Dave Emory’s entire lifetime of work is available on a flash drive that can be obtained here. (The flash drive includes the anti-fascist books available on this site.)
COMMENT: We’ve spoken often of the pan-German economic plans of Friedrich List, as well as their realization under the Third Reich, in both its above-ground and underground manifestations.
We have not discussed the First World War (the centennial of which is approaching), in which German imperialists stood firm in their aim of utilizing the post-war to realize their aims of a European economic union, dominated by Germany and used to further their hegemonic goals.
In order to understand the lines of argument presented here, it is essential to understand the theories of Carl von Clausewitz, in which military and political/diplomatic undertakings were envisioned as a seamless continuity.
Successful prosecution of policy is thus seen as proper integration of the military and the economic/political.
The euro is the successful (for Germany) outcome of two world wars and their postwars.
EXCERPT: . . . . This is a direct translation of [German Chancellor] Bethman-Hollweg’s internal memo on Germany’s war aims, from September 1914. . . .
. . . . We must create a central European economic association through common customs treaties, to include France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Poland and perhaps Italy, Sweden and Norway. This association will not have any common constitutional supreme authority and all its members will be formally equal, but in practice will be under German leadership and must stabilize Germany’s economic dominance over ‘Middle Europe’ . . .
COMMENT: Writing in 1943, Paul Winkler foresaw that the Prusso-Teutonics would realize their goals through the creation of a German-dominated central European economic union (bearing a striking resemblance to today’s European Monetary Union.) One of the principal influences on List’s thinking was the “continental” concept of Napoleon, who attempted to economically unite Europe under French influence.
The Thousand-Year Conspiracy; by Paul Winkler; Charles Scribner’s Sons [HC]; 1943; pp. 15–16.
EXCERPT: . . . . Charles Andler, a French author, summed up certain ideas of List in his work, The Origins of Pan-Germanism, (published in 1915.) “It is necessary to organize continental Europe against England. Napoleon I, a great strategist, also knew the methods of economic hegemony. His continental system, which met with opposition even from countries which might have profited from such an arrangement should be revived, but, this time, not as an instrument of Napoleonic domination. The idea of united Europe in a closed trade bloc is no longer shocking if Germany assumes domination over such a bloc—and not France. [Emphasis added.] Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, willingly or by force, will enter this ‘Customs Federation.’ Austria is assumed to be won over at the outset. Even France, if she gets rid of her notions of military conquest, will not be excluded. The first steps the Confederation would take to assure unity of thought and action would be to establish a joint representative body, as well as to organize a common fleet. But of course, both the headquarters of the Federation and its parliamentary seat would be in Germany. [Emphasis added.] . . .
COMMENT: The Listian model was put into effect by the Third Reich, as can be gleaned by reading Dorothy Thompson’s analysis of Germany’s plans for world dominance by a centralized European economic union. Ms. Thompson was writing in The New York Herald Tribune on May 31, 1940! Her comments are reproduced by Tetens on page 92.
Germany Plots with the Kremlin; T.H. Tetens; Henry Schuman [HC]; 1953; p. 92.
EXCERPT: . . . . The Germans have a clear plan of what they intend to do in case of victory. I believe that I know the essential details of that plan. I have heard it from a sufficient number of important Germans to credit its authenticity . . . Germany’s plan is to make a customs union of Europe, with complete financial and economic control centered in Berlin. This will create at once the largest free trade area and the largest planned economy in the world. In Western Europe alone . . . there will be an economic unity of 400 million persons . . . To these will be added the resources of the British, French, Dutch and Belgian empires. These will be pooled in the name of Europa Germanica . . .
“The Germans count upon political power following economic power, and not vice versa. Territorial changes do not concern them, because there will be no ‘France’ or ‘England,’ except as language groups. Little immediate concern is felt regarding political organizations . . . . No nation will have the control of its own financial or economic system or of its customs. [Italics are mine–D.E.] The Nazification of all countries will be accomplished by economic pressure. In all countries, contacts have been established long ago with sympathetic businessmen and industrialists . . . . As far as the United States is concerned, the planners of the World Germanica laugh off the idea of any armed invasion. They say that it will be completely unnecessary to take military action against the United States to force it to play ball with this system. . . . Here, as in every other country, they have established relations with numerous industries and commercial organizations, to whom they will offer advantages in co-operation with Germany. . . .
COMMENT: The European Economic Community was formally articulated by Reich officials during the war, with the clear design to extend and amplify the arrangement after the war. Below, we quote Gustave Koenigs, Secretary of State at a 1942 conference about the European Economic Community.
Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinschaft (European Economic Community–translation).
. . . At the moment the so-called “European Economic Community” is not yet fact; there is no pact, no organisation, no council and no General Secretary. However, it is not just a part of our imagination or some dream by a politician — it is very real. . . .
. . . Its roots are in the economic co-operation of the European nations and it will develop after the war into a permanent European economic community. . . .
High mobility and people moving to other nations and starting a new life isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually critical for building a global community. Forced continental brain-drain, on the other hand, is most definitely a bad thing:
“You know as well as me that the European countries all agreed to the growth and stability pact”. Yeah, she went there.
Dave, you’re alienating a lot of Germans by citing sources that oppose German Imperialism because they favor British Imperialism instead. I can sense it because I’m a North American who’s half-German, and it plays havoc with my Irish side, too. I put a comment on Germany Watch (which site sports a London Parliament background) to this effect, but I fear it will be rejected.
On the 5th of this month, Mussolini-worshipping fascist skinheads beat an 18-year-old trade unionist named Clément Méric, of the “Eurocommunist” party Le Parti de Gauche (“The Left”), to death on the streets of central Paris. Le Parti de Gauche seems to be modeled on the German “Eurocommunist” party Die Linke (“The Left”) and may be in close correspondence with it, so the singling out of Le Parti de Gauche for extreme violence may not have been accidental. Die Linke has published a “Resolution” at its Protokol” page sympathizing with Le Parti de Gauche and saying that it would make the resolution available to its “partner parties” in France, but didn’t mention Le Parti de Gauche as among them. Pro-Nazi commenters on the Press TV site, where I first encountered the story, say that Méric was “a Jewish-Zionist” and a supporter of the State of Israel. An exhaustive analysis of the fascist murder from an authentic Marxist perspective was made on June 14th by Pierre Mabut, of the London-based International Committtee of the Fourth International(ICFI).
Judging by the UK-biased and bellicose tone I see in Germany Watch and the weakness of genuine internationism within the “Marxist” left in Continental Europe, there may be little hope of avoiding a new war in Europe. There may be some major jockeying of national interests inside NATO, with the US and Israel choosing whether to go with Germany or the UK. Russia has strong ties with Germany and may not be able to sit this one out. With all sides having nuclear and biological weapons, the prospect is frightening in the extreme.
Genuine anti-fascists had better tread softly so as not to ruffle nationalist feathers because we’ll need a genuinely internationalist effort if the whole planet is not to be rendered uninhabitable. If anything remains, the winner in such a war would rule over a repeat of the Dark Ages in which capitalism is given a new lease on life at the cost of returning 99% of Europe and America to serfdom.
@Atlanta Bill–
One of the most spectacularly stupid comments I’ve ever had on this website.
It isn’t consciously racially or religiously bigoted or incoherent–the usual criteria for “trashing” a comment.
I decided to publish it, simply for the purposes of using the abject stupidity manifested here for instructive purposes. Read on, if you dare. I’m going to apply the lash unsparingly.
In that regard:
a)Germany Watch isn’t advocating “British Imperialism.” In case you and the Marxists haven’t noticed, the British Empire is long gone.
b)The Houses of Parliament are emblematic of the first blossoming of real democratic process (however flawed) in Europe. They are NOT emblematic of the British Empire. I do not agree with everything “Germany Watch” says, however they, along with the German-published German-Foreign Policy.com, are some of the few that get what is happening.
c) As indicated by the Margaret Thatcher quote on the front page, the Germany Warch folks lean to conservatism. Winston Churchill was a conservative as well, and his leadership in World War II was fundamental to holding off Nazi conquest until the postwar period.
d) As I’ve indicated in countless posts and programs, the Reich went underground and has realized German war aims in the “postwar.”
e)As far as Marxists go–they are, and always have been, part of the problem, not part of the solution. (I do admire the Soviet resistance to Hitler, once Stalin got out of the way. Marxist ideology, however, is counter-productive and its adherents are handmaidens to fascism and German imperialism.)
g)The “Marxists” and “internationalists” don’t seem to be grasping much of what has been going on. Quick: when was the last time you heard them discuss Friedrich List, the Bormann capital network, the Dorothy Thompson write-up of Nazi war aims in 1940, the assassination of President Kennedy, that of Robert Kennedy, the assassination of Martin Luther King, the man-made origin of AIDS (to which pure-bred Northern Europeans and they alone have a hereditary immunity), “Gold Warriors” by the Seagraves, the Muslim Brotherhood, Operation Green Quest, the fascist and covert operation realities underlying the so-called “Arab Spring” or anything else discussed here?
h)I am not an ideologue. You, on the other hand, appear to be.
i)I say and write what I do as substantive reality dictates and am not guided by fear of alienating anybody. Discussing the obvious innocence of O.J. Simpson, for example, is highly unpopular, but necessary. I don’t have time or room here, but the fundamental breaching of civil liberties and Anglo-Saxon judicial precedent in order to frame Simpson rendered the caterwauling over the Patriot Act irrelevant.
j)In regard to the above, there is an old Turkish proverb “He who tells the truth gets chased out of nine villages.”
k)I haven’t seen any indication of any “Germans” being alienated by what I say. I don’t think they are paying attention, with exception of the BND.
l)Returning to the subject of the Marxists–I repeat, they do not, and never have, gotten it.
They are still preoccupied with “U.S.Imperialism.”
I have every confidence that neither “the Marxists” nor “the internationalists” have figured out that the “revelations” of Baby-Face Snowden are part of a destabilization program directed at Obama. They are probably screaming bloody murder, which is what the fascists want.
m)The Greeks, Italians, Cypriots, Spaniards and Portuguese (among others) are voicing their strident displeasure with German imperialism. They are openly, and quite correctly, comparing Merkel with Hitler. Germany is pursuing conquest “through other means.” Quick: when was the last time a Marxist discussed Von Clausewitz?
n)Once the Hitler/Stalin pact was signed, the communist parties of the world united to support Hitler. The head of CPUSA, toured the country generating support for Hitler as a bulwark against British Imperialism! The French communists sounded a similar note and helped weaken France prior to the German invasion(in partnership with the Cagoulards and other fascists, who eventually staffed Vichy).
o)As far as the Irish go, they are among those who have fallen victim to “war by other means”–i.e. “austerity.” Felled by the speculative real estate bubble, blown large by German banks as well as their own, the Irish economy was plunged back into serious recession as soon as they embraced the “Austere Reich.” BTW–you may have failed to note this, but, a year or two ago, the Irish budget was reviewed by the GERMAN government before the Irish Parliament got a chance to see it. (As long as you are fixated on parliament buildings, you might want to peruse that. It’s in the News and Supplemental category.)
p)As far as your own apparently frail psychology with regard to your ethnic heritage–get over it!
Whether your evident lack of understanding stems from your “German” side or your “Irish” side, I am not a subscriber to Lamarckian inheritance and am not impressed.
q)Returning briefly to the subject of Marxists: in my own mercifully brief encounters with them, I have found them to be utterly counterproductive. Their ideology is a debilitating form of secular religion and the few I have known have proved to be of active assistance to my enemies at every turn.
Marxists are unremittingly foul, which is why the Nazis have always found them to be reliable foils. Its anti-communist ideology notwithstanding,the CIA loves them, in the U.S., at least. They can always be counted upon to screw things up in the way the Agency wants. Just witness International Answer–the Marxist “peace” activists who discredit everything they touch and who find common-cause with Nazi-linked Muslim Brotherhood elements.
r)With regard to “imperialism”–Germany is filling its acute skilled labor shortages with unemployed and desperate workers from the countries that their banks and economic union have devastated–Greece and Spain, in particular.
German companies are buying up “the means of production” in other countries that, likewise, have been deliberately decimated by German policy.
In an imperial relationship, the colonial power uses its investment capital and the colony’s labor to develop the colony’s resources to produce goods for the colony’s market, as well as that of the colonial power.
That is EXACTLY what we are seeing in Europe today–done by “Other Means.”
s)I conclude with my thoughts on “internationalists”: shit floats and the earth’s surface is two-thirds water.
The story of the death of that young French far-left skinhead — by some equally young and stupid far-right skinheads — is being completely misrepresented. It is only very sad that young people would waste their times learning fanatical ideologies, rather than the ideas of liberty. The shared responsibility of both parties was so obvious that even the French left-wing papers and establishement were not able to exploit this “golden” piece of news. Sure, they tried in the first hours to blame it on the opponents to gay marriage and the “poisonous” climate they purportedly fostered. It could not go very far; it was soon known, for instance, that the far-right group had received death threats from the “antifascist” group, to the point they were advised by security to remain on the premises for half an hour. The victim could have been a skinhead just as well.
And contrary to what our American ideologue says, the French “gauche” does promote internationalism, all right — mass immigration is an example. Questioning the wisdom of this when there’s no jobs, no money, huge cultural and religious tensions and impossible gaps overall, will inevitably get you called a racist. Once in a while, one of them, such as the sinister Mélenchon, or in the “Terra Nova” doctrine of the socialist party, will openly state their utter contempt for any French history and values outside the revolution of 1789, and French... natives, and their burning desire to do away with the country’s identity the sooner the better. As to their handling of economics, it’s not a topic even worth dwelling upon, a five-year old understands the economy better than a French socialist does.
Mr. Emory, your work has been invaluable. It is remarkable. Thank you. For one, as a Frenchman I have very good reasons, from national, and family history, to see Germany with at least a little suspicion, and no amount of forced European unification can change that I’m afraid.
Thanks for the kind words. I don’t like having to be harsh on others, but “Atlanta Bill” tossed the gauntlet.
When you challenge a warrior, be prepared for combat, and I am nothing if not a warrior.
Incidentally, the U.S. media didn’t cover the truly remarkable development in late 2011, when the “troika” (read “Germany”) installed the fascist LAOS party as part of the Greek provisional government. The citizens of Greece–the cradle of democracy–had no say in this whatsoever.
Did that receive more coverage in Europe?
Please keep up with the information on this website and do your utmost to disseminate the information to others.
It may have been covered, I didn’t follow the news on Greece much. I remember a clip of a ridiculous fascist politician making threats on camera, more worryingly it was said there were numerous fascist sympathizers in the police force.
As to “Atlanta Bill”, you did the right thing, he is a professional activist. There is no reason otherwise why an American would care so much about the two disgusting French and German communist parties mentioned.
Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa
Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European state, despite the bloody history between the two countries.
By Matthew Day, Warsaw
2:24PM BST 24 Sep 2013
The Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Polish president, whose Solidarity trade union played a key role in bringing an end to the Cold War, said the world had changed and needed new ways of organising itself.
“We need to expand economic and defence co-operation and other structures to create one state from Poland and Germany in Europe,” he said.
Speaking to Russia’s Itar-Tass news agency, Mr Walesa, 69, said national boundaries were not as relevant as they once were.
“We have travelled so far in our technical advancements that we are no longer located in our own countries,” he said, adding that this required changes to geographical structures, the economy and democracy.
Although few Poles have forgotten Germany’s invasion and brutal occupation of Poland in 1939, history should not be an obstacle to unity, Mr Walesa said. “After the war, Germany fully confessed to all its dirty tricks,” he said. “It’s necessary to is draw a line under the past, even if people did something evil. Until we do, wounds won’t heal.”
Mr Walesa’s calls for Polish-German unity exceed his previous support for closer European solidarity. At the forefront of his country’s campaign to wrest itself from the Soviet communist bloc, the former dockyard electrician later supported Poland’s membership of the EU in 2004. He has since advocated ever-closer ties between European states, even saying that he would one day, perhaps, be “president of a United States of Europe”.
“At the moment different ways of doing things and different systems hold us back but gradually everything will align and states will become like Lego blocks,” he said in the Itar-Tass interview.
He suggested that current international systems were now defunct, saying the United Nations and Nato were the “ideas of an old era” and “badly organised”.
The comments on German-Polish unification will further enhance the former Polish president’s reputation for making frank and sometimes unorthodox remarks. Long retired from active politics but still sporting his trademark moustache, Mr Walesa makes regular appearances on the news and never shies away from giving his opinion.
But not all take his words seriously. “This is one of Lech Walesa’s exotic ideas,” said Jozef Oleksy, a former Polish prime minister. “He has the role of someone who stimulates ideas, sometimes annoying ideas, but I don’t attach much importance to this one.
“You need a strategy of close co-operation between two countries because this is necessary and beneficial, but two states becoming one country is something else.”
While Mr Walesa said Poland could bury the hatchet with Germany, the situation was different with Russia, the other great historical foe of the Poles. He urged Moscow to follow the German example and atone for its sins committed against Poland in order to lay the foundations of a good relationship.
“We are too slow in solving our problems and reaching an understanding,” he said. “We must aim to make our relations as smooth as possible, since we are fated to be neighbours.”
Order out of Chaos?
Germanic hegemony vis-a-vis capitulation by neighboring states?
Lech Walesa’s Stockholm-syndrome much?
Excuses his remarks through putative technological consequences of ‘borderless’ states!
Deutschland’s techno war with U.S.A.‘s brilliance and leadership in all things internet-tech (- now conveniently and maliciously compromised by ‘Eddy the friendly Ghost’ to Germany’s advantage and in accord with their playbook!)
Go Dave Go!!!
May the Gods Be with You Noble Warrior!
A couple of points: Polish citizens of German extraction were allowed to vote in the recent German election, according to Der Spiegel.
Also: In AFA #19 (perhaps #21, I’m operating from memory), we highlighted the fact that some of the money to finance Solidarity (Lech Walesa’s labor union) came from the Vatican Bank/Banco Ambrosiano scandal.
John Paul II was Pope at the time.