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COMMENT: In the wake of the mass shootings of the past two weeks, we have heard the predictable and mounting cries for gun control.
(We note that, in addition to the racist manifesto of Mr. Crosius, the alleged El Paso shooter, Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman Santino Legan was motivated by Nazi/White Supremacist ideology.) We will explore the Leaderless Resistance strategy, the internet and related topics more fully in an upcoming program.
Suffice it to note for our purposes here that The Turner Diaries, a how-to blueprint for the paramilitary Nazi/racist right has gun confiscation as the starting point for the successful uprising by The Order. The fact that outright confiscation of firearms has not been proposed (nor would such a thing pass Congress or the courts), ANY gun control legislation will play into “The Turner Diaries” meme within the echo chamber of the right-wing and Nazi media and internet echo chamber.
Indeed, Christchurch (NZ) shooter Brent Tarrant appears to have intended his act, in part, to spur gun control measures as further motivation for likeminded associates in the Leaderless Resistance. Sure enough, that nation’s government responded by promptly instituting restrictions on firearms ownership.
Again, these subjects will be explored in greater depth in programs to be recorded in a couple of weeks.
Key points of interest to be considered:
- Glenn Greenwald ran legal interference for the Leaderless Resistance, deflecting the possibility of civil litigation against media outlets and institutions advocating racist violence.
- Turner Diaries author William Luther Pierce directly foreshadowed the 9/11 attacks in a 1998 radio program: “ . . . . In one chilling commentary Pierce, (after noting that Bin Laden and the rest of the lost generation of angry Moslem youth had it with their parents’ compromises and were hell bent on revenge against infidel America) issued this stark, prophetic warning in a 1998 radio address titled, ‘Stay Out of Tall Buildings.’ ‘New Yorkers who work in tall office buildings anything close to the size of the World Trade Center might consider wearing hard hats . . .’ Pierce warned. . . . .”
- The climax of The Turner Diaries is a low-level, suicide aerial attack on the Pentagon, which occurs on the German/Nazi day of destiny–November 9th. QUICK: How would a German write the date November 9th? ” . . . . November 9, 1993. It’s still three hours until first light, and all systems are ‘go.’ I’ll use the time to write a few pages—my last diary entry. Then it’s a one-way trip to the Pentagon for me. The warhead is strapped into the front seat of the old Stearman and rigged to detonate either on impact or when I flip a switch in the back seat. Hopefully, I’ll be able to mange a low-level air burst directly over the center of the Pentagon. Failing that, I’ll at least try to fly as close as I can before I’m shot down. . . . . Thus end Earl Turner’s diaries, as unpretentiously as they began. His final mission was successful, of course, as we all are reminded each year on November 9—our traditional Day of the Martyrs. . . .”
- In The Turner Diaries, Earl Turner, a member of the Nazi terror group The Order fantasizes about bringing down a 100-story skyscraper in midtown Manhattan: ” . . . . “47 years later the Hitler worshipper William Pierce (born 1933) tells in his right-wing terrorist novel ‘The Turner Diaries’ of a right-wing extremist Kamikaze-ing an airplane into the Pentagon. In an apocalyptic scene Pierce rejoices over the destruction of the center of the world capital-contaminated, Jewish-dominated New York. The neo-Nazi, writing under the alias Andrew MacDonald, says he desires to see the ‘100 floors of the skyscraper’ fall. Pierce’s book [The Turner Diaries] is a utopian fantasy, promoted as a neo-Nazi Bible world-wide, as the publication of the diaries of the US-American right-wing extremist Earl Turner found in the years 2091 during excavations of the ruins of Washington, 100 years after the national revolution of 1991–93. . . .”
- Andreas Strassmeier, the apparent mastermind of the Oklahoma City Bombing, was trying to secure a Lufthansa 747 at one point. For what?! Certainly that would not have been for landing on an obscure, rural airstrip while smuggling contraband. The Oklahoma City Bombing was also inspired by The Turner Diaries.
- Unless the shooters have criminal and or psychiatric histories, background checks will be useless in preventing the assaults.
- It will be interesting to see if, eventually, background checks will involve perusing prospective gun buyers’ online activity.
- Although banning assault rifles will diminish the possibility of a would-be mass shooter obtaining the weapons, a perp-to-be could obtain one illegally, or obtain a shotgun, which can still do a lot of damage.
Chapter 1 September 16, 1991. Today it finally began! After all these years of talking-and nothing but talking-we have finally taken our first action. We are at war with the System, and it is no longer a war of words. I cannot sleep, so I will try writing down some of the thoughts which are flying through my head. It is not safe to talk here. The walls are quite thin, and the neighbors might wonder at a late-night conference. Besides, George and Katherine are already asleep. Only Henry and I are still awake, and he’s just staring at the ceiling. I am really uptight. I am so jittery I can barely sit still. And I’m exhausted. I’ve been up since 5:30 this morning, when George phoned to warn that the arrests had begun, and it’s after midnight now.
I’ve been keyed up and on the move all day. But at the same time I’m exhilarated. We have finally acted! How long we will be able to continue defying the System, no one knows. Maybe it will all end tomorrow, but we must not think about that. Now that we have begun, we must continue with the plan we have been developing so carefully ever since the Gun Raids two years ago. What a blow that was to us! And how it shamed us! All that brave talk by patriots, “The government will never take my guns away,” and then nothing but meek submission when it happened. On the other hand, maybe we should be heartened by the fact that there were still so many of us who had guns then, nearly 18 months after the Cohen Act had outlawed all private ownership of firearms in the United States. It was only because so many of us defied the law and hid our weapons instead of turning them in that the government wasn’t able to act more harshly against us after the Gun Raids. I’ll never forget that terrible day: November 9, 1989.
They knocked on my door at five in the morning. I was completely unsuspecting as I got up to see who it was. I opened the door, and four Negroes came pushing into the apartment before I could stop them. One was carrying a baseball bat, and two had long kitchen knives thrust into their belts. The one with the bat shoved me back into a corner and stood guard over me with his bat raised in a threatening position while the other three began ransacking my apartment. My first thought was that they were robbers. Robberies of this sort had become all too common since the Cohen Act, with groups of Blacks forcing their way into White homes to rob and rape, knowing that even if their victims had guns they probably would not dare use them. Then the one who was guarding me flashed some kind of card and informed me that he and his accomplices were “special deputies” for the Northern Virginia Human Relations Council.
They were searching for firearms, he said. I couldn’t believe it. It just couldn’t be happening. Then I saw that they were wearing strips of green cloth tied around their left arms. As they dumped the contents of drawers on the floor and pulled luggage from the closet, they were ignoring things that robbers wouldn’t have passed up: my brand-new electric razor, a valuable gold pocket watch, a milk bottle full of dimes. They were looking for firearms! Right after the Cohen Act was passed, all of us in the Organization had cached our guns and ammunition where they weren’t likely to be found. Those in my unit had carefully greased our weapons, sealed them in an oil drum, and spent all of one tedious weekend burying the drum in an eight-foot-deep pit 200 miles away in the woods of western Pennsylvania. But I had kept one gun out of the cache. I had hidden my .357 magnum revolver and 50 rounds of ammunition inside the door frame between the kitchen and the living room. By pulling out two loosened nails and removing one board from the door frame I could get to my revolver in about two minutes flat if I ever needed it. I had timed myself. But a police search would never uncover it. And these inexperienced Blacks couldn’t find it in a million years. . . .
. . . . At multiple points in the manifesto the author expresses the hope that his massacre will spark further attempts at gun control in the United States, which he believes will lead to gun confiscation and a civil war. . . .
Welcome to the strategy of tension, and the incremental replacement of the existing system with a totalitarian one as described in ‘they thought they were free’ thanks for the facts dave.
@ Lou E–
Not sure if this is the strategy of tension, exactly, but it will play out that way.
Dave Emory