Angela Merkel is offering her latest vision for a “federal Europe”. That “vision” still consists of few details other than a promises that it will be a slow process that will take years, if not generations. Apparently Merkel thinks that a vague “long-term vision” is the only thing that can placate nervous markets freaked out over the imminent insolvency of major member states. There’s also talk of a publicly elected president of the EU commission, so there are at least some signs that the voters would have some direct say in the new halls of power. More immediately, the new regional banking supervisor is possibly going to get implemented as soon as next year, so that might placate the markets. And a new pan-european army is being bandied about. Markets do seem to like war, death, and bloodshed, so that might help. But that’s a long ways off. The banking union will have to do for now:
Washington Post
Germany offers vision of federalism for the European UnionBy Anthony Faiola and Michael Birnbaum, Updated: Wednesday, June 27, 1:44 PM
BRUSSELS — Political posters in Rome are comparing her to Hitler. A popular British magazine dubbed her “Europe’s most dangerous leader.” But could German Chancellor Angela Merkel — the frugal physicist foisting tough austerity on the region’s hard-hit economies — really be the most pro-European leader in Europe?
Merkel arrives here Thursday for a European Union summit, with the stoic 57-year-old raised in East Germany again seen as the chief stumbling block to a shock-and-awe response to the region’s debt crisis. Jealously guarding the purse strings of Germany — an anchor of economic might and stability in a region adrift in financial trouble — the leader nicknamed “Frau Nein” by the European press is resisting calls to roll out a bevy of measures seen as possible quick fixes to the crisis.
But especially in recent weeks, Merkel and her top ministers have been spelling out a far grander, German alternative to convince markets the euro is here to stay. What they envision would mark a radical step forward in European integration through a “political union” in which countries in the region would act more like American states, , sharing an elected president and even a pan-European army.
Such visions are hardly new, but the Germans are nevertheless building a fresh case that integration is the only way to shore up the foundations of the euro, albeit one that could take years, if not generations, to see through. Part of the summit here will be dedicated to debating the first steps of such a path, including the creation of a regional banking supervisor that, in about a year, would have the power to do something long considered taboo in the fiercely independent nations of the euro zone: override the authority of national governments.
Plans also being discussed call for the establishment of a sort of European Treasury down the line, vesting central authorities with broad powers over national budgets. Yet for many in Europe, the holdout by Germany for a grander plan is being seen as suspicious and highly damaging.
In a more deeply integrated Europe, Berlin could emerge as the most powerful single voice, particularly sending chills down the spines of the French. At the same time, critics charge that Merkel’s call for a bigger — and slower — solution is simply a cover for German unwillingness to take costly and critical stopgap measures. They warn that there could be no euro zone left to integrate if the region acts on Berlin’s timetable.
The German leader’s tough talk has not helped her case. Merkel told the German Parliament on Wednesday that collective debt for Europe — seen by many economists as a vital weapon against the crisis — is “economically wrong and counterproductive.”
But the Germans are digging in their heels, dismissing the charges emanating from corners of Europe that Berlin is trying to orchestrate a new model for the continent in which it is the one largely calling the shots. “Maybe the fears of other nations in Europe are related to World War II and history,” said Sebastian Dullien, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin. “But it could also be they are simply afraid of losing power.”
The Germans have yet to fully spell out what they mean by a political union, but it largely involves the surrendering of more national authority to the region’s administrative capital in Brussels. Merkel’s influential finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble , last week reinforced calls for a directly elected president of the European Commission, as well as a new finance minister for Europe capable of overruling national governments. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle called a forum of his peers together last week to float notions including the integration of European defense into a single, standing army.
“Only a long-term perspective for Europe will restore the confidence that we also need to come out of the debt crisis now,” Westerwelle told the Financial Times.
Hmmm...this new-ish ‘vision’ still sounds rather contentious. Good thing it only involves the eurozone and not the entire EU. Especially the plans that are intended to be implemented in the near term, like the regional banking union that’s supposed to get implemented next year. If something like THAT was intended to oversee whole EU, that would pretty much guarantee an giant political trainwreck. And it would be a total disaster if this new pan-EU banking supervisor actually led to lighter banking regulations in small member states. The smaller the state, that greater the need more control over their banking systems than their larger brethren require due to the risks of “hot money” flooding in and out of their small economies. That could turn those smaller EU members into financial boom/bust zones. At least that’s not part of the ‘vision’:
Eastern EU members attack bank plan
By Michael Winfrey and Robert Muller
PRAGUE | Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:31pm IST
(Reuters) — The Czech government and Bulgarian central bank stepped up criticism of proposals for an EU banking union on Wednesday, raising new obstacles to agreement at a summit this week.
Changes to EU banking supervision are seen as important for resolving the euro zone debt crisis and are up for discussion at a summit that is already set to be heated as Germany faces off with Italy, France and Spain over how to save the currency bloc.
Some states outside the euro zone, including economic heavyweight Britain, fear EU-wide banking rules could rob them of sovereignty and damage their economies.
Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas said his government would not accept initial proposals circulated so far.
“Some proposals like the banking union could have an extremely damaging impact on the Czech economy,” he said, adding that he did not expect any major conclusion from the summit.
Bulgarian central bank governor Ivan Iskrov expressed concern over any proposal to extend banking supervision across the European Union, rather than just to the euro zone, and said small states would find that hard to support.
A failure by all EU members to agree on EU bank regulation would undermine prospects for any changes which could in any case take years to implement.
The particular worry of the Czech Republic and some other eastern European countries is that their banking systems could be undermined by lighter EU-wide regulation.
Many banks in eastern European countries are owned by those in bigger states. The fear is that under EU regulation, less well capitalised parent banks could drain the capital of their healthier subsidiaries in other countries.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy released a seven-page report this week envisaging an “integrated financial framework (that) should cover all EU states”.
Oh my. That’s not going to go over well with a larger EU. Well, fortunately there’s the elected EU Parliament that might help give the the smaller states and non-eurozone members some additional say over how this new banking supervisor is managed and other too-be-decided sovereignty surprises. The power of the veto is not to be underestimated:
June 27, 2012, 11:46 a.m. ET
Dow Jones
EU Parliament Head: Willing To Forego Veto Rights On Measures To Save Euro
Frances RobinsonBRUSSELS–The European Parliament is prepared to give up its right to veto legislation as part of streamlining the decision making process in Europe, its President Martin Schulz said Wednesday.
“We need to be able to act immediately,” he told reporters. “We’re living in exceptional times which require exceptional reactions.”
Schulz said an inter-institutional agreement between the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament would enable legislation to help resolve short-term problems.
“Let me tell you something exceptional for a parliament,” Mr. Schulz said. “We are ready to renounce, if necessary, our right of objection so as to adapt, in the shortest time possible, decisions which regard solving problems with the euro, financial stability, or employment.”
Under the EU’s Lisbon treaty, ratified in 2009, the European Parliament gained co-decision powers on a broad range of economic policy issues. As a result, there have been long negotiations between parliament and EU member states on a number of crisis response measures delaying their implementation.
Speaking alongside Mr. Schulz, European Commission President Jose-Manuel Barroso said that while an agreement between EU institutions could be important, decisions must be made via the so-called community process–and that all countries should be on board.
“Germany has rightly been insisting on fiscal discipline,” he said. “But we also say to some, let’s call them the AAA countries, you have to commit to solidarity.”
He added that while the summit wouldn’t “miraculously” calm markets, resolving the current crisis “depends on both the short term and longer-term decisions” leaders will take.
Short-sighted long-term perspectives are quite a sight to see.
Not one bank needed a bailout? Deposits exceed loans? No dependence on international lenders to keep the country running? Banking system dominated by international subsidiaries that are forced to play by local rules that are for more stringent than the banksters are used to? That’s definitely going to have to change:
Good article insofar as it is able to deal with these issues within the strictures of an irrational economic system whose financial sector has been turned from a necessary mechanism for capital flow into an incubator of endless parasitical forces that feed on the putrifying industrial sector which it is supposed to serve. What we get from the media subsidiaries of the corporations is nothing more than increasingly delicate apologetics to convince us that such a system is ultimately tenable. Something akin to theology: “a whole boatload of sensitive bullsh*t”, to use Allen Ginsburg’s phrase. The EU countries need to re-federate around a common plan to reshape the industrial sector into a social tool that realistically addresses much-neglected social, environmental, and technological realities. Such a plan can only be implemented by a thoroughgoing revolution in which class-conscious industrial workers are in the leadership. This was the revolution that Nazism was designed to derail.
It’s looking like Mario Draghi, the head of the Eurpean Central Bank, is going to be a more in keeping with his ‘Super Mario’ nickname. He’s getting new powers to regulate banks and sovereign debt purchases. So the head of the ECB is going to be even more of a central figure in the ongoing (and future) eurozone debt crises. One of his selling points is apparently his willingness to be a hardass in ways that create profound real world consequences just to make a point about his hardassness. At least that’s what the article below suggests, with his unwillingness to drop rates in early June when Spain was about to spiral into insolvency in the midst of an interest rate spike being suggestive of his commitment to “structural reform” (Keep in mind this was using Spain as an example, a country run by one of the most pro-austerity governments in Europe). And one of the first areas Mario is expected to use his new powers is on the clean up of Spain’s financial system.
When you’re already at the top of the power pyriamid, the only way to fail-up is to get more power, usually via constitutional “structural reform”:
The guy that really really really wants
austerity“structural reform” is now going to have even more say over the purchasing of sovereign debt and the disbursement of bailout funds. And he’s already shown a willingness to push countries off a financial cliff to make a point about his earnest desire to see “structural reform”. And from what we know about the nature of the bailouts being proposed, there’s going to be “bailout funds” disbursed for decades, thus allowing an endless stream of opportunities to not disburse the funds or buy eurozone member nation bonds in a pinch in order to teach entire nations a lesson in the awesomeness of “structural reform”.Sounds super.
As regards Schulz’s comments regarding surrendering the veto and renouncing the right of any objection...
The phrase “Enabling Act” springs to mind.
Being British and being characteristically awkward and embarrassed of that fact (surely, we are the Woody Allen of Western Nations), we have been taught and told for an awfully long time that it’s just simply not the done thing and very bad form to make any reference back to the European History of the 1930s and 40 to Europeans of other nationalities for fear it might risk embarassing them. Or more still that they might find it offensive.
Only the British are so embarrassed by winning or being actually in the right.
It’s a well-known, 70 year mantra known universally as “Don’t mention the War”.
As if a German invasion of Poland (and the Sudentenland, and Alsace-Lorraine, and the Danzing Corridor, and Austria, and Czechoslovakia) was something we were to blame for in some sense and should be ashamed that finally so many of the weaker new independent states we had pledged to protect and guarantee had been subjugated , enough was enough...
It’s not as if we didn’t try really, REALLY hard not to have that war and not get involved in the slaughter of it...
Don’t mention the war.... I’m sure they said that to Chamberline most days. That would’ve been the first line of Joe Kennedy’s every briefing memo.
I just saw footage yesterday from RUssia TV of a German EULEX EU Federal Policeman in full riot/battle gear in Kosovo (even though Kosovo is not in the EU, does not pay it’s dues to fund the EULEX force and to my mind and the mind of most people who’ve studied the problem is not an independent state, nor has much legitimate claim for independence and is nothing more than a lawless bandit sanctuary for laundering Euros and the mass importation of herion and sex-trafficked Russian girls in enforced prostitution, all under EU, NATO and UN protection (most of the peackeepers were Italian Army, ex-P2 and friends of Berlesconi)) beating an unarmed Serb protester with an enormous long-armed baton, screaming “Ja, voll!!“whilst his colleagues spray down both him and his fellow unarmed Serb rioters liberally with Bear Mace cannisters, held around 3 inches in front of their faces.
Serb men may be militantly nationalist and have an alarming knife fetish that gets invoked on a hair trigger in the name of national self-defence when they percieve they are being threatened, but I can understand why.
What they’re doing over there with EU taxpayer’s money — my money, in part — while they bleed Greece white, just 70miles away from the lawless organised crime free-for-all in Kosovo... That’s just not okay anymore...In response to the direct threat to the Republic
They are begining to test my last nerve...
@Spike1138: Considering the extent to which the psychic scars from the US Civil War still haunt my own country (case in point), it’s hard to imagine just how deeply the scars of WWII (and all the previous wars) must still be felt across the continent. It’s really too bad to see the eurozone turn a giant fascist trap. In spite of all the stupid historical rivalries in the US, the general sense that “we’re all in this together” has been an invaluable source of social cohesion and it would have been nice to see Europe continue down that path. At the end of the day, the whole planet is going to have to adopt a “we’re all in this together” mentality ASAP if we’re going to avoid the prospect of a leaving today’s toddlers witha a hopelessly broken world and if Europe couldn’s accomplish this in spite of decades of effort that really doesn’t bode well for our planet. And given how many Europeans in every country have really tried to heal those scars it’s just so sad seeing how rapidly those efforts have dissipated at the first whiff of crisis.
Part of what’s so unsettling is is how blatantly intentional that shared sense of identity has been destroyed by the likes of Merkel and all the politicians pushing the “lazy Southerners” meme while they blatantly push policies that exacerbate the underlying crisis. This should have been transparent and yet it’s not. And what’s really unfortunate is how the German public seems to love Merkel for doing everything she can to impose what amounts to junk economics on the continent. As an American, I’ve seen what happens when a populace embraces junk economics (i.e. the “Reagan Revolution” all the way up through the Tea Party). It’s hard enough for a culture to unlearn those junk memes when its their own country getting gutted by them. Rhe US is still largely captive to the “tax cuts solve everything, government is the problem” mentality in spite of all the damage to the US economy and society over the last 30 years. But this is a whole new ball game in Europe because the damage from these junk economic memes is being done to neighboring countries. Ok, it’s not exactly a “new ballgame” since countries have always been attacking each other’s economies. But I can’t think of many examples like the eurozone that are all in the same boat, and yet still distinctly separate. I guess it’s analogous to the “beggar thy neighbor” policies between states in a single nation where one state attempts to attract the industries from their neighbors with promises of reduced labor laws, lower pay, tax breaks, and so forth. But at least in that case the entire nation ends up feeling the impact like stagnant wages, more pollution, growing poverty, and a “race to the bottom” dynamic.
If the wealthier “states” in the envisioned eurozone aren’t forced to economically feel the pain of their poorer neighbors one of the most important feedback loops in its economy is going to be destroyed. But what we seem to be seeing in the eurozone is an attempt to create a nation state that specifically blunts that shared pain and instead channels the pain of the weakers states into real benefits for the stronger ones. It’s a model for colonialism, not a “United States of Europe”. That’s part of why it’s so distressing to see the German public backing Merkel’s madness. The German public is too damn important and educated to fall for the economic nonesense getting peddled by the Bundesbank and yet they appear to be falling for it in spades (I understand that hyperinflatino in the 1920’s really sucked, but there have been a lot of other economic lessons leared in the world too). I can’t imagine the bulk of the German public is being intentionally cruel to its neighbors...they’re just responding old stupid bigotries and the garbage their elites are feeding them like everyone else (wouldn’t it be nice to find a country that isn’t captive to group-think? Still looking...). But if Merkel’s favorability ratings are really going through the roof right now I’m having a hard time seeing how anything can be salvaged with the eurozone. At least not for another generation. A society’s common-wisdom is really hard to change, even when it’s deeply foolish. Let’s just hope that, when this whole mess shakes out and all the damage has been done, we don’t find ourselves in a situation once again where the seemingly unforgivable has transpired. And if we do find ourselves in that situation, let’s all hope that forgiveness can be mustered anyways. This cycle of rivalries and conquest has got to end ASAP. Most of the rest of the world is whistling past the graveyard and on a collision course with eco-collapse. Humanity and the biosphere do not have the time for more of this madness.
Well this should make the eurozone’s austerity-driven quest for labor market “competitiveness” in the PIIGS even more ‘interesting’:
Interesting times indeed.
The paper at that second link is a masterpiece of understatement and academia-speak and parts of it are unintentionally droll. Dave has given us a good background on, specifically, the Japanese model and mindset of government and it seems to apply to other Asian nations as well. It’s a Western cultural shock to encounter the way the underworld is melded so smoothly with corporations, government and military in Asian nations. We forget that the East never had their Enlightenment and so never experienced a wholesale cultural rejection of feudalism. The communist experiment in China was more a method of national unification against foreign incursion than it was any serious attempt to embrace the concepts of social justice, equality or democracy. There are exceptions, of course, but on the whole, Asia does not aspire to these things. The proof is in how quickly and quietly China relapsed to the feudal model in very recent history. A more important eastern preoccupation is with harmony and its corresponding fear of social chaos. Hence, although Asians may work for some specific non-systemic changes, they are generally resigned to the totalities of the current hierarchies.
This passage from that paper needs no deep analysis. It’s a shameless celebration of the fact by Western transnationals that there are no deep-rooted traditions of democracy or human rights to break down in Asia prior to turning whole nations and populations into commodities on the free market. Over there they were fascist before fascist was cool.
“Confucian traditions of respect for authority, deference and seniority seem to be inconsistent with democratic principles and to conflict with classic Western models of democratic political
culture. At the same time, it is argued that many of these same cultural traits may be more
compatible with the marketization of East Asian economies.
Acceptance of authority is consistent with the capitalist economic model of the firm. Close family and community ties provide alternative models of economic financing and ‘corporate networking’ in East Asia. In short, there appears to be less tension between Confucian values and the marketization process in East Asia, which may explain why markets are being embraced even in nations without much democratization.”
@Dwight: On of the lessons I took from that paper was that few people seem to even be thinking about the implications of an EU-ASEAN on democracy or much else. Maybe I’m just using the wrong search-engine terms, but that paper was just about the only thing I could find that didn’t fixate on the “look at how much more trade there will be!”-angle to the story.
If any can find some good links on the topic please post them here. This whole topic was off my radar until now. A transcontinental Free Trade Agreement on this scale is one of those things that could lead to a global rush to “catch up” by other regions with their own agreements. This could be a really big deal that acts as a catalyst for something even bigger.
A quick note to Angela: It doesn’t really matter if you refuse to give ground when it’s crumbling beneath your feet:
In the wake of the global financial and debt crises, the EU began to adopt measures for centralizing governance mechanisms and coordinating fiscal and economic policy. Most notably, in December 2011, EU leaders agreed to the formation of a so-called fiscal union. Twenty-five EU countries–all but the UK and Czech Republic–signed on to the German-engineered fiscal pact (Reuters), which would allow the EU to dictate the national budgetary policies of participating nations. the Czech republic is monetarily sovereign with complete control over the Czech koruna. They STILL do not need the bank leeches of the EU.
EU leaders are hailing the big new EU banking union that will give the ECB immediate oversight over the biggest EU banks but also give the ECB the power to step-in and regulate any eurozone bank if it so chooses. Also, as per Britain’s request, all non-eurozone members should be able to counteract most — but not all — ECB decisions and challenge cross-border banking rules. And as a concession to Germany, the must be unanimity amongst all member states contributing to any future bailout fund before any bailouts can proceed. So, basically, a new financial regulatory system was just passed with a whole bunch of check and balances and loopholes that have yet to be determined:
While the above article notes that Germany’s banks lobbied to limit the ECB’s oversight to only the largest banks, Germany’s largest banks didn’t really share that view. They wanted the ECB to have oversight of ALL the eurozone banks regardless of size. They also suggested that the ECB could delegate powers to the former national financial watchdog agency as “national offices” to check on the smaller banks. So, basically, the big last minute “compromise” for the new EU banking union that gives the ECB direct oversight over the biggest banks and optional oversight over the smaller banks is pretty much what the big German banks asked for months ago :
With the big German banks seeming to view a powerful ECB as an ally in this new regulatory environment the clarification of the yet-to-be determined rules on the banking union is going to get interesting.
Not sure how to interpret this (is this real or ‘real’), but still, yowza:
Note that, if Cameron does choose to hold the referendum, it’s very unclear how it will go:
Uh oh, the “sick man” is still ill. A miracle sure would be helpful. Grover Norquist-like policy solutions that actually work would be nice too. Since neither scenario is very likely, Grover Norquist-like policies that never work coupled with a wish and a prayer are probably the best we can hope for:
Yes, since France can’t control the value of its currency anymore and is forced to use an overvalued euro that harms the ability to export its way out of troubles and France can’t really control its own budget anymore and has to submit it to the European Commission for approval, France is left with the only option the European Commission wants it to have: “structural reforms” in the form of austerity and permanently shrinking the size of the government.
And it’s so important to the people running Europe that the “structural reform” continues that the European Commission needs to be convinced that France will continue with the austerity policies even if the economy starts growing again. Yes, as a result of the EU’s decision to just spontaneously lobotomized itself with the ‘Fiscal Compact’ and effectively permanently handed budget “review” powers to the European Commission, Grover Norquist is basically the permanent unelected head of the European Commission with the powers to review and make demands of national budgets. Miracles may not be a regular occurrence, but anti-miracles in the realm of economic policy are like a daily thing (it’s like matter and anti-matter, but in reverse where the anti-miracles end up dominating).
So as we can see, bloodletting isn’t the only medieval medical practice making a metaphorical comeback. Economic trepanation is all the rage too. Not that the bloodletting is getting old. Trepanation and bloodletting go hand in hand. Plus, like a vampire, some things never get old:
Notice how a French voters don’t appear to actually want to see their welfare state dismantled but that doesn’t really matter because the European Commission does want it dismantled. Also notice how stimulus spending is clearing frowned upon by the European Commission but tax cuts (and further austerity to finance those cuts) is just fine! Isn’t Norquist-style “democracy” in the era of the Fiscal Compact fun?
Well, it’s about to get more fun, and maybe even a little more democratic. For the first ever, the upcoming EU parliamentary elections will include expected party “presidents” if that party wins. So voters won’t be voting directly for the head of the European Commission, but they’ll have a better idea of who that person might be. That’s a big change from the current ways, where backroom deals select the EU Commission president. Although it’s important to note the that changes don’t bind the EU parliament to select the parliamentary “winner” as the new Commission president. The voters’ preferences are still just a suggestion...a suggestion the current EU Council president (which gets to nominate the Commission candidates) doesn’t want to hear:
So will EU Council president Herman Van Rumpuy succeed in thwarting these new democratic ambitions? We’ll see! We’ll also see if the choice for EU Commission president really makes a difference because whole idea behind the Fiscal Compact is that it forces a budgets cuts on governments whether they want it or not. Once you put on that straightjacket, your options are pretty limited regardless of your sanity and it’s very unclear how a more direct election of the EU Commission president removes that fiscal compact straightjacket.
Oh well, at least with the some new people in charge we might see a more creative implementation of the Fiscal Compact anti-miracle. Although, given that Jean-Claude Juncker is currently the favorite, let’s hope the future head of EU Commission doesn’t get too creative!