Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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So It Begins, Part 2: Bertelsmann Occupies Town in Yorkshire (Sit Down Before You Read This)

Com­ing soon, to a the­ater near you!

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s pro­pa­gan­da chief, once said: ‘In 50 years’ time nobody will think of nation states.’

COMMENT: In a pre­vi­ous post, we have cov­ered a huge issue, being eclipsed by Egypt­ian tur­moil and the con­tin­u­ing “dis­clo­sures” (note the quotes) fol­low­ing “Snow­den’s Ride.”

That issue is a pro­posed free trade agree­ment between the U.S. and the EU. We could do no bet­ter than to quote from our pre­vi­ous dis­cus­sion:

“Oba­ma and British Prime Min­is­ter David Cameron are lin­ing up behind an enor­mous EU/US trade deal, which would bring the U.S. and the EU into a sin­gle market–the largest in the world.

As a gen­er­al con­sid­er­a­tion, we don’t approve of these kinds of agree­ments. NAFTA and its lit­ter-mates gen­er­al­ly ben­e­fit cor­po­rate inter­ests at the expense of the cit­i­zens whose pros­per­i­ty they are sup­posed to ele­vate.

We are very, very leery of this whop­per. 

No doubt we will be del­uged by rhetoric assur­ing us that the agree­ment will bring jobs, jobs, jobs and lots of good vibes all around.

Indeed it may do just that–for Ger­many, in all like­li­hood. . . . ”

If our fears con­cern­ing this issue seem overblown, pon­der the devel­op­ment dis­cussed in the text excerpt below.

Under the pro­vi­sions of the EU, the Ber­tels­mann cor­po­ra­tion has assumed the civic gov­ern­ment of a town in York­shire of the Unit­ed King­dom! The remark­able nature of this could not be exaggerated–a pri­vate com­pa­ny has tak­en charge of the gov­ern­men­tal admin­is­tra­tion of a munic­i­pal dis­trict belong­ing to a for­eign coun­try!

Note, in this con­text, that the Unit­ed King­dom is NOT part of the EMU. It IS,however, part of the EU and its inclu­sion in that orga­ni­za­tion has led to a grad­ual but tan­gi­ble loss of nation­al sov­er­eign­ty. That grim­ly grad­ual process is chron­i­cled at this web­site.

Ber­tels­mann is the for­mer sup­pli­er of books for the SS. Ber­tels­mann will dom­i­nate the new Ran­dom House/Penguin merged unit, which will con­trol 25% of the world’s pub­lish­ing busi­ness. It is now the largest pub­lish­er in the world and dom­i­nates Eng­lish lan­guage pub­lish­ing.

For­mer­ly head­ed by “for­mer” SS man Hein­rich Mohn, Ber­tels­mann shows every indi­ca­tion of main­tain­ing its Nazi char­ac­ter and obscur­ing them at the same time. Its offi­cial house his­to­ri­an pub­lished books blam­ing World War II on Franklin Delano Roo­sevelt, U.S. impe­ri­al­ism anJew­ish con­trol of the U.S. news media. (Ber­tels­mann is con­tin­u­ing its efforts in the music busi­ness, as well.)

Should the U.S. go for­ward with this deal and become legal­ly and insti­tu­tion­al­ly entan­gled with the Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed EU, the “East Rid­ing prece­dent” could be real­ized in this coun­try.

“Eco­nom­ic con­trol auto­mat­i­cal­ly yields polit­i­cal con­trol.”

Think about it!

“Britons Under Ger­man Admin­is­tra­tion: Noto­ri­ous Pub­lish­er of Nazi Pro­pa­gan­da Takes over Admin­is­tra­tion of 350,000 Britons in York­shire” [german-foreign-policy.com], trans­lat­ed by Edward Spal­ton [Intro­duc­tion by Rod­ney Atkin­son]; freenations.freeuk.com; 4/14/2005.

EXCERPT: Europe’s largest media com­pa­ny, the Ger­man firm Ber­tels­mann AG, is tak­ing over offi­cial tasks nor­mal­ly per­formed by pub­lic author­i­ty in Great Britain. From July 2005 a Ber­tels­mann sub­sidiary will under­take the major­i­ty of pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion in a British local author­i­ty. The plan is regard­ed by the Ger­man firm as a “pilot project of strate­gic impor­tance” for its expan­sion into a mul­ti bil­lion mar­ket. Across Europe, Ber­tels­mann aims to expand with­in the frame­work of the so-called “Public/Private Part­ner­ship” into areas which are present­ly under the con­trol of nation states and to car­ry out activ­i­ties which are nor­mal­ly reserved to pub­licly respon­si­ble local author­i­ties. Great Britain is also a tar­get of Ber­tels­man­n’s expan­sion in print media. By a joint ven­ture enter­prise with two oth­er Ger­man media firms in the con­struc­tion of new large-scale print­ing facil­i­ties abroad, Ber­tels­mann is aim­ing to gain mar­ket lead­er­ship in Euro­pean news­pa­per print­ing.

From July the Ger­man firm Arva­to AG, a total­ly owned sub­sidiary of Ber­tels­mann AG, will take over the major­i­ty of the admin­is­tra­tion of the British local author­i­ty, the East Rid­ing of York­shire, which has around 350,000 inhab­i­tants. About five hun­dred local author­i­ty employ­ees will switch to Ber­tels­mann. So a Ger­man firm will be entrust­ed with car­ry­ing out duties which were pre­vi­ous­ly under the author­i­ty of the British state. These include pub­lic and statu­to­ry duties (such as are car­ried out by a state, local author­i­ty or pub­lic cor­po­ra­tion) to ful­fill require­ments under pub­lic law. The exer­cise of these pow­ers of gov­ern­ment is nor­mal­ly the pre­serve of respon­si­ble local gov­ern­ment offi­cials who have a spe­cial duty to the local author­i­ty and bear alle­giance to the state. In a few months Arva­to will become respon­si­ble for pay­ing wages and social ben­e­fits as well as col­lect­ing coun­cil tax, fees and charges. It will pro­vide a cit­i­zens’ bureau and the Coun­cil’s total infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy require­ment . (*1)


The Ger­man con­glom­er­ate sees the takeover of admin­is­tra­tion in the East Rid­ing as “a pilot project of strate­gic impor­tance” for expan­sion into a mul­ti-bil­lion pound mar­ket. . . .


3 comments for “So It Begins, Part 2: Bertelsmann Occupies Town in Yorkshire (Sit Down Before You Read This)”

  1. It’s a fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry. And total­ly off my radar. Arva­to’s munic­i­pal full-ser­vice office/data mass out-sourc­ing divi­sion is just a small part of its glob­al busi­ness too. And in York­shire it’s a pub­lic-pri­vate “part­ner­ship” of cor­po­rate cud­dling and munch­ing that’s been going on for years:

    York­shire Post
    Tories accused over jobs promise

    18 April, 2007

    A ROW has bro­ken out after claims that hun­dreds of jobs promised in the East Rid­ing 18 months ago have so far failed to mate­ri­alise.

    The Lib­er­al Democ­rats have accused the Con­ser­v­a­tive lead­er­ship on East Rid­ing Coun­cil of fail­ing to come up with the goods, fol­low­ing the 2005 deal with media ser­vices giant arva­to AG.

    But the Con­ser­v­a­tives have hit back, say­ing the Lib Dems are des­per­ate­ly try­ing to hang onto their seats in the May elec­tions and they are con­fi­dent the jobs will come with­in the four-year dead­line set at the time.

    The 14m-a-year deal between East Rid­ing Coun­cil and the Ger­man media and busi­ness provider saw 500 coun­cil staff trans­fer across to arva­to.

    As part of the eight-year deal, arva­to, the ser­vice arm of giant media group Ber­tels­mann AG, is con­tract­ed to cre­ate 600 jobs at the end of four years.

    The deal has also involved a joint ven­ture com­pa­ny being set up – with the East Rid­ing Coun­cil own­ing 20 per cent of the shares – to sell ser­vices to oth­er local author­i­ties and pri­vate com­pa­nies, with the aim of employ­ing hun­dreds more staff.

    At the time, the deci­sion to hand over the ser­vices was con­tro­ver­sial.

    But unions rep­re­sent­ing the 500 staff, includ­ing rev­enue, ICT, cus­tomer ser­vice cen­tres and occu­pa­tion­al health, backed the move, which pro­tect­ed salaries, terms and con­di­tions.

    How­ev­er the Lib Dems are ques­tion­ing why no new jobs have been cre­at­ed so far.

    Lib Dem Leader Coun David Nolan, who rep­re­sents Willer­by and Kirk Ella, said: “The Con­ser­v­a­tives promised 600 new jobs as a result of this con­tract.

    “Over 6,000 unem­ployed East Rid­ing res­i­dents are seek­ing work and these jobs could make a dif­fer­ence to their lives and their fam­i­lies.

    “All they have had is glitz and spin but no jobs.

    “Eigh­teen months after the promis­es were made, our ques­tion to the Con­ser­v­a­tive coun­cil leader is very sim­ple: ‘Where are the jobs you promised?’.”


    Arva­to man­ag­ing direc­tor Rain­er Maj­cen said he was “a bit per­plexed” by the Lib Dems’ crit­i­cism so ear­ly in the project.

    They were in a bid­ding process with inter­na­tion­al com­pa­nies and were look­ing at office/administration type jobs, which could include a call cen­tre ele­ment, he said.

    “We are absolute­ly con­fi­dent we will cre­ate these 600 jobs,” he said.

    No doubt the job sit­u­a­tion worked out for every­one! Those 600 or so new jobs will show up some­where.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | July 10, 2013, 11:40 pm
  2. Not Ber­tels­mann, but...



    Ger­man Mag­a­zine Said to Glo­ri­fy Nazis Will End
    Pub­lished: Sep­tem­ber 13, 2013

    FRANKFURT — The Ger­man pub­lish­er of InTouch and numer­ous oth­er mag­a­zines said Fri­day that it would stop pub­lish­ing a pulp mag­a­zine crit­i­cized by an Amer­i­can Jew­ish group for hero­ic por­tray­als of Ger­man war crim­i­nals in World War II.

    Bauer Media Group, based in Ham­burg, said it would stop pub­lish­ing Der Landser, which said it was sim­ply offer­ing tales of ordi­nary sol­diers in World War II but was the sub­ject of com­plaints by the Simon Wiesen­thal Cen­ter in Los Ange­les, which said the mag­a­zine pro­mot­ed flat­ter­ing sto­ries about offi­cers and units asso­ci­at­ed with the Holo­caust.

    The deci­sion by Bauer was a major vic­to­ry for the Wiesen­thal Cen­ter. The mag­a­zine had sur­vived numer­ous chal­lenges since being found­ed in the 1950s by a vet­er­an of the Luft­waffe, the Ger­man air force before and dur­ing World War II. Der Landser had long been at the ful­crum of a debate about how to bal­ance free speech with efforts to erad­i­cate the neo-Nazi move­ment and per­sis­tent anti-Semi­tism.

    Nazi pro­pa­gan­da is ille­gal in Ger­many, as is denial of the Holo­caust. The Wiesen­thal Cen­ter said Der Landser glo­ri­fied the actions of units that were asso­ci­at­ed with war crimes, while ignor­ing atroc­i­ties.

    One recent issue was devot­ed to the exploits in Greece of an S.S. unit that was part of Hitler’s per­son­al body­guard corps. As Der Landser por­trayed it, Greek vil­lagers were grate­ful to have been con­quered.

    Bauer “had no alter­na­tive giv­en the over­whelm­ing evi­dence,” Rab­bi Mar­vin Hier, founder of the Wiesen­thal Cen­ter, said Fri­day by tele­phone from Los Ange­les. In a study, the cen­ter had doc­u­ment­ed how offi­cers and units por­trayed by the mag­a­zine were involved in mass mur­der of Jews or par­ti­sans and oth­er atroc­i­ties.

    Rab­bi Hier said he thought Bauer Media had tak­en the com­plaint seri­ous­ly. “They did the right thing,” he said. “They got out in front of the mat­ter.”

    In a state­ment, Bauer Media said a review by an out­side lawyer that it hired found that the mag­a­zine did not vio­late Ger­man law. But the com­pa­ny decid­ed to close the pub­li­ca­tion any­way in line with its “port­fo­lio strat­e­gy.”

    Der Landser orig­i­nal­ly drew its read­er­ship from unre­pen­tant Ger­man war vet­er­ans, but as that read­er­ship died off the mag­a­zine became pop­u­lar with right-wing extrem­ists, law enforce­ment author­i­ties said.

    Posted by Vanfield | September 15, 2013, 2:18 pm
  3. How Europe’s biggest media com­pa­ny infil­trat­ed the EU
    How Ber­tels­mann mix­es busi­ness, phil­an­thropy and Con­ti­nen­tal pol­i­tics.


    Posted by mark | May 28, 2019, 11:58 am

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