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COMMENT: Red Alert: this is one helluva conspiracy theory. In fact, it is–as the title indicates–a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory. Major kudos to Neil Allen, who assembled much of the outer layer of analysis in his blog post, accessed in its entirety below.
Much has been written about the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, CT in December of 2012.
Most of the discussion has focused on firearms and gun control-related issues, with conspiracy theories originating, largely from the anti-Obama right wing, about this being a gambit to “take away our guns.”
In this post we explore a hypothesis that has not had much exposure.
Adam Lanza certainly had severe psychological problems, including autism (according to some sources).
That he existed in an environment inhabited by pedophile priests, apparently enjoying tacit support from the Church hierarchy in the area, has been largely eclipsed by other points of debate.
Neil Allen has chronicled the presence of serial pedophile priests in the church and Catholic school Lanza attended. One of the molesting priests was awarded a position in Stamford (Connecticut) where his father resided. One wonders if Adam may have encountered him during his stay in Stamford.
IF Adam Lanza was molested by Castaldo and/or others as Neil Allen has hypothesized, we wonder if that may have helped to precipitate the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. (Lanza’s murder/suicide spree was in December of 2012.)
The Pope has been faulted for not acting with sufficient vigor when he was in charge of the Vatican body responsible for overseeing such matters.
In an update, “Pterrafractyl” informs us that Adam Lanza had an apparent preoccupation with pedophilia. (See text excerpt below.)
Several points to consider in the context of Vatican power politics:
- The Catholic pristhood has long been a focal point of intelligence gathering and political intrigue, deriving from the ritual of confession. That has long attracted the interest of institutions and individuals seeking “inside information” and/or dirt on the vulnerable and powerful. Organized crime elements have also been involved with the Vatican’s financial hierarchy for quite some time.
- The Vatican has been inextricably involved with fascism and the world’s intelligence services. The IOR (Vatican Bank) was heavily involved in the financing of Nazi industry and a nexus of intrigue and corruption in the decades following the end of the war. (AFA #‘s 17–21 provide an in depth investigation of many of the Vatican’s shady relationships.)
- As one of the world’s major religions, the Catholic Church is a major epicenter of global power.
ENTIRE TEXT: To save people time, I will give a 1 minute summary followed by details with verifiable online pointers to facts.
Note that this is just a theory about a motive, and will be shocking to everyone.
- Adam Lanza was raped by a known, convicted Catholic pedophile priest named Fr John J Castaldo when Adam Lanza was 6 years old, when his family moved to Newtown, CT, in 1998.
- He never stopped thinking about the traumatic moment of being raped by “Christ on earth”, which is what priests call themselves. He spent every moment of his life trying to rationalize it. He never developed normally.
- Then he went to that specific classroom because there were mostly 6 year old Catholic children in that room.
- No one protected Adam, Adam would show the Catholics that their children couldn’t be protected.
- The Lanzas moved to Newtown in 1998. See last paragraph at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/for-lanza-family-son-adams-difficulties-dominated/2012/12/17/3c0e8eb0-4890–11e2-ad54-580638ede391_story.html
- A known, convicted, serial pedophile priest named Fr John J Castaldo resided there from 1998 until 2001.
- Fr Castaldo’s arrest for pedophilia by law enforcement in a sting operation. http://www.bishop-accountability.org/news3/2001_05_25_Fitzgerald_ConnecticutPriest_John_Castaldo_4.htm
- He got one week in jail. Search for Castaldo in the article. athttp://www.newstimes.com/news/article/A‑decade-of-strange-plot-twists-306249.php
- Castaldo was accused of attacking a boy under “extreme threat and intimidation”, had been was expelled from his seminary for “remarkable bizarre behavior.” http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Diocese-loses-lawsuit-in-priest-sex-abuse-case-823058.php
- Article in the Harford Courant gives more details. He was an especially frightening pedophile. http://articles.courant.com/2010–03-04/community/hc-priest-case-0304.artmar03_1_sexual-abuse-diocese-drug-abuse
- One of many lawsuits against Castaldo. http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/crime/ct-man-sues-church-on-alleged-abuse#.UNFfPW80V8E
- Castaldo has been accused of the sexual abuse of at least four boys, ages 10–14.
- Castaldo had two disturbing psychological assessments that noted he “was fearful of his own aggressive drives,” had “difficulty accepting his own sexual urges and desires as normal,” and was preoccupied with his “unresolved sexual urges.” See NBC 30 article at http://www.bishop-accountability.org/news2005_01_06/2005_01_19_NBC30_SettlementReached.htm
- Fr Castaldo admitted under oath that he “suffered from a sexual sickness.” http://www.bishop-accountability.org/news3/2005_01_13_Tepfer_PriestAdmits_John_Castaldo_2.htm
- More with pointers athttp://www.bishopaccountability.org/assign/Castaldo_John_J.htm
- The Lanza’s were Catholic, and went to Fr Castaldo’s church. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/he_prayed_preyed_lTNjJcwqMzWxFztFpWNEkN
- Fr Castaldo’s arrest for pedophilia by law enforcement in a sting operation. http://www.bishop-accountability.org/news3/2001_05_25_Fitzgerald_ConnecticutPriest_John_Castaldo_4.htm
- Now the speculation:
- Adam is a quiet 6 year old who moves to Newtown in 1998. Fr Castaldo was a serial child rapist, and pedophile priests have as much sex as they can get away with. Most victims never came forward (like Adam) because they knew they wouldn’t be believed.
- Castaldo probably had many victims, most of which never came forward.
- Adam may or may not have had autism, making him easy prey. Adam would never tell anyone, and could be manipulated easily.
- Castaldo has sex with Adam, and the Catholic church hides and reassigns Castaldo, as they have done thousands of times in the United States
- Psychological trauma:
- It is tough for anyone to grasp the psychological trauma that a child experiences when they are raped by a Catholic priest.
- <trigger alert>
- They think they are being anally stabbed to death by “Christ on earth”, because that is what Catholic priests call themselves. The pain is excruciating. They think Christ is trying to kill them, and God won’t help. They feel grunting, and groaning, and violent movement.
- Then the pedophile priest typically tells them it is their fault, and that they will get in trouble if they tell anyone, and that no one would believe them. They believe they are going to hell, and don’t know why.
- They have more psychological pressure than anyone could endure, let alone an undeveloped 7 year old.
- The pedophile priest goes to Catholic confession, is forgiven, and forgets about it.
- Adam thinks about that moment every moment of every day. For years, he thinks he is the only child in the world raped by Christ on earth. He has nightmares that never stop.
- His first goal is to make sure that no one ever knows what happened to him. His biggest fear is that he is caught, and will be eternally bullied for being punished/raped/stabbed by “Christ on earth”.
- Catholic child rape, and pedophile priest protection, is the ultimate psychological bullying.
- He can’t even talk to other children. He never develops socially.
- As he grows older, he sees the world differently than everyone else. He has no help or guidance. Everyone calls him “odd”, affirming his belief that there is something wrong with him. He knows. He may think he was raped by Christ because he was bad, at age 6, or he was odd. He can’t figure out what he did wrong. The psycological games would destroy any human mind. Especially a 6, 7, 8 year old. And it gets worse every year. And he can’t talk to anyone about it, so he doesn’t talk to anyone at all. He lives life in a complete bubble. Even Mom and the psycologists don’t have any idea.
- He has nightmares every single night, and can’t stop them.
- When he matures, and finds out that the Catholic church knows about his, and no one cares, and Castaldo and other priests get no penalty, he sees a world of evil.
- Many victims of Catholic pedophile priest rape commit suicide. In Australia, 40 suicides have been traced back to just 5 pedophile priests who abused children between 1960 and the late 1980s, and Catholics STILL don’t care enough to do anything about. ithttp://www.theage.com.au/victoria/churchs-suicide-victims-20120412–1wwox.html
- Adam Lanza would know, through his internet research, that the Catholic church paid $11 million in Philadelphia to protect Msgr Lynn, who admitted to shredding evidence about 35 known pedophile priests in 1994. Msgr Lynn shredded this information at the request of Cardinal Bevilacqua and with the knowledge of 2 bishops, Cullen & Cistone.
- Mostly, in Adam Lanza’s bubble, he knows that the Catholic church fights to protect known child rapists and fights to humiliate the victims. There is no good in this world that Adam sees. In a world where Catholics say this is God’s best church, Adam sees nothing but evil. He did something wrong when he was 6, and doesn’t know what it is. He has always thought he was going to hell.
- He will commit suicide, but before he does, he will take revenge against the 6 year olds, most of which were Catholic. Catholics never protected or helped Adam at any point since he was 6, and he would show that their children couldn’t be protected.
- I could go on for hours, but you get the idea. An evil brain has been created, and has been cooking for 14 years.
- New (2/1/13) In 5th grade, Adam Lanza threw up while watching a sex education video. This would make sense for a child rape victim of a Catholic priest, who is now 11 years old and just learning about sex, reliving what happened to him when he was 6 years old. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2012/12/18/adam-lanza-sandy-hook-student/1777525/
- Like most Catholic priest rape victims, Adam never tells anyone.
- Adam exhibited many of the traits of children of Catholic priest child rape, which are unique, because they think they were raped by “Christ on earth”, which is what priests call themselves. Adam:
- Had no real friends.
- Couldn’t relate to people.
- Never told anyone what happened to him.
- Could never be touched or hugged, according to his mother inhttp://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/mother_devoted_her_life_to_him_then_PADqWsNSMfrx3KnO6JnlrI
- This is very common among Catholic priest rape victims.
- Also, the barber said he never talked, and his mom did all his talking (because being touched was so traumatic). Worse yet, the barber shop was right across the street from the Catholic church, which may be where Adam was raped: http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/18/us/connecticut-shooting-adam-lanza-barber/index.html
- Adam exhibited many of the traits of children of Catholic priest child rape, which are unique, because they think they were raped by “Christ on earth”, which is what priests call themselves. Adam:
- Adam goes to the school with a plan:
- Kill the psychologist that didn’t help him when he was young.
- Kill anyone who gets in his way.
- Kill the 6 year old children, most of which were Catholics. If Catholics didn’t protect him, he would see that those 6 year olds weren’t protected, and take revenge against the parents of those 6 year olds, who didn’t care what happened to him when he was 6 years old.
- In his world (his isolationist bubble), he can now control whether 6 year old children are protected
- The viciousness has been developed for years, and the hatred is unlimited.
- An insane mind has been created.
- He shoots himself as soon as the police showed up. He can never be touched.
- After the massacre, the local Catholic church, St Rose, was threatened, probably by another of Castaldo’s victims who never came forward:
- http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/16/worshippers-flee-newtown-church-over-bomb-threat/
- The other victim sees that Catholic support their priests regardless of their rampant child rape, going to the church to listen to them.
- According to Yahoo news, an unidentified male called the rectory, threatening to “kill everyone.” “My friend didn’t finish the job,” the caller said, according to the church official. It would make sense that this is another one of Fr Castaldo’s child rape victims.
- See http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/newtown-church-evacuated-due-unspecified-threat-during-noon-182416799.html
There’s the theory, and is a more complete explanation than anything else I’ve seen. If they investigate with this in mind, they will find internet sites he visited about Catholics protecting pedophile priests. Even if his computer was destroyed, his internet provider will have a log of all the sites he visited.
Lastly, why did his brain snap that day? My guess is that it was the anniversary of the date he was raped, a date he fears every year, when the weather, daylight, and pre-Christmas celebration by everyone remind him in ways he can’t forget.
Alternatively, it could have been because his mother said she was going to put him in an institution. However, the bigger issue for him would have been that he couldn’t handle being touched.
This is a complete motive with an explanation for everything. Let’s see what other evidence comes up.
UPDATES, thanks to a commenter below.
- Another known (and admitted) pedophile priest named Fr Charles Stubbs, who admitted molesting a boy in 1997, was also at St Rose of Lima Parish around that time, as proven in the Reuters article. pedophile priest Fr Charles Stubbs at St Rose of Lima Church when Adam Lanza was there. However, he may have left after 1997, and Adam Lanza arrived in 1998. The article doesn’t make it clear whether Stubbs continued to live in Newtown in 1998.
- Stubbs had been protected and moved by multiple priests including Bishop Egan, who put him in Newtown in 1997.
- I could not find proof that Fr Donovan was at St Rose of Lima during that time period.
- Regardless, with AT LEAST 2 known pedophile priests in the Newtown parish at that time, there certainly was a culture of accepted pedophilia.
EXCERPT: . . . .He liked to go “off grid” from time to time, and frequently reformatted his computer hard drives, presumably to cover his tracks, the friend said.
Another topic of discussions was pedophilia.
Among the documents investigators found on Lanza’s computer was one titled “pbear” that investigators described as “advocating pedophiles’ rights and the liberation of children.” Another, called “Lovebound,” was a screenplay describing a relationship between a 10-year-old boy and a 30-year-old man.
Lanza said his stance on issues of mental illness, including pedophilia, “would cause others to make snap judgments about him as an apologist,” Lanza’s theater friend told authorities. . . .
Some of the details in the police final report certainly raise these kinds of questions:
There was a recent piece in the Connecticut press addressing this topic. It included interviews with a number of the experts involved in the investigation that discussed the possibility that the shooter’s was a victim himself. The experts assert that there’s no evidence that he was a victim, although the family’s attendance at the Catholic church with multiple convicted priests is never mentioned:
Keep in mind that much of the content of destroyed hard drives was never recovered so, as the FBI investigator pointed out, it’s hard to say whether or not that was part of what he was hiding by destroying the drives. Also note that it was recently reported that The FBI made a trip to the family home back in 2004 due to the shooter’s hacking of two government websites (he would have been around 12 at the time). So he probably would have had the technical know-how required to obtain that kind of illegal content online if he was so inclined:
We got a very interesting update related to the investigation into the still mysterious motives of Thomas Matthew Crooks and the Trump assassination attempt. We got a new report in the Daily Beast from an unnamed senior law enforcement source about the FBI’s analysis of Crooks’s cell phones. It sounds like they managed to review his search history and the last thing he looked up was porn.
But that’s not the very interesting update we got in the report. The very interesting update isn’t actually about the Crooks investigation. Instead, that same unnamed senior law enforcement source provides some context for the finding of a final porn search by pointing out that “It’s not unusual,” and that Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooter Adam Lanza had images of child abuse on his phone.
Now, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about a fascination with child abuse by Lanza. For starters, there was the under-explored history of Lanza attending a Catholic church and school where serial pedophile priests were present, raising the grimly intriguing possibility that the surprise resignation of Pope Benedict weeks after the massacre was done in anticipation of a major church scandal erupting from the investigation. And then we got the updates around a year after the massacre about how Lanza had a strong interest in not just pedophilia but apparently was an advocate for pedophile rights. But we hadn’t heard about child abuse images actually found on his phone.
But as we’re also going to see in the December 2017 CNN report excerpt below, it turns out there was another very interesting set of investigative revelations about Lanza’s background found in the 1,500 pages of heavily redacted FBI investigative documents released that year. And according to those documents, an unidentified woman befriended Lanza online in the two years leading up to the shooting. And according to this woman, Lanza was “singularly focused and obsessed with mass murders and spree killings” and looked upon school shooters “with respect and understanding.” She described him as someone who “devoted almost all of his Internet activity to researching and discussing” mass killings he meticulously documented and viewed as “a symptom caused by a broken society.” Lanza also apparently shared with her the idea that adult-child sexual relationships could be “possibly beneficial to both parties.” At the same time, he suggested to the woman the notion that he was likely “asexual”. We’re told in the report that one of three CDs taken from Lanza’s home contained pornographic images, although there’s was no indication they were child abuse images.
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Lanza having friends. He reportedly was such a regular customer at a local movie theater arcade playing Dance Dance Revolution that employees called him the “DDR Guy”. But we hadn’t heard about an online female friend who was apparently in regular contact with Lanza during the two year period leading up to the attack.
But that two year relationship with the online woman is potentially even more significant when we learn that Lanza may have begun planning for the massacre as early as March of 2011, roughly 21 months before the attack. So Lanza was apparently obsessing about mass shooters (and sometimes pedophile rights) for nearly the entire two years this unidentified woman was in some sort of regular online contact with him. We have no idea what platform they were using for their online communications but it’s worth keeping in mind how popular gaming forums like Steam have been found to host forums dedicated to the celebration of mass shooters.
Was Lanza a regular on one of these mass shooter celebration forums? We have no idea, but the fact that there were still major investigative details in that case that have yet to get exposed and could help explain the motive — like the detail that Lanza had child abuse images on his phone — is a reminder that we really probably shouldn’t expect a complete explanation for the motive even when a more complete investigation is available. Especially if revealing that motive threatens a major institution like the Catholic Church or the motive is just too dark and demented for the public to wrap its head around the explanation. And the more we learn about Lanza’s motives, the more dark and demented and potentially scandalous that entire story becomes. So let’s hope we can a sensible explanation for why Crooks did what he did. But as we’ve learned with the multi-year drip of investigative details from the Sandy Hook case, don’t necessarily expect that explanation any time soon even if those details are already known by investigators. Especially if the explanation is just too dark, or scandalous, for public digestion:
“The discovery of searches for pornography did not surprise law enforcement. “It’s not unusual,” the source said, noting that Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooter Adam Lanza had images of child abuse on his phone, and that numerous al Qaeda suspects have been found to have searched for extreme pornography along with tracts for Islamist purity.”
Adam Lanza had child abuse images on his phone? And we’re just learning about this now from an anonymous law enforcement source nearly 12 years later? Yep.
But at the same time, this is far from the first time we’ve heard about Lanza’s interest in pedophilia. There were hints of some sort of child abuse-related motive from the start given Lanza’s history attending a Catholic church and school where serial pedophile priests were present. And then we got the updates around a year after the massacre about how Lanza had a strong interest in not just pedophilia but apparently was an advocate for pedophile rights. But we hadn’t heard about child abuse images actually found on his phone.
And that interesting, if very belated, updated to the Sandy Hook case brings us to the following report from back in 2017 about the release of roughly 1,500 heavily redacted investigative documents by the FBI. Documents that include another very interesting detail that wasn’t initially disclosed about Lanza: an unidentified woman apparently befriended Lanza online in the two years leading up to the shooting. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Lanza having friends. He reportedly was such a regular customer at a local movie theater arcade playing Dance Dance Revolution that employees called him the “DDR Guy”. But we hadn’t heard about an online female friend who was apparently in regular contact with Lanza during the two year period leading up to the attack.
And according to this woman, Lanza was “singularly focused and obsessed with mass murders and spree killings” and looked upon school shooters “with respect and understanding.” She described him as someone who “devoted almost all of his Internet activity to researching and discussing” mass killings he meticulously documented and viewed as “a symptom caused by a broken society.”
Beyond that, Lanza apparently shared with her the idea that adult-child sexual relationships could be “possibly beneficial to both parties.” At the same time, he also shared with the woman the notion that he was likely “asexual”. We’re told in the report that one of three CDs taken from Lanza’s home contained pornographic images, although there’s was no indication they were child abuse images.
Another part of what makes the two year relationship with the online woman potentially significant is that is also sounds like Lanza may have begun planning for the massacre as early as March of 2011, roughly 21 months before the attack. So Lanza was openly obsessed with mass shooters for nearly the entire two years she was in some sort of regular online contact with him. It raises the question: were they communicating over one of those online gaming forums that celebrates mass shooters? Steam forums perhaps? We have no idea. All we know is Lanza was in contact with a woman for two years during which time he was openly fixated on mass shooters and apparently pedophile rights too. And we only learned this five years after the attack as part of a heavily redacted document dump:
“The behavioral analysis determined that Lanza did not “snap” at the time of the massacre but instead engaged in careful, methodical planning and preparation. Evidence suggests he began contemplating the killing spree as early as March 2011, according to the documents.”
Adam Lanza started plotting a killing spree as early as March of 2011, 21 months before the massacre. It’s not clear what exactly that ‘start’ date is based on, but it sounds like investigators got an idea of what Lanza was thinking about during this period from the accounts of a woman who befriended him online roughly two years before the shooting. Based on that timeline, it sounds like Lanza met this woman online and, not long after, began plotting.
And while it’s unclear if Lanza discussed any of the plotting with this unnamed woman, it’s clear he talked about mass murders and spree killing with her. She told investigators Lanza was “singularly focused and obsessed with mass murders and spree killings” and looked upon school shooters “with respect and understanding.” He was so uniformly focused on mass murders that he “devoted almost all of his Internet activity to researching and discussing” mass killings he meticulously documented and viewed as “a symptom caused by a broken society,” according to this woman. So it would appear this person had a roughly two year long online relationship with Lanza where he almost entirely spoke about his love of mass killing sprees. And we only learned about this in 2017, five years after the massacre:
Beyond sharing his obsession with mass murderers with this woman, it even sounds like Lanza shared how he felt adult-child sexual relationships could be “possibly beneficial to both parties,” while also expressing a belief that he could be “asexual”. It sounds Lanza had a closer relationship with this woman than just about anyone else we’ve heard about. Which raises the question of who else was Lanza in contact with online? Who else was he sharing his fixation with mass murder and pedophilia rights with? Just this woman or a larger online group? Considering we only learned about the existence of this woman five years after the attack and haven’t really learned anything since, odds are we’re never going to get an answer to that question:
We have no idea how Adam Lanza’s pedophilia interest fed into his decision to shoot up those classrooms. But it’s hard to imagine there wasn’t a connection. Something still unexplained to this day compelled Lanza to do what he did. And yet, for whatever reason, the pedophilia/child abuse angle to this story was barely acknowledged initially and only came out in sporadic updates to the story years later with no apparent investigative attempt to connect this pedophilia obsession (and possible history of abuse at a Catholic school) with his underlying motive for shooting up that school. So don’t be surprised if we never get an explanation for why Crooks did what he did. But also try not to be surprised if we learn key details about a potential motive that are only released years from now with no real attempt to update the public’s understanding of what happened or why. It happens.