Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: As the media fixate on the “disclosures” of career spook Baby Face Snowden (predictably failing to note how the entire affair tracks back to the far right/Cato Institute/Koch Brothers milieu), a huge and potentially devastating (for the U.S.) development is being eclipsed.
Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron are lining up behind an enormous EU/US trade deal, which would bring the U.S. and the EU into a single market–the largest in the world.
As a general consideration, we don’t approve of these kinds of agreements. NAFTA and its litter-mates generally benefit corporate interests at the expense of the citizens whose prosperity they are supposed to elevate.
We are very, very leery of this whopper.
No doubt we will be deluged by rhetoric assuring us that the agreement will bring jobs, jobs, jobs and lots of good vibes all around.
Indeed it may do just that–for Germany, in all likelihood.
In this regard, we bring up something we have noted in many posts and broadcasts–the blueprint for German world wide domination crafted by Friedrich List in the 19th century and realized by the Third Reich in its above-ground and underground manifestations.
The Third Reich’s economic template was set forth by Dorothy Thompson in a 1940 article, reviewed (from a T.H. H. Tetens text) below.
Suffice it to say that economic forces and pressure are seen as the means for subjugating the United States, and that this will be accomplished by offering competitive advantages to commercial interests with which Corporate Germany has already networked.
In more programs and posts than we could link or note here, we have documented that the EMU and EU are the realization of the Listian blueprint. The brutal realities being imposed on the troubled nations of that continent are decimating those societies and driving the citizens in the direction of fascism.
We are confident that many cheerful statements will be issued reassuring the wary that this will all be fine and well–it’s just a single market, after all.
This is precisely how Britain was maneuvered into accepting market continuity with Germany and the EU. This hasn’t worked well for Britain, which did manage to avoid getting roped into the Euro.
Once Britain was “reeled in,” it developed that the rules were being made on the continent and were established to the detriment of the U.K.
The full chronicle of how this was done is beyond the scope of this post and requires lengthy academic consideration.
We strongly recommend the following website for serious perusal and dissemination. This is how it was done to the U.K.
Will it be done to the U.S. in a similar fashion?
In this context, we should never lose sight of the decisive power wielded by the immensely secretive, powerful Bormann capital network, which has major capital participation in major American corporations, in addition to dominating Corporate Germany. (Note, in this context, that any American corporation that would decline to cooperate with this “single market” could have its stock value collapsed by a sell-off.)
Organized labor, in particular, should be alerted to the strong probability that this single market will not work to the advantage of the United States.
“EU and US ‘In Biggest Trade Deal’ ”; BBC; 6/17/2013.
EXCERPT: UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans for what could be “the biggest bilateral trade deal in history” between the EU and the US.
He announced the start of formal negotiations on a trade deal worth hundreds of billions of pounds, aimed at boosting exports and driving growth.
Mr Cameron said a successful agreement would have a greater impact than all other world trade deals put together.
The talks were announced ahead of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland.
US President Barack Obama said the first round of negotiations would take place in Washington in July. They aim to conclude by the end of 2014.
The French have already expressed misgivings about parts of the trade deal. They are worried that if they cannot protect their film industry from Hollywood’s dominance, their unique artistic culture will be undermined.
After intense talks with other EU countries last week, it seems the French have persuaded the negotiators to honour what they call a cultural exclusion.
That leaves the way open for other sectors to say they are also exceptional and should not be included in the trade deal.
The French claim the Americans want to exclude financial services from the free trade negotiations. The Americans have not acknowledged that publicly but it is a reminder that behind closed doors the discussions might be very difficult.
Mr Obama said he was confident of reaching an agreement.
“There are going to be sensitivities on both sides... but if we can look beyond the narrow concerns to stay focused on the big picture... I’m hopeful we can achieve [a deal].” . . . .
. . . . The EU has said the deal will focus on bringing down remaining tariffs and other barriers to trade, and standardize technical regulations and certifications. . . .
. . . . Currently the US and EU impose relatively low tariffs on goods traded between them, but analysts say other barriers are often in place to prevent European companies competing in the US and vice versa.
One example is found in the car industry, where the EU and the US employ equally strict — but differing — safety standards, meaning that European car makers must meet both before they can sell cars in the US market, putting them at a disadvantage.
Agriculture is also expected to be a significant bone of contention.
The European farming industry is already heavily subsidized through the Common Agricultural Policy, and the European agriculture minister has already expressed reservations about the impact a free-trade deal might have. . . .
Germany Plots with the Kremlin; T.H. Tetens; Henry Schuman [HC]; 1953; p. 92.
. . . . The Germans have a clear plan of what they intend to do in case of victory. I believe that I know the essential details of that plan. I have heard it from a sufficient number of important Germans to credit its authenticity . . . Germany’s plan is to make a customs union of Europe, with complete financial and economic control centered in Berlin. This will create at once the largest free trade area and the largest planned economy in the world. In Western Europe alone . . . there will be an economic unity of 400 million persons . . . To these will be added the resources of the British, French, Dutch and Belgian empires. These will be pooled in the name of Europa Germanica . . .
“The Germans count upon political power following economic power, and not vice versa. Territorial changes do not concern them, because there will be no ‘France’ or ‘England,’ except as language groups. Little immediate concern is felt regarding political organizations . . . . No nation will have the control of its own financial or economic system or of its customs. The Nazification of all countries will be accomplished by economic pressure. In all countries, contacts have been established long ago with sympathetic businessmen and industrialists . . . . As far as the United States is concerned, the planners of the World Germanica laugh off the idea of any armed invasion. They say that it will be completely unnecessary to take military action against the United States to force it to play ball with this system. . . . Here, as in every other country, they have established relations with numerous industries and commercial organizations, to whom they will offer advantages in co-operation with Germany. . . . [Italics and bold-face are mine–D.E.]
The sources are flawed for the following article. One source is the far-Left “World Socialist Website” and the other is the (cough) Libertarian “Prime Economics” website. These are the only two places where the JP Morgan policy paper in question, calling for a fascist Europe, is currently found on Google.
Connect the dots or don’t to this page.
Pterrafractyl posted a parallel story (“Euro-Area Economic Adjustment Only Half Complete, Moody’s Says” at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012–08-21/euro-area-economic-adjustment-only-half-complete-moody-s-says.html). One wonders about the authorship of the Moody’s advisement.
JPMorgan calls for authoritarian regimes in Europe
By Stefan Steinberg
17 June 2013
In a document released at the end of May, the American banking and investment giant JP Morgan Chase calls for the overturning of the bourgeois democratic constitutions established in a series of European countries after the Second World War and the installation of authoritarian regimes.
The 16-page document was produced by the Europe Economic Research group of JP Morgan and titled “The Euro Area Adjustment—About Half-Way There.” The document begins by noting that the crisis in the euro zone has two dimensions.
First, the paper argues, financial measures are necessary to ensure that major investment houses such as JP Morgan can continue to reap huge profits from their speculative activities in Europe. Second, the authors maintain, it is necessary to impose “political reforms” aimed at suppressing opposition to the massively unpopular austerity measures being carried out at the behest of the banks.
The report expresses satisfaction with the implementation of a number of financial mechanisms by the European Union to secure banking interests. In this respect, the study maintains, reform of the euro area is about halfway there. The report does, however, call for more action by the European Central Bank (ECB).
Since the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, the ECB has made trillions of euros available to the banks to enable them to wipe out their bad debts and commence a new round of speculation. In the face of mounting pressure from the financial markets, ECB chief Mario Draghi declared last summer that he would do whatever was necessary to shore up the banks.
This, however, is not sufficient as far as the analysts at JPMorgan are concerned. They demand a “more dramatic response” to the crisis from the ECB.
The harshest criticisms in the document, however, are reserved for national governments that have been much too tardy in implementing the type of authoritarian measures necessary to impose austerity. The process of such “political reform,” the study notes, has “hardly even begun.”
Towards the end of the document, the authors explain what they mean by “political reform.” They write: “In the early days of the crisis it was thought that these national legacy problems were largely economic,” but “it has become apparent that there are deep-seated political problems in the periphery, which, in our view, need to change if EMU (the European Monetary Union) is to function in the long run.”
The paper then details problems in the political systems of the peripheral countries of the European Union—Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy—that have been at the center of the European debt crisis.
The authors write: “The political systems in the periphery were established in the aftermath of dictatorship, and were defined by that experience. Constitutions tend to show a strong socialist influence, reflecting the political strength that left-wing parties gained after the defeat of fascism.
“Political systems around the periphery typically display several of the following features: weak executives; weak central states relative to regions; constitutional protection of labour rights; consensus-building systems which foster political clientalism; and the right to protest if unwelcome changes are made to the political status quo. The shortcomings of this political legacy have been revealed by the crisis. “ Whatever the historical inaccuracies in their analysis, there can not be the slightest doubt that the authors of the JPMorgan report are arguing for governments to adopt dictatorial-type powers to complete the process of social counterrevolution that is already well underway across Europe.
In reality, there was nothing genuinely socialist about the constitutions established across Europe in the postwar period. Such constitutions were aimed at securing bourgeois rule under conditions where the capitalist system and its political agents had been thoroughly compromised by the crimes of Fascist and dictatorial regimes.
The constitutions of European states, including those of Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal, were elaborated and implemented in collaboration with the country’s respective Socialist and Communist parties, which played the key role in demobilising the working class and permitting the bourgeoisie to maintain its rule.
At the same time, however, Europe’s discredited ruling classes were well aware that the Russian Revolution remained a political beacon for many workers. They felt compelled to make a series of concessions to the working class to prevent revolution—in the form of precisely the social and constitutional protections, including the right to protest, that JPMorgan would now like to see abolished.
To some extent, the bank’s criticism of European governments for their lack of authoritarianism rings hollow. Across Europe, governments have repeatedly resorted in recent years to police state measures to suppress opposition to their policies.
In France, Spain and Greece, emergency decrees and the military have been used to break strikes. The constitution adopted in Greece in 1975, following the fall of the colonels’ dictatorship, has not prevented the Greek government from sacking public workers en masse. And in a number of European countries, ruling parties are encouraging the growth of neofascist parties such as the Golden Dawn movement in Greece.
For JPMorgan, however, this is not enough. In order to avoid social revolution in the coming period, its analysts warn, it is necessary for capitalist governments across Europe to move as quickly as possible to set up dictatorial forms of rule.
At the end of the document, the authors put forward a series of scenarios that they claim could result from the failure of European governments to erect authoritarian systems. These variants include: “1) the collapse of several reform-minded governments in the European south, 2) a collapse in support for the euro or the EU, 3) an outright electoral victory for radical anti-European parties somewhere in the region, or 4) the effective ungovernability of some Member States once social costs (particularly unemployment) pass a particular level.”
This is the unadulterated voice of finance capital speaking. It should be recalled that JPMorgan is deeply implicated in the speculative operations that have devastated the lives of hundreds of millions of workers around the world. In March of this year, a US Senate committee released a 300-page report documenting the criminal practices and fraud carried out by JPMorgan, the largest bank in the US and the world’s biggest dealer in derivatives. Despite the detailed revelations in the report, no action will be taken against the bank’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, who enjoys the personal confidence of the US president.
The same bank now presumes to lecture governments. Seventy years after the assumption of power by Hitler and the Nazis in Germany, with catastrophic consequences for Europe and the world, JPMorgan is leading the call for authoritarian measures to suppress the working class and wipe out its social gains.
Whale of a Nerve! JP Morgan tell Europe’s States, your anti-fascist Constitutions are Unfit for Purpose
By Jeremy Smith, 9th June 2013
It’s Bilderberg weekend in Watford, so it’s fair game to run a piece on how right-wing bankers and their political agents are working to rebuild our world in their own image and interest…. But like all the best conspiracy tales, this one has the merit of truth… they are!
For some time, I’ve been following the ongoing process of promoting the “Creditors’ Constitution” for European countries. The Spanish government rushed through a Constitutional amendment in 2011 to give “absolute priority” to payments to their creditors, above all other interests (here’s the detail, but viewed from a pro-creditor perspective); and in early 2012, the Eurogroup of Finance Ministers pushed the Greek government into promising to do the same. The spate of “debt-brake” (and balanced budget) constitutional amendments in the last 2 years also tend in the same direction, prompted by the EU Stability etc. Treaty.
And now here we are given a new keynote message, which comes from the very same outfit who brought us “The London Whale, a Study in Banking Probity and Responsibility”. Yes, JP Morgan. In summary, their new report tells us:
” ... Europeans, your national Constitutions, born out of victory over fascism, are today unfit for purpose. They show a strong socialist influence, including protection of labour rights and the right to protest if you’re unhappy. They must be changed.”
I think I have never seen bankers argue so crudely (in political terms) as J P Morgan do in their report, “The Euro Area Adjustment – About Half Way There”, Europe Economic Research, 28th May 2013. And thanks to Leigh Phillips of EU Observer blog for drawing attention to it in his post, from which it can be downloaded.
Here are the relevant paragraphs from their “Research”:
” ... In the early days of the crisis, it was thought that these national legacy problems were largely economic: over-levered sovereigns, banks and households, internal real exchange rate misalignments, and structural rigidities. But, over time it has become clear that there are also national legacy problems of a political nature. The constitutions and political settlements in the southern periphery, put in place in the aftermath of the fall of fascism, have a number of features which appear to be unsuited to further integration in the region. When German politicians and policymakers talk of a decade-long process of adjustment, they likely have in mind the need for both economic and political reform.
” ... At the start of the crisis, it was generally assumed that the national legacy problems were economic in nature. But, as the crisis has evolved, it has become apparent that there are deep seated political problems in the periphery, which, in our view, need to change if EMU is going to function properly in the long run.
” ... The political systems in the periphery were established in the aftermath of dictatorship, and were defined by that experience. Constitutions tend to show a strong socialist influence, reflecting the political strength that left wing parties gained after the defeat of fascism. Political systems around the periphery typically display several of the following features: weak executives; weak central states relative to regions; constitutional protection of labor rights; consensus building systems which foster political clientalism; and the right to protest if unwelcome changes are made to the political status quo. The shortcomings of this political legacy have been revealed by the crisis. “
There you have it, in its reactionary crudity. It’s a truly disgraceful document.