case was that Richard­son com­mit­ted sui­cide from a self-inflict­ed shot­gun blast to his chest in his car.

    Because of Jane Thomas and her husband’s con­cerns, I looked into the mat­ter. I found some star­tling facts that the pub­lic should know even if Richard­son did com­mit sui­cide. These facts also raise ques­tions as to whether or not Richard­son was mur­dered or was dri­ven to sui­cide by what he had learned and knew about the Fed­er­al government’s cov­er-up of the OKC bomb­ing.

    Richard­son had been inves­ti­gat­ing a Mid­dle East­ern man, Samir Khalil, in OKC for income tax eva­sion and HUD prop­er­ty scams. Khalil has a Jor­dan­ian pass­port. Richard­son was abrupt­ly tak­en off the inves­ti­ga­tion of Khalil just before the results of his inves­ti­ga­tion was to be sub­mit­ted to a grand jury and just after Khalil’s name came up in the news media in con­nec­tion with the OKC bomb­ing in May 1995.

    Posted by adam | February 24, 2017, 7:16 am
  11. This guy is incred­i­bly pop­u­lar still:

    An online social media cam­paign is call­ing for the release of Sau­di nation­al Homaid­an al-Tur­ki, impris­oned in the US since 2006.

    A com­mit­tee is due to meet on 2 May to delib­er­ate Al-Turk­i’s eli­gi­bil­i­ty for parole.

    The Twit­ter term #AlTurkiPa­role has been used by hun­dreds of thou­sands from around the Mid­dle East — includ­ing promi­nent cler­ics in Sau­di and else­where in the region — with the aim to influ­ence the deci­sion.

    Posted by adam | May 4, 2017, 12:54 pm

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