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The Amber Room and the Polish Treasure Train

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COMMENT: In FTR #234, we exam­ined the mys­tery sur­round­ing the Amber Room, a remark­able room made of carved amber that was giv­en to Peter the Great by the Pruss­ian king. 

Many lis­ten­ers have not­ed the dis­cov­ery of what appears to be a Nazi trea­sure train, which had been suc­cess­ful­ly hid­den in a tun­nel in Poland. An arti­cle in The Dai­ly Mail spec­u­lates that the train may con­tain the fabled Amber Room. IF those reports are cor­rect, it will be inter­est­ing to see what becomes of the nego­ti­a­tions that will fol­low.

Might the Amber Room play into the com­plex nego­ti­at­ing unfold­ing with regard to Ukraine? Was the dis­cov­ery of the train tru­ly acci­den­tal or was this “acci­dent” pre-deter­mined?

Note that,as dis­cussed in FTR #234, the Amber Room was a focal point of inter­est on the part of the Bor­mann net­work.

“Nazi Gold Train Could Con­tain Ornate 250 Pound ‘Amber Room’ Giv­en to Tsar Peter the Great by the King of Prussia–and Miss­ing Since It Was Loot­ed in World War II” by Flo­ra Drury; The Dai­ly Mail [UK]; 8/29/2015.

The Nazi gold train could con­tain an ornate room craft­ed out of amber, gold and pre­cious jew­els which has been miss­ing since it was loot­ed dur­ing World War Two, it has been claimed.

Jour­nal­ist Tom Bow­er, who wrote Nazi Gold: the Full Sto­ry of the Fifty-Year Swiss-Nazi Con­spir­a­cy to Steal, has said he believes there is a high like­li­hood the hid­den loco­mo­tive is filled with art and pre­cious jew­els, rather than bars of gold.

But what he real­ly hopes to find in the train dis­cov­ered aban­doned in a tun­nel under­neath a Pol­ish moun­tain is the Amber Room, stolen from the Cather­ine Palace, near St Peters­burg, in about 1941.

Speak­ing to Sky News, Mr Bow­er said: ‘If it is an art train, there will be paint­ings, there will be per­haps dia­monds, there will be rubies and pre­cious stones and also, the one thing that’s always been miss­ing, the Amber Room.

‘I think it is far more excit­ing to think per­haps that is in the train.’

The Nazis dis­man­tled the room — thought to be worth about £250million — when they arrived at the Russ­ian palace in Octo­ber 1941.

The Rus­sians had tried to con­ceal the grand room, a gift to Peter the Great by the King of Prus­sia in 1716, by cov­er­ing it in wall­pa­per, but their plan was foiled.

The room was then tak­en by the Ger­mans by rail to Koenigs­berg Cas­tle, in what was then East Prus­sia. Now, the cas­tle is found in the city of Kalin­ingrad.

But it dis­ap­peared In Jan­u­ary 1945, after air raids and a sav­age ground assault on the city.

While some claimed it had been destroyed in the raids, oth­ers report­ed see­ing 40 wag­ons mov­ing away from the cas­tle under a cloak of secre­cy after the city fell to the Red Army.

To Mr Bow­er, it is entire­ly pos­si­ble the train may have made the almost 400-mile jour­ney across Poland to Wal­brzych, on the bor­der with the Czech Repub­lic.

‘As the Rus­sians advanced and the Allies came in from the west, there was a huge move­ment as the Ger­mans sought to keep it for them­selves,’ he explained.

Ini­tial­ly tak­en with a grain of salt, the sto­ry has gained cred­i­bil­i­ty after a cul­ture min­istry offi­cial said he saw a ground-pen­e­trat­ing radar image of the alleged train on which he could make out plat­forms and can­nons.

‘I’m more than 99 per­cent sure such a train exists, but the nature of its con­tents is unver­i­fi­able at the moment,’ Deputy Cul­ture Min­is­ter Piotr Zuchows­ki said Fri­day.


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