COMMENT: Russian fascist and Duma member Vladimir Zhirinovsky has made threatening statements about using weather weaponry against countries perceived as threatening Russia.
Financed by German fascist Gerhard Frey, Zhirinovsky has always been viewed as a loose cannon. His comments about the existence of environmental weaponry should not be dismissed out of hand, however.
This is NOT to say that his hints about the Fukushima disaster can be taken at face value. Nor should we automatically dismiss them.
With the U.S./U.S.S.R. treaty thirty-plus years in the past, the possibility that other countries have developed such technology should be carefully considered.
That devastating tragedy may well have been a natural occurrence.
For the record, so to speak, I am NOT saying, necessarily, that HAARP was involved in the Japan quake. As discussed in FTR #272, other nations are developing or have developed such systems.
Another thing to consider is just WHO is controlling HAARP? Might Underground Reich elements have access to the technology?
“Secret Weather Weapons Can Kill Millions, Warns Top Russian Politician”; The Nation; 5/18/2011.
EXCERPT: . . . Zhirinovsky made reference to the recent tsunami in Japan, suggesting that the “new weapons” to which he refers are related to weather control technology, which has been intensely studied by both the U.S. and Russia since the 1950′s and is commonly used today.
Threatening to annex Georgia completely, Zhirinovsky warned, “And then there will be another tsunami, on the other side of the planet, in the Caucasus.”
Zhirinovsky’s reference to the Kuril Islands in connection with the devastating tsunami that hit Japan in March is a not so subtle suggestion that Russia had something to do with causing the natural disaster that killed thousands, led to the Fukushima crisis and threatened to derail Japan’s economic recovery.
Zhirinovsky also warned of a coming “third world war” emerging from the current turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa that would lead to the collapse of current global institutions like the EU and the WTO and the rise of a new international order led by Russia. . . .
. . . However, as the revelations of weather modification expert Ben Livingston, a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, have documented, as far back as the early 1950′s the United States was funneling money into programs aimed at using the weather as a weapon during the cold war. It would be naive to think that the Russians weren’t engaged in similar research.
Moreover, in an April 1997 speech to the University of Georgia, Athens, then US Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke of the threat of an “eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
For many years, suspicions have circulated around the purpose of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and DARPA. In his underground bestseller Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, author Nick Begich summarizes the evidence that suggests HAARP is involved in weather control for nefarious purposes.
Scientists at NASA have discovered “A close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below,” which has led to claims that earthquakes are being artificially induced as a form of modern warfare by HAARP.
The technology to which Zhirinovsky refers is rapidly moving out of the realms of science fiction and into scientific fact as we progress further into the 21st century.
Well, Dave, to be honest with you, since our little talk a couple of weeks back, I have done a bit of thinking concerning HAARP and weather control as of late..........
I can now concede that a few indirect forms of weather control{like similar to cloud seeding, but done in a different manner}, may in fact be quite possible.{How about nullifying incoming weather systems to prevent rainfall, for example? I can see that as a very powerful tool.}
However, though, I will have to say that DIRECT manipulation methods, such as steering hurricanes, manipulating Gulf moisture, or modifying individual supercells & creating and steering tornadoes, simply isn’t possible in this day and age, not only that, but is probably being used to cast a bad eye on legitimate researchers{and increasingly being used to try to discredit climate change research, it seems} and, as you so correctly forewarned in FTR #272, “Such thinking and action exhibits “conspiracy theory at its worst,” and plays in to the hand of cynical critics, in addition to obscuring real, substantive inquiries into the possible military application of environmental modification technologies.”.
{Although, it can be granted that Eastlund’s technology could theoretically try to stop tornadoes from forming........although you also pointed that many critics warned that it could actually backfire and make the weather even least under the right conditions. However, though, I believe that would fall under the ‘indirect’ category.}
In any case, please do forgive my previous hardcore skepticism, but there’s so much crap out there{you want a good example? Google the YouTube user by the name of Dutchsinse for starters}, it can sometimes be quite a pain in the @$$ to figure out what’s a crock of horse manure, and what’s actually possible.
In any case, I did enjoy your latest FTR posting, and I hope to see a new FTR soon.
Farewell for now, and please, do keep up the good work. =)
What should be noted is the very fact that treaties have been drawn up regarding this issue. This suggests that weather manipulation technology is indeed possible. What the current state of the art is can only be conjecture by those not in the know. But it would be safe to say that it has gone several decades past seeding rain clouds with silver iodide.
I agree with steven. There is a lot of crap mixed with the genuine science in this field particularly, and the subject of HAARP specifically.
I’ve come to see HAARD as a sort of “gateway topic” that, if one takes up, starts a rational person on a “slippery-slope” to becoming an expert on the undiscovered galactic tribes of the 18th federation of Prilosec.
In fact Mr. Emory’s post above is the FIRST time I’ve ever seen HAARP discussed without it being used somehow, no matter how irrelevent or unrelated, as an opportunity to bring up the secret space aliens that our government knows all about and has since..
..ugh. forget know what I mean.
It’s not hard to understand though how lesser minds can get initially turned by this.
Imagine getting to the end of Family Of Secrets and in the last chapter Russ Baker writes definitively about the Bushes relationship with the Grays.
It’d be confusing wouldn’t it?
Thanks Dave
They live.
@Devil James: Thanks, man. =)
The interviews that Dave did with Dr. Nick Begich can be listened to starting with FTR #1. The research work that Dr Begich undertook on the HAARP project is surely the most comprehensive. No talk of beings from outer space or such. And not to lose sight of the fact that Newt Gingrich is a big supporter of the military applications of both the use of the various technologies against enemy combatants and for controlling the populace domestically and elsewhere.
Can we just say — it is after all 2011 — that any candidate whose name you could even know is by definition a rubber stamp for the most bloated military in history? Dems and Reps alike. They’re only distinguishable through the marketing plan.
@Sandra: True, but even a really intrepid honest researcher like Begich can get sucked in to some of the B.S.
@Rob Coogan: That is true to a good extent, although I think Obama is being played by the establishment. Go back a little while in the archives and you should come across something called ‘Badjacketing Obama’.
@Steven: Of course, Bad-jacketing is a key point. When the time comes (if it comes), it’s the “off” switch for any politician who might break a rule or think independently while in office. Obama’s “off” switch, or his being played by the establishment doesn’t change the fact that he is also 100% theirs from the start. They paid for him, after all. And they are reaping great rewards. (One could say this about any president.)
Look at the wars (evelasting), the war spending (largest in history), the long-term policies and the (yes, it sounds cliché) corporate agenda. It’s not about parties or personalities, but about the function of the front-men and front-women who run for office, play their roles, and deliver the goods. The entire narrative-charade of electoral politics is bought and paid for by those who profit from it the most. (Centralized conglomerate ownership of media, etc., blah blah blah...)
I’m describing something along the lines of what S. Zizek calls Post-Politics (surface), and what P.D. Scott calls Deep Politics (below the surface). If you see through the former, all there is that’s meaningful is the latter. Hence, FTR.
Policy formation is ever and always out of the hands of the people governed. It is formed secretly, from the top down, whoever is in office. It requires a credulous will to go on believing there is any meaning in our political system, anything meaningful beyond cut-outs and front-men, as described. This is my humble opinion, of course, but what other conclusion is there to draw? See the latest Hirsch, for a fun example of policies no one can discuss in polite company.
I suspect we’re going to see more hints at weather control technologies (like this) as the weather gets weirder and the public eventually starts clamoring for solutions. The “let’s geo-engineer the environment” solution is just too lucrative for the usual suspects to not cram it down our throats:
And with severe water shortages looming over all these wonderful mega-cities and booming populations around the world, we might see a lot more unilateral geo-engineering like this in the not too distant future:
Huh, so ionizers in the desert catalyzed the droplet formation. Sounds familiar.
It looks like public support for Putin’s “United Russia” party is dropping and his response is to to order a significant change to the parliamentary rules that will allow his party to retain power more easily:
Putin’s authoritarian inclinations and deep ties to Russia’s intelligence and oligarchs communities have always left Russia’s future somewhat in doubt. And then there are the, um, ‘issues’ opposition leaders also have to work through that also leave Russia’s future somewhat in doubt. The far-right ‘nationalist’ contingent of the opposition teaming up with young idealist has a “Muslim Brotherhood is going to take over after the youth does the revolutionary groundwork” kind of feel to it. Hopefully some good can come from this new set rules and we’ll see a shifting of alliances that allows for an opposition coalition to emerge that has a real chance at giving Russia a non-fascist future. Of course, that also means the nationalists/fascists might start getting poached by “United Russia” in the new system and who knows how that kind of development could play out. Like “United Russia”, Russia’s per capita influence is elevated, to say the least. The country’s fate is poised impact the course of humanity over the next century so it’s always a troubling development when news like this gets reported.
As a citizen of the US — another country that dramatically impacts the global community with an even higher per capita influence — all I can say is “Phew! Good thing crises contrived by far-right power networks using rigged voting systems could never happen here!”
This is just historical reminder that our contemporary unrestrained carbon-based global economy is alarmingly similar to a 50’s-era doomsday attack:
Lol, yeah, sure CIA, this study is just for looking at geoengineering ways to halt changes in the weather. Uh huh:
Also, note that reports of HAARP’s shutdown appear to be premature. It just has new owners. And there are lots of other HAARP-like facilities around the world so it doesn’t really matter.