Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: To grasp the nature of elite strategic thinking, it is vital to incorporate the concept of The Earth Island–the enormous, contiguous land mass stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all the way through Europe, the Middle East, Russia, India and China and the rest of continental Asia.
This stretch of land has most of the world’s land mass, population and natural resources. Controlling it has long been seen as the key to world domination by geo-political thinkers.
(We note, parenthetically, that across the middle of that land mass, controlling most of the petroleum resources of the Earth Island, is a stretch of Muslim-inhabited lands. Allying with the Muslim population of The Earth Island has long been seen by Germany and the Underground Reich as a key to world domination.)
Snowden’s Ride is an obvious intelligence operation and destabilization gambit, which we have compared with the U‑2 Incident. We link our previous posts on the subject below for your convenience.
Previous posts on the subject are: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII.
Snowden is not an idealist, but a cynic and fascist, who advocates the elimination of social security, returning to the gold standard, thinks high unemployment is fine and a necessary part of capitalist correction, as well as a practitioner and endorser of short-selling. A young Snowden posted a picture of himself, at right.
The vast bulk of the information that has come to light in this imbroglio has been known for years–one reason why it is highly suspicious that this brouhaha is being generated at this time.
Clearly, this “op” is being conducted for propaganda purposes, with the Obama administration the U.S. and the U.K. the targets/victims.
Mr. Emory has been covering the ECHELON/Menwith Hill/NSA conflict with German intelligence since August of 1998, first covered in FTR #103.
As we have noted in previous posts, Eddie the Friendly Spook decamped to China just before Obama’s meeting with Chinese premier Xi, releasing information embarrassing and damaging to Obama and the United States in the process.
Just before Obama met with German Chancellor Merkel, Eddie the Friendly Spook releases information about NSA spying on Germany, producing more embarrassment.
Hitting the trifecta, Snowden winds up in Moscow, damaging relations between Russia and the U.S. and frustrating Obama’s attempts at rebooting the American relationship with that country, although recent statements by Vladimir Putin–a former KGB officer–indicate the possibility that Russia may be on to what is taking place.
In addition to attempting to get Snowden to stop leaking NSA secrets that would damage “our American partners” (a condition rejected by Snowden), Putin made a very relevant comment. Paraphrasing, slightly, he said the whole affair is “like shearing a piglet–a lot of squealing, but very little wool.”
Returning to the subject of The Earth Island–in the space of a couple of weeks, Eddie the Friendly Spook “covered the waterfront,” so to speak, creating problems with the countries that dominate the Earth Island. This applied geo-politics should not be overlooked and is consistent with what might be expected of an intelligence officer acting on assignment.
Eddie the Friendly Spook-and his associates, has cast a pall over U.S. relations with the German-dominated EU, Germany proper, Russia and China.
Snowden’s Ride has also done much to alienate young and so-called progressive voters from Obama and the Democrats.
Some points to consider:
- As noted in previous posts on Snowden’s Ride, Germany itself does the same thing as NSA/GCHQ, and does so in violation of German law, as revealed by some excellent sleuthing done by the Chaos Computer Club. (See text excerpts below.)
- As noted in past posts on Snowden’s Ride, the attack on the NSA/GCHQ ECHELON originated with the far right and the Underground Reich and appears to be inextricably linked with maneuvering around the 9/11 attacks. (See text excerpts below.) It remains to be seen if other information does damage U.S. intelligence-gathering information, as the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt figures to ramp up terrorism by that organization.
- Telephone intercepts, among other intelligence data, indicate that German intelligence had the Hamburg cell under surveillance by August, 1998, yet took no action! (See text excerpts below.)
- Among those attacking NSA/GCHQ/ECHELON in recent years was Grover Norquist, a lynchpin of the GOP right and point man for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Norquist, Karl Rove and Bush associate Talat Othman are deeply involved in the milieu that was aiding the funding of Al-Qaeda.
- German Green politicians, among others, are calling for Germany to give Snowden Asylum. (As discussed in other programs, the German Greens themselves have a fascist history and work–perhaps without their full awareness–in conjunction with the Underground Reich.) (See text excerpts below.)
- The NSA considers Germany a “third class partner”–something that will undoubtedly infuriate the Germans, but which is somewhat encouraging to us. At least NSA is not totally oblivious to some of the things we’ve been pointing out. (See text excerpts below.)
- NSA/U.S. has been spying on EU personnel and offices. This may make the piglet squeal, but is no news at all. Standard operating procedure for the intelligence services of any nation, which spy on friend and foe alike. (See text excerpts below.)
- Germany is reportedly ready to bring criminal charges against U.S. and U.K. officials. (See text excerpts below.)
- If, in fact, Germany does bring those charges, it will be interesting to see if the charges are brought in the International Criminal Court, which is dominated by Germany.
- What can be safely said is that the Snowden affair has permitted Germany to paint the United States as “the bad guy” to its own population, as well as that of the EU, many of whose member states have been fiercely critical of Germany. It is also allowing the Germans to tar the U.K. as well.
- Snowden’s ride has also permitted Germany to divert attention from the trial of the sole surviving member of the National Socialist Union–a neo-Nazi group that clearly operated with the connivance of the German authorities and whose murder spree may have been intended, in part, to cover up German/Underground Reich involvement with the 9/11 attacks.
- We wonder about the possibility that Snowden might be doubling for German intelligence.
EXCERPT: . . . . Grover Norquist is one of the most influential conservative Republicans in Washington. His weekly “Wednesday Meeting” at his L Street office is a must for conservative strategists, and he has been called the “managing director of the hard-core right” by the liberal Nation magazine. Perhaps the country’s leading anti-tax enthusiast, he is, like Diamond, a hawk in the war on terror.
Despite coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum, they agree on one other major issue: that the Bush administration’s program of domestic eavesdropping by the National Security Agency without obtaining court warrants has less to do with the war on terror than with threats to the nation’s civil liberties. . . .
“U.S. Taps Half-Billion German Phone, Internet Links in Month: Report”; Reuters.com; 6/30/2013.
EXCERPT: The United States taps half a billion phone calls, emails and text messages in Germany in a typical month and has classed its biggest European ally as a target similar to China, according to secret U.S. documents quoted by a German newsmagazine.
The revelations of alleged U.S. surveillance programs based on documents taken by fugitive former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have raised a political furor in the United States and abroad over the balance between privacy rights and national security.
Exposing the latest details in a string of reputed spying programs, Der Spiegel quoted from an internal NSA document which it said its reporters had seen.
The document Spiegel cited showed that the United States categorized Germany as a “third-class” partner and that surveillance there was stronger than in any other EU country, similar in extent to China, Iraq or Saudi-Arabia.
“We can attack the signals of most foreign third-class partners, and we do it too,” Der Spiegel quoted a passage in the NSA document as saying.
It said the document showed that the NSA monitored phone calls, text messages, emails and internet chat contributions and has saved the metadata — that is, the connections, not the content — at its headquarters. . . .
EXCERPT: America’s NSA intelligence service allegedly targeted the European Union with its spying activities. According to SPIEGEL information, the US placed bugs in the EU representation in Washington and infiltrated its computer network. Cyber attacks were also perpetrated against Brussels in New York and Washington.
Information obtained by SPIEGEL shows that America’s National Security Agency (NSA) not only conducted online surveillance of European citizens, but also appears to have specifically targeted buildings housing European Union institutions. The information appears in secret documents obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden that SPIEGEL has in part seen. A “top secret” 2010 document describes how the secret service attacked the EU’s diplomatic representation in Washington.
The document suggests that in addition to installing bugs in the building in downtown Washington, DC, the EU representation’s computer network was also infiltrated. In this way, the Americans were able to access discussions in EU rooms as well as emails and internal documents on computers.
The attacks on EU institutions show yet another level in the broad scope of the NSA’s spying activities. For weeks now, new details about Prism and other surveillance programs have been emerging that had been compiled by whistleblower Snowden. Details have also emerged that the British intelligence service GCHQ operates a similar program under the name Tempora with which global telephone and Internet connections are monitored.
The documents SPIEGEL has seen indicate that the EU representation to the United Nations was attacked in a manner similar to the way surveillance was conducted against its offices in Washington. An NSU document dated September 2010 explicitly names the Europeans as a “location target”
The documents also indicate the US intelligence service was responsible for an electronic eavesdropping operation in Brussels. A little over five years ago, EU security experts noticed several telephone calls that were apparently targeting the remote maintenance system in the Justus Lipsius Building where the EU Council of Ministers and the European Council is located. The calls were made to numbers that were very close to the one used for the remote administration of the building’s telephone system. . . .
“German MP: EU Should Shelter Snowden”; The Local; 7/1/2013.
EXCERPT: The European Union should offer safe haven to fugitive US leaker Edward Snowden, a leader of Germany’s opposition Green party, former cabinet minister Jürgen Trittin, said Monday.
“The Americans are acting just like they accuse the Chinese of acting,” Trittin, co-chief of the Greens’ parliamentary group, told ARD public television, referring to US accusations that Beijing sponsors state espionage of US interests.
He said Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor behind a series of damaging allegations about US spying, had “done Europe a service.”
Snowden is holed up in a Moscow airport transit zone after the United States issued a warrant for his arrest and revoked his passport.
Trittin, a former environment minister, said it was “embarrassing” for western democracies that “such a person, who served the cause of democracy, who uncovered a major violation of fundamental rights, has to hunker down with despots who are at war with fundamental rights.”
“I am of the opinion that such a person should be protected,” he said, when asked whether Snowden should be granted asylum.
After the EU spying report in German weekly magazine Der Spiegel Berlin
said the United States must quickly say whether the allegations were true.
The German opposition has leapt on the issue three months before a national election, demanding Chancellor Angela Merkel take a tough line with Washington.
Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert expressed shock Monday over the reports of US spying on European institutions and said it had told Washington that it must restore trust in the wake of the allegations. . . .
Germany’s Federal Prosecutor’s office said it was preparing to bring charges against British and US intelligence today amid fresh allegations that the services spied far more extensively than thought on German phone and internet traffic and bugged European Union offices in America.
A report alleging a major and continuous US National Security Agency spying operation in Germany was published by Der Spiegel magazine today, prompting outrage from Berlin MPs still reeling from reports about extensive British surveillance in their country. The German Justice Minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenburger, demanded an immediate explanation and said the behaviour of the intelligence services was “reminiscent of the actions against enemies during the Cold War”. “It defies belief that our friends in the US see the Europeans as their enemies,” she said.
The leak, which Der Spiegel said came from fugitive ex-CIA analyst Edward Snowden, claimed that the NSA tapped into half a billion German phone calls, emails and SMS messages each month. Reports last week revealed extensive tapping of German phone and internet traffic by British intelligence under its so-called Tempora programme. The information was said to be shared with the NSA.
A spokesman for the Federal Prosecutor said the office was preparing to bring charges against “persons unknown” in relation to the reports.
There was also widespread and mounting anger at official European Union level yesterday following disclosures that the NSA had spied on EU computer networks at its offices in New York and Washington and that it had also bugged the premises. Martin Schulz, head of the European Parliament, demanded “full clarification” from the US and said that if the disclosures proved true they would have a severe impact on US-EU ties. . . .
EXCERPT: [Notice when this was published–9/6/2001.–D.E.] . . . The United States-led spying system known as Echelon can monitor virtually every communication in the world — by e‑mail, phone or fax — that bounces off a satellite, the European Parliament was told. But in reporting on a yearlong study of the system that was prompted by concern that American companies were using data from the system to gain a competitive edge, Gerhard Schmid, a German member of the Parliament, said that many European countries had similar abilities . . .
EXCERPT: . . . . Three years before the Sept. 11 attacks, Germany’s domestic intelligence service was tracking prominent members of the Hamburg terrorist cell that planned and executed the aircraft hijackings, according to newly obtained documents. The documents, including intelligence reports, surveillance logs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls, appear to contradict public claims by the German authorities that they knew little about the members of the Hamburg cell before the attacks.
As early as 1998, the records show, the Germans monitored a meeting between men suspected of plotting the attacks. The surveillance would lead a year later to the Hamburg apartment where Mohamed Atta and other main plotters were living while attending universities. While the records do not indicate that authorities heard any mention of a specific plan, they depict a surveillance mission extensive enough to raise anew the politically sensitive question of whether the Germans missed a chance to disrupt the cell during the initial stages of planning the attacks. Some American investigators and officials have argued that the Germans in the past missed evidence that could have stopped the plot. The Germans have maintained steadfastly that the information they had was too scanty to warrant serious alarm, and that their police and intelligence agencies were not focused on Al Qaeda at the time.
The documents come from the files of various German police and intelligence agencies. They detail how close an investigation of Qaeda contacts in Hamburg begun in 1997 by the Constitutional Protection Agency, Germany’s domestic intelligence service, came to the main cell members. They were provided to The New York Times by someone with official access to the files of the continuing investigation into the events leading to the Sept. 11 attacks. When the documents were described to officials at the German Interior Ministry and the constitutional protection police, they declined to answer any questions about them but did not dispute their authenticity . . .
Mr. Motassadeq admitted that he knew Mr. Atta and other plotters and had attended Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan. He has maintained in trial testimony that he did not know that his friends were planning to attack the United States. No evidence has been presented at his three-month trial that would reveal when the police first opened an inquiry into Mr. Motassadeq. But the intelligence agency documents show that by August 1998 he was under surveillance and that the trail soon led to most of the main participants in the later attacks. [It was in August of 1998 that President Clinton ordered the cruise missile strike against Bin Laden and the same month that Bin Laden went to a courier system instead of using his cell phone. Note, also, that the head of the Hamburg police at the time the surveillance of the Hamburg cell was in place is now head of the BND!–D.E.]
According to the documents, the surveillance was in place on Aug. 29, 1998, when Mr. Motassadeq and Mohamed Haydar Zammar, who had already been identified by police as a suspected extremist, met at the Hamburg home of Said Bahaji. [Italics are Mr. Emory’s] The police monitored several other meetings between the men in the months that followed, the documents said. The record of the meeting shows that police had identified Mr. Bahaji, another person suspected of being a cell member and believed to have been intimately involved in the planning and logistics of the plot, who fled to Pakistan days before the attacks. Mr. Bahaji later moved in with Mr. Atta and Ramzi bin al-Shibh in the now-infamous apartment at 54 Marienstrasse in the Harburg section of Hamburg. [There are profound indications of a link between Mohamed Atta and the BND–D.E.]. . .
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