Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Democra$y Now!

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COMMENT: There has been ongo­ing tur­bu­lence at Paci­fi­ca Radio, with some “inter­est­ing” things going on. We are not famil­iar with all of the Paci­fi­ca insti­tu­tions and indi­vid­u­als who are involved with the con­tro­ver­sies, how­ev­er some of it is dis­turb­ing and rel­a­tive­ly unequiv­o­cal.

Out­go­ing Paci­fi­ca board mem­ber Stephen Brown has been cross­ing rhetor­i­cal swords with Paci­fi­ca attor­ney Dan Siegel. In a doc­u­ment post­ed on the Paci­fi­ca in Exile blog, Brown ana­lyzes the behav­ior of Paci­fi­ca lumi­nary Amy Good­man and net­work exec­u­tive Leslie Cagan when the “Democ­ra­cy Now” host pri­va­tized the pro­gram, cre­at­ed by Paci­fi­ca radio.

Brown alleges that Good­man has gen­er­at­ed $77 mil­lion in rev­enues through this maneu­ver!

 “Con­trol at Any Cost;” Pacificainexile.org; 1/22/2016.

. . . . [Stephen] Brown also lev­els and can doc­u­ment explo­sive charges that Pacifica’s first board chair Leslie Cagan was hav­ing her liv­ing expens­es paid by Amy Goodman’s attor­ney at the very same time she was uni­lat­er­al­ly nego­ti­at­ing and sign­ing with­out the full board’s knowl­edge a con­tract with that attor­ney to have Paci­fi­ca pay the costs for the program’s inde­pen­dent launch.The Democ­ra­cy Now con­tract is esti­mat­ed to have cost Paci­fi­ca in excess of $25 mil­lion dol­lars (some say much more) since 2002, with the loss of archival dis­tri­b­u­tion as well as $7–8 mil­lion in direct pay­ments and a large debt of $2 mil­lion that hasn’t been paid. . . [As come­di­an Chris Rock might have said: “Good Lord, that’s a lot of money!”–D.E.]

“Time to Stop Dan Siegel;” pacificainexile.org; 1/21/2016.

 . . . If none of that is scan­dalous, Dan — what is? How about the fact that, in the 15 years since Amy walked away from Paci­fi­ca with Democ­ra­cy Now! in her pock­et, she has col­lect­ed near­ly $77 mil­lion in rev­enue that might arguably have flowed to Paci­fi­ca. . . .


2 comments for “Democra$y Now!”

  1. WOW! So Lit­tle Goody Goody Two Shoes is not so goody goody after all. I am not sur­prised.

    Posted by David | February 3, 2016, 6:40 pm
  2. Glad to see Dave Emory is will­ing to expose Good­man’s fraud. Excel­lent work, Dave!

    Good­man only fol­lows the exam­ple of a great many left­ists. The sur­prise here is that any­one is sur­prised to find out Good­man is a hyp­ocrite.

    Who, by the way, is the major fund­ing source for Good­man and a pletho­ra of ‘Democ­ra­cy’ groups?

    Why do so many anti-Fas­cists turn to meth­ods and rhetoric indis­tin­guish­able from Fas­cism?

    Sim­ple answer: ‘hyp­no­tized chick­en syn­drome’.

    Posted by WB | April 1, 2016, 11:15 pm

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