COMMENT: Conservative Frank Gaffney–among the VERY few in this country willing to attack Grover Norquist and Karl Rove for their support for the Muslim Brotherhood–has properly excoriated the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton for their diplomatic rapprochement with that Islamic fascist organization.
(I note that the Obama administration is simply extending an initiative that was begun under the Bush administration and continued and brought to fruition under Obama. This is a covert operation, with WikiLeaks and Karl Rove being part of the mix. Gaffney–perhaps predictably–does not mention this. Nonetheless, he is correct to lambaste this behavior.)
In addition to endangering the U.S., this approach will ultimately provide more ammunition for the GOP to destroy the Obama administration. (Newer listeners are advised to check out the For The Record series on the Piggy-Back Coups.)
EXCERPT: The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation’s birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States’ extreme detriment: Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic). That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective.
On Thursday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to downplay the momentousness of this major policy shift by portraying it during a stopover in Budapest as follows: “The Obama administration is continuing the approach of limited contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood that have existed on and off for about five or six years.” In fact, as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy points out in a characteristically brilliant, and scathing, dissection of this announcement, Team Obama’s official, open legitimation of the Brotherhood marks a dramatic break from the U.S. government’s historical refusal to deal formally with the Ikhwan. . . .
COMMENT: Meanwhile, in Egypt, pro-democracy elements are attempting to delay the elections, fearful that the Brotherhood and holdover forces from the Mubarak regime will prevail and interdict any attempt at establishing real democracy.
Of course, the prediction made in the FTR series about the Piggy-Back Coups is that a Brotherhood ascent was the ultimate goal. Corporate interests like the free-market ideology of the Brotherhood and will support Islamist efforts against Russia and China, while the Underground Reich envisions the Brotherhood as proxy warriors to finish the work of World War II–destroying the U.S., Israel and Russia.
EXCERPT: Sensing the revolution that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak is slipping from their grasp, activists and opposition groups are pressuring the ruling military council to postpone Egypt’s elections in September amid fears that Islamists and members of the former regime will gain too much power.
The attempt by fledgling political parties to win more time to organize coincides with a renewed push to draft a new constitution before the parliamentary elections so that no political bloc, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, will have unchecked influence to set the laws of the land.
The pressing concern among independents and secularists is that the Brotherhood, the nation’s largest and best-organized party, may win about 25% of the seats in parliament and control even more through a coalition. This could give the organization the power to infuse the new constitution with conservative Islamic ideals to limit rights for women and non-Muslims.
“The Brotherhood is tyrannical in its opinions and views, and I think they will take the side of the Islamist businessmen who fund it and have strict Islamic ideologies,” said Khalid Sayed, a member of the Jan. 25 Youth Coalition. “Whatever constitution they might form would not fulfill the demands of Egyptians for civil rights and democracy.” . . . .
Good stuff, Dave. I’ll have to disagree with you on one thing, though: Even though the world crime network(The Underground Reich included)may be buddy-buddy with the radical Islamists in East Turkestan, I cannot help but ultimately feel that they are NOT the enemies of Beijing. In fact, they are quite the opposite...from what I can see, they are ultimately their ALLIES, or at least, they have been since the end of the 1970s after Mao passed away; The China of today is no longer Communist. It is now a far-right CORPORATIST, and FASCIST, dictatorship, with a Communist veil(kinda like North Korea, although at least Pyongyang isn’t corporatist).
If there were 2 countries that’d be most likely to be destroyed by the world crime network other than the U.S., Russia, and Israel(IF they manage to get rid of the Likudniks, that is), I’d pick India.......and Canada.
It seems to me that it is too soon to tell exactly what German intentions are with China. Ostensibly, economic influence. I see it as a kind of chess game at this point. Political power and influence/domination are certainly the goal. It is the Muslim Brotherhood being used as a proxy force for the Underground Reich. The Brotherhood seeks support for the Islamists who are posturing against China. How things play out between China and the Federal Republic,though, remains to be seen. This is the last section in the latest article.
The “Yellow Peril”
Given China’s influence, Berlin’s reactions are blatantly contradictory to the perspective of being forced to have to lose a part of its distinctive hegemonic influence in Europe. As German Chancellor Merkel was seeking even closer cooperation during the current consultations in Berlin, the German government was fueling “human rights” campaigns against Beijing — campaigns it never promotes against its allies with the most serious human rights violations. Numerous media organs printed hefty invectives against the People’s Republic of China over the past few days. The boulevard press even revived old racist animosity (“the yellow peril”), warning against an alleged “Chinese invasion.” Referring to Chinese companies, they write, “they are buying our property, traditional German companies” and “China is taking over Europe.”[7] Contradictions between the attempts to develop closer cooperation, on the one hand, and the campaign type attacks on China, on the other, are not a sign of dissention in Berlin’s foreign policy, but rather the product of divergent interests: the aspiration to profit from cooperation with the booming Chinese economy and the struggle against the political power resulting from China’s boom.
@Sandra: It is unfortunate that the German gov’t is being so hypocritcal and that the press had to revive the ‘Yellow Peril’ hatemongering because the government of “People’s Republic” of China truly is a threat to world peace, as much so as the fascists strangling our own nation; ultimately, it seems to be an attempt to, indirectly, at least, discredit those who have exposed REAL human rights violations in that nation.
Frankly, the only real hope for China now is for democratization to occur; but if not, then it would be better for all of humanity, if the Beijing government to fade into history, as it’s 20th Century counterpart, Mussolini’s Italy, did.
However, I doubt the world crime network will allow any such liberation of the Chinese people, and in fact, will try their damnedest to fight it(perhaps even utilizing Washington to work with Beijing to squash any rebels? I find that to be an extremely plausible scenario.).
Perhaps there is still hope for China, but sadly, it is fading away ever so steadily every passing year.......=’(
@Doug: Problem is, they ARE real fundamentalist Muslims, and they have NO problem with screwing everyone else over thru crappy banking(yet scream about supposed ‘Jewish usury’ from the rooftops): it’s kinda like many of the fundamentalist Christian head honchos here in the states and their social hypocrisy.
But yes, you certainly are correct on one thing: The Western Intel agencies were, and still are, heavily involved in the suppression of social liberal/progressive movements in the Middle East & North Africa. as well as in the West itself, and sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, etc.
@Doug: Addendum: I should probably clarify that what I meant is, fundamentalists of any religion have a serious tendency to twist doctrine to their own needs; the Wahhabbis have done this with Islam, the Haredim with Judaism, the ‘Identity’ people & many evangelical groups with Christianity, and others!