Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Surprise, Surprise! “Occupiers” Tied to Ohio Bomb Plot

COMMENT: When the “Occu­py” move­ment first emerged last fall, we not­ed that it appears to have had some right-wing roots, albeit ones that had assumed a “pro­gres­sive’ cov­er–AdBusters Mag­a­zine. After absorb­ing a great deal of fer­til­iz­er flung this way in that con­text, we now see some­thing that was explic­it­ly fore­told on these pages.

A bomb­ing plot in Ohio seems to have had some links to the “Occu­py Cleve­land” mov­ment.

In a Food For Thought post about for­mer KKK  leader David Duke’s endorse­ment of “Occu­py Wall Street,” we not­ed: 

“. . . Do not dis­count the pos­si­bil­ity that fas­cist ele­ments may either hijack the move­ment and/or dis­credit it, rather like the con­trolled demo­li­tion of the World Trade Cen­ter freaks hijacked and dis­cred­ited any notion of seri­ous inves­ti­ga­tion into the 9/11 attacks.

Might this entire phe­nom­e­non be a well-designed trap or agent-prova­ca­teur oper­a­tion from the start?
Watch out for pos­si­ble ter­ror­ist inci­dents linked to OWS and/or calls for a third par­ty, that would serve the same pur­pose as the Naderoids in 2000. . . .”

All of this is not to say that the major­i­ty of the pro­test­ers are vio­lent, how­ev­er the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of a move­ment like the “Occu­py” phe­nom­e­non to tac­tics of this type is not to be over­looked.

One should note, too, that ours is a cul­ture of images and sen­sa­tions, not ideas and con­cepts. What images have the broad­cast and pho­to media gleaned for us from the “Occu­py” phe­nom­e­non? Hip­pies and anar­chists loose in the streets, shril­ly slo­ga­neer­ing and, upon occa­sion, smash­ing store front win­dows and set­ting fires, as well as assault­ing cops.

This plays into the hands of the far-right/­GOP/Rom­ney. So, obvi­ous­ly, does the bomb plot in Ohio.

Stay Tuned. 

Oh, yes, don’t lose sight  of the fact that the above-men­tioned David Duke, along with pos­si­ble Third Par­ty can­di­date Ron Paul, was involved with the Nazi/KKK Coup attempt in Domini­ca in the ear­ly 1980’s. That gam­bit that led to the Euge­nia Charles gov­ern­ment of that tiny island nation ramp­ing up its mil­i­tary and muni­tions just in time to play a token role in the inva­sion of Grena­da. That top­ic was dis­cussed at length in AFA #13.

 “Sus­pect in Bridge Bomb­ing Plot Signed Lease on Occu­py Cleve­land” by Michael San­gia­co­mo; The Cleve­land Plain Deal­er; 5/5/2012.

EXCERPT: One of the five self-described anar­chists arrest­ed last week for attempt­ing to blow up a local bridge signed the lease for a West Side ware­house where about a dozen mem­bers of the Occu­py Cleve­land group live.

In a one-hour record­ing of a Fri­day evening gen­er­al assem­bly meet­ing of the group post­ed on its web­site http://occupycleveland.com/live-stream/, occu­py lead­ers expressed con­cern about Antho­ny Hayne’s name being on the lease, which strength­ens his link to the group.

“We have a per­son fac­ing ter­ror­ism charges on the lease of our ware­house,” said one of the lead­ers. “If this gets into the media, it would be a dis­as­ter.”

When announc­ing the arrests last week of Hayne and four oth­er men, fed­er­al author­i­ties described them as mem­bers of a rad­i­cal fringe of Occu­py Cleve­land. the five remain in jail with court appear­ances sched­uled for Mon­day.

Hayne, 35, of Cleve­land, has a crim­i­nal record dat­ing to 2000. He was one of five men arrest­ed by the FBI and charged with set­ting fake explo­sive charges under the Ohio 82 bridge between Sag­amore Hills Town­ship and Brecksville Mon­day night.

An FBI affi­davit said Hayne helped plan the bomb­ing attempt. It also said he was one of a group that last Sun­day picked up a duf­fel bag con­tain­ing smoke grenades and gas masks, as well as two black box­es that the sus­pects thought con­tained bombs. . . .


8 comments for “Surprise, Surprise! “Occupiers” Tied to Ohio Bomb Plot”

  1. “If this gets into the media, it would be a dis­as­ter.” — spo­ken by one of the ‘lead­ers’ to, pre­sum­ably, the media. You have to laugh.

    Posted by Dwight | May 8, 2012, 4:14 am
  2. Repub­li­can oper­a­tives + spook cen­tral + Occu­py Wall Street + agent prova­ca­teurs + Stand Your Ground Law = the August Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Tam­pa.

    Watch out.

    Posted by GrumpusRex | May 8, 2012, 6:21 am
  3. [...] Sur­prise, Sur­prise! “Occu­piers” Tied to Ohio Bomb Plot [...]

    Posted by Miscellaneous articles for – Articles divers pour 05-08-2012 | Lys-d'Or | May 8, 2012, 11:30 am
  4. In any case, Dave, your fore­shad­ow­ing has hon­est­ly been pret­ty much on the mon­ey, sad to say. While it does appear that OWS has for now, man­aged to deflect most of the hard­core infil­tra­tors, I do won­der how much more dam­age could be done before it’s all said and done?

    @GrumpusRex: I def­i­nite­ly am some­what con­cerned. If agents provo­ca­teur of any stripe man­age to pull some­thing off, this could poten­tial­ly hurt the Dems to a point; prob­a­bly not to the point of Rom­ney actu­al­ly win­ning but cer­tain­ly enough to pos­si­bly cre­ate a notable set­back for the Democ­rats.

    @Dwight: It’s impor­tant to remem­ber that the Estab­lish­ment has been gun­ning for OWS ever since the NYC Gen­er­al Assem­bly got started.....and that CoIn­tel­Pro con­tributed a great deal to the effort to destroy both the Civ­il Rights and the anti-war move­ments back in the ’60s. One must won­der if a mod­ern ver­sion may be at work with indi­vid­u­als like Wolf Blitzer, and Glenn Beck, as the mouth­pieces, and orgs. like World­Net­Dai­ly and the ever omnipresent Faux News as the Volk­sempfängers of a type, so to speak.

    Cer­tain­ly, I hope Dave can go fur­ther into detail on this stuff.

    Posted by Steve L. | May 8, 2012, 5:35 pm
  5. @Grumpusrex: It looks like we almost had to add ‘mur­der­ous neo-nazis’ to the list of fun things fac­ing Flori­da’s RNC con­ven­tion this fall. And this group appar­ent­ly had plans to attack a group of anar­chists dur­ing a Flori­da May Day protest. It’s a con­ver­gence of awful­ness:

    White Suprema­cist Leader, Crew Nabbed In Fla. Ter­ror Probe
    Nick R. Mar­tin May 8, 2012, 5:39 PM 12499

    The race war, he believed, was com­ing. So Flori­da white suprema­cist leader Mar­cus Fael­la instruct­ed his fol­low­ers over the past two years to pre­pare for it.

    The prepa­ra­tions, accord­ing to law enforce­ment doc­u­ments made pub­lic this week, includ­ed stock­pil­ing weapons, exper­i­ment­ing with the cre­ation of ricin and plot­ting some sort of “dis­tur­bance” on Orlan­do City Hall.

    In a series of arrests that began on Fri­day, a joint ter­ror­ism task force that includ­ed the FBI and local police moved in on the Flori­da chap­ter of the white suprema­cist orga­ni­za­tion Amer­i­can Front.

    In the months since, the infor­mant alleged­ly doc­u­ment­ed Fael­la, 39, becom­ing increas­ing­ly errat­ic and order­ing his fol­low­ers to com­mit crimes on the group’s behalf. The infor­mant took secret pho­tos and videos of Fael­la teach­ing cer­tain mem­bers, includ­ing con­vict­ed felons, to shoot guns and pre­pare for a race war in a com­pound for­ti­fied with rail­road tim­bers and cement pil­ings that he estab­lished on his prop­er­ty in Saint Cloud, Fla.

    In mid Feb­ru­ary, inves­ti­ga­tors learned the group’s prepa­ra­tions were grow­ing.

    “Fael­la start­ed plan­ning to cause a dis­tur­bance at City Hall in Orlan­do, Flori­da,” the affi­davit said. “Fael­la advised that the AF had been dor­mant too long and want­ed to cause a dis­tur­bance so the media would report on it and bring new mem­bers to the AF.”

    The doc­u­ment said Fael­la had been exper­i­ment­ing with mak­ing ricin, a poi­son, though it’s not clear whether he was suc­cess­ful in that effort.

    This spring, accord­ing to the doc­u­ment, Fael­la learned that anar­chists and a group of non-racist skin­heads were plan­ning to par­tic­i­pate in May Day activ­i­ties in Flori­da, so he want­ed to plan an attack on the groups.

    The infor­mant told inves­ti­ga­tors that Fael­la and his fol­low­ers began to fash­ion sign hold­ers that could some­how be used to con­ceal weapons. They planned to trav­el to the May Day activ­i­ties and appar­ent­ly pose as pro­tes­tors.


    Accord­ing to the Anti-Defama­tion League, Amer­i­can Front has been around since 1987 but was thought to be hob­bled since the death of the group’s Cal­i­for­nia leader in 2011.

    How­ev­er, the affi­davit shows that the group appeared to be grow­ing in recent months, includ­ing a big expan­sion by the group’s Ore­gon chap­ter, which the infor­mant said had been doing many of the same things as the Flori­da group.

    The oth­er mem­bers of the Flori­da chap­ter arrest­ed since Fri­day are Dustin Per­ry, Diane Stevens, Christo­pher Brooks, Richard Stock­dale, Jen­nifer McGowan, Mark McGowan, Paul Jack­son and Kent McLel­lan.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | May 8, 2012, 7:42 pm
  6. Also, every­one, please google “Lies, damned lies & anti­semitism at Occu­py Wall Street”, and the Moth­er Jones piece “How Occu­py Wall Street Real­ly Got Start­ed” in case they don’t show up on here.

    Posted by Steve L. | May 8, 2012, 8:17 pm
  7. “On Wednes­day, an attor­ney rep­re­sent­ing one of the defen­dants ques­tioned the role of an under­cov­er infor­mant, say­ing the ex-con hired by the FBI appeared to have played an active role in the plot.

    Cleve­land defense lawyer John Pyle said the case could be one of “the tail wag­ging the dog.” He said his client, Bran­don Bax­ter, will plead not guilty in the case, which is set for a pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing next week.

    Much of a 22-page FBI affi­davit out­lin­ing the charges was based on the work of the under­cov­er oper­a­tive, who has drug, rob­bery and bad check con­vic­tions.

    “We need to get the dis­cov­ery and put the case under a micro­scope,” Pyle said. “But just on the basis on the fil­ing in the court, there’s some indi­ca­tors that this infor­mant was play­ing a real­ly active role.””


    Posted by leif | May 11, 2012, 9:24 am
  8. https://subscribe.adbusters.org/products/ab95

    In 2011 Adbusters fea­tured Can Life Pre­vail. In case haven’t heard of Pent­ti Linko­la.

    He would be hap­py no mat­ter who dies, if they spend nature’s resources. He has called the attack UK and USA did to Ger­many in the WWII as human­i­ty’s worst geno­cide because it used so much nature’s resources accord­ing to him com­pared to what Nazis did with their con­cen­tra­tion camps and glo­ri­fies how they re-used human parts.

    In his ide­al world peo­ple would­n’t move even inside a coun­try and should just live where they were born. He would be glad if every third world would just starve to death, rea­son why he is against any aid that would help peo­ple not get­ting killed and in devel­op­ment. I think it’s just a bit hard to sep­a­rate that to its own stand from just him being cunt to every­one that does­n’t live like him. Like he has said every ter­ror­ist attack is good because peo­ple die and any attack against west­ern life style is good for nature. He real­ly hates USA too and if some ebo­la would spread there he’d have a good day.

    Can Life Pre­vail was trans­lat­ed by Ark­tos Media in 2011. Ark­tos is a Nation­al Social­ist media.

    Posted by Ne1 | September 24, 2019, 10:14 pm

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