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The Tex Watson Tapes: Days of Future Passed

COMMENT: A sto­ry that broke dur­ing the elec­tion cam­paign of 2012 calls to mind a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions.

It has been dis­closed that phone taps on con­vict­ed Man­son Fam­i­ly killer Tex Wat­son have infor­ma­tion that may relate to 12 addi­tion­al mur­ders. 

Por­trayed by the media as a bunch of way­ward hip­pies, the Man­son group, in fact, had par­tic­i­pa­tion by neo-Nazi ele­ments, as well as links to the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.

One won­ders who the oth­er vic­tims might have been?

Might one of them have been Mari­na Habe, daugh­ter of Hans Habe, an anti-fas­cist activist and jour­nal­ist who worked for U.S. intel­li­gence dur­ing World War II and after­ward. Habe had been involved in attempt­ing to fos­ter a non-Nazi press estab­lish­ment in post­war Ger­many, some­thing that would not have sat well with the Under­ground Reich.

Was Mari­na killed in retal­i­a­tion for her father’s activ­i­ties?

Might the oth­er vic­tims alleged­ly dis­cussed on the Wat­son tapes, or some of them, have been killed for polit­i­cal rea­sons?

In our next post, we will ana­lyze evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries between the Robert Kennedy assas­si­na­tion and the Man­son killings.

“12 Unsolved Mur­ders Have Pos­si­ble Ties to Man­son fam­i­ly, LAPD Says” by Saman­tha Tata and Robert Kovacik; NBC News; 10/18/2012.

EXCERPT: The LAPD on Thurs­day announced it has open inves­ti­ga­tions on a dozen unsolved homi­cides near known Man­son Fam­i­ly hang­outs around Los Ange­les.

The rev­e­la­tion came amid a legal bat­tle to obtain hours of audio tape record­ings between for­mer Charles Man­son fol­low­er and con­vict­ed mur­der­er Charles “Tex” Wat­son and his lawyer.

“We have an oblig­a­tion to the fam­i­lies of these vic­tims,” Cmdr. Andy Smith told NBC4. “Our detec­tives need to lis­ten to these tapes. The tapes might help with solv­ing these mur­ders.”

News of the open inves­ti­ga­tion was first report­ed by the Los Ange­les Times Thurs­day and con­firmed to NBC4 by LAPD offi­cials. Smith told the Times the 12 mur­ders they are inves­ti­gat­ing “are sim­i­lar to some of the Man­son killings.”

Man­son and his fol­low­ers shot to infamy in 1969 after the mur­ders of preg­nant actress Sharon Tate and four oth­ers at a Bene­dict Canyon home in the hills above Los Ange­les. That ram­page was fol­lowed the next night by the mur­ders of Leno and Rose­mary LaBi­an­ca in their Los Feliz home.

The unheard record­ings sought by the LAPD were made more than four decades ago, after Watson’s arrest for his role in the Tate-LaBi­an­ca slay­ings.

LAPD’s effort to obtain the tapes was not known pub­licly until it was report­ed by NBC4 News in May. And Wat­son has been fight­ing to keep those tapes under wraps. Police believe they may hold clues to “addi­tion­al unsolved mur­ders com­mit­ted by fol­low­ers of Charles Man­son.”

arli­er this year, a court order autho­rized LAPD to take pos­ses­sion of the record­ings, but Watson’s lawyer obtained a “stay” order effec­tive­ly stop­ping the release of the tapes while his appeal is heard.

The LAPD tried to obtain the tapes using a search war­rant, accord­ing to the Times. But on Oct. 9, a fed­er­al judge in Texas grant­ed an emer­gency order bar­ring police from exe­cut­ing a search war­rant at an office where the tapes are kept.

Mari­na Eliz­a­beth Habe; Wikipedia.

EXCERPT: Eliz­a­beth Habe (1951 — Decem­ber 29, 1968) was the daugh­ter of Hans Habe and a stu­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii. She was mur­dered while return­ing home from a date.[1] She may have been slain by mem­bers of the Man­son fam­i­ly. Her body was dis­cov­ered on New Years Day 1969 in dense under­brush off Mul­hol­land Dri­ve, 100 feet west of Bow­mont Dri­ve, in Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia. She was found with con­tu­sions in the eyes, slash­es in throat and heart, burns inflict­ed, raped and nude except for a shoe.[2]

Habe was abduct­ed out­side the home of her moth­er, actress Eloise Hardt, 8962 Cyn­thia Avenue, in West Hol­ly­wood while home for a vaca­tion from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii. The res­i­dence was three blocks below Sun­set Boule­vard. The neigh­bor­hood was the loca­tion of a num­ber of rapes in the weeks pri­or to Habe’s demise. Habe dou­ble dat­ed with John Horn­burg, 22, a fam­i­ly friend. She left the Horn­burg res­i­dence at 3:15 a.m. in her sports car.[3]

A for­mer Man­son fam­i­ly asso­ciate said that mem­bers of the fam­i­ly knew her.[2]

Hans Habe; Wikipedia.

EXCERPT: . . . .In 1930 he began to work as a reporter for the Wiener Sonn- und Mon­tagspost (Vien­na Sun­day and Mon­day Post). In the fol­low­ing year he became Edi­tor of the Öster­re­ichis­che Abendzeitung (Aus­tri­an Evening News), one of the youngest news­pa­per edi­tors ever, at age 20. At this time he mar­ried his first wife, Mar­git Bloch. Ear­ly in 1934 he moved to the Wiener Mor­gen (Vien­na Morn­ing News). From 1935 to 1939 he was a For­eign Cor­re­spon­dent for the Prager Tag­blatt (Prague Dai­ly News), sta­tioned most­ly at Gene­va, cov­er­ing the League of Nations. In this capac­i­ty he was present at the Evian Con­fer­ence in 1938, where he met again oto­laryn­gol­o­gist Hein­rich Neu­mann von Héthárs who had per­formed an oper­a­tion upon Habe 13 years before, and was a friend of his fam­i­ly. Habe described the course of the Con­fer­ence in his nov­el The Mis­sion (1965). The focal point of the nov­el is the infa­mous offer made by the Ger­man gov­ern­ment, and trans­mit­ted to the Con­fer­ence by Neu­mann von Héthárs, to sell the Aus­tri­an Jews to for­eign coun­tries at a price of $250 per capi­ta, and the Con­fer­ence del­e­gates’ refusal to accept. At this time Habe was mar­ried to his sec­ond wife, Eri­ka Levy, the heiress of the Tungsram light bulb com­pa­ny.

World War II

After the Anschluss, Habe was expa­tri­at­ed and his books for­bid­den by the new Nazi gov­ern­ment. He went into exile in France and joined the French For­eign Legion. In 1940 he was cap­tured and interned in the Dieuze Dulag camp. From there he man­aged to escape with the help of French friends (to Lis­bon) and emi­grat­ed to the Unit­ed States. He became a US cit­i­zen in 1941. Here Habe mar­ried his third wife, Eleanor Post Hut­ton, heiress of Gen­er­al Foods, in 1942. They had a son, Antho­ny Niklas Habe. In 1942 he was draft­ed into the US Army and stud­ied Psy­cho­log­i­cal war­fare at the Mil­i­tary Intel­li­gence Train­ing Cen­ter at Camp Ritchie, Mary­land. Then he joined the 1st Mobile Radio Broad­cast­ing Com­pa­ny, and went in March 1943 to North Africa and par­tic­i­pat­ed in Oper­a­tion Avalanche, the land­ing in Italy. In 1944 he became an Instruc­tor of Psy­cho­log­i­cal War­fare at Camp Sharpe, near Get­tys­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia. In autumn 1944 he select­ed a group of Ger­man writ­ers and news­pa­per edi­tors to pre­pare for the pub­lish­ing of new news­pa­pers after the war in Ger­many.

News­pa­per­man in Ger­many

In 1945 Habe returned to Ger­many in the wake of the occu­py­ing US Army. By Novem­ber 1945 he had cre­at­ed 18 news­pa­pers in the Amer­i­can Occu­pa­tion Zone. Then he became Edi­tor of the Neue Zeitung in Munich. At this time he was mar­ried for a short time with actress Ali Ghi­to. In 1949 he moved to the Münch­n­er Illus­tri­erte (Munich Illus­trat­ed), and in 1951 of the Echo der Woche (Echo of the Week). In 1948 he mar­ried his fifth wife, actress Eloise Hardt. In 1951 they had a daugh­ter, Mari­na Eliz­a­beth, who was mur­dered on 30 Decem­ber 1968 in Los Ange­les.[1] . . . .


6 comments for “The Tex Watson Tapes: Days of Future Passed”

  1. Inter­est­ing info on the Man­son fam­i­ly to be found by google search on ‘Inside Lau­rel Canyon’ how the CIA cre­at­ed the hip­pie move­ment.

    Posted by chris | January 29, 2013, 11:32 pm
  2. Accord­ing to al-Zaw­i­hiri, Bin Ladin was in the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. I am cer­tain that Al Qaeda’s cur­rent leader, Aye­man al-Zaw­i­hiri, is in the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood based on his activ­i­ties. He was involved in assas­si­na­tion attempts against Nass­er, Sadat, and Mubarek. There was some evi­dence that he may have had involve­ment in the first World Trade Cen­ter attack (El Mun­do Com­er­ciale Cen­trale). I am read­ing a 1999 book “Bin Laden the Man Who Declared War on Amer­i­ca” by Yosssef Bodan­s­ki where he sug­gests that the Islami­sists may have been involved in TWA 800 bomb­ing, Okla­homa City Bomb­ing, Kho­bar Tow­ers, and Atlanta Olympics bomb­ing. This book says that the ISI (Pak­istan) Iran, and Sudan have been train­ing ter­ror­ists and are against Amer­i­can and British, the Rus­sians and now the French (Ger­many seems to avoid their radar).

    On a sep­a­rate note. The New Amer­i­can is Anti US Inter­na­tion­al­ist and is a pub­li­ca­tion of the John Birch Soci­ety — they have a cel­lu­lar struc­ture. They are very sim­i­lar to Amer­i­ca First whose objec­tive was to keep the US out of WWII. My ques­tion is — was the John Birch Soci­ety cre­at­ed by the Under­ground Reich?

    Posted by Charles | January 30, 2013, 9:10 pm
  3. An old mis­cel­la­neous episode from the 1988–1990 time­frame of Dav­e’s put for­ward a pret­ty com­pelling and (in my view) water­tight case that Fam­i­ly Mem­ber Bruce Davis was the Zodi­ac Killer (or at least one of them), the miss­ing link back to the Church of Satan under Michael Aquino and the Pre­sidio Child Abuse case back in 1988, for which I believe Acquino and his wife beat the rap on the basis that “Satan­ic Rit­u­al Abuse does not exist”.

    I also haven’t read it, but a recent book about the doings of Bruce Davis and oth­er Man­son Fam­i­ly mem­bers in Lon­don makes a strong case for Bruce hav­ing mur­dered Man­son’s uncle on his orders (Char­lie stat­ed cryp­ti­cal­ly he sent some asso­ciates over to work some form of sex Mag­ick and “cause an effect” by way of a vis­it to Stone­henge), but that would also more firm­ly and defin­i­tive­ly tie them in with the Process Church of Final Judge­ment, which had its home base in Chelsea, off the King’s Road.

    The dates cer­tain­ly match up and Davis’ very pub­lic (and filmed) arrival at the tri­al to turn him­self in (osten­si­bly on Char­lie’s say-so), makes it an intru­ig­ing prospect and Davis is usu­al­ly ignored in pref­er­ence to the Tate-LaBi­an­ca mur­ders.

    Char­lie had (and has) an influ­ence way beyond his prison cell. Not to men­tion a lot of help.

    Posted by Spike1138 | January 31, 2013, 5:18 pm
  4. What has nev­er real­ly been elu­ci­dat­ed prop­er­ly, in part because the orig­i­nal claim was con­fined to a sin­gle ref­er­ence in the sup­pressed chap­ter of The Fam­i­ly con­cern­ing The Pro­ces­sians is the sto­ry of Sirhan Sirhan seen hang­ing around with them.

    Sirhan cer­tain­ly van­ished from his home for a num­ber of months in 1967 or so and returned with­out being able to give a prop­er account of him­self or his where­abouts and returned to work at the sta­bles where Arthur Bre­mer’s sis­ter worked.

    None of this makes any sense as a coin­ci­dence; but if the pos­si­bil­i­ty exists that the Pro­ces­sians were respon­si­ble from Sirhan’s men­tal con­di­tion­ing or had a hand in what became of him sub­se­quent­ly, his lawyer, Bill Pep­per, real­ly ought to be told....

    Posted by Spike1138 | January 31, 2013, 5:24 pm
  5. Much more from Dave on the “Aryan Nations” series, xii-3e appx 24 min­utes in.
    Man­son, Ed But­ler, Patrick Fraw­ley, Thane Eugene Cesar, Sharon Tate, Roman Polan­s­ki, and Robert Kennedy plus the aero­space indus­try con­tacts.

    Posted by Swamp | February 2, 2013, 7:18 pm
  6. There seem to be some very inter­est­ing con­nec­tions regard­ing Mari­na Habe’s mur­der and her moth­er, actress and Ger­man­ic über-babe Eloise Hardt.

    This guy below found a blog com­ment that con­tains what is to my knowl­edge the only state­ment that the Mari­na Habe mur­der case was actu­al­ly solved by law enforce­ment, but was nev­er made pub­lic. Here is his post that explains the con­text, and also con­tains a link to the orig­i­nal post.

    http://mansonsbackporch.com/1/post/2014/08/marina-habe-murder-case.html :

    “A few weeks ago, I read a com­ment from anoth­er blog..., not a Man­son blog, but a web­site named Wit­ness LA. It is run by an inves­tiga­tive reporter, zero­ing in on Los Ange­les Pol­i­tics, main­ly focus­ing on the Los Ange­les Sher­if­f’s Depart­ment, and the cur­rent cor­rup­tion charges and change the depart­ment is going through. 99% (and prob­a­bly high­er) of the blog­gers are either cur­rent or retired sher­if­f’s deputies.

    Wit­ness LA ran a sto­ry on July 18, 2014 regard­ing an LASD offi­cer who went under­cov­er in an Out­law Bik­er gang, and sub­se­quent­ly fal­si­fied a drug trans­ac­tion report and “man­u­fac­tured crime” .....any­way, all this was exposed.

    What I found in the com­ments sec­tion was more than inter­est­ing. A blog­ger that goes by the name of “The Past” post­ed this com­ment:

    “...I cite a kid­nap­ping of a young woman in the late 60′s by an out­law bik­er group from the Sun­set Strip. She was home from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hawaii for Christ­mas break and was abduct­ed &’found dead off of Mul­hol­land some days lat­er. Evi­dence & inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that she was teth­ered, held for sev­er­al days, gang raped,an ulti­mate­ly killed by a well known out­law bik­er group.””

    The above post also includes the orig­i­nal link to the quot­ed com­ment (com­ment #10 on that link).

    So this eso­teric tid­bit alleges that law enforce­ment actu­al­ly SOLVED the Mari­na Habe mur­der case, but it nev­er got pub­li­cized.

    Then in look­ing up Mari­na’s moth­er, Hans Habe’s (birth name János Békessy) fourth wife, Eloise Hardt, one notices that in 1966 she act­ed in a film titled “Incubus” star­ring William Shat­ner and direct­ed by Leslie Stevens who wrote a book in 1970 that was the inspi­ra­tion for Wern­er Erhard’s “est” (reput­ed­ly relat­ed to Sci­en­tol­ogy, which of course relates to Naval Intel through L. Ron Hub­bard). Stevens had cre­at­ed “The Out­er Lim­its”, and his father Leslie Clark Stevens III was an admi­ral in the US Navy (ONI?).
    (When still young Leslie Stevens had sold his play The Mechan­i­cal Rat, to Orson Welles’s Mer­cury The­atre and ran away from home to join the troupe before being returned home by tru­ant offi­cers.) (from Stevens’ Wikipedia arti­cle)

    The film “Incubus”, act­ed in the Esperan­to lan­guage with Eng­lish sub­ti­tles (??! weird — who were they going to mar­ket that to?), involved the occult mur­der of a young girl (again, this is 1966). Mari­na Habe’s Ger­man­ic moth­er Eloise Hardt played the occult-mur­der­ing coven leader Amael. Con­nec­tions like that echo occult sac­ri­fi­cial con­nec­tions to the Man­son fam­i­ly as in the pro­duc­tion of Polan­ski’s “Rose­mary’s Baby” — very curi­ous and pos­si­bly worth look­ing into.

    For some rea­son all the prints of “Incubus” were destroyed the fol­low­ing year (1967) even though it appears that it had been well-received by audi­ences, which seems quite strange — it is a fair­ly atmos­pher­ic and quite “witchy” film.

    Lat­er, a sin­gle print was found in the Ciné­math­èque Française in Paris, was restored, and cir­cu­lat­ed online. Here is the YouTube link to the film:
    Incubus, 1966

    Look­ing it up on IMDb and going to its “Triv­ia” page,
    one finds the fol­low­ing very inter­est­ing “Triv­ia” list­ed:

    “Just one year after this film came out, as its prints were being destroyed, William Shat­ner was cast in Star Trek (1966), cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er Con­rad L. Hall got his first Acad­e­my Award nom­i­na­tion, actor Milos Milos mur­dered Car­olyn Mitchell (estranged wife of Mick­ey Rooney) and then killed him­self, and actress Ann Atmar com­mit­ted sui­cide.

    [Again, like “Rose­mary’s Baby”, may indi­cate occult or crim­i­nal con­nec­tions to the film]

    “After this film gen­er­at­ed acclaim in film fes­ti­vals around the world and in suc­cess­ful the­atri­cal show­ings in France, a lab mis­tak­en­ly destroyed the neg­a­tive and all prints; the film was con­sid­ered lost and nev­er released on video. Then, after years of search­ing, one print was dis­cov­ered in the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of the Ciné­math­èque Française in Paris. From that sole sur­viv­ing print, this film has been dig­i­tal­ly restored with remas­tered sound. It has since been re-cir­cu­lat­ed online, gen­er­at­ing a new fan base.”

    IMDb Triv­ia then lists this very inter­est­ing state­ment of William Shat­ner:

    “In his com­men­tary for the DVD, William Shat­ner recalled an inci­dent that occurred when the cast and crew first arrived in Big Sur, Cal­i­for­nia. He remem­bers a “hip­pie” man approach­ing the com­pa­ny, and inquir­ing into their endeav­or. Shat­ner says that the cast and crew react­ed with some hos­til­i­ty to his inter­est, which angered him in turn. The “hip­pie” then loud­ly put a curse on their pro­duc­tion, which some peo­ple believe came in effect.”

    Mari­na Habe’s moth­er Eloise Hardt, who also starred in the film, may well have known of this...and may pos­si­bly have known a lot more.

    It was shot in Big Sur where that well-known site of weird­ness Esalen Insti­tute is, found­ed in 1962, which both Man­son and Abi­gail Fol­ger have attend­ed (though Man­son was still in jail at the time of the film­ing in 1966). As is well known, many sketchy per­sons like out­law bik­ers, weird bohemi­ans, and mind-ben­ders have long hung around Big Sur, and Esalen.

    Hans Habe who had been jailed by the Nazis, in his post-war role set­ting up anti-Nazi press out­lets in Ger­many, may well have earned the ire of sur­viv­ing Nazis. He cer­tain­ly would also have been well-known by US intel­li­gence in that posi­tion.

    There seem to be tan­gen­tial con­nec­tions between Habe’s fam­i­ly, Nazis, US intel­li­gence, Sci­en­tol­ogy, est, and Hol­ly­wood weird­ness all of which also fig­ure in some ways in the Man­son affair.

    From Hans Habe’s Wikipedia page we learn:
    “After the Anschluss [March 1938], Habe was expa­tri­at­ed [in Ger­many] and his books for­bid­den by the new Nazi gov­ern­ment. He went into exile in France and joined the French For­eign Legion. In 1940 he was cap­tured and interned in the Dieuze Dulag camp. From there he man­aged to escape with the help of French friends (to Lis­bon) and emi­grat­ed to the Unit­ed States. He became a US cit­i­zen in 1941. Here Habe mar­ried his third wife, Eleanor Post Hut­ton, heiress of Gen­er­al Foods, in 1942. They had a son, Antho­ny Niklas Habe.
    In 1942 he [Hans Habe] was draft­ed into the US Army and stud­ied Psy­cho­log­i­cal war­fare at the Mil­i­tary Intel­li­gence Train­ing Cen­ter at Camp Ritchie, Mary­land. Then he joined the 1st Mobile Radio Broad­cast­ing Com­pa­ny, and went in March 1943 to North Africa and par­tic­i­pat­ed in Oper­a­tion Avalanche, the land­ing in Italy. In 1944 he became an Instruc­tor of Psy­cho­log­i­cal War­fare at Camp Sharpe, near Get­tys­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia. In autumn 1944 he select­ed a group of Ger­man writ­ers and news­pa­per edi­tors to pre­pare for the pub­lish­ing of new news­pa­pers after the war in Ger­many.

    Quite inter­est­ing as sev­er­al peo­ple involved in the Man­son affair were either neo-Nazis, or mil­i­tary intel­li­gence peo­ple (or both?), not the least being Sharon Tate’s father Col. Paul Tate, who inter­est­ing­ly became a part­ner in Man­son fam­i­ly vic­tim Jay Sebring’s com­pa­ny Sebring Inter­na­tion­al. Sebring was reput­ed­ly con­nect­ed to drug smug­gling and dis­tri­b­u­tion through his hair salons, and as I recall Tex Wat­son, also con­nect­ed to the mil­i­tary, had worked for him when first in LA.

    So is it pos­si­ble that Mari­na Habe was killed due to fam­i­ly con­nec­tions? Seems pos­si­ble.

    A last tid­bit of pos­si­ble inter­est is relat­ed to Hans Habe’s orig­i­nal name “János Békessy”.

    Hans Habe’s pre­vi­ous wife (his third wife), dur­ing the war years, before he mar­ried Mari­na Habe’s moth­er Eloise Hardt, was the Amer­i­can heiress Eleanor Post Hut­ton, heiress of Gen­er­al Foods, whom Habe mar­ried in 1942. He was mar­ried to this pow­er­ful heiress dur­ing the peri­od of his mil­i­tary psy­cho­log­i­cal oper­a­tions duty. They had a son, Antho­ny Niklas Habe [this from Hans Habe’s Wikipedia page].

    The pos­si­bly curi­ous part is that on Eleanor Post Hut­ton’s Wikipedia page, the same son by Habe is men­tioned under a dif­fer­ent name:
    “She was sur­vived by her son Antal Mik­las Post de Bekessy”

    So heiress Eleanor Post Hut­ton’s same son by Habe, Antho­ny Niklas Habe, also went by Antal Mik­las Post de Bekessy, which sug­gests that “Bekessy” may have been a more pres­ti­gious name than “Habe” to some­one.

    Hans Habe’s father Imre Békessy was appar­ent­ly a muck­rak­ing jour­nal­ist in Ger­many.

    Posted by reader | August 19, 2016, 11:21 pm

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