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Suffer the Little Children . . .

“Neo-Nazi par­ty giv­en green light to tar­get school chil­dren” thelocal.de 2/6/2010.

The neo-Nazi Nation­al Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty will be allowed to dis­trib­ute CDs out­side schools with inter­views and music by par­ty mem­bers because author­i­ties have no legal grounds to stop them, a report said Sat­ur­day.
The Fed­er­al Depart­ment for Media Harm­ful to Young Per­sons said the disc mere­ly con­tained polit­i­cal opin­ions, dai­ly Süd­deutsche Zeitung report­ed.

The depart­ment there­fore found no basis on which to ban the disc, the report quot­ed direc­tor Elke Mon­sen-Eng­berd­ing as say­ing.

The NPD is Ger­many’s lead­ing far-right par­ty. It pro­motes an anti-immi­grant agen­da and is con­sid­ered by the coun­try’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency to be a threat to the con­sti­tu­tion.

On its web­site, the NPD wel­comed the deci­sion.

The par­ty could “con­tin­ue to try to trans­mit its ideas to young peo­ple, school chil­dren and first-time vot­ers”, NPD mem­ber Claus Cre­mer said.

NPD legal affairs min­is­ter Frank Schw­erdt, who has served two prison sen­tences for incit­ing racial hatred and dis­trib­ut­ing Nazi pro­pa­gan­da, also appeared on the web­site cel­e­brat­ing the deci­sion.

Accord­ing to the NPD, the orig­i­nal demand to ban dis­tri­b­u­tion of the CD came from the north-east state of Low­er Sax­ony.

In Novem­ber last year, Ger­man author­i­ties banned the sale of home-grown hard rock group Ramm­stein’s new album to fans under 18, for what it deemed explic­it sado­masochist lyrics.


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