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Sirhan Sirhan and the “Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress”

COMMENT: Any­one famil­iar with the facts of Robert F. Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion knows that the offi­cial ver­sion of Sirhan Sirhan as a “lone nut” assas­sin is unten­able. (Lis­ten­ers are invit­ed to exam­ine AFA #9, detail­ing RFK’s mur­der, as well as FTR #582, sup­ple­ment­ing that analy­sis.)

Inves­ti­ga­tors have long believed that Sirhan was a vic­tim of mind con­trol, and that a mys­te­ri­ous woman in a pol­ka-dot dress was involved in the killing, pos­si­bly as a “han­dler” of Sirhan. (The woman was seen and heard run­ning from the Ambas­sador Hotel claim­ing that “we” had shot Kennedy. The mind con­trol aspects of the RFK assas­si­na­tion are dis­cussed in AFA #6.)

In papers recent­ly filed by his lawyers, Sirhan relates the sto­ry of the “girl in the pol­ka-dot dress” and also (under hyp­no­sis) recalled see­ing the flash of a sec­ond gun.

“Con­vict­ed RFK Assas­sin Says Girl Manip­u­lat­ed Him” by Lin­da Deutsch [AP]; yahoo.news; 4/28/2011.

EXCERPT: Con­vict­ed assas­sin Sirhan Sirhan was manip­u­lat­ed by a seduc­tive girl in a mind con­trol plot to shoot Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and his bul­lets did not kill the pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, lawyers for Sirhan said in new legal papers.

The doc­u­ments filed this week in fed­er­al court and obtained by The Asso­ci­at­ed Press detail exten­sive inter­views with Sirhan dur­ing the past three years, some done while he was under hyp­no­sis.

The papers point to a mys­te­ri­ous girl in a pol­ka-dot dress as the con­troller who led Sirhan to fire a gun in the pantry of the Ambas­sador Hotel. But the doc­u­ments sug­gest a sec­ond per­son shot and killed Kennedy while using Sirhan as a diver­sion.

For the first time, Sirhan said under hyp­no­sis that on a cue from the girl he went into “range mode” believ­ing he was at a fir­ing range and see­ing cir­cles with tar­gets in front of his eyes.

“I thought that I was at the range more than I was actu­al­ly shoot­ing at any per­son, let alone Bob­by Kennedy,” Sirhan was quot­ed as say­ing dur­ing inter­views with Daniel Brown, a Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor and expert in trau­ma mem­o­ry and hyp­no­sis. He inter­viewed Sirhan for 60 hours with and with­out hyp­no­sis, accord­ing to the legal brief.

San­di Gib­bons, a spokes­woman for the Los Ange­les Coun­ty dis­trict attor­ney, said pros­e­cu­tors were unaware of the legal fil­ing and could not com­ment.

The sto­ry of the girl has been a lin­ger­ing theme in accounts of the events just after mid­night on June 5, 1968, when Kennedy was gunned down in the hotel pantry after claim­ing vic­to­ry in the Cal­i­for­nia Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry.

Wit­ness­es talked of see­ing such a female run­ning from the hotel shout­ing, “We shot Kennedy.” But she was nev­er iden­ti­fied, and amid the chaos of the scene, descrip­tions were con­flict­ing.

Through the years, Sirhan has claimed no mem­o­ry of shoot­ing Kennedy and said in the recent inter­views that his pres­ence at the hotel was an acci­dent, not a planned des­ti­na­tion.

Under hyp­no­sis, he remem­bered meet­ing the girl that night and becom­ing smit­ten with her. He said she led him to the pantry.

“I am try­ing to fig­ure out how to hit on her.... That’s all that I can think about,” he says in one inter­view cit­ed in the doc­u­ments. “I was fas­ci­nat­ed with her looks .... She nev­er said much. It was very erot­ic. I was con­sumed by her. She was a seduc­tress with an unspo­ken unavail­abil­i­ty.” . . .

. . . Sirhan main­tained in the hyp­not­ic inter­views that the mys­tery girl touched him or “pinched” him on the shoul­der just before he fired then spun him around to see peo­ple com­ing through the pantry door.

“Then I was on the tar­get range ... a flash­back to the shoot­ing range ... I did­n’t know that I had a gun,” Sirhan said.

Under what Brown called the con­di­tion of hyp­not­ic free recall, he said Sirhan remem­bered see­ing the flash of a sec­ond gun at the time of the assas­si­na­tion. With­out hyp­no­sis, he said, Sirhan could not remem­ber that shot. . . .


4 comments for “Sirhan Sirhan and the “Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress””

  1. The fact that Dr. Noguchi revealed that RFK was shot at point blank range from the rear with pow­der burns on his skull should have made Sirhan a free man decades ago!
    Thane Eugene Cesar the secu­ri­ty guard from Lock­heed Skunk Works was revealed by Dave Emory & Mae Brus­sell as a like­ly sus­pect for the assas­si­na­tion.
    There were also more bul­lets than Cesar’s gun would hold, evi­dence destroyed by the police of LA...
    It was part of the destruc­tion of our free­doms, cul­mi­nat­ing at this time in search­es of inno­cent cit­i­zens at air­ports, etc...

    Posted by BOB SEVERIN | May 16, 2011, 9:04 pm
  2. [...] Fea­tures of the refur­bished inves­ti­ga­tion involve: tes­ti­mony rein­forc­ing the “girl in the pol­ka dot dress” and the pos­si­bil­ity that Sirhan was under mind con­trol, the num­ber of shots fired, [...]

    Posted by Dave Emory: Interview With Russ Baker & The U-2 Incident Revisited – 8/4/2013 | The Freedom Report | August 5, 2013, 4:33 pm
  3. Mark Fur­man was part of SUS, Spe­cial Unit Sen­a­tor to cov­er the RFK event. He lat­er went after Kennedy nephew Mark Skakel, in CT, in Martha Mox­e­ly mur­der. He was lat­er release hav­ing been framed polit­i­cal­ly. Back to the RFK, mur­der, the orig. FBI bal­lis­tics showed some (13) rounds, Sir Han’s 22 Cal. Iver John­son held (8).
    Debra Shul­tie, ties to CIA, was his han­dler for MK Ultra, mind con­trol. Sec­ond shoot­er with ties to Bush, Sr. was Frank Stur­gis, CIA hit­man at Dal­las. Stur­gis worked for Bush Sr., also, Sen­a­tor Cruiz’s father Rafael Cruz was in Dal­las too. He fled to CA the next day. Cuz’s dad worked for Bush Sr.. Eugene Thane Ceasar, the body guard instead of his 38 Smith & Wes­son, car­ried same gun Sir Han, used. Under hyp­no­sis “Poka Dot Dress girl” pinched his shoul­der just before he fired hi
    pis­ton back at the rifle range. The fatal bul­let hit RFK, from behind the right ear just 3 Inch­es or less. Thomas Noguchi, LA foren­sic coro­ner. Based on FBI bal­lis­tics Sir Han should be free. Judge blocked new case evi­dence with Atty. William F. Pep­per.

    Posted by Jim Mulhern | June 17, 2023, 6:12 am
  4. Hi Jim–

    Mark Fur­man was 16 years old in 1968.

    Posted by Dave Emory | June 17, 2023, 3:59 pm

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