Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Wars and Postwars: Germany, The First World War, and the EMU


Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

COMMENT: We’ve spo­ken often of the pan-Ger­man eco­nom­ic plans of Friedrich List, as well as their real­iza­tion under the Third Reich, in both its above-ground and under­ground man­i­fes­ta­tions.

We have not dis­cussed the First World War (the cen­ten­ni­al of which is approach­ing), in which Ger­man impe­ri­al­ists stood firm in their aim of uti­liz­ing the post-war to real­ize their aims of a Euro­pean eco­nom­ic union, dom­i­nat­ed by Ger­many and used to fur­ther their hege­mon­ic goals.

In order to under­stand the lines of argu­ment pre­sent­ed here, it is essen­tial to under­stand the the­o­ries of Carl von Clause­witz, in which mil­i­tary and political/diplomatic under­tak­ings were envi­sioned as a seam­less con­ti­nu­ity.

Suc­cess­ful pros­e­cu­tion of pol­i­cy is thus seen as prop­er inte­gra­tion of the mil­i­tary and the economic/political.

The euro is the suc­cess­ful (for Ger­many) out­come of two world wars and their post­wars.

“WW1 Cen­te­nary — His­tor­i­cal Revi­sion In British Gov­ern­ment Cir­cles”; Ger­many Watch; 6/11/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . . This is a direct trans­la­tion of [Ger­man Chan­cel­lor] Beth­man-Holl­weg’s inter­nal memo on Ger­many’s war aims, from Sep­tem­ber 1914. . . .

. . . . We must cre­ate a cen­tral Euro­pean eco­nom­ic asso­ci­a­tion through com­mon cus­toms treaties, to include France, Bel­gium, Hol­land, Den­mark, Aus­tria-Hun­gary, Poland and per­haps Italy, Swe­den and Nor­way. This asso­ci­a­tion will not have any com­mon con­sti­tu­tion­al supreme author­i­ty and all its mem­bers will be for­mal­ly equal, but in prac­tice will be under Ger­man lead­er­ship and must sta­bi­lize Germany’s eco­nom­ic dom­i­nance over ‘Mid­dle Europe’ . . .

COMMENT: Writ­ing in 1943, Paul Win­kler fore­saw that the Prus­so-Teu­ton­ics would real­ize their goals through the cre­ation of a Ger­man-dom­i­nat­ed cen­tral Euro­pean eco­nom­ic union (bear­ing a strik­ing resem­blance to today’s Euro­pean Mon­e­tary Union.) One of the prin­ci­pal influ­ences on List’s think­ing was the “con­ti­nen­tal” con­cept of Napoleon, who attempt­ed to eco­nom­i­cal­ly unite Europe under French influ­ence.

The Thou­sand-Year Con­spir­a­cy; by Paul Win­kler; Charles Scribner’s Sons [HC]; 1943; pp. 15–16.

EXCERPT: . . . . Charles Andler, a French author, summed up cer­tain ideas of List in his work, The Ori­gins of Pan-Ger­man­ism, (pub­lished in 1915.) “It is nec­es­sary to orga­nize con­ti­nen­tal Europe against Eng­land. Napoleon I, a great strate­gist, also knew the meth­ods of eco­nom­ic hege­mo­ny. His con­ti­nen­tal sys­tem, which met with oppo­si­tion even from coun­tries which might have prof­it­ed from such an arrange­ment should be revived, but, this time, not as an instru­ment of Napoleon­ic dom­i­na­tion. The idea of unit­ed Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shock­ing if Ger­many assumes dom­i­na­tion over such a bloc—and not France. [Empha­sis added.] Bel­gium, Hol­land, Switzer­land, will­ing­ly or by force, will enter this ‘Cus­toms Fed­er­a­tion.’ Aus­tria is assumed to be won over at the out­set. Even France, if she gets rid of her notions of mil­i­tary con­quest, will not be exclud­ed. The first steps the Con­fed­er­a­tion would take to assure uni­ty of thought and action would be to estab­lish a joint rep­re­sen­ta­tive body, as well as to orga­nize a com­mon fleet. But of course, both the head­quar­ters of the Fed­er­a­tion and its par­lia­men­tary seat would be in Ger­many. [Empha­sis added.] . . .

COMMENT: The Lis­t­ian mod­el was put into effect by the Third Reich, as can be gleaned by read­ing Dorothy Thompson’s analy­sis of Germany’s plans for world dom­i­nance by a cen­tral­ized Euro­pean eco­nomic union. Ms. Thomp­son was writ­ing in The New York Her­ald Tri­bune on May 31, 1940! Her com­ments are repro­duced by Tetens on page 92.

Ger­many Plots with the Krem­lin; T.H. Tetens; Hen­ry Schu­man [HC]; 1953; p. 92.

EXCERPT: . . . . The Ger­mans have a clear plan of what they intend to do in case of vic­tory. I believe that I know the essen­tial details of that plan. I have heard it from a suf­fi­cient num­ber of impor­tant Ger­mans to cred­it its authen­tic­ity . . . Germany’s plan is to make a cus­toms union of Europe, with com­plete finan­cial and eco­nomic con­trol cen­tered in Berlin. This will cre­ate at once the largest free trade area and the largest planned econ­omy in the world. In West­ern Europe alone . . . there will be an eco­nomic uni­ty of 400 mil­lion per­sons . . . To these will be added the resources of the British, French, Dutch and Bel­gian empires. These will be pooled in the name of Europa Ger­man­i­ca . . .

“The Ger­mans count upon polit­i­cal pow­er fol­low­ing eco­nomic pow­er, and not vice ver­sa. Ter­ri­to­r­ial changes do not con­cern them, because there will be no ‘France’ or ‘Eng­land,’ except as lan­guage groups. Lit­tle imme­di­ate con­cern is felt regard­ing polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions . . . . No nation will have the con­trol of its own finan­cial or eco­nomic sys­tem or of its cus­toms. [Ital­ics are mine–D.E.] The Naz­i­fi­ca­tion of all coun­tries will be accom­plished by eco­nomic pres­sure. In all coun­tries, con­tacts have been estab­lished long ago with sym­pa­thetic busi­ness­men and indus­tri­al­ists . . . . As far as the Unit­ed States is con­cerned, the plan­ners of the World Ger­man­ica laugh off the idea of any armed inva­sion. They say that it will be com­pletely unnec­es­sary to take mil­i­tary action against the Unit­ed States to force it to play ball with this sys­tem. . . . Here, as in every oth­er coun­try, they have estab­lished rela­tions with numer­ous indus­tries and com­mer­cial orga­ni­za­tions, to whom they will offer advan­tages in co-oper­a­tion with Ger­many. . . .

COMMENT: The Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty was for­mal­ly artic­u­lat­ed by Reich offi­cials dur­ing the war, with the clear design to extend and ampli­fy the arrange­ment after the war. Below, we quote Gus­tave Koenigs, Sec­re­tary of State at a 1942 con­fer­ence about the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty.

Europais­che Wirtschafts Gemein­schaft (Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Community–translation).

. . . At the moment the so-called “Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Com­mu­ni­ty” is not yet fact; there is no pact, no organ­i­sa­tion, no coun­cil and no Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary. How­ev­er, it is not just a part of our imag­i­na­tion or some dream by a politi­cian — it is very real. . . .

. . .  Its roots are in the eco­nom­ic co-oper­a­tion of the Euro­pean nations and it will devel­op after the war into a per­ma­nent Euro­pean eco­nom­ic com­mu­ni­ty. . . .



9 comments for “Wars and Postwars: Germany, The First World War, and the EMU”

  1. High mobil­i­ty and peo­ple mov­ing to oth­er nations and start­ing a new life isn’t a bad thing. It’s actu­al­ly crit­i­cal for build­ing a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty. Forced con­ti­nen­tal brain-drain, on the oth­er hand, is most def­i­nite­ly a bad thing:

    Merkel tells young Euro­peans to move to find work
    By Stephen Evans BBC News, Berlin
    14 June 2013 Last updat­ed at 08:25 ET

    Chan­cel­lor Angela Merkel of Ger­many has said the 3.6 mil­lion or so young unem­ployed peo­ple in the euro­zone should be ready to move for work.

    She has long been crit­i­cised in euro­zone coun­tries like Spain and Greece where unem­ploy­ment is ris­ing to pre­vi­ous­ly unknown lev­els.

    In an inter­view for the BBC, she said their lev­el of job­less­ness rep­re­sent­ed a “huge cri­sis”.

    But she also res­olute­ly defend­ed the pol­i­cy of tight con­trols on spend­ing.

    When unem­ploy­ment among the young had soared in her own area of East Ger­many, “many young peo­ple... only had jobs because they moved to the south”, she said.

    There would have to be more “mobil­i­ty”, she argued.

    “I think it’s unfair that it is the young peo­ple espe­cial­ly who have to pay the bill for some­thing they did­n’t do,” she said.

    “But there’s no way around it. We have to man­u­fac­ture prod­ucts or offer ser­vices in Europe that we can sell.”

    ‘We all agreed’

    Chan­cel­lor Merkel main­tained that the fun­da­men­tal pol­i­cy was right.

    She some­times balks at the word “aus­ter­i­ty” but said: “With regard to jobs and growth, the euro­zone and oth­er coun­tries are in a dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion. The issue is not aus­ter­i­ty, the issue is to get back to growth.

    “This process is under way. Europe has to decide: how do we make a liv­ing? What do we want to pro­duce? What do we want to man­u­fac­ture? How can we cut red tape? How can we inten­si­fy trade?”

    She said that the pol­i­cy for Greece and Spain was not her per­son­al idea but one agreed by the “Troi­ka” of the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund, the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank and the Euro­pean Union.

    What did she feel when she saw anti-Ger­man demon­stra­tions? “We have demon­stra­tions not just abroad but also in Ger­many,” she replied. “As a gov­ern­ment, as politi­cians, we have to accept that. I want these coun­tries to recov­er quick­ly.”

    She said the pol­i­cy of bal­anc­ing bud­gets had been applied flex­i­bly.

    You know as well as me that the Euro­pean coun­tries all agreed to the growth and sta­bil­i­ty pact,” she said. “Nev­er­the­less, we gave many coun­tries the pos­si­bil­i­ty to have a deficit above 3%. France, for instance, but also Spain and Por­tu­gal.”

    “You know as well as me that the Euro­pean coun­tries all agreed to the growth and sta­bil­i­ty pact”. Yeah, she went there.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | June 15, 2013, 6:55 pm
  2. Dave, you’re alien­at­ing a lot of Ger­mans by cit­ing sources that oppose Ger­man Impe­ri­al­ism because they favor British Impe­ri­al­ism instead. I can sense it because I’m a North Amer­i­can who’s half-Ger­man, and it plays hav­oc with my Irish side, too. I put a com­ment on Ger­many Watch (which site sports a Lon­don Par­lia­ment back­ground) to this effect, but I fear it will be reject­ed.

    On the 5th of this month, Mus­soli­ni-wor­ship­ping fas­cist skin­heads beat an 18-year-old trade union­ist named Clé­ment Méric, of the “Euro­com­mu­nist” par­ty Le Par­ti de Gauche (“The Left”), to death on the streets of cen­tral Paris. Le Par­ti de Gauche seems to be mod­eled on the Ger­man “Euro­com­mu­nist” par­ty Die Linke (“The Left”) and may be in close cor­re­spon­dence with it, so the sin­gling out of Le Par­ti de Gauche for extreme vio­lence may not have been acci­den­tal. Die Linke has pub­lished a “Res­o­lu­tion” at its Pro­tokol” page sym­pa­thiz­ing with Le Par­ti de Gauche and say­ing that it would make the res­o­lu­tion avail­able to its “part­ner par­ties” in France, but did­n’t men­tion Le Par­ti de Gauche as among them. Pro-Nazi com­menters on the Press TV site, where I first encoun­tered the sto­ry, say that Méric was “a Jew­ish-Zion­ist” and a sup­port­er of the State of Israel. An exhaus­tive analy­sis of the fas­cist mur­der from an authen­tic Marx­ist per­spec­tive was made on June 14th by Pierre Mabut, of the Lon­don-based Inter­na­tion­al Com­mitt­tee of the Fourth International(ICFI).

    Judg­ing by the UK-biased and bel­li­cose tone I see in Ger­many Watch and the weak­ness of gen­uine inter­na­tion­ism with­in the “Marx­ist” left in Con­ti­nen­tal Europe, there may be lit­tle hope of avoid­ing a new war in Europe. There may be some major jock­ey­ing of nation­al inter­ests inside NATO, with the US and Israel choos­ing whether to go with Ger­many or the UK. Rus­sia has strong ties with Ger­many and may not be able to sit this one out. With all sides hav­ing nuclear and bio­log­i­cal weapons, the prospect is fright­en­ing in the extreme.

    Gen­uine anti-fas­cists had bet­ter tread soft­ly so as not to ruf­fle nation­al­ist feath­ers because we’ll need a gen­uine­ly inter­na­tion­al­ist effort if the whole plan­et is not to be ren­dered unin­hab­it­able. If any­thing remains, the win­ner in such a war would rule over a repeat of the Dark Ages in which cap­i­tal­ism is giv­en a new lease on life at the cost of return­ing 99% of Europe and Amer­i­ca to serf­dom.

    Posted by Atlanta Bill | June 16, 2013, 11:18 am
  3. @Atlanta Bill–

    One of the most spec­tac­u­lar­ly stu­pid com­ments I’ve ever had on this web­site.

    It isn’t con­scious­ly racial­ly or reli­gious­ly big­ot­ed or incoherent–the usu­al cri­te­ria for “trash­ing” a com­ment.

    I decid­ed to pub­lish it, sim­ply for the pur­pos­es of using the abject stu­pid­i­ty man­i­fest­ed here for instruc­tive pur­pos­es. Read on, if you dare. I’m going to apply the lash unspar­ing­ly.

    In that regard:

    a)Germany Watch isn’t advo­cat­ing “British Impe­ri­al­ism.” In case you and the Marx­ists haven’t noticed, the British Empire is long gone.

    b)The Hous­es of Par­lia­ment are emblem­at­ic of the first blos­som­ing of real demo­c­ra­t­ic process (how­ev­er flawed) in Europe. They are NOT emblem­at­ic of the British Empire. I do not agree with every­thing “Ger­many Watch” says, how­ev­er they, along with the Ger­man-pub­lished Ger­man-For­eign Policy.com, are some of the few that get what is hap­pen­ing.

    c) As indi­cat­ed by the Mar­garet Thatch­er quote on the front page, the Ger­many Warch folks lean to con­ser­vatism. Win­ston Churchill was a con­ser­v­a­tive as well, and his lead­er­ship in World War II was fun­da­men­tal to hold­ing off Nazi con­quest until the post­war peri­od.

    d) As I’ve indi­cat­ed in count­less posts and pro­grams, the Reich went under­ground and has real­ized Ger­man war aims in the “post­war.”

    e)As far as Marx­ists go–they are, and always have been, part of the prob­lem, not part of the solu­tion. (I do admire the Sovi­et resis­tance to Hitler, once Stal­in got out of the way. Marx­ist ide­ol­o­gy, how­ev­er, is counter-pro­duc­tive and its adher­ents are hand­maid­ens to fas­cism and Ger­man impe­ri­al­ism.)

    g)The “Marx­ists” and “inter­na­tion­al­ists” don’t seem to be grasp­ing much of what has been going on. Quick: when was the last time you heard them dis­cuss Friedrich List, the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work, the Dorothy Thomp­son write-up of Nazi war aims in 1940, the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy, that of Robert Kennedy, the assas­si­na­tion of Mar­tin Luther King, the man-made ori­gin of AIDS (to which pure-bred North­ern Euro­peans and they alone have a hered­i­tary immu­ni­ty), “Gold War­riors” by the Sea­graves, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, Oper­a­tion Green Quest, the fas­cist and covert oper­a­tion real­i­ties under­ly­ing the so-called “Arab Spring” or any­thing else dis­cussed here?

    h)I am not an ide­o­logue. You, on the oth­er hand, appear to be.

    i)I say and write what I do as sub­stan­tive real­i­ty dic­tates and am not guid­ed by fear of alien­at­ing any­body. Dis­cussing the obvi­ous inno­cence of O.J. Simp­son, for exam­ple, is high­ly unpop­u­lar, but nec­es­sary. I don’t have time or room here, but the fun­da­men­tal breach­ing of civ­il lib­er­ties and Anglo-Sax­on judi­cial prece­dent in order to frame Simp­son ren­dered the cat­er­waul­ing over the Patri­ot Act irrel­e­vant.

    j)In regard to the above, there is an old Turk­ish proverb “He who tells the truth gets chased out of nine vil­lages.”

    k)I haven’t seen any indi­ca­tion of any “Ger­mans” being alien­at­ed by what I say. I don’t think they are pay­ing atten­tion, with excep­tion of the BND.

    l)Returning to the sub­ject of the Marxists–I repeat, they do not, and nev­er have, got­ten it.

    They are still pre­oc­cu­pied with “U.S.Imperialism.”

    I have every con­fi­dence that nei­ther “the Marx­ists” nor “the inter­na­tion­al­ists” have fig­ured out that the “rev­e­la­tions” of Baby-Face Snow­den are part of a desta­bi­liza­tion pro­gram direct­ed at Oba­ma. They are prob­a­bly scream­ing bloody mur­der, which is what the fas­cists want.

    m)The Greeks, Ital­ians, Cypri­ots, Spaniards and Por­tuguese (among oth­ers) are voic­ing their stri­dent dis­plea­sure with Ger­man impe­ri­al­ism. They are open­ly, and quite cor­rect­ly, com­par­ing Merkel with Hitler. Ger­many is pur­su­ing con­quest “through oth­er means.” Quick: when was the last time a Marx­ist dis­cussed Von Clause­witz?

    n)Once the Hitler/Stalin pact was signed, the com­mu­nist par­ties of the world unit­ed to sup­port Hitler. The head of CPUSA, toured the coun­try gen­er­at­ing sup­port for Hitler as a bul­wark against British Impe­ri­al­ism! The French com­mu­nists sound­ed a sim­i­lar note and helped weak­en France pri­or to the Ger­man invasion(in part­ner­ship with the Cagoulards and oth­er fas­cists, who even­tu­al­ly staffed Vichy).

    o)As far as the Irish go, they are among those who have fall­en vic­tim to “war by oth­er means”–i.e. “aus­ter­i­ty.” Felled by the spec­u­la­tive real estate bub­ble, blown large by Ger­man banks as well as their own, the Irish econ­o­my was plunged back into seri­ous reces­sion as soon as they embraced the “Aus­tere Reich.” BTW–you may have failed to note this, but, a year or two ago, the Irish bud­get was reviewed by the GERMAN gov­ern­ment before the Irish Par­lia­ment got a chance to see it. (As long as you are fix­at­ed on par­lia­ment build­ings, you might want to peruse that. It’s in the News and Sup­ple­men­tal cat­e­go­ry.)

    p)As far as your own appar­ent­ly frail psy­chol­o­gy with regard to your eth­nic heritage–get over it!

    Whether your evi­dent lack of under­stand­ing stems from your “Ger­man” side or your “Irish” side, I am not a sub­scriber to Lamar­ck­ian inher­i­tance and am not impressed.

    q)Returning briefly to the sub­ject of Marx­ists: in my own mer­ci­ful­ly brief encoun­ters with them, I have found them to be utter­ly coun­ter­pro­duc­tive. Their ide­ol­o­gy is a debil­i­tat­ing form of sec­u­lar reli­gion and the few I have known have proved to be of active assis­tance to my ene­mies at every turn.

    Marx­ists are unremit­ting­ly foul, which is why the Nazis have always found them to be reli­able foils. Its anti-com­mu­nist ide­ol­o­gy notwithstanding,the CIA loves them, in the U.S., at least. They can always be count­ed upon to screw things up in the way the Agency wants. Just wit­ness Inter­na­tion­al Answer–the Marx­ist “peace” activists who dis­cred­it every­thing they touch and who find com­mon-cause with Nazi-linked Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ele­ments.

    r)With regard to “imperialism”–Germany is fill­ing its acute skilled labor short­ages with unem­ployed and des­per­ate work­ers from the coun­tries that their banks and eco­nom­ic union have devastated–Greece and Spain, in par­tic­u­lar.

    Ger­man com­pa­nies are buy­ing up “the means of pro­duc­tion” in oth­er coun­tries that, like­wise, have been delib­er­ate­ly dec­i­mat­ed by Ger­man pol­i­cy.

    In an impe­r­i­al rela­tion­ship, the colo­nial pow­er uses its invest­ment cap­i­tal and the colony’s labor to devel­op the colony’s resources to pro­duce goods for the colony’s mar­ket, as well as that of the colo­nial pow­er.

    That is EXACTLY what we are see­ing in Europe today–done by “Oth­er Means.”

    s)I con­clude with my thoughts on “inter­na­tion­al­ists”: shit floats and the earth­’s sur­face is two-thirds water.



    Posted by Dave Emory | June 16, 2013, 5:13 pm
  4. The sto­ry of the death of that young French far-left skin­head — by some equal­ly young and stu­pid far-right skin­heads — is being com­plete­ly mis­rep­re­sent­ed. It is only very sad that young peo­ple would waste their times learn­ing fanat­i­cal ide­olo­gies, rather than the ideas of lib­er­ty. The shared respon­si­bil­i­ty of both par­ties was so obvi­ous that even the French left-wing papers and estab­lishe­ment were not able to exploit this “gold­en” piece of news. Sure, they tried in the first hours to blame it on the oppo­nents to gay mar­riage and the “poi­so­nous” cli­mate they pur­port­ed­ly fos­tered. It could not go very far; it was soon known, for instance, that the far-right group had received death threats from the “antifas­cist” group, to the point they were advised by secu­ri­ty to remain on the premis­es for half an hour. The vic­tim could have been a skin­head just as well.

    And con­trary to what our Amer­i­can ide­o­logue says, the French “gauche” does pro­mote inter­na­tion­al­ism, all right — mass immi­gra­tion is an exam­ple. Ques­tion­ing the wis­dom of this when there’s no jobs, no mon­ey, huge cul­tur­al and reli­gious ten­sions and impos­si­ble gaps over­all, will inevitably get you called a racist. Once in a while, one of them, such as the sin­is­ter Mélen­chon, or in the “Ter­ra Nova” doc­trine of the social­ist par­ty, will open­ly state their utter con­tempt for any French his­to­ry and val­ues out­side the rev­o­lu­tion of 1789, and French... natives, and their burn­ing desire to do away with the coun­try’s iden­ti­ty the soon­er the bet­ter. As to their han­dling of eco­nom­ics, it’s not a top­ic even worth dwelling upon, a five-year old under­stands the econ­o­my bet­ter than a French social­ist does.

    Mr. Emory, your work has been invalu­able. It is remark­able. Thank you. For one, as a French­man I have very good rea­sons, from nation­al, and fam­i­ly his­to­ry, to see Ger­many with at least a lit­tle sus­pi­cion, and no amount of forced Euro­pean uni­fi­ca­tion can change that I’m afraid.

    Posted by de_leclerc | June 17, 2013, 7:33 am
  5. @De_Leclerc–

    Thanks for the kind words. I don’t like hav­ing to be harsh on oth­ers, but “Atlanta Bill” tossed the gaunt­let.

    When you chal­lenge a war­rior, be pre­pared for com­bat, and I am noth­ing if not a war­rior.

    Inci­den­tal­ly, the U.S. media did­n’t cov­er the tru­ly remark­able devel­op­ment in late 2011, when the “troi­ka” (read “Ger­many”) installed the fas­cist LAOS par­ty as part of the Greek pro­vi­sion­al gov­ern­ment. The cit­i­zens of Greece–the cra­dle of democracy–had no say in this what­so­ev­er.

    Did that receive more cov­er­age in Europe?

    Please keep up with the infor­ma­tion on this web­site and do your utmost to dis­sem­i­nate the infor­ma­tion to oth­ers.



    Posted by Dave Emory | June 17, 2013, 3:28 pm
  6. It may have been cov­ered, I did­n’t fol­low the news on Greece much. I remem­ber a clip of a ridicu­lous fas­cist politi­cian mak­ing threats on cam­era, more wor­ry­ing­ly it was said there were numer­ous fas­cist sym­pa­thiz­ers in the police force.

    As to “Atlanta Bill”, you did the right thing, he is a pro­fes­sion­al activist. There is no rea­son oth­er­wise why an Amer­i­can would care so much about the two dis­gust­ing French and Ger­man com­mu­nist par­ties men­tioned.

    Posted by de_leclerc | June 19, 2013, 12:11 pm
  7. Poland and Ger­many should unite, says Lech Wale­sa


    Lech Wale­sa has called for Poland to unite with Ger­many to form one Euro­pean state, despite the bloody his­to­ry between the two coun­tries.

    By Matthew Day, War­saw

    2:24PM BST 24 Sep 2013

    The Nobel Peace Prize win­ner and for­mer Pol­ish pres­i­dent, whose Sol­i­dar­i­ty trade union played a key role in bring­ing an end to the Cold War, said the world had changed and need­ed new ways of organ­is­ing itself.

    “We need to expand eco­nom­ic and defence co-oper­a­tion and oth­er struc­tures to cre­ate one state from Poland and Ger­many in Europe,” he said.

    Speak­ing to Russia’s Itar-Tass news agency, Mr Wale­sa, 69, said nation­al bound­aries were not as rel­e­vant as they once were.

    “We have trav­elled so far in our tech­ni­cal advance­ments that we are no longer locat­ed in our own coun­tries,” he said, adding that this required changes to geo­graph­i­cal struc­tures, the econ­o­my and democ­ra­cy.

    Although few Poles have for­got­ten Germany’s inva­sion and bru­tal occu­pa­tion of Poland in 1939, his­to­ry should not be an obsta­cle to uni­ty, Mr Wale­sa said. “After the war, Ger­many ful­ly con­fessed to all its dirty tricks,” he said. “It’s nec­es­sary to is draw a line under the past, even if peo­ple did some­thing evil. Until we do, wounds won’t heal.”

    Mr Walesa’s calls for Pol­ish-Ger­man uni­ty exceed his pre­vi­ous sup­port for clos­er Euro­pean sol­i­dar­i­ty. At the fore­front of his country’s cam­paign to wrest itself from the Sovi­et com­mu­nist bloc, the for­mer dock­yard elec­tri­cian lat­er sup­port­ed Poland’s mem­ber­ship of the EU in 2004. He has since advo­cat­ed ever-clos­er ties between Euro­pean states, even say­ing that he would one day, per­haps, be “pres­i­dent of a Unit­ed States of Europe”.

    “At the moment dif­fer­ent ways of doing things and dif­fer­ent sys­tems hold us back but grad­u­al­ly every­thing will align and states will become like Lego blocks,” he said in the Itar-Tass inter­view.

    He sug­gest­ed that cur­rent inter­na­tion­al sys­tems were now defunct, say­ing the Unit­ed Nations and Nato were the “ideas of an old era” and “bad­ly organ­ised”.

    The com­ments on Ger­man-Pol­ish uni­fi­ca­tion will fur­ther enhance the for­mer Pol­ish president’s rep­u­ta­tion for mak­ing frank and some­times unortho­dox remarks. Long retired from active pol­i­tics but still sport­ing his trade­mark mous­tache, Mr Wale­sa makes reg­u­lar appear­ances on the news and nev­er shies away from giv­ing his opin­ion.

    But not all take his words seri­ous­ly. “This is one of Lech Walesa’s exot­ic ideas,” said Jozef Oleksy, a for­mer Pol­ish prime min­is­ter. “He has the role of some­one who stim­u­lates ideas, some­times annoy­ing ideas, but I don’t attach much impor­tance to this one.

    “You need a strat­e­gy of close co-oper­a­tion between two coun­tries because this is nec­es­sary and ben­e­fi­cial, but two states becom­ing one coun­try is some­thing else.”

    While Mr Wale­sa said Poland could bury the hatch­et with Ger­many, the sit­u­a­tion was dif­fer­ent with Rus­sia, the oth­er great his­tor­i­cal foe of the Poles. He urged Moscow to fol­low the Ger­man exam­ple and atone for its sins com­mit­ted against Poland in order to lay the foun­da­tions of a good rela­tion­ship.

    “We are too slow in solv­ing our prob­lems and reach­ing an under­stand­ing,” he said. “We must aim to make our rela­tions as smooth as pos­si­ble, since we are fat­ed to be neigh­bours.”

    Posted by participo | September 24, 2013, 10:36 am
  8. ....

    Order out of Chaos?

    Ger­man­ic hege­mo­ny vis-a-vis capit­u­la­tion by neigh­bor­ing states?

    Lech Wale­sa’s Stock­holm-syn­drome much?

    Excus­es his remarks through puta­tive tech­no­log­i­cal con­se­quences of ‘bor­der­less’ states!

    Deutsch­land’s tech­no war with U.S.A.‘s bril­liance and lead­er­ship in all things inter­net-tech (- now con­ve­nient­ly and mali­cious­ly com­pro­mised by ‘Eddy the friend­ly Ghost’ to Ger­many’s advan­tage and in accord with their play­book!)

    Go Dave Go!!!

    May the Gods Be with You Noble War­rior!

    Posted by participo | September 24, 2013, 12:49 pm
  9. @Participo–

    A cou­ple of points: Pol­ish cit­i­zens of Ger­man extrac­tion were allowed to vote in the recent Ger­man elec­tion, accord­ing to Der Spiegel.

    Also: In AFA #19 (per­haps #21, I’m oper­at­ing from mem­o­ry), we high­light­ed the fact that some of the mon­ey to finance Sol­i­dar­i­ty (Lech Wale­sa’s labor union) came from the Vat­i­can Bank/Banco Ambrosiano scan­dal.

    John Paul II was Pope at the time.



    Posted by Dave Emory | September 24, 2013, 6:36 pm

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