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“Troofer” and Fellow Traveler of Islamist Terror Groups and Fascist LaRouche Organization Advises British Journalists

Com­ment: the suc­cess of the fas­cist LaRouche organization–Webster Tarp­ley’s back­ground is with the LaRouchies–in pen­e­trat­ing the so-called pro­gres­sive sec­tor is under­scored by this dis­turb­ing post, as is the pro­found fas­cist and pro-ter­ror­ist nature of a dis­turbing­ly large por­tion of the “9/11 Truth” move­ment.

“NUJ Gets Nut to Write Ter­ror Man­u­al” by Brett; Har­ry’s Place; 3/11/2010.

The Nation­al Union of Jour­nal­ists has com­mis­sioned a 9/11 ‘Troofer’ to work with an organ­i­sa­tion that has part­nered with Salafi jihadis to devel­op a hand­book advis­ing its mem­bers – the major­i­ty of work­ing jour­nal­ists – on how to report news relat­ing to ter­ror­ism.

Accord­ing to a sto­ry on the Bris­tol NUJ web­site, Tony Gosling, has been appoint­ed to the NUJ’s Nation­al Ethics Coun­cil and has been tasked with devel­op­ing the guide on report­ing on ter­ror pub­lished by the NUJ last Novem­ber in asso­ci­a­tion with “The Cam­paign Against Crim­i­nal­is­ing Com­mu­ni­ties” (CAMPACC), a group with close tiesto CagePris­on­ers.

CagePris­on­ers is at the cen­tre of the cur­rent Amnesty storm. They sup­port ter­ror­ist sym­pa­this­ers like hate-preach­ers Abu Qata­da and Abu Hamza and con­vict­ed ter­ror­ists like Sajid Badat who plead guilty to con­spir­ing to place a explo­sive device on an air­craft.

Tony Gosling is him­self a curi­ous crea­ture. He was thrown out of the Green Par­ty after we at Harry’s Place exposed his anti­se­mit­ic and homo­pho­bic out­bursts.

Worse, Gosling is a 9/11 ‘Troofer’ who runs the biggest UK web­site for con­spir­a­cy nuts. Quite why the NUJ pro­mot­ed him to their ethics com­mit­tee after the rev­e­la­tions about his homo­pho­bia, anti­semitism and his involve­ment is the “Truth” move­ment is anyone’s guess.

Gosling is sin­gu­lar­ly unsuit­ed for the task. A para­noid delu­sion­al, he’s had bizarre Hitch­cock­ian run-ins with the law him­self, and has fall­en under the spell of anoth­er 9/11 Troofer called Web­ster G Tarp­ley, who calls him­self a “Ter­ro­ro­rol­gist”. Tarp­ley churns out books and tours the world insist­ing that ter­ror­ist attacks, includ­ing 9/11 and 7/7 are all ”false flag” oper­a­tions, a view Gosling large­ly shares.

Now, I know it is frus­trat­ing and slight­ly mad­den­ing to have to ask this, but:

Why did  Britian’s largest union of jour­nal­ists engage a per­son like Gosling to write a hand­book on ter­ror report­ing?

Here you have a man who cre­ates wild con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries deny­ing ter­ror­ism even exists, and he’s work­ing with asso­ciates of known ter­ror­ist sym­pa­this­ers appar­ent­ly to pro­duce the man­u­al guid­ing how ter­ror-relat­ed issues are report­ed in the British Press!

One arti­cle in a Bris­tol Com­mu­ni­ty Radio newslet­ter describes Gosling as “a dri­ving force behind new media guide­lines designed to ensure high stan­dards when it comes to cov­er­ing ter­ror­ist inci­dents.”

How the hell did this hap­pen?

And how on earth did this big­ot­ed lit­tle snot,  with an hal­lu­cino­genic take on real­i­ty, get appoint­ed to the Ethics Com­mit­tee of a major media union in the first place?

It would be a huge relief if the NUJ could tell us that this appoint­ment is just anoth­er one of Gosling’s delu­sions, that the arti­cle appeared on their web­site by some admin­is­tra­tive or edi­to­r­i­al over­sight and that – con­trary to indi­ca­tions – san­i­ty is still very much in evi­dence at the Journalist’s Union.


2 comments for ““Troofer” and Fellow Traveler of Islamist Terror Groups and Fascist LaRouche Organization Advises British Journalists”

  1. Maybe my sus­pi­cious mind is work­ing beyond its means, but it seems fea­si­ble that a jour­nal­ist union — like any union (does any­one remem­ber unions?) — is pret­ty easy to pen­e­trate and under­mine, espe­cial­ly giv­en the enor­mous resources of the NSA, SIS, BND, FSB, etc. The old ham-fist­ed COINTELPRO meth­ods are no longer need­ed, if all you want to do is mar­gin­al­ize, dis­cred­it or dis­rupt the activ­i­ties of a poten­tial threat (and who is a larg­er poten­tial threat to pow­er than hon­est, seri­ous jour­nal­ists?). Just load the union board with pre-mar­gin­al­ized dupes — wit­ting or unwit­ting — and Bob’s Your Uncle! Of course, this sort of thing is exact­ly how the KGB got the Sovi­et Union the into some extreme­ly murky ter­ri­to­ry.

    Posted by Rob Coogan | March 17, 2010, 7:44 am
  2. Of the two major pow­er blocks in the EU, Britain’s still strong finan­cial influ­ence and strong nation­al­ism ver­sus Ger­many’s ter­ri­to­r­i­al ambi­tions, the Larouche orga­ni­za­tion sel­dom men­tions Ger­many’s machi­na­tions towards becom­ing the defac­to leader of the EU. Instead we are fed a con­stant rant about the British Empire being the fount of all evil on the plan­et. Doubt­less the square mile City of Lon­don is not a human­i­tar­i­an orga­ni­za­tion but it is only one of many cen­ters of illic­it pow­er on the plan­et and I agree with Dave that the emer­gent Fourth Reich (or Third still if one wants to split hairs) has eclipsed it. Is it plau­si­ble that this dis­trac­tion away from things Ger­man is the cur­rent rai­son d’e­tre of the entire LaRouche oper­a­tion? In any case, per­son­al­i­ty cults are always to be viewd with grave sus­pi­cion. Tarp­ley has been in lock­step with LaRouche since their sup­posed sep­a­ra­tion. I dis­agree with Dave on the degree and fre­quen­cy of what are gen­uine and what are false flag ter­ror attacks but I also think that has long been a dis­tinc­tion with­out a dif­fer­ence.

    Posted by Dwight Ward | March 19, 2010, 9:45 am

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