Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: In our continuing analysis of Snowden’s Ride (U‑2 Incident, II), we take note of the possibility that Eddie the Friendly Spook may be in the employ of BND–Germany’s foreign intelligence agency and the successor to the Reinhard Gehlen Nazi spy outfit. It is possible that he may have been recruited while posted to Europe for CIA.
That Snowden may be working for an Underground Reich element of CIA and/or NSA is also to be considered.
It is well beyond the scope of this post to synopsize the analysis and lines of argument set forth in previous discussions of Eddie the Friendly Spook. Please examine at length and detail our previous entires on this subject: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII.
As Fast Eddie and his far-right, Nazi-linked WikiLeaks associates run interference for Germany, the German-dominated EU and the BND, it is worth taking note of a number of things:
- In the background of both Eddie the Friendly Spook, as well as his co-conspirators at WikiLeaks are far-right, fascist elements, especially the big money men who loom large in the background such as Peter Thiel and Carl Lundstrom.
- Both Snowden and Assange hold far-right political views in direct contrast with their manufactured public personae of “crusaders for freedom and human rights.” Snowden decamped first to China and then to Russia, neither a bastion of internet freedom and civil liberties. Snowden’s actions only make sense in the context of working to damage Obama.
- Snowden’s actions give every indication of being an intelligence community destabilization operation. We initially thought that Obama and was the target and that certainly appears to be the case. It may well alienate young, idealistic voters from Obama and, perhaps, direct naifs toward the 2016 candidacy of Rand Paul, the son of crypto-Nazi Ron Paul, Citizen Snowden’s candidate of choice. Rand Paul has been walking point in the attack on NSA.
- However, as the “op” has developed, it appears to be far larger than just an anti-Obama gambit, and directed at the United States and U.K. as well.
- Snowden leaked information about NSA spying on Germany (and now the EU) just as Obama was going to meet Angela Merkel.
- Now, Germany (and the German-dominated EU) are attacking both NSA and GCHQ over spying on Germany and EU. We will explore this more fully in future posts on the subject. (See text excerpts below.)
- We note that, just like a slight-of-hand artist who has his audience watching the waving of a brightly-colored kerchief while a rabbit is ostensibly pulled from a hat, Germany/BND/EU has much to gain from directing attention and ire toward NSA and GCHQ.
- The focus on “Evil America and Evil Britain” eclipses a German court ruling that the BND can keep its file on Adolph Eichmann secret. The supposed reason is that to disclose this would (ahem) reveal sensitive data that would be better kept secret. This “data” concerns a man who has been dead for over fifty years! Don’t expect WikiLeaks, Snowden, Anonymous/Pirate Bay or any of the rest of that crowd to pursue this! (See text excerpts below.)
- Examining the Eichmann situation would reveal the operations of the Underground Reich (See text excerpt below.)
- In addition to Eichmann himself, many of his top aides worked for BND, including Alois Brunner and Walther Rauff.
- Looking beyond the BND/Gehlen org itself, the de-nazification of Germany itself is a myth. Not even Der Spiegel can deny that.
- Focusing public attention on “bad NSA, bad GCHQ, bad U.S., bad U.K.” distracts from the fact that Germany has not only been doing the same thing, but is ramping up its own, illegal electronic interception programs.
- BND has been using Deutsche Telekom to do the same things that it complains about vis a vis NSA.
In future posts on this subject, we will examine other considerations figuring in Germany/BND/EU/Underground Reich motives for attacking NSA, GCHQ and Obama.
EXCERPT: Germany’s foreign intelligence agency can keep secret some of its records on Adolf Eichmann, the man known as the architect of the Nazi Holocaust, a court ruled Thursday.
The Federal Administrative Court ruled that the intelligence agency was within its rights to black out passages from the files sought by a journalist attempting to shed light on whether West German authorities knew in the 1950s where Eichmann had fled after World War II.
Thursday’s ruling followed a decision last year in which the court said the Federal Intelligence Service had to release some files it had previously kept secret.
Israeli agents abducted Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1960 and brought him to Jerusalem for trial. Eichmann, who helped organize the extermination of Europe’s Jews as the head of the Gestapo’s Jewish affairs office during the World War II, was found guilty of war crimes, sentenced to death and hanged in 1962.
The mass-circulation Bild daily, whose reporter sued for the files’ full release, has reported that West German intelligence knew as early as 1952 that he was in Argentina.
In 2006, the CIA released documents showing that it wrote to its West German counterpart in 1958, saying it had information that Eichmann “is reported to have lived in Argentina under the alias ‘Clemens’ since 1952” — both his correct whereabouts and only a slightly different alias, which was actually Ricardo Klement.
The German intelligence service said in an emailed reaction to the ruling that most of the files it holds on Eichmann are already public and only a small portion still needs to be blacked out. It said that the need to do so stems from laws on “protecting state security interests” and data protection laws.
A lawyer for Bild’s publisher, Axel Springer, said after Thursday’s ruling that it reserved the right to take the case to Germany’s highest court. Christoph Partsch said in a statement that Germany’s interests would be harmed by redacting the files, not by releasing them.
EXCERPT:. . . . Israeli agents who move too closely to these centers of power are eliminated. One such termination was Fritz Bauer, formerly attorney general for the State of Hesse in Frankfurt, a survivor of Auschwitz and the man who tipped off the Israeli Mossad about the presence of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, who was killed on orders of General Mueller. His body was found in his bathtub and listed as “death by heart attack” by the Frankfurt police. The real cause: cyanide spray that causes heart stoppage without detection; the same modus operandi that Mueller used to kill the Bormann stand-ins that were placed in the Berlin freight yards in April of 1945.
Mueller’s ruthlessness even today is what deters Artur Axmann from altering his testimony that he saw Bormann lying dead on the roadway the night of their escape from the Fuehrerbunker, May 1–2, 1945.To this day, Axmann, the only so-called living witness to the ‘death’ of Bormann in Berlin, knows his life is in jeopardy if he reverses himself. General Mueller is thorough and has a long memory, and for a Nazi such as Axmann to go against Mueller’s original directive would make him a traitor; retribution would surely follow. . . .
EXCERPT: On Tuesday, justice minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger sent two letters to the British justice secretary, Chris Grayling, and the home secretary, Theresa May, demanding to know the extent to which German citizens have been targeted and warning that democracy could not flourish when states employ a “veil of secrecy” to obscure their actions.
Describing the revelations over GCHQ’s surveillance operation as “like a Hollywood nightmare”, Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger asked for clarification of the legal basis for Project Tempora and demanded to know whether the programme has been authorised by any judicial authority, according to the Guardian. She also asked for information on the specific nature of data that was collected and whether “concrete suspicions” triggered the data collection.
“I feel that these issues must be raised in a European Union context at minister’s level and should be discussed in the context of ongoing discussions on the EU data protection regulation,” Ms Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger wrote.
The move by the Germany government to highlight its discomfort over the actions of GCHQ is the first time Britain has been asked to publicly justify its mass surveillance operation.
The Home Office said it would not comment on “private correspondence”, while the Ministry of Justice said only that it would respond to the letter in due course. William Hague, meanwhile, has shrugged off criticism, saying Britain should have nothing but pride in its “indispensable” intelligence-sharing relationship with the US. . . .
EXCERPT: Germany‘s main intelligence agency plans to expand internet surveillance by launching a five-year programme that will cost 100 million euros (133 million dollars), Der Spiegel magazine reported Sunday.
The report about the federal intelligence service‘s (BND) plans comes days after whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed details of top-secret US government surveillance programmes that gathered vast telephone records and internet data.
With the additional funding, the BND will add 100 new employees to its technical intelligence department and bolster its computing and server capacities, the report said.
The government has already released a first tranche of 5 million euros, according to Der Spiegel.
To fight terrorism and organized crime, the BND is permitted by law to monitor 20 per cent of all communications between Germany and foreign nations. Until now, it only had the capacity to check on 5 per cent of traffic — emails, telephone calls, Facebook and Skype chats — because of technical issues.
With the new capabilities, the BND wants to ensure that cross-border traffic can be monitored as comprehensively as possible, just as is done in the United States by the National Security Agency (NSA), which specializes in electronic intelligence. . . .
EXCERPT: A German hacker organization claims to have cracked spying software allegedly used by German authorities. The Trojan horse has functions which go way beyond those allowed by German law. The news has sparked a wave of outrage among politicians and media commentators.
It sounds like something out of George Orwell’s novel “1984” — a computer program that can remotely control someone’s computer without their knowledge, search its complete contents and use it to conduct audio-visual surveillance via the microphone or webcam.
But the spy software that the famous German hacker organization Chaos Computer Club has obtained is not used by criminals looking to steal credit-card data or send spam e‑mails. If the CCC is to be believed, the so-called “Trojan horse” software was used by German authorities. The case has already triggered a political shockwave in the country and could have far-reaching consequences.
On Saturday, the CCC announced that it had been given hard drives containing a “state spying software” which had allegedly been used by German investigators to carry out surveillance of Internet communication. The organization had analyzed the software and found it to be full of defects. They also found that it transmitted information via a server located in the US. As well as its surveillance functions, it could be used to plant files on an individual’s computer. It was also not sufficiently protected, so that third parties with the necessary technical skills could hijack the Trojan horse’s functions for their own ends. The software possibly violated German law, the organization said.
So-called Trojan horse software can be surreptitiously delivered by a harmless-looking e‑mail and installed on a user’s computer without their knowledge, where it can be used to, for example, scan the contents of a hard drive. In 2007, the German Interior Ministry announced it had designed a Trojan horse that could be used to search the hard drives of terror suspects.
Beyond the Limits
The hard drives that the CCC analyzed came from at least two different German states. It was unclear whether the software, which is said to be at least three years old, had been used by state-level or national authorities. In a Sunday statement, the Interior Ministry denied that the software had been used by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), which is similar to the American FBI. The statement did not explicitly rule out the possibility that the software could have been used by state-level police forces.
If the CCC’s claims are true, then the software has functions which were expressly forbidden by Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, in a landmark 2008 ruling which significantly restricted what was allowed in terms of online surveillance. The court also specified that online spying was only permissible if there was concrete evidence of danger to individuals or society. . . .
EXCERPT: The German Federal Police office has purchased the commercial Spyware toolkit FinFisher of Elaman/Gamma Group. This is revealed by a secret document of the Ministry of the Interior, which we are publishing exclusively. Instead of legitimizing products used by authoritarian regimes for the violation of human rights, the German state should restrict the export of such state malware.
In October 2011, German hacker organization Chaos Computer Club (CCC) analyzed a malware used by German government authorities. The product of the German company DigiTask was not just programmed badly and lacking elementary security, it was in breach of German law. In a landmark case, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany ruled in 2008 that surveillance software targeting telecommunications must be technologically limited to a specific task. Instead, the CCC found that the DigiTask software took over the entire computer and included the option to remotely add features, thereby clearly violating the court ruling.
Since then, many German authorities have stopped using DigiTask spyware and started to create their own state malware. For this task, a “Center of Competence for Information Technology Surveillance (CC ITÜ)” was established, sporting a three million Euro budget and a team of 30 people. Today, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is informing the Federal Parliament Bundestag about the center’s progress and work. Members of the Finance Committee of the German Parliament are receiving a classified document, that we are now publishing. . . .
EXCERPT: Between Friday night and Sunday morning, a massive deletion operation took place at the European Internet address register (RIPE) to scrub references to a cover used by Germany’s premier spy agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND.
The cleanup operation comes the night after Wikileaks revealed over two dozen covert BND networks provided by T‑Systems (Deutsche Telekom). The IP addresses were assigned to an unregistered company at a Munich-based PO box linked to T‑Systems.
T‑Systems purged the RIPE database of all addresses exposed by Wikileaks, moving the addresses into a several giant anonymous “Class B” address pools.
The move comes just a few hours after T‑Systems Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) contacted Wikileaks to demand removal of an internal T‑Systems memo listing the BND cover addresses. Wikileaks refused and T‑System did not respond to requests for further detail by the time of writing.
Yet an investigation into the addresses over the weekend reveals key information about the BND’s Internet activities. . . . .
Website references reveal that in 2006 numerous hosters of Internet websites complained about out of control “data mining” robots from two of the BND-linked IP addresses. One of the hosters ran a popular discussion forum on counter-terrorism operations.
The integrity and transparency of the RIPE system is not assisted by the T‑Systems deletion. German citizens may wonder at the double standard. At a time when the population’s Internet addresses are being recorded by ISPs under laws derisively referred to as “Stasi 2.0”, the “real Stasi”—the BND, has had the largest telco in Germany scrub its addresses from the European record within 24 hours of their exposure.
Well Dave, I was wondering how your analysis might come true, and here is Germany (possibly) bringing the spy in from the cold:
German MP: EU should shelter Snowden
Published: 1 Jul 13 13:56 CET | Print version
The European Union should offer safe haven to fugitive US leaker Edward Snowden, a leader of Germany’s opposition Green party, former cabinet minister Jürgen Trittin, said Monday.
“The Americans are acting just like they accuse the Chinese of acting,” Trittin, co-chief of the Greens’ parliamentary group, told ARD public television, referring to US accusations that Beijing sponsors state espionage of US interests.
He said Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor behind a series of damaging allegations about US spying, had “done Europe a service.”
Snowden is holed up in a Moscow airport transit zone after the United States issued a warrant for his arrest and revoked his passport.
Trittin, a former environment minister, said it was “embarrassing” for western democracies that “such a person, who served the cause of democracy, who uncovered a major violation of fundamental rights, has to hunker down with despots who are at war with fundamental rights.”
“I am of the opinion that such a person should be protected,” he said, when asked whether Snowden should be granted asylum.
After the EU spying report in German weekly magazine Der Spiegel Berlin
said the United States must quickly say whether the allegations were true.
The German opposition has leapt on the issue three months before a national election, demanding Chancellor Angela Merkel take a tough line with Washington.
Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert expressed shock Monday over the reports of US spying on European institutions and said it had told Washington that it must restore trust in the wake of the allegations.
He said he was not aware of any attempt by Snowden to seek asylum in the EU and said any application would be reviewed on the basis of the Geneva Conventions.
“They apply to everyone,” Seibert said.
LOL! Hopefully this means we can just scrap the US-EU free trade talks entirely:
Unfortunately, it looks as though the EU/U.S. Free Trade talks are still on, per today’s Wall Street Journal (7/5/2013.)
One wonders of this whole imbroglio will give the Underground Reich/Germany some political and psychological leverage over Obama on this.
On another, related, matter–The “Le Monde” disclosures simply confirm what I’ve been talking about for many years, and revisited in connection with Snowden’s ride.
“Several”–to quote the EU Parliament report–European countries have the same abilities.
That obviously includes Germany, which, as I have pointed out, had the Hamburg cell under full surveillance by August of 1998–the same month Osama stopped using his cell phone in favor of couriers, the month that Clinton launched the cruise missile attacks in hope of getting him.
The head of the Hamburg police at the time is now head of the BND!
Germany/EU and their assets, such as the Free Congress Foundation, ramped up their attacks on ECHELON/Menwith Hill at the same time.
There are VERY good reasons why the NSA regards Germany as a “third-class partner” and why Germany is spied on as much as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and less than Russia.
@Dave: Yep!
James Bamford exposed all this and more with the 1982 publication of Puzzle Palace, as did your buddy John Loftus later in Secret War Against the...you know who...Loftus actually cites Bamford in Secret War. Hashtags UKUSA ECHELON