Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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The Morlock/Palin Connection: Coincidence or Conspiracy?


COMMENT: As a boy, I loved the Hol­ly­wood motion pic­ture made from H.G. Wells’ nov­el The Time Machine. In that sci-fi clas­sic, the world is trans­formed after a nuclear holo­caust. Gen­tle sur­vivors on the sur­face of the earth are raised and har­vest­ed for food by mutant can­ni­bals called the Mor­locks, who live under­ground. (One is pic­tured at right with Yvette Mimeux [“Weena”].)

A recent inci­dent, which casts fur­ther asper­sions on the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan, involved a series of appar­ent­ly pre-med­i­tat­ed killings of Afghan civil­ians. One of the fig­ures con­vict­ed in a court mar­tial was Spe­cial­ist Jere­my Mor­lock from Wasil­la, Alas­ka.

The Mor­locks are asso­ciates of the Palin fam­i­ly in that admit­ted­ly small com­mu­ni­ty. Is this a mere coin­ci­dence, aris­ing from a crude, imma­ture and [pos­si­bly] racist ori­en­ta­tion on the part of Mor­lock? That may well be the case. The tim­ing, how­ev­er, is sin­gu­lar­ly unfor­tu­nate, mak­ing things just that much tougher for the U.S., the troops in Afghanistan and else­where and, of course, for the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion.

There are real, very mon­strous Mor­locks on the earth­’s sur­face, or so it would appear.

“Sarah and Todd Palin, Jere­my Mor­lock­’s Fam­i­ly, and More Secrets from Wasil­la Revealed”; palingates.blogspot.com; 7/21/2010.

EXCERPT: . . . . In my lit­tle teas­er in the com­ments ear­li­er today I said that it will have a bit of every­thing. The main part of the events have to do with the Palins and the Mor­locks, two fam­i­lies who are very close to each oth­er. The chil­dren grew up and played togeth­er, they went to school with each oth­er, they had sleep­overs at each oth­er’s hous­es, the kids had Sarah Pal­in’s cell­phone num­ber saved and some of the adults have known each oth­er for more than 30 years. The asso­ci­a­tion of the fam­i­lies is very, very tight.

If you think you rec­og­nize this name: I am talk­ing about the fam­i­ly of Jere­my Mor­lock, the sol­dier from Wasil­la who was recent­ly arrest­ed for being under sus­pi­cion of mur­der, while being on duty in Afghanistan. . . .


3 comments for “The Morlock/Palin Connection: Coincidence or Conspiracy?”

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/13/afghanistan-base-nazi-name_n_1273444.html

    Afghanistan Base ‘Aryan’ Rais­es Objec­tions From Sol­diers Over Name

    week’s embar­rass­ing con­tro­ver­sy involv­ing Marines dis­play­ing a flag with what appeared to be a Nazi insignia, Amer­i­can and Afghan sol­diers have alleged that an Army base near Kan­da­har was named Com­bat Out­post “Aryan,” a term evoca­tive of Nazi rhetoric.

    In a let­ter to Sec­re­tary of Defense Leon Panet­ta on Mon­day morn­ing, lawyers rep­re­sent­ing the Mil­i­tary Reli­gious Free­dom Foun­da­tion demand­ed that Panet­ta imme­di­ate­ly rename the base and launch an inves­ti­ga­tion into its nam­ing. “The hor­ren­dous reli­gious and eth­nic con­no­ta­tions are beyond dis­pute, as is the hor­ri­bly wrong­ful nature of either the base name or the use of the SS insignia,” wrote Ran­dal Math­is of the Dal­las law firm Math­is, Don­heis­er and Jeter.

    The name of the out­post was includ­ed in a news bul­letin from June 2011 on the web­site of the Army’s 170th Infantry Brigade. A sub­or­di­nate unit of the brigade, which is based in Ger­many and was deployed to south­ern Afghanistan at the time, pub­lished a pho­to of Amer­i­can sol­diers meet­ing with their Afghan coun­ter­parts at “Com­bat Out­post Aryan” on June 5.

    The Depart­ment of Defense pushed back on the report, telling The Huff­in­g­ton Post that it has no record of the alleged base name. “We have not been able to iden­ti­fy any ISAF facil­i­ties in Kan­da­har named ‘Aryan,’ but there is an Afghan Nation­al Army Com­bat Out­post in south­west Ghazni province called ‘Ari­an,’ ” said Com­man­der William Speaks.

    Accord­ing to MRFF founder Mikey Wein­stein, his orga­ni­za­tion was con­tact­ed on Sun­day night by a group of Amer­i­cans and Afghans out­raged by the base’s name but afraid to take the mat­ter to their supe­ri­ors. “The ANA [Afghan Nation­al Army] folks did not believe they could go to the Amer­i­cans, and our own mem­bers of the mil­i­tary did­n’t think they could go up the chain [of com­mand],” he said.

    Wein­stein told The Huff­in­g­ton Post that most of the 21 Amer­i­can ser­vice­mem­bers who con­tact­ed him were based in the Kan­da­har area, and at least two of them had been sta­tioned at Com­bat Out­post Aryan. He also claimed that in the Unit­ed States, mil­i­tary mem­bers at a uni­fied com­mand — a com­mand made up of units from all of the mil­i­tary ser­vices — had attempt­ed to inform their supe­ri­ors of their con­cerns about the name but were ignored.

    The nam­ing of Com­bat Out­post Aryan is the sec­ond inci­dent involv­ing Nazi sym­bol­ism in the mil­i­tary in four days. On Fri­day, pic­tures sur­faced of Marines in Afghanistan hold­ing what appeared to be the flag of the SS, an infa­mous para­mil­i­tary unit with­in the Nazi par­ty. The Marine Corps apol­o­gized for the inci­dent and Panet­ta has called for an inves­ti­ga­tion, but none of the indi­vid­ual Marines in the pic­ture were pun­ished.

    The MRFF dis­missed the mil­i­tary’s reac­tion to the flag as inad­e­quate, say­ing it ignores a wider issue in mil­i­tary cul­ture. “These two things could not have occurred out­side an envi­ron­ment that is appar­ent­ly tol­er­at­ing, if not encour­ag­ing,” they said in their let­ter to Panet­ta. “Sure­ly your office does not con­done such wretched behav­ior. Giv­en the lack of any mean­ing­ful response last week from the Marine Corps, appar­ent­ly only your office can do some­thing of mer­it about it.”

    But Com­man­der Speaks, the depart­ment spokesman, chal­lenged the link­age to Nazi sym­bol­ism. “I would note that the name ‘Ari­an’ (or ‘Ari­ana’) refers to an ancient tribe in Afghanistan, and the name is used by Afghans (e.g., there is a news out­let, and an air­line with the same name),” he wrote to The Huff­in­g­ton Post.

    Despite his dis­dain for the depth of the mil­i­tary’s response, how­ev­er, Wein­stein said the SS flag inci­dent had allowed con­cerned sol­diers the free­dom to inform him about Com­bat Out­post Aryan. “When it rains, it pours, and they felt that now they had more cov­er,” he said of the sol­diers who con­tact­ed him. “The ANA mem­bers were par­tic­u­lar­ly ter­ri­fied.”

    Posted by R. Wilson | February 13, 2012, 7:42 pm
  2. @Robert Wil­son–

    Good show, bro!

    One of the most reward­ing AND frus­trat­ing aspects of doing this is to call the shots ahead of time and get labeled a nutjob.

    For how long, and on how many occa­sions have I warned about “Ser­pen­t’s Walk” being a blue­print and a man­i­festo, not a mere nov­el?

    In that book, the descen­dants of the SS go underground–we know that hap­pened. They did just that.

    They infil­trate the mil­i­tary.

    They use their eco­nom­ic mus­cle to launch giant transna­tion­al corporations–witness the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work.

    They buy into the opin­ion form­ing media–witness Ber­tels­mann (the pub­lish­ing house of the SS, whose house his­to­ri­an blames WWII on FDR, and, of course Jews) hav­ing more than twice the vol­ume of any oth­er Eng­lish lan­guage pub­lish­er.

    Final­ly, the Nazis take over the U.S. in mid 21st cen­tu­ry after the coun­try is hit by ter­ror­ist inci­dents involv­ing WMD’s, brought in through the con­trolled drug traf­fick­ing net­works. (Recall Hop­sick­er’s land­mark work about the Huff­man Avi­a­tion milieu, through which Atta & com­pa­ny infil­trat­ed the US.)

    Final­ly, mar­tial law is declared and the Under­ground Reich cements its con­trol.

    Also note the FTR series “Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties.”

    Stay tuned.

    Posted by Dave Emory | February 13, 2012, 8:02 pm
  3. @R. Wil­son: Good arti­cle! First heard about it on Demo­c­ra­t­ic Under­ground. TBH, when I first saw that pho­to I hon­est­ly thought these guys might have just ripped off the logo of the glam-rock band KISS. How­ev­er, though, one must won­der if indeed some­thing more sin­is­ter may have been intend­ed.

    @Dave: Yep. Not to men­tion the attempts at infil­trat­ing cer­tain move­ments such as the 9/11 Truth move­ment and Occu­py Wall Street(while the lat­ter group has had some decent suc­cess at expos­ing & keep­ing the scum out, the for­mer, on the oth­er hand, has been bad­ly com­pro­mised at this point, as infil­tra­tion of liars, use­ful idiots, etc. such as Michael Collins Piper and Eric Huf­schmid has sad­ly been very suc­cess­ful).

    Posted by Steven L. | February 14, 2012, 12:24 pm

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