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Swedish Nazi Background of Assange Accuser’s Accuser

Com­ment: The web has been abuzz with a sto­ry about con­nec­tions between Julian Assange’s accuser and the Anti-Cas­tro Cuban milieu har­nessed by Oliv­er North to effect the Iran-Con­tra machi­na­tions. (Assange has been charged with rape in Sweden–a coun­try who’s rape laws are con­sid­er­ably dif­fer­ent from those in the U.S.)

What has been absent from the dis­cus­sion has been the fact that writer “Israel Shamir” is actu­al­ly a Swedish anti-Semi­te with pro­found con­nec­tions to an inter­na­tion­al Nazi/fascist milieu. (“Shamir”–real name Joran Jermas–wrote his piece about Assange accuser Anna Ardin in Alexan­der Cock­burn’s Coun­ter­punch.)

Shamir is also a liar, who has sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly mis­rep­re­sent­ed his pro­fes­sion­al cre­den­tials. His appear­ance in defense of Wik­iLeaks is all the more inter­est­ing because of Swedish fas­cist financier Carl Lund­strom’s under­writ­ing of Pirate Bay. (Pirate Bay and asso­ci­at­ed ele­ments have been major sources of sup­port for Assange and Wik­iLeaks.)

Lund­strom is a patron of the same Nazi pub­lish­ing outfit–Nordic Pub­lish­ers–that has pub­lished Joran Jer­mas’ trans­la­tor Lars Adel­skog.

“Israeli Writer Is Swedish Anti-Semi­te” by Tor Bach, Sven Johansen and Lise Apfel­bum; The Search­light; May/2004.

Excerpt: A man who claims to be one of Israel’s lead­ing intel­lec­tu­als is also a Swedish anti ‑semit­ic writer. Israel Shamir presents him­self on his web­site as a lead­ing Russ­ian-Israeli intel­lec­tu­al and a writer, trans­la­tor and jour­nal­ist. But in 2001 he changed his name to Jöran Jer­mas and has sur­round­ed him­self in Swe­den and Nor­way with anti-semi­tes and strange con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists. . . .

. . . Jermas’s trans­la­tor in Nor­way is Hans Olav Brend­berg, a teacher, who was recent­ly asked to leave the exec­u­tive com­mit­tee of a branch of the Red Elec­toral Alliance (RV). The left-wing RV, which took 1.2% of the vote in the gen­er­al elec­tion in 2001 and has over 80 local coun­cil­lors, accused Brend­berg of mak­ing anti-Jew­ish state­ments on the inter­net and in his work as Jermas’s trans­la­tor.

Brend­berg, 35, stirred up con­tro­ver­sy after writ­ing arti­cles for the left-wing dai­ly Klassekam­p­en in which he charged the Jews with killing Christ and hat­ing all non-Jews. But it is through the KK-forum, Klassekampen’s semi-offi­cial web-based dis­cus­sion forum, that Brend­berg has gained most noto­ri­ety for state­ments such as: “Mil­lions of nice Ger­mans have always exist­ed but not one of them is men­tioned in Anne Frank’s Diaries. As for the broad­er pic­ture: is not the world big­ger than the attic of a Dutch city apart­ment block?”

On sev­er­al occa­sions, Brend­berg has referred to Kevin Mac­Don­ald, an extreme right-wing Amer­i­can, as an author­i­ty on Jew­ish mat­ters. Mac­Don­ald, a pro­fes­sor at an obscure Cal­i­forn­ian uni­ver­si­ty, is a white racist, anti­se­mit­ic, anti-black, anti-left apol­o­gist for Hitler’s geno­cide and an invet­er­ate fas­cist.

Mac­Don­ald is per­haps most infa­mous for his claim that the Jews have effect­ed a breed­ing pro­gramme to con­quer oth­er “races”. He appeared in court as a wit­ness on behalf of David Irv­ing, the British qua­si-his­to­ri­an and Hitler admir­er, in his libel case against Deb­o­rah Lip­stadt. . . .

. . . Shamir has found oth­er, even more extreme friends in Swe­den. One of his Swedish trans­la­tors, Lars Adel­skog, is not only a lead­ing fig­ure in the Swedish UFO move­ment but can also be found in the jun­gle of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries where the Illu­mi­nati, the Freema­sons and lizards in human form are sup­pos­ed­ly work­ing togeth­er to end civil­i­sa­tion as we know it.

Adelskog’s last book bore the pro­found title En tom säck kan inte stå (An emp­ty bag can­not stand) and was pub­lished by the open­ly nazi pub­lish­er Nordiska För­laget. This organ­i­sa­tion also sells books by Mac­Don­ald, Hitler and Irv­ing. In his lat­est book, Adel­skog tries in typ­i­cal nazi style to “prove” that the Nazi geno­cide of the Jews nev­er took place.

Adel­skog was pre­vi­ous­ly the edi­tor of the Swedish “alter­na­tive” mag­a­zine Nexus, where he also spread his pet con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. The Nation­al­so­cial­is­tisk Front lat­er tout­ed unsold issues of Nexus through its web­site.

Jermas/Shamir him­self is no stranger to con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. When he vis­it­ed Nor­way in 2001, he made the laugh­able claim in the main­stream news­pa­per Adresseav­isa that many Jews received text mes­sages warn­ing them to get out of the World Trade Cen­tre in New York before the ter­ror attacks of 11 Sep­tem­ber.

Anoth­er out­let that eager­ly pro­motes anti­se­mit­ic con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries is the Russ­ian mag­a­zine Zav­tra and its edi­tor Alexan­der Prokhanov. While in Moscow, Jer­mas worked as a jour­nal­ist for Zav­tra, which has been described as Russia’s most anti­se­mit­ic rag. When the noto­ri­ous racist and for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke went to Rus­sia to pro­mote his new book, Jew­ish Suprema­cism, and his Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion for the Advance­ment of White Peo­ple, it was on Prokhanov’s invi­ta­tion.

Despite the dogs with which he is will­ing to lie down, Jer­mas does not seem afraid of catch­ing fleas. In the USA, Alex Lin­der of Kirksville, Mis­souri, who has seem­ing­ly fall­en from grace in the nazi Nation­al Alliance (NA), has set up his own out­fit called the Van­guard News Net­work. Lind­ner is eager­ly pro­mot­ing a forth­com­ing con­gress of Holo­caust liars in Sacra­men­to this year and pub­lished parts of a pecu­liar email cor­re­spon­dence with Jer­mas, pos­ing under his old name of Shamir. . . .

Com­ment: “Shamir” has not been shy about his views, post­ing his rabid, Medieval anti-Semit­ic views on his web­site.

“Lord Ahmed’s Unwel­come Guest” by Stephen Pol­lard; The Sun­day Times; 4/7/2005.

Excerpt: . . . He has worked for Zav­tra, Russia’s most anti-Semit­ic pub­li­ca­tion, and is allied with the Van­guard News Net­work, set up by an Amer­i­can, Alex Lin­der — a man so extreme that he was even ostracised by the US neo-Nazi Nation­al Alliance.

Indeed, Shamir/Jermas’s own web­site proud­ly reprints his views: “Jews asked God to kill, destroy, humil­i­ate, exter­mi­nate, defame, starve, impale Chris­tians, to ush­er in Divine Vengeance and to cov­er God’s man­tle with blood of goy­im . . . ” “The Ashke­nazi Jews believed that spilled Jew­ish blood has a mag­ic effect of call­ing down Divine Vengeance on the heads of the Gen­tiles . . . The pic­ture of Jews slaugh­ter­ing chil­dren for cul­tic rea­sons exert­ed huge impact on the Chris­t­ian peo­ples of Europe.” On and on it goes. . . .


One comment for “Swedish Nazi Background of Assange Accuser’s Accuser”

  1. [...] Spit­fire List | Swedish Nazi Back­ground of Assange Accuser’s Accuser­Swedish Nazi Back­ground of Assange Accuser’s Accuser. Post­ed by Dave Emory ⋅ Decem­ber 10, 2010Post a com­ment Email This Post · Print This Post … [...]

    Posted by Nazi bacground | Putnamcountyfreepress | June 2, 2011, 6:49 pm

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