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COMMENT: Discussing the events of the last week should be understood by listeners/readers as coming from someone who–for more than forty years–has researched, broadcast and written about the dynamics gripping the U.S. and the world.
Those dynamics have crested in the wake of the Floyd killing, validating the decades of research archived on this website.
In that context, I will dispense with the editorial “we.”
The feelings I have are best expressed through a poem I have read in a number of programs:
“Be Angry at the Sun” by Robinson Jeffers
That public men publish falsehoods
Is nothing new. That America must accept
Like the historical republics corruption and empire
Has been known for years.
Be angry at the sun for setting
If these things anger you. Watch the wheel slope and turn,
They are all bound on the wheel, these people, those warriors.
This republic, Europe, Asia.
Observe them gesticulating,
Observe them going down. The gang serves lies, the passionate
Man plays his part; the cold passion for truth
Hunts in no pack.
You are not Catullus, you know,
To lampoon these crude sketches of Caesar. You are far
From Dante’s feet, but even farther from his dirty
Political hatreds.
Let boys want pleasure, and men
Struggle for power, and women perhaps for fame,
And the servile to serve a Leader and the dupes to be duped.
Yours is not theirs.
It might appear to younger readers/listeners that my feelings lack compassion or “engagement.” It may strike some as jaded.
It is impossible for me to feel surprise about what is going on, past a point. As disturbing as things are, they are anything but unexpected.
How can people possibly be surprised?
There is considerable evidence of white supremacists and Nazis inflaming political passions in the upheaval following the Floyd death to advance their own agendas. For many years I have discussed information about white supremecists/Nazis/fascists infiltrating police and military establishments.
The cast of characters in the Minneapolis drama rings familiar: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Dr. Michael Baden (who endorsed the Magic Bullet Theory for the House Select Committee on Assassinations “investigation” of the JFK assassination) and what the late Cecil B. DeMille would have called “a cast of thousands.”
A significant part of the posts and programs I have done over the years concern events and forces impacting the African-American community.
Just a few of those, and there are many:
- AFA #8, dealing with the assassination of Martin Luther King.
- FTR #46, highlighting the murder of Dr. King a decade after AFA #8 and again on the 50th anniversary of the event. Note that the Special Forces “A” team that was a backup unit to the civilian sniper who killed Dr. King had been deployed in the U.S. following widespread rioting in black ghettos in American cities in 1967 and 1968. (Ahem.)
- FTR #21 analyzing the behavior of Louis Farrakhan in connection with the assassination of Malcom X.
- AFA #23, detailing intelligence agency operations in California, interfaced with local, state and federal law enforcement.
- FTR #39, examining Mark Fuhrman’s political white supremacist associations and behavior in connection with the framing of O.J. Simpson.
- Numerous programs setting forth information about the O.J. Simpson case, including FTR #‘s 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, and 23.
- AFA #13, focusing on the Ku Klux Klan.
- FTR #977 and AFA #7 presenting information pointing to the People’s Temple of Jim Jones as an intelligence operation.
- FTR #691, chronicling the authorship of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by the Confederate Secret Service.
- FTR #‘s 444 and 605 analyzing the Port Chicago explosion.
Just over two years ago, on the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination, I spent 10 hours re-broadcasting AFA #8 and FTR #46. At the time, I was struck by the absence of substantive dialogue about the reality of Dr. King’s well-documented, cold-blooded assassination at the hands of key elements of our government. That lack of interest was shared by the African-American community, as well as the so-called progressive sector.
How can people who have come to calmly accept Dr. King’s execution get exercised about the death of George Floyd?
Political murder is an established way of life in this country. The poseurs in the so-called “progressive sector” who bloviate about “extra-judicial killings” remain blind to the ongoing dynamic that ended King’s life, as well as those of many others before, and after.
For that matter, how can people who have ignored and–at times–derided the irrefutable evidence of the descent of fascism on this country and the world be surprised at one relatively small outcropping of that darkness?
Perhaps it is because “They are all bound on the wheel . . . .”
Martin King’s daughter Bernice was interviewed by CNN anchor Don Lemon a couple of days ago. She offered sympathy to the family of George
Floyd, killed by Minneapolis cops. And while I don’t have the exact quote Bernice King said she knew what the Floyd family was going through
because her own father was killed by law enforcement. She didn’t say James Earl Ray. She said law enforcement.
Lemon, who is African-American, let the comment pass without asking her to clarify or explain the statement. He can rattle off the name of every
street in New York and Atlanta while covering the street protests but no time to discuss the assassination of perhaps the single most important figure in the American civil rights and anti-war movements.
I have no doubt Lemon does not know the name of the man on the Lorraine Motel balcony taking King’s pulse. That man is an African-American
intelligence officer Marrell McCullough whose background includes Army Intelligence, Memphis PD and, naturally, CIA where curiously enough
former ABC reporter Sam Donaldson was able to reach McCullough by phone in the late 90s. When Donaldson asked McCullough what he was
doing next to the fallen Dr. King the spy/agent provocateur hung up saying he couldn’t talk about it.
Hey Don Lemon nobody gives a rat’s ass where you’ve lived! But how about doing your job? How about phoning the George Bush Center For
Intelligence and asking to speak to Marrell McCullough? Just maybe he’s still there.
Mr Emory,
I am a long-time listener and reader from Australia, and my familiarity with your body of work is nothing less than exhaustive. Your research and presentation is both deeply insightful and meticulous and has influenced my understanding not only of US but also Australian politics and history.
I realised many years ago that the ongoing study of US deep state supremacy and international postwar fascism at Spitfire was one of the most important resources available and remains so until today, at a point in history that so powerfully illustrates the danger in ignoring such work. Although I consider myself a diligent student of American social studies, I am stunned by what I have seen occur there in 2020.
A result of US imperialism and hegemony — as well as the lustre of an addictively dynamic culture — is the influence it has internationally. For this reason, I sincerely hope that somehow the people of the United States will endure, adapt and conquer the dark forces that use them as a machine for world domination. The work of researchers, journalists and analysts like you need to be a bigger part of that.
Thank you for your work and for a deeper understanding of the world.
It’s true I most likely did miss most of AFAs #8 and #46 in real time.
I was young.
The Gen-Xers are VERY WOKE [look at Whitney Webb] and active in real time as well, with their own methodologies, and INCREDIBLE source material, not only the outstanding SpitfireList Archive.