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COMMENT: There has been ongoing turbulence at Pacifica Radio, with some “interesting” things going on. We are not familiar with all of the Pacifica institutions and individuals who are involved with the controversies, however some of it is disturbing and relatively unequivocal.
Outgoing Pacifica board member Stephen Brown has been crossing rhetorical swords with Pacifica attorney Dan Siegel. In a document posted on the Pacifica in Exile blog, Brown analyzes the behavior of Pacifica luminary Amy Goodman and network executive Leslie Cagan when the “Democracy Now” host privatized the program, created by Pacifica radio.
Brown alleges that Goodman has generated $77 million in revenues through this maneuver!
“Control at Any Cost;” Pacificainexile.org; 1/22/2016.
. . . . [Stephen] Brown also levels and can document explosive charges that Pacifica’s first board chair Leslie Cagan was having her living expenses paid by Amy Goodman’s attorney at the very same time she was unilaterally negotiating and signing without the full board’s knowledge a contract with that attorney to have Pacifica pay the costs for the program’s independent launch.The Democracy Now contract is estimated to have cost Pacifica in excess of $25 million dollars (some say much more) since 2002, with the loss of archival distribution as well as $7–8 million in direct payments and a large debt of $2 million that hasn’t been paid. . . [As comedian Chris Rock might have said: “Good Lord, that’s a lot of money!”–D.E.]
“Time to Stop Dan Siegel;” pacificainexile.org; 1/21/2016.
. . . If none of that is scandalous, Dan — what is? How about the fact that, in the 15 years since Amy walked away from Pacifica with Democracy Now! in her pocket, she has collected nearly $77 million in revenue that might arguably have flowed to Pacifica. . . .
WOW! So Little Goody Goody Two Shoes is not so goody goody after all. I am not surprised.
Glad to see Dave Emory is willing to expose Goodman’s fraud. Excellent work, Dave!
Goodman only follows the example of a great many leftists. The surprise here is that anyone is surprised to find out Goodman is a hypocrite.
Who, by the way, is the major funding source for Goodman and a plethora of ‘Democracy’ groups?
Why do so many anti-Fascists turn to methods and rhetoric indistinguishable from Fascism?
Simple answer: ‘hypnotized chicken syndrome’.