Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: In FTR #724, we looked at the Santikitenan Park Association (also known as “The Family”), an intelligence-connected, fascist mind-control cult to which Julian Assange may well have belonged. A TIME review of the recent movie about WikiLeaks–“The Fifth Estate”–reinforces that working hypothesis. It is not clear what the writer’s source is for that assertion.
Photos of Assange, children of the cult are at right. Note the one child bearing striking resemblance to Assange.
For more about the Assange/Family working hypothesis, see FTR #745.
“Julian Assange and The Fifth Estate: Wiki Wacky Who?” By Richard Corliss; Time; 9/08/2013.
EXCERPT: . . . . Tall, drawling and white-maned (he has dyed his hair ever since being inducted into an Australian cult as a child), Assange radiates a star quality that impresses all spectators, especially himself. . . .
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