Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: In the 1930’s, there was a famous American criminal named Baby Face Nelson. In the second decade of this century, we are witnessing the activities of another American criminal of youthful visage–Edward J. Snowden. A career spook, Snowden has, of course, been the source for disclosures about NSA spying on individuals and institutions.
Previously, we noted that Ron Paul backer Snowden decamped to Hong Kong and leaked information about U.S. hacking of Chinese computers just as President Obama was meeting with the Chinese prime minister Xi, embarrassing the President at a sensitive time.
(Users of this website are emphatically encouraged to examine in detail the previous, above-linked posts on this subject.)
Now, Snowden has followed up his Chinese “op” by leaking information about NSA spying on EU members. The most “spied-upon” EU member state is–unsurprisingly–Germany. The latest disclosure comes as Obama was preparing to meet with Angela Merkel of Germany.
The timing of this, on top of the “remarkable coincidence” of Snowden showing up in Hong Kong and leaking embarrassing information as Obama is meeting with Xi, is more than even the most credulous should believe.
As noted in a previous post, this incident strikes us as being remarkably similar to the downing of a U‑2 spy plane prior to the Eisenhower/Kruschev summit. In The Guns of November, Part I, we examined information from Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty indicating that the U‑2 had been deliberately sabotaged by CIA hardliners to frustrate attempts at improving U.S./Soviet relations. The leaking of the information to down the U‑2 was blamed on none other than Lee Harvey Oswald!
“Snowden’s Ride”, to coin a term, has all the earmarks of an intelligence operation, like the U‑2 gambit. Central to this is Thiel’s Palantir firm, almost certainly the developer of the PRISM function. As discussed in our last post, the notion that there would be two Silicon Valley software functions with identical names used by NSA/intelligence community is not credible. There would have been litigation.
Also as noted in our last post, we wonder what role may have been played in this by Michael J. Morrell, who brief Dubya on intelligence matters and who was at his side on 9/11. Note that Snowden also worked for CIA, as well as NSA. That “the Company” may be scoring points against a rival agency is also to be considered.
It should come as no surprise that the NSA would target Germany as a “hot spot” for electronic surveillance. An overview of the most important terrorist incidents affecting the United States over the last quarter of a century reveals important evidentiary tributaries leading to Germany:
- The bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 was executed in Germany. The bomb was placed aboard the plane in Germany and the bombers were heavily infiltrated by German intelligence. One or more of the cell of bombers was a German intelligence operative.
- The financing for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 came from operatives in Germany.
- The actual mastermind of the Oklahoma City bombing, according to ATF informant Carol Howe, was Andreas Strassmeir. Strassmeir was a “former” Bundeswehr officer and the son of Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s chief of staff. Andreas’ grandfather was one of the charter members of the NSDAP under Hitler. The resemblance between Strassmeir and “John Doe #2” is striking.
- Not only did the 9/11 hijack conspirators coalesce in Hamburg, but there is strong evidence that German intelligence was involved with the attack. Many of hijacker Mohamed Atta’s associates in South Florida were Germans. Atta was moved around under the cover of the Carl Duisberg Society (Gesellschaft). (See text excerpts below.) In Florida, he was associating with the sons and daughters of prominent German industrialists. (See text excerpts below.) Of interest, also, is the fact that CIA pilots apparently made a “run” to the Bormann ranch. (See text excerpts below.) This sounds like a regular route. In our conversations with Daniel Hopsicker, we have noted that the South Florida aviation milieu had been a focal point of covert operations for decades, dating back to the Second World War. The Bormann ranch was in the three-borders area highlighted in FTR #457. Did the German associates of Mohamed Atta come up the other end of that pipeline?
- The “vacuum cleaner” activities of NSA/GCHQ have been known for a long time–we have done programs about it dating back many years. The formal, public attack on the ECHELON network began in 1998. That attack came from Germany and Underground Reich-associated elements such as the Free Congress Foundation.
- In August of 1998, several things happened almost simultaneously–as the German/EU/Free Congress Foundation/Underground Reich attack on ECHELON/Menwith Hill was gaining momentum, Osama bin Laden stopped using his cell phone and began using couriers for important communication. At this time, German intelligence had the Hamburg cell (of 9/11 hijackers) under electronic surveillance. German intelligence did NOT alert the United States.
“NSA Map Shows Germany Most Spied-on of EU Members”; UPI.com; 6/10/2013.
EXCERPT: While the United States spies on all European Union nations, it spies on Germany the most, say papers supplied by a former employee of the top U.S. spy agency.
The rankings of what EU nations are snooped on, and how much, can be seen in a color-coded map of covert National Security Agency surveillance activities, EUObserver.com reported Monday.
Nations subject to the least spying activities are shaded green; those with the most red.
All EU members are various shades of green on the map. Germany is orange.
The map, called Boundless Informant, is among documents released by Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor who says he is the person who this month leaked information about the U.S. metadata collection program known as PRISM. . . .
“History of the Carl Duisberg Society”
EXCERPT: In the 1920’s, Carl Duisberg, General Director of Bayer AG in Germany, envisioned sending German students to the United States on work-study programs. Duisberg was convinced that international practical training was critical to the growth of German industry. Many of the returning trainees later rose to prominent positions at AEG, Bayer, Bosch, Daimler Benz, and Siemens, bringing with them new methods for mass production, new ideas, and new business practices. Following World War II, alumni from the first exchanges founded the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (CDG) in 1949 to help engineers, businessmen and farmers gain international work experience necessary for the rebuilding of Germany . . . .
Excerpt from the Description for FTR #484
. . . . Daniel also notes that some of Atta’s German associates in Florida were sons and daughters of prominent German industrialists. . . .
Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning; p. 292.
EXCERPT: . . . A former CIA contract pilot, who once flew the run into Paraguay and Argentina to the Bormann ranch described the estate as remote, ‘worth your life unless you entered their air space with the right identification codes. . . .
Here’s a story that fall under the category of “who watches the watchers...or at least gives the watchers security clearances?”. Part of the answer appears to be “some random massive contractor with ethical issues that happens to be owned by the same owners of Booz Allen Hamilton and that’s been under investigation since 2011″:
Interestingly, even though Snowden passed his background check in 2011 and was an ex-CIA employee, Booz Allen Hamilton reportedly had reserves about him. It’s unclear what discrepancies they found on his resume, but something about his educational claims reportedly did not add up:
Good find. This doesn’t surprise.
I noted in my second post on this subject that Snowden didn’t graduate from high school.
A high school diploma is mandatory for being a national security contractor.
I don’t know about a GED.
In any event, this positively reeks of a spook operation.
Not that the dumb-ass media are likely to figure it out.
I wouldn’t count on the blogosphere either. Most of them are superficial and, like mainstream journalists, function like a flock of birds.
When one lands, they all land and when one flies away, they all fly away.
They never seem to have figured out Assange, whose profound association with Holocaust-denier Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”) was instrumental in WikiLeaks ending up in Sweden at fascist money-man Carl Lundstrom’s Pirate Bay servers.
Newer readers/listeners should examnine FTR #‘s 732 and 745 for detailed discussion of this.
The latest drip, drip, drip: GCHQ is doing even more surveillance than the NSA:
This isn’t really surprising but more of a “signs of the times” fun fact:
USIS, the former government agency that handles security clearances and was privatized in 1996 and sold to the Carlyle Group in 2007, has its own political action committee.
A correction on my part: USIS wasn’t sold to Carlyle in 2007. It was sold by Carlyle in 2007 to a different private equity firm. Me can’t read!
Ars Technica has a big new piece on Snowden’s online posts on their chat rooms over the years including his time in Switzerland. While it doesn’t look like Snowden’s politics have changed much in recent years (he’s promoting the gold standard in one thread) his attitude towards leakers sure has:
Laura Poitras, one of the journalists working with Snowden, has a new set of “revelations” reported in Der Spiegel about NSA targeting of EU institutions:
This latest disclosure has, of course, continued to ruffled weathers:
So was this new content from one of the original 41 Power-Point slides that we haven’t seen yet or is it from the thousands of other documents that Wikileaks, China, Russia, and who knows who else might have by now.
And in the latest Snowden-flake, we learn that the US classify Germany as a “third class” partner which puts it in a similar category to that of China, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. No other EU country has that classification:
And now Germany is preparing to bringing charges against “persons unknown”:
Considering there’s an election in Germany right now, the Snowden extradition-saga could get really interesting.
And depending on how the charges against the US and UK proceed, lawsuits against governments that facilitate oppressive spying on innocent civilians might also get really interesting.