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Turkish Foreign Minister Pursues Ottoman Irredentist, Islamist and Revisionist Policy Course


COMMENT: In past pro­grams, we’ve asked whether the new­ly invig­o­rat­ed pan-Turk­ist move­ment and Islamism might con­verge. Just such a devel­op­ment appears to be gain­ing momen­tum, with Turk­ish for­eign min­is­ter Ahmet Davu­to­glu hav­ing observed  the Mus­lim hol­i­day of Eid el-Fitr in Bosnia/Herzogovina.

In addi­tion to the fact that this for­mer Yugosla­vian province was part of the Ottoman Empire and has seen the recre­ation of the 13th Waf­fen SS divi­sion (Han­jar) in the ear­ly 1990’s under Ali­ja Izetbe­gov­ic, Davu­to­glu met with Bosnia Grand Mufti Mustafa Cer­ic.

Cer­ic is linked to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

Davu­to­glu also met with Bakir Izetbe­gov­ic, son of Ali­ja and the Bosni­ak pres­i­dent of Bosnia/Herzegovina. His father recruit­ed for the orig­i­nal Han­jar Divi­sion, as well as pre­sid­ing over its recre­ation in the 1990’s.

In this con­text, it is use­ful to con­sid­er how use­ful a resus­ci­tat­ed Ottoman aggres­sor would be to transna­tion­al cor­po­rate (and per­haps NATO) ele­ments, who might see it as a vehi­cle to be used against Rus­sia and Chi­na.

It might be use­ful to the Under­ground Reich as a vehi­cle for the final elim­i­na­tion of Israel and the Jews, as well as pro­vid­ing impe­tus to Euro­pean neo-Fas­cist move­ments using Islamist influ­ence in Europe as a recruit­ing tool.

As seen in the “Turk­ish Taffy” pro­grams (#737#738, #739) the mod­er­a­tion of Mr. Erdo­gan, and his AK Par­ty gov­ern­ment is high­ly debat­able, with the regime hav­ing a back sto­ry inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the milieu of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and the Bank Al-Taqwa.

“Turk­ish For­eign Min­is­ter Cel­e­brates Eid in Bosnia; Wel­comed by Grand Mufti Cer­ic”; The Glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Dai­ly Report; 8/30/2011.

EXCERPT: For­eign Min­is­ter Ahmet Davu­toğlu cel­e­brates the Mus­lim hol­i­day of Eid al-Fitr in Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina. The for­eign min­is­ter per­formed Eid prayer at Sarajevo’s Gazi Hus­rev Bey Mosque togeth­er with Bakir Izetbe­gov­ic, the Bosni­ak mem­ber of the Pres­i­den­cy of Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, on Tues­day.

Grand Mufti Mustafa Cer­ic wel­comed Davu­toğlu, telling wor­ship­pers that “today is a day we wait­ed for cen­turies” in Sara­je­vo. “Today is a day to cher­ish because the Turk­ish for­eign min­is­ter is with us,” he said. Davu­toğlu said Ceric’s ser­mon was “emo­tion­al” and added: “We were here, are here and we will always be here.” Cer­ic fur­ther com­mend­ed Davu­toğlu after his ser­mon at the mosque, say­ing “Allah cre­at­ed him to make his­to­ry.”

Call­ing Davutoğlu’s Eid prayer at Gazi Hus­rev Bey Mosque a “his­toric moment,” Cer­ic said it sym­bol­ized the “rebirth of a new pol­i­tics and new real­i­ties in the Balka­ns, par­tic­u­lar­ly in Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina.” Davu­toğlu said after the prayer that he was hon­ored to be in Sara­je­vo, call­ing the city as “home.”

He said: “In our tra­di­tions, we cel­e­brate Eid at home. This is what I am doing, I cel­e­brate the Eid with my fam­i­ly in Sara­je­vo. Bosnia is our home and Bosni­ans are our fam­i­ly mem­bers.” Izetbe­gov­ic, son of late Aliya Izetbe­gov­ic who was the first pres­i­dent of Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, said that Davu­toğlu brought even more sun­shine to Sara­je­vo on this sun­ny day. . . .

. . . The State Depart­ment had warned as ear­ly as 2004 about the think­ing of Erdogan’s then-chief for­eign pol­i­cy advi­sor Davu­to­glu, an ally of Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Abdul­lah Gul, who it said was “lost in neo-Ottoman Islamist fan­tasies”, name­ly, that Turkey’s role is to spread Islam in Europe, “to take back Andalu­sia and avenge the defeat at the siege of Vien­na in 1683”, as one par­tic­i­pant in a recent meet­ing at AKP’s main think tank put it. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] . . . .

. . . Con­sid­ered by some to be a lead­ing “lib­er­al” Islam­ic leader, Mustafa Cer­ic is tied to the glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood through his mem­ber­ship in the Euro­pean Coun­cil for Fat­wa and Research (ECFR), head­ed by Broth­er­hood leader Youssef Qaradawi and by his par­tic­i­pa­tion in the U.K.-based “Rad­i­cal Mid­dle Way” con­sist­ing of a wide range of asso­ci­at­ed schol­ars rep­re­sent­ing the glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

Sev­er­al ear­li­er posts have dis­cussed Dr. Ceric’s increas­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty and impor­tance with­in the glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, not­ing that Cer­ic sees him­self as a pos­si­ble future leader of a “Euro­pean Islam.” Dr. Cer­ic recent­ly com­paredthe Iran­ian Rev­o­lu­tion with the French Rev­o­lu­tion and Iran­ian media report­ed that Dr. Cer­ic recent­ly told for­mer Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Akbar Hashe­mi Raf­san­jani in a meet­ing that he con­sid­ers Iran a “good friend” of his coun­try.” A post from Octo­ber 2009 dis­cussed his vis­it to the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Islam­ic Thought (IIIT), an impor­tant part of the U.S. and glob­al Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.


7 comments for “Turkish Foreign Minister Pursues Ottoman Irredentist, Islamist and Revisionist Policy Course”

  1. Great com­men­tary. I’ll have to dis­agree on one thing, though: The gov­’t of Chi­na, per­haps as a whole, is def­i­nite­ly, with­out a doubt, allied with the world crime net­work in gen­er­al, if not with the Under­ground Reich.....at least, since the end of the 1970s.
    I hon­est­ly would­n’t be sur­prised to see a Turko-Chi­nese alliance some­day if the Islamists do man­age to get into pow­er in Ankara. But then again, giv­en how very strange world pol­i­tics can be these days, maybe not. But giv­en how Sino-Fas­cists, Euro-Fas­cists, and Turko-Fas­cists do seem to think remark­ably alike, well, I guess we’ll have to see.

    And then of course, we have our OWN fas­cists to wor­ry about here in the States.

    Posted by Steven | September 8, 2011, 6:58 am
  2. @Steven. Maybe I mis­un­der­stand the impli­ca­tions and insin­u­a­tions of your state­ments. But, I want to point out that the CIA is a cen­ter­piece of the Under­ground Reich. As Jim Gar­ri­son once said, “I’m afraid, based on my own expe­ri­ence, that fas­cism will come to Amer­i­ca in the name of nation­al secu­ri­ty”. That nation­al secu­ri­ty enter­prise is the CIA and its allies. And as for Fas­cism in the US of A, we also need to keep in mind Chris­t­ian Domin­ion­ism, Chris­t­ian Recon­struc­tion­ism, Islam and the influ­ence of oth­er tra­di­tions in push­ing for more author­i­tar­i­an­ism all the time, every day. In gov­ern­ment, pol­i­tics, soci­ety, cul­ture, law, phi­los­o­phy, etc.

    Posted by Joshua Laudermilk | September 9, 2011, 6:07 pm
  3. @Josh: I do agree with you. The fac­tions which cur­rent­ly dom­i­nates the CIA, it seems, sad­ly isn’t the one look­ing out for our inter­ests, but rather, the Under­ground Reich.
    And yes, I see the Recon­struc­tion­ists & Domin­ion­ists as a major part of the prob­lem, too. In fact, here in Texas were I live, I feel they have been a major force in the attempts to fur­ther dumb down our pop­u­la­tion back down to the last cen­tu­ry, when author­i­tar­i­an, Domin­ion­ist, and even eugeni­cist think­ing still dom­i­nat­ed the schools in most places.

    Posted by Steven | September 10, 2011, 3:48 pm
  4. Posted by David | September 15, 2011, 8:48 am
  5. It looks like a respect­ed Turk­ish jour­nal­ist that was inves­ti­ga­tion a ter­ror net­work charged with over­throw­ing Erdo­gan’s ‘mod­er­ate’ Islamist gov­ern­ment is now being charged with being part of that very plot as part of Erdo­gan’s grow­ing pat­tern of media intim­i­da­tion and cen­sor­ship. What a sur­prise:

    Turkey’s Glow Dims as Press Faces Charges
    Pub­lished: Jan­u­ary 4, 2012

    ISTANBUL — A year ago, the jour­nal­ist Ned­im Sen­er was inves­ti­gat­ing a murky ter­ror­ist net­work that pros­e­cu­tors main­tain was plot­ting to over­throw Turkey’s Mus­lim-inspired gov­ern­ment. Today, Mr. Sen­er stands accused of being part of that plot, jailed in what human rights groups call a polit­i­cal purge of the gov­ern­ing party’s crit­ics.

    The oth­er defen­dants include the edi­tors of a staunch­ly sec­u­lar Web site crit­i­cal of the gov­ern­ment and Ahmet Sik, a jour­nal­ist who has writ­ten that an Islam­ic move­ment asso­ci­at­ed with Fethul­lah Gulen, a reclu­sive cler­ic liv­ing in Penn­syl­va­nia, has infil­trat­ed Turkey’s secu­ri­ty forces.

    At a time when Wash­ing­ton and Europe are prais­ing Turkey as the mod­el of Mus­lim democ­ra­cy for the Arab world, Turk­ish human rights advo­cates say the crack­down is part of an omi­nous trend. Most wor­ry­ing, they say, are fresh signs that the gov­ern­ment of Prime Min­is­ter Recep Tayyip Erdo­gan is repress­ing free­dom of the press through a mix­ture of intim­i­da­tion, arrests and finan­cial machi­na­tions, includ­ing the sale in 2008 of a lead­ing news­pa­per and a tele­vi­sion sta­tion to a com­pa­ny linked to the prime minister’s son-in-law.

    The arrests threat­en to dark­en the image of Mr. Erdo­gan, who is lion­ized in the Mid­dle East as a pow­er­ful region­al leader who can stand up to Israel and the West. Wide­ly cred­it­ed with tam­ing Turkey’s mil­i­tary and forg­ing a reli­gious­ly con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment that mar­ries strong eco­nom­ic growth with democ­ra­cy and reli­gious tol­er­ance, he has proved prick­ly and thin-skinned on more than one occa­sion. It is that sen­si­tiv­i­ty bor­der­ing on arro­gance, human rights advo­cates say, that con­tributes to his ani­mus against the news media.

    There are now 97 mem­bers of the news media in jail in Turkey, includ­ing jour­nal­ists, pub­lish­ers and dis­trib­u­tors, accord­ing to the Turk­ish Jour­nal­ists’ Union, a fig­ure that rights groups say exceeds the num­ber detained in Chi­na. The gov­ern­ment denies the fig­ure and insists that with the excep­tion of four cas­es, those arrest­ed have all been charged with activ­i­ties oth­er than report­ing.


    In court on Wednes­day, a defi­ant Mr. Sen­er, look­ing gaunt and pale, blamed the police offi­cials he had inves­ti­gat­ed for set­ting him up. “It has been 11 months that I have not been giv­en the chance to utter a sin­gle word to defend myself,” he said, speak­ing to friends dur­ing a brief inter­mis­sion. “I have been a vic­tim in a revenge oper­a­tion — noth­ing else.”

    The Euro­pean Human Rights Court received near­ly 9,000 com­plaints against Turkey for breach­es of press free­dom and free­dom of expres­sion in 2011, com­pared with 6,500 in 2009. In March, Orhan Pamuk, a Turk­ish writer and Nobel lau­re­ate, was fined about $3,670 for his state­ment in a Swiss news­pa­per that “we have killed 30,000 Kurds and one mil­lion Arme­ni­ans.”

    Human rights advo­cates say they fear that with the Arab Spring lend­ing new region­al influ­ence to Turkey, the Unit­ed States and Europe are turn­ing a blind eye to encroach­ing author­i­tar­i­an­ism there. “Turkey’s democ­ra­cy may be a good bench­mark when com­pared with Egypt, Libya or Syr­ia,” said Hakan Alti­nay, a senior fel­low at the Brook­ings Insti­tu­tion. “But the whole region will suf­fer if Turkey is allowed to dis­re­gard the val­ues of lib­er­al democ­ra­cy.”


    Mr. Sen­er said he believed that he was in jail because he dared to write a book crit­i­ciz­ing the Turk­ish state’s neg­li­gence in fail­ing to pre­vent Mr. Dink’s mur­der. His defense team says the prosecution’s case rests on spu­ri­ous evi­dence, includ­ing a file bear­ing his name that an inde­pen­dent team of com­put­er engi­neers con­clud­ed had been mys­te­ri­ous­ly installed by a virus on a com­put­er belong­ing to OdaTV, an antigov­ern­ment Web site. He was held for sev­en months with­out charges. If con­vict­ed, he faces up to 15 years in jail.


    Now, some jour­nal­ists who work for the Dogan group say there is an unwrit­ten rule not to crit­i­cize the gov­ern­ing par­ty. Mr. Erdo­gan, who has pre­vi­ous­ly called on his sup­port­ers to boy­cott the Dogan group, strong­ly denied any polit­i­cal motives behind the fine.

    After Mr. Erdo­gan swept to pow­er in 2002, human rights activists ini­tial­ly laud­ed him for expand­ing free speech. But after an unsuc­cess­ful attempt by the sec­u­lar oppo­si­tion to ban Mr. Erdogan’s par­ty in 2008, crit­ics say, Mr. Erdo­gan embarked on a sys­tem­at­ic cam­paign to silence his oppo­nents.

    They say the curbs on press free­dom also reflect the fact that Turkey no longer feels oblig­at­ed to adhere to West­ern norms at a time when it is play­ing the role of region­al leader and its talks on join­ing the Euro­pean Union are in dis­ar­ray.

    Mr. Sen­er and Mr. Sik were defi­ant in March as police offi­cers took them into cus­tody at their homes before tele­vi­sion cam­eras. “Who­ev­er touch­es it gets burned!” Mr. Sik shout­ed, refer­ring to the Gulen move­ment, whose mem­bers, ana­lysts say, have infil­trat­ed the high­est lev­els of the country’s police and judi­cia­ry.

    In March, the unpub­lished man­u­script of Mr. Sik’s book on the move­ment, “The Army of the Imam,” was con­fis­cat­ed by police offi­cers. But the police were unable to stop its pub­li­ca­tion on the Inter­net, where at least 20,000 users down­loaded it.


    The mon­i­tor­ing agency last sum­mer called on Web sites to ban 138 words, includ­ing “ani­mal,” “erot­ic” and “zoo” in Eng­lish and “fat,” “blonde” and “skirt” in Turk­ish. It is a trib­ute to Turkey’s still vibrant media cul­ture that the pro­hi­bi­tion inspired an online com­pe­ti­tion to cre­ate the best short sto­ry out of the banned words.

    We have to track down the win­ning piece of that short sto­ry com­pe­ti­tion, hehe.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | January 4, 2012, 7:59 pm
  6. Oh my. Erdo­gan just ruf­fled some feath­ers with his lat­est procla­ma­tion about the right to an abor­tion. Not only is he for ban­ning abor­tions but he’s also opposed to ““birth by cae­sar­i­an” . Appar­ent­ly they’re “unnat­ur­al”. WTF!? The “mod­er­ate” Mus­lim Broth­er­hood strikes again:

    1 June 2012 Last updat­ed at 12:12 ET

    Turkey PM Erdo­gan sparks row over abor­tion
    By Arash Ahma­di
    BBC Mon­i­tor­ing

    Turkey’s Prime Min­is­ter Recep Tayyip Erdo­gan has described abor­tion as tan­ta­mount to “mur­der”, anger­ing wom­en’s rights groups and spark­ing an intense debate in the main­ly Mus­lim nation.

    In line with Mr Erdo­gan’s com­ments, Turkey’s health min­is­ter pro­posed a change in the abor­tion law, which rights groups fear could lead to a total ban.

    Abor­tions became legal in 1983. Accord­ing to 2008 fig­ures, 10% of preg­nan­cies in Turkey were ter­mi­nat­ed through abor­tion, far low­er than the Euro­pean aver­age rate of 30%.

    Speak­ing last week at a con­fer­ence on pop­u­la­tion and devel­op­ment, Mr Erdo­gan said “there is no dif­fer­ence between killing a baby in its moth­er’s stom­ach and killing a baby after birth”.

    “I con­sid­er abor­tion to be mur­der. No-one should have the right to allow this to hap­pen.”

    Mr Erdo­gan also said he was “a prime min­is­ter that is against birth by cae­sare­an” because “unnec­es­sary” elec­tive cae­sare­ans were “unnat­ur­al”.

    Mr Erdo­gan, who is known to advo­cate hav­ing large fam­i­lies, caused yet more anger when he com­pared abor­tion to the aer­i­al bom­bard­ment of civil­ians.

    “Every abor­tion is like an Ulud­ere,” he said — a ref­er­ence to an inci­dent last Decem­ber in which 34 civil­ians were killed by the Turk­ish mil­i­tary in an air strike near the Iraqi bor­der.


    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 5, 2012, 8:13 pm
  7. All ide­o­log­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions aside, a new Tur­kic-speak­ing empire is unlike­ly of suc­cess through pure­ly geo­graph­i­cal rea­sons. The swath of for­mer grass­land from Chi­na to Turkey (the ancient Silk Road) which con­tains the major­i­ty of Tur­kic speak­ing peo­ple out­side Turkey prop­er is hemmed in by ethic­i­ties and nation­al­i­ties hos­tile to such a project, even were all to devolve into reac­tionary enclaves. A resur­gent Kur­dish sep­a­ratism is sure­ly to be awak­ened and strength­ened by any reshuf­fling of region­al nation­al bor­ders, as is like­ly if the Syr­i­an con­flict dete­ri­o­rates into Nato-cat­alyzed civ­il war.
    This may be one of Nato’s desired endgame sce­nar­ios, as Iran’s Kur­dish north­west seeks union with their coun­ter­parts in oth­er coun­tries. Turkey will be the vic­tim of its own slide into racial and reli­gious fun­da­men­tal­ism and Nazi-inspired agres­sion. Sim­ply put, to destroy Iran as a nation-state Nato will not hes­i­tate to harm its own ally Turkey.

    Posted by Dwight | June 6, 2012, 5:27 am

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