Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Strange Bedfellows

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COMMENT: One of the stranger sto­ries we have seen recent­ly con­cerns the open­ing of a “halal sex shop” in Sau­di Ara­bia. What real­ly piqued our inter­est was the founder of the firm, “for­mer Nazi pilot Beate Use-Roter­mund.” We won­der if, like the oth­er big Ger­man firms, this com­pa­ny– the largest sex com­pa­ny in the world–is tied at a fun­da­men­tal lev­el to the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work?

If this out­fit were to estab­lish an online dat­ing ser­vice, might it be termed “Halal Meet”?

“For the Pil­grim Who Has Near­ly Every­thing: First ‘Halal’ Sex Shop to Open in Mec­ca” by Oliv­er Lane; Breitbart.com; 4/22/2015.

Dutch-Ger­man ‘Sharia com­pli­ant’ sex aid com­pa­ny is to estab­lish a shop in Mec­ca, the Sau­di Ara­bi­an city con­sid­ered holy in Islam as it is believed to be the birth place of Mohammed.

Despite the out­ward­ly con­tro­ver­sial nature of the planned estab­lish­ment, nego­ti­a­tions have tak­en place with local cler­ics and sheikhs to ensure it is ful­ly com­pli­ant with Sharia law while own­er Abde­laz­iz Aouragh says they are near­ly ready to open. The Moroc­can Mus­lim, who found­ed el Asira in 2012 said despite the com­mon­ly held belief that Mus­lim women are sex­u­al­ly repressed, this was not the case.

Aouragh said: “The image of women in the kitchen with burqa is not a true pic­ture… There is a lot of love and respect Islam has for adult women. Our store puts women at the cen­ter, offers infor­ma­tion, and pro­vides answers to fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions on sex”, reports the Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness Times.

The com­pa­ny, which retails prod­ucts such as ‘glide and care sen­su­al sil­i­cone’ sex­u­al lube from the ‘Sen­su­al Ara­bi­ca Col­lec­tion’ and retails the ‘touch her gen­tly creme’, has recent­ly merged with Ger­man sex shop giant and porn baron Beate Uhse AG, the largest sex com­pa­ny in the world. The com­pa­ny was found­ed by for­mer Nazi Ger­man pilot Beate Uhse-Roter­mund in 1946. . . . .


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