Comment: There is a military slang acronym “BOHICA,” which stands for “Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.”
“Economists: Another Financial Crisis on the Way” by Matthew Jaffe; ABC News; 3/2/2010.
Even as many Americans still struggle to recover from the country’s worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, another crisis – one that will be even worse than the current one – is looming, according to a new report from a group of leading economists, financiers, and former federal regulators.
In the report, the panel, which includes Rob Johnson of the United Nations Commission of Experts on Finance and bailout watchdog Elizabeth Warren, warns that financial regulatory reform measures proposed by the Obama administration and Congress must be beefed up to prevent banks from continuing to engage in high-risk investing that precipitated the near-collapse of the U.S. economy in 2008.
The report warns that the country is now immersed in a “doomsday cycle” wherein banks use borrowed money to take massive risks in an attempt to pay big dividends to shareholders and big bonuses to management – and when the risks go wrong, the banks receive taxpayer bailouts from the government.
“Risk-taking at banks,” the report cautions, “will soon be larger than ever.”
Without more stringent reforms, “another crisis – a bigger crisis that weakens both our financial sector and our larger economy – is more than predictable, it is inevitable,” Johnson says in the report, commissioned by the nonpartisan Roosevelt Institute.
The institute’s chief economist, Nobel Prize-winner Joseph Stiglitz, calls the report “an important point of departure for a debate on where we are on the road to regulatory reform.” . . .
The list of excuses for appointing Larry Summers as Bernanke’s replacement at the Fed just keeps getting shorter and shorter:
“Now is the Summers of our discontent!”
As distressing as the prospect is, it brings to mind my cautionary remarks to the lintheads who claim there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats.
There is a profound difference. The contrast could be represented as, “Which would you like for dinner, a chicken-fried steak dinner at Denny’s or a plate full of broken glass?”
The Democrats are the chicken-fried steak dinner at Denny’s, the Republicans the plate full of broken glass.
Another way of expressing this is an old country aphorism: “There is nothing like stepping in a cow flop to make you realize how nice tripping over a stone can be.”
Hearty appetite!
@Dave: Krugman has a post today that characterizes the differences we can expect between a Larry Summers vs Janet Yellen Fed era:
So if Yellen gets nominated it sounds like there might be a breakup, at least temporarily, between Wall Street and its Federal regulators. If Summers is nominated it’s a signal that the longstanding romance would still be intact. And, of course, if it was a GOP Fed nominee the government would still be in bed with Wall Street but there would be broken glass involved and eventually a body.