In the past few days, the BBC appears to have turned itself into a mouthÂpiece for Hamas. From a steady proÂcesÂsion of talkÂing heads has issued a stream of Arab proÂpaÂganÂda, along the lines that what has hapÂpened in Gaza is an inevitable outÂcome of the Israeli/western colÂlecÂtive punÂishÂment of PalesÂtinÂian votÂers for demoÂcÂraÂtÂiÂcalÂly choosÂing a parÂty of which the west disÂapÂproves, along with the Israeli/western refusal to ‘engage’ with Hamas, a sitÂuÂaÂtion which must now be remeÂdied forthÂwith. If we look a litÂtle more closeÂly at these interÂvieÂwees, howÂevÂer, it seems that such a conÂsisÂtent line may not be altoÂgethÂer coinÂciÂdenÂtal. The casuÂal lisÂtenÂer and viewÂer has been led to assume that all these ‘experts’ are ranÂdom, if well-informed, observers of the MidÂdle East scene. But a rather difÂferÂent picÂture emerges if one joins up some of the dots.
GuidÂed by a couÂple of eagle-eyed blog-posters, I have been doing just that. DisÂcussing events in Gaza on sucÂcesÂsive evenings last week, BBC TV NewsÂnight had on William Sieghart, Azzam TamiÂmi and AlasÂtair Crooke.
Azzam TamiÂmi is a self-proÂclaimed Hamas symÂpaÂthisÂer — who, inciÂdenÂtalÂly, once screamed at me on BBC Radio Four’s Moral Maze that he was perÂsonÂalÂly rewritÂing the Hamas CharÂter to remove its endorseÂment of the ProÂtoÂcols of the Elders of Zion (it’s still there), because even some Hamas types can see that this isn’t exactÂly great PR.
AlasÂtair Crooke is a forÂmer MI6 agent who conÂtroÂverÂsialÂly actÂed between Israel and Hamas and IslamÂic Jihad as a go-between until MI6 recalled him, and who ever since has argued pubÂlicly for ‘engageÂment’ with Hamas. In 2004, he wrote about Islamists and the west in the Guardian:
We do diverge on a few valÂues, but the overÂwhelmÂing bulk of Islamists and MusÂlims supÂport elecÂtions, good govÂerÂnance and freeÂdom (more so than in some EuroÂpean states, the polls show).
ExplainÂing the thinkÂing behind the group he had just foundÂed, ConÂflicts Forum, he wrote:
We need to recogÂnise the ‘othÂer’ and acknowlÂedge that MusÂlim valÂues do not pose a threat to the strateÂgic valÂues of westÂern sociÂety. MusÂlims do not hate our valÂues. They hate our poliÂcies. We need diaÂlogue at all levÂels.
William Sieghart, the founder of varÂiÂous arts events, a homeÂlessÂness charÂiÂty and a govÂerÂnor of the British InstiÂtute of Human Rights, was instruÂmenÂtal in invitÂing Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad to the Guardian Hay on Wye Book FesÂtiÂval. Those who might wonÂder quite how the ChairÂman of the Arts FounÂdaÂtion hapÂpens to have the phone numÂber of the Hamas offiÂcial spokesman in his Roladex might be enlightÂened to learn that Mr Sieghart also turns out to be chairÂman of ForÂward ThinkÂing.
ForÂward ThinkÂing is a charÂiÂty foundÂed in April 2004
to address the growÂing social isoÂlaÂtion of MusÂlim comÂmuÂniÂties in Britain and to proÂmote a more incluÂsive peace process in the MidÂdle East.
This is its team.
OlivÂer McTerÂnan is co-founder and direcÂtor of ForÂward ThinkÂing. He was responÂsiÂble for iniÂtiÂatÂing the first post-conÂflict talks between NATO and the forÂmer Yugoslav govÂernÂment. He was a VisÂitÂing FelÂlow of the WeathÂerÂhead CenÂter for InterÂnaÂtionÂal Affairs at HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty and is a Senior AssoÂciate FelÂlow of the UK Defence AcadÂeÂmy.
McTernan’s felÂlow trustee is Chris DonÂnelÂly. ForÂmerÂly the senior politÂiÂcal advisÂer to four sucÂcesÂsive SecÂreÂtary GenÂerÂals of NATO, he is direcÂtor of the InstiÂtute for StateÂcraft & GovÂerÂnance and the Senior FelÂlow at the Defence AcadÂeÂmy. He worked for 20 years at the RoyÂal MilÂiÂtary AcadÂeÂmy, SandÂhurst, iniÂtialÂly as an instrucÂtor in RussÂian and SoviÂet studÂies, and from 1973 as a memÂber of the SoviÂet StudÂies Research CenÂtre, which body he headÂed from 1979 until 1989.
The third trustee is Lord HylÂton, described on the webÂsite as havÂing a ‘disÂtinÂguished parÂliaÂmenÂtary career on matÂters relatÂing to conÂflict and civÂil rights’. Lord HylÂton is also a memÂber of the Arab lobÂby, havÂing been a memÂber of the CounÂcil for the AdvanceÂment of Arab British UnderÂstandÂing since 1993.
This is how ForÂward ThinkÂing describes its MidÂdle East iniÂtiaÂtive:
The objecÂtive of the IniÂtiaÂtive is to focus on bringÂing leadÂers who have hithÂerÂto been excludÂed from the ‘diaÂlogue comÂmuÂniÂty’ into a process of interÂnal examÂiÂnaÂtion of conÂtentious issues outÂstandÂing between the sides, and to proÂvide them with the tools and knowlÂedge to engage in a conÂstrucÂtive bilatÂerÂal process… AlongÂside its many achieveÂments, a main shortÂcomÂing of the Oslo agreeÂments was a steadÂfast failÂure to recogÂnise the necesÂsiÂty of includÂing reliÂgious and ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal conÂserÂvÂaÂtives on both sides in the peace process… ForÂward Thinking’s MidÂdle East IniÂtiaÂtive is based on our belief that as long as the voicÂes of non-conÂvinced conÂstituenÂcies are not includÂed in the diaÂlogue process between the sides, no long-term and susÂtainÂable soluÂtion can be reached. The curÂrent sitÂuÂaÂtion, in which parÂties preÂviÂousÂly excludÂed from diaÂlogue processÂes – and specifÂiÂcalÂly reliÂgiousÂly motiÂvatÂed politÂiÂcal leadÂers – are gainÂing powÂer, repÂreÂsents a unique opporÂtuÂniÂty to engage with them and bring them into conÂstrucÂtive diaÂlogue chanÂnels.
‘ReliÂgious and ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal conÂserÂvÂaÂtives on both sides’ who have been excludÂed? But Israel’s govÂernÂment is a coaliÂtion includÂing the reliÂgious parÂties. They have not been excludÂed from anyÂthing. The only excludÂed ‘reliÂgious and ideÂoÂlogÂiÂcal conÂserÂvÂaÂtives’ ForÂward ThinkÂing are tryÂing to include would appear to be… Hamas.
So to disÂcuss Hamas, the BBC put on in quick sucÂcesÂsion a) a Hamas symÂpaÂthisÂer b) a forÂmer intelÂliÂgence offiÂcer proÂmotÂing the view of the ForÂeign Office and intelÂliÂgence world that Israel and the west must talk to Hamas; and c) the chairÂman of a charÂiÂty which proÂmotes talkÂing to Hamas and whose direcÂtor and felÂlow trustee are assoÂciÂatÂed with the milÂiÂtary and intelÂliÂgence comÂplex.
Now scroll forÂward to the BBC Radio Four SunÂday ProÂgramme yesÂterÂday mornÂing. This feaÂtured an interÂview with BevÂerÂley MilÂton Edwards, described mereÂly as a proÂfesÂsor of IslamÂic studÂies at Queen’s UniÂverÂsiÂty, Belfast. Prof MilÂton Edwards described Hamas in glowÂing terms as a ‘MusÂlim nationÂal moveÂment’ which was tryÂing to bring law and order in Gaza by crackÂing down on antiÂsoÂcial and unIsÂlamÂic menÂaces like drug or alcoÂhol abuse, and which proÂmotÂed the rights of MusÂlim women, includÂing talkÂing about the danÂgers posed to them by the ‘Israeli occuÂpaÂtion’ (which is of course finÂished in Gaza, but let that pass). The proÂgramme did not chalÂlenge this account, nor did it have on anyÂone to point out that Hamas is not only comÂmitÂted to the destrucÂtion of Israel but imposÂes such tyranÂny upon the hapÂless popÂuÂlaÂtion under its conÂtrol that PalesÂtiniÂans are fleeÂing into Israel to escape it.
What the proÂgramme also failed to tell us was that Prof MilÂton Edwards was a co-founder and (forÂmer) direcÂtor of ConÂflicts Forum — the organÂiÂsaÂtion set up by none othÂer than the ubiqÂuiÂtous AlasÂtair Crooke, and which boasts on its board of advisÂers none othÂer than the equalÂly ubiqÂuiÂtous Azzam TamiÂmi (whose most memÂoÂrable pubÂlic aperÂcu was that he would conÂsidÂer becomÂing a ‘suiÂcide bomber’). Its webÂsite reveals that it stands for rather more than mereÂly ‘engagÂing’ with Islamists such as Hamas. It actuÂalÂly proÂmotes them as fine and upstandÂing peoÂple:
The overÂwhelmÂing majorÂiÂty of Islamists are strivÂing to creÂate just sociÂeties and bring about politÂiÂcal reform in a region entrenched with inequity, that has long sufÂfered t
he overÂbearÂing influÂence of forÂeign powÂers… ConÂflicts Forum’s aim is to engage and lisÂten to Islamists, while chalÂlengÂing WestÂern misÂconÂcepÂtions and misÂrepÂreÂsenÂtaÂtions of the region’s leadÂing agents of change.
The Islam scholÂar Daniel Pipes has this devÂasÂtatÂing account of Crooke’s attiÂtudes and the activÂiÂties of ConÂflicts Forum on his webÂsite:
ConÂflicts Forum has sevÂerÂal advanÂtages, startÂing with the fact that what it terms the ‘preÂvailÂing WestÂern orthoÂdoxy’ is – as notÂed above – quite soft. The group’s founder and leader, AlasÂtair Crooke, 55, was a rankÂing figÂure in both British intelÂliÂgence and EuroÂpean Union diploÂmaÂcy, someÂone who hobÂnobs with insidÂers, gives upbeat speechÂes at preÂmier venues (‘It is EssenÂtial to NegoÂtiÂate with TerÂrorÂists’ at the LonÂdon School of EcoÂnomÂics,’ ‘Can Hamas Be A PolitÂiÂcal PartÂner?’ at the CounÂcil on ForÂeign RelaÂtions), and enjoys a fawnÂing press. But Crooke’s true idenÂtiÂty came out in a clanÂdesÂtine meetÂing he held with the Hamas leadÂerÂship in June 2002, at a time when he still repÂreÂsentÂed the EuroÂpean Union. We have an account of the meetÂing preÂpared by Hamas (which Crooke claims is inacÂcuÂrate). It deserves readÂing in full for an insight into Crooke’s amoral, craven, appeasÂing, and dhimÂmi-like menÂtalÂiÂty.
•He recounts to Hamas havÂing insistÂed to two high-rankÂing EuroÂpean politiÂcians that ‘the staÂtus of Europe in the eyes of the PalesÂtiniÂans has startÂed to deteÂriÂoÂrate’ because Europe did not adeÂquateÂly supÂport the PalesÂtiniÂans.
•’The main probÂlem [in the MidÂdle East] is the Israeli occuÂpaÂtion,’ which is music to Hamas ears.
•‘As for terÂrorÂism, I hate that word,’ he tells leadÂers of a leadÂing terÂrorÂist orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, going on to imply that he instead sees Hamas operÂaÂtives as ‘freeÂdom fightÂers.’This last fits Crooke’s rouÂtine pubÂlic disÂmissal of terÂrorÂism as a threat. The West, he says, faces not ‘terÂrorÂism’ (his quote marks) but a disÂtinctÂly less nasty ‘sophisÂtiÂcatÂed, asymÂmetÂriÂcal, broad-based and irregÂuÂlar insurÂgency.’ And his ConÂflicts Forum, dubbed by jourÂnalÂist Patrick Seale ‘a club of disÂafÂfectÂed diploÂmats and intelÂliÂgence offiÂcers,’ engages in a pleasÂant form of perÂsonÂal diploÂmaÂcy that diminÂishÂes the horÂror of Islamist terÂrorÂism.
Thus, at a ConÂflicts Forum meetÂing last month in Beirut with the leadÂerÂship of four Islamist terÂrorÂist groups, includÂing Hamas and HizbulÂlah, the mood and the food were too good to allow this inconÂveÂnient subÂject to intrude. Stephen Grey, a jourÂnalÂist covÂerÂing the event, latÂer reflectÂed on it: ‘InvitÂed to dinÂner with the parÂticÂiÂpants in the Beirut talks, and sharÂing jokes with the Hamas men over tiger prawns, avoÂcaÂdo, pasÂta and cherÂry tomaÂtoes, I wonÂdered priÂvateÂly how one would explain all this intiÂmaÂcy to the mothÂer of a child killed by a suiÂcide bomber.’
I gathÂer that Prof MilÂton Edwards is no longer assoÂciÂatÂed with ConÂflicts Forum. The fact remains that she helped found it, that varÂiÂous artiÂcles she wrote with AlasÂtair Crooke remain on its webÂsite, and that she believes there is a ‘comÂmon platÂform’ between the west and Islamists bent on its destrucÂtion. In 2005, this webÂsite notÂed:
An Al Jazeera news segÂment TuesÂday reportÂed on reportÂed on an ‘unpreceÂdentÂed meetÂing’ in Beirut between leadÂers of the two terÂrorÂist groups and a new U.K.-based conÂsultÂing firm, ConÂflicts Forum. ParÂticÂiÂpants were said to include ‘AmerÂiÂcan perÂsons close to AmerÂiÂcan deciÂsion-makÂers.’ The Forum’s co-founder and direcÂtor, BevÂerÂley MilÂton-Edwards, speakÂing in EngÂlish, had this to say to Al Jazeera:
I think the imporÂtance of this meetÂing, as the speakÂer from HezbolÂlah pointÂed out this afterÂnoon, is that this isn’t actuÂalÂly about enmiÂty between the peoÂple from Islam and MusÂlims and those in the West. In fact, the idea here is to end this disconnection–for peoÂple to underÂstand that there is a comÂmon platÂform between the peoÂples of Islam and the West. So this is a unique opporÂtuÂniÂty for opinÂion forÂmÂers in North AmerÂiÂca and Europe to hear that enmiÂty is not on the table.
At the very least, the SunÂday ProÂgramme should have told its lisÂtenÂers that Prof MilÂton Edwards had a hisÂtoÂry of proÂmotÂing the interÂests of Islamist terÂrorÂists. The fact that it did not does not sugÂgest a BBC conÂspirÂaÂcy, any more than the disÂgraceÂful proÂcesÂsion of Hamas apolÂoÂgists being interÂviewed on TV withÂout any kind of chalÂlenge or health warnÂing sugÂgests such a thing either. The much more likeÂly explaÂnaÂtion is scarceÂly less disÂturbÂing. It is that a group of peoÂple repÂreÂsentÂing both Hamas and its westÂern apolÂoÂgists in the British milÂiÂtary and intelÂliÂgence world have been pushÂing themÂselves forÂward to the BBC as informed and disÂpasÂsionÂate comÂmenÂtaÂtors on events in Gaza — and the BBC ediÂtors and proÂducÂers have not seen ft to check them out because of a comÂbiÂnaÂtion of ignoÂrance, slopÂpiÂness and — most lethal of all — the fact that they mainÂly agree with the appeaseÂment of genoÂciÂdal terÂror that these proÂpaÂganÂdists are proÂmotÂing.
Just to remind you: this is (in part) what the Hamas CharÂter says:
For our strugÂgle against the Jews is extremeÂly wide-rangÂing and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyÂal efforts we can wield, to be folÂlowed by furÂther steps and reinÂforced by sucÂcesÂsive batÂtalÂions from the mulÂtiÂfarÂiÂous Arab and IslamÂic world, until the eneÂmies are defeatÂed and Allah’s vicÂtoÂry preÂvails. …The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until MusÂlims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O MusÂlim! there is a Jew hidÂing behind me, come on and kill him!
The eneÂmies have been schemÂing for a long time, and they have conÂsolÂiÂdatÂed their schemes, in order to achieve what they have achieved. They took advanÂtage of key eleÂments in unfoldÂing events, and accuÂmuÂlatÂed a huge and influÂenÂtial mateÂrÂiÂal wealth which they put to the serÂvice of impleÂmentÂing their dream. This wealth [perÂmitÂted them to] take over conÂtrol of the world media such as news agenÂcies, the press, pubÂliÂcaÂtion housÂes, broadÂcastÂing and the like. [They also used this] wealth to stir revÂoÂluÂtions in varÂiÂous parts of the globe in order to fulÂfill their interÂests and pick the fruits. They stood behind the French and the ComÂmuÂnist RevÂoÂluÂtions and behind most of the revÂoÂluÂtions we hear about here and there.
They also used the monÂey to estabÂlish clanÂdesÂtine orgaÂniÂzaÂtions which are spreadÂing around the world, in order to destroy sociÂeties and carÂry out ZionÂist interÂests. Such orgaÂniÂzaÂtions are: the FreemaÂsons, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, B’nai B’rith and the like. All of them are destrucÂtive spyÂing orgaÂniÂzaÂtions. They also used the monÂey to take over conÂtrol of the ImpeÂriÂalÂist states and made them colÂoÂnize many counÂtries in order to exploit the wealth of those counÂtries and spread their corÂrupÂtion thereÂin. As regards local and world wars, it has come to pass and no one objects, that they stood behind World War I, so as to wipe out the IslamÂic Caliphate. They colÂlectÂed mateÂrÂiÂal gains and took conÂtrol of many sources of wealth. They obtained the BalÂfour DecÂlaÂraÂtion and estabÂlished the League of Nations in order to rule the world by means of that orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. They also stood behind World War II, where they colÂlectÂed immense benÂeÂfits from tradÂing with war mateÂriÂals and preÂpared for the estabÂlishÂment of their state. They inspired the estabÂlishÂment of the UnitÂed Nations and the SecuÂriÂty CounÂcil to replace the League of Nations, in order to rule the world by their interÂmeÂdiÂary. There was no war that broke out anyÂwhere withÂout their finÂgerÂprints on it…
Their scheme has been laid out in the ProÂtoÂcols of the Elders of Zion, and their present [conÂduct] i
s the best proof of what is said there… WithÂin the cirÂcle of the conÂflict with world ZionÂism, the Hamas regards itself the spearÂhead and the avant-garde. It joins its efforts to all those who are active on the PalesÂtinÂian scene, but more steps need to be takÂen by the Arab and IslamÂic peoÂples and IslamÂic assoÂciÂaÂtions throughÂout the Arab and IslamÂic world in order to make posÂsiÂble the next round with the Jews, the merÂchants of war.
This is the dementÂed and genoÂciÂdal creed of the peoÂple with whom our military/intelligence estabÂlishÂment is now telling us we must ‘engage’ and whose interÂests it is ruthÂlessÂly pushÂing, courÂtesy of an intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂly and proÂfesÂsionÂalÂly bankÂrupt BBC. If the British ParÂliaÂment still counts for anyÂthing at all, it should call time on this monÂstrous appeaseÂment of evil.
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