Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Was the Relationship between Brian Glyn Williams and Dzokhar Tsarnaev more than Just Student and “Tutor”?

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained here. (The flash dri­ve includes the anti-fas­cist books avail­able on this site.)

NB: Updat­ed on 5/11/2013.

COMMENT: In the wake of the Boston Marathon bomb­ings, we’ve high­light­ed the unrav­el­ing of the “two lone nuts” the­o­ry of that trag­ic event.

Although much has yet to come to light about the attacks, a num­ber of things have become clear, includ­ing:

We cau­tion, as we did from the begin­ning of the inves­ti­ga­tion, against sim­plis­tic analy­sis of the event. It is only too clear, how­ev­er, that the bombers were part of an intel­li­gence milieu that is pur­su­ing jihad in the Cau­ca­sus.

In this con­text, we note that younger broth­er Dzokhar Tsar­naev’s high school men­tor has a back­ground in the CIA and also teach­es Islam­ic stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts-Dart­mouth, which Dzokhar attend­ed.

Williams has been quot­ed in the media about Dzokhar’s strong inter­est in the Chechen jihad and its lead­ers.

Pro­fes­sor Williams has also penned a piece for The Huff­in­g­ton Post dimin­ish­ing the notion of the Chechen fight­ers as par­tic­i­pants in the glob­al jihadist net­work.

As we saw in FTR #710, the Chechen jihad and oth­er, sim­i­lar move­ments in the Cau­ca­sus are receiv­ing the active assis­tance of ele­ments of the U.S. nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment.

We note in this regard that the sce­nario unfold­ing here is con­sis­tent with our work­ing hypoth­e­sis pre­sent­ed in the long For The Record series on the Arab Spring.

In our vis­its with John Lof­tus, we have not­ed his work demon­strat­ing that, in effect, there are two CIA’s and two State Depart­ments. The small­er and less pow­er­ful fac­tion of both agen­cies is affil­i­at­ed with the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty and the larg­er, more pow­er­ful fac­tion of each agency is asso­ci­at­ed with the GOP and the transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions. We also note that the GOP fac­tion of each is fas­cist and effec­tive­ly con­trolled by the Under­ground Reich.

At this point in time, we feel that the GOP/Underground Reich fac­tion is in con­trol, with the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion left to answer uncom­fort­able ques­tions con­cern­ing the event.

For some time, we have not­ed Oba­ma’s attempts at “reboot­ing” our rela­tions with Rus­sia. Sup­port for jihad in the Cau­ca­sus can­not help that at all.

We note in that regard the GOP drum­fire about Hillary Clin­ton’s behav­ior vis a vis the Beng­hazi attack. We believe that this desta­bi­liza­tion was part of the intent of the so-called Arab Spring. The GOP/Underground Reich is work­ing to neu­tral­ize Hillary before 2016.

It will be inter­est­ing to see if “Lee Har­vey Oba­ma” also catch­es heat for the Boston attack. 

It is against the back­ground of the Boston attacks and the gen­er­al may­hem over­tak­ing this soci­ety that we reflect on the ascen­sion of Michael Morell to act­ing direc­tor of CIA, this accom­plished through the “Petraeus Coup.” We won­der if Morell is Under­ground Reich and to what extent he may be assisting/orchestrating some of this.”

“I Hope I Did­n’t Con­tribute To It” by Mark Ames; nsfwcorp.com; 5/8/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . . For now, I want to start with one of the biggest “What The Fuck?!” in the bomb­ing sto­ry, a detail so far com­plete­ly over­looked: Dzhokhar Tsar­naev’s high school project “men­tor,” Bri­an Glyn Williams. Bri­an Glyn Williams hap­pens to work for the CIA, on Islam­ic sui­cide bombers, Chech­nya, and jiha­di ter­ror­ism. Williams is also an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of his­to­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts-Dart­mouth, the uni­ver­si­ty where 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsar­naev was enrolled, and where he spent many of his last free hours between the Boston Marathon bomb­ing on April 15, and his arrest on April 19. . . .

“As Man­hunt Ends, New Ques­tions Emerge in Boston Bomb­ings” by Kevin John­son, Don­na Lein­wand Leg­er and Gary Strauss; USA Today; 4/19/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . . The New Bed­ford Stan­dard-Times report­ed that Dr. Bri­an Glyn Williams, who teach­es Chechen his­to­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts at Dart­mouth, said he had tutored Dzhokhar in the sub­ject when he was in high school.

“He was learn­ing his Chechen iden­ti­ty, iden­ti­fy­ing with the dias­po­ra and iden­ti­fy­ing with his home­land,” Williams said, adding that Dzhokhar “want­ed to learn more about Chech­nya, who the fight­ers were, who the com­man­ders were.” . . . .

“Thoughts on the ‘Jihad­i­fi­ca­tion’ of Boston Bomber Tamer­lan Tsar­naev” by Bri­an Glyn Williams; Huff­in­g­ton Post; 4/25/2013.

EXCERPT: . . . These arti­cles sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly demol­ished the mis­guid­ed notion that the out­gunned, Sovi­etized, Sufi-mys­tic Chechen rebels defend­ing their moun­tain home­land from the mighty Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion had some­how devel­oped a for­eign pol­i­cy which bizarrely led them to become the evil hench­men of the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Wah­habi fun­da­men­tal­ist ter­ror­ist Osama Bin Laden and his Pash­tun trib­al Tal­iban allies in Afghanistan. I myself per­son­al­ly trav­eled to Afghanistan in 2003 and inter­viewed numer­ous Tal­iban pris­on­ers of war held by North­ern Alliance Uzbek Gen­er­al Dos­tum to see if they had ever seen a real Chechen fight­er of the sort report­ed to be the van­guard of their armies (see my pho­tos here). None of them had ever seen or heard of Chechens; it was like look­ing for the Chechen Big Foot. . . .

“Gorin: More Details on the Geor­gia-Host­ed Jiha­di Con­fer­ence Emerge” by Julia Gorin; Jihad Watch; 4/12/2010.

ENTIRE TEXT: An analy­sis pub­lished Mon­day by Defense & For­eign Affairs offers some cor­rob­o­ra­tion for the Geor­gia-host­ed, U.S.-approved jiha­di con­fab in Decem­ber, the men­tion of which seemed to upset some read­ers.

Here are the rel­e­vant excerpts from the 16-page analy­sis, which is sub­scrip­tion-only and there­fore not link­able:

Mean­while, Geor­gia is active­ly seek­ing to exploit the spread of jamaats [jihadist mini-soci­eties] in the North Cau­ca­sus in order to go after the Russ­ian pipelines in hope of ensnar­ing the US into active­ly sup­port­ing a new con­fronta­tion with Rus­sia. In ear­ly Decem­ber 2009, Tbil­isi orga­nized a high-lev­el meet­ing of jihadists groups from the Mid­dle East and West­ern Europe in order “to coor­di­nate activ­i­ties on Russia’s south­ern flank.” The Geor­gian Embassy in Kuwait, for exam­ple, arranged for trav­el doc­u­ments for jihadists from Jor­dan, Sau­di Ara­bia and the Gulf States. (There is a large and very active Chechen/Circassian com­mu­nity in Jor­dan since the 19th Cen­tury that is heav­ily rep­re­sented in the intel­li­gence ser­vices and the mil­i­tary.) In Tbil­isi, Deputy Min­is­ter of Inter­nal Affairs Lord­kipanadze was the host and coor­di­na­tor. The meet­ing was attend­ed by sev­eral Geor­gian senior offi­cials who stressed that Saakashvili him­self knew and approved of the under­tak­ing. The meet­ing addressed the launch of both “mil­i­tary oper­a­tions” in south­ern Rus­sia and ide­o­log­i­cal war­fare. One of the first results of the meet­ing was the launch, soon after­wards of the Russ­ian-lan­guage TV sta­tion First Cau­casian.

The jihadists of the North Cau­ca­sus — includ­ing the Arab com­man­ders in their midst — came out of the ear­ly Decem­ber 2009 meet­ing con­vinced that Tbil­isi is most inter­ested in the spread of ter­ror­ism. The meet­ing was attend­ed by, among oth­ers, Mohmad Muham­mad Shabaan, an Egypt­ian senior com­man­der who is also known as Seif al-Islam and who has been involved in Cau­ca­sus affairs since 1992. He took copi­ous notes. Accord­ing to Shabaan’s notes, the Geor­gian gov­ern­ment wants the jihadists to con­duct “acts of sab­o­tage to blow up rail­way tracks, elec­tric­ity lines and ener­gy pipelines” in south­ern Rus­sia in order to divert con­struc­tion back to Geor­gian ter­ri­to­ry.

Geor­gian intel­li­gence promised to facil­i­tate the arrival in the Cau­ca­sus of numer­ous senior jihadists by pro­vid­ing Geor­gian pass­ports, and to pro­vide logis­ti­cal sup­port includ­ing the reopen­ing of bases in north­ern Geor­gia. Russ­ian intel­li­gence was not obliv­i­ous of the meet­ing. Seif al-Islam and two senior aides were assas­si­nated on Feb­ru­ary 4, 2010. The Rus­sians retrieved a lot of doc­u­ments in the process. Moscow sig­naled its dis­plea­sure short­ly after­wards when the pres­i­dents of Rus­sia and Abk­hazia signed a 50-year agree­ment on a Russ­ian mil­i­tary base in order to “pro­tect Abkhazia’s sov­er­eignty and secu­rity, includ­ing against inter­na­tional ter­ror­ist groups”.

A major issue still to be resolved is the extent of the US cul­pa­bil­i­ty.

The same analy­sis recalls when this mis­guided approach was used in the Balka­ns, and out­lines how, in order to not alien­ate Mus­lims while we tried to con­tain ter­ror from the Mid­dle East, we for­ti­fied ter­ror in the Balka­ns and jump-start­ed the glob­al jihad:

Ini­tially, the US-led West­ern inter­ven­tion in the for­mer Yugoslavia was aimed first and fore­most to sal­vage NATO (and with it US dom­i­nance over post-Cold War West­ern Europe) from irrel­e­vance and col­lapse. As well, the sup­port for the Mus­lims of Bosnia became the counter-bal­ance of the US con­fronta­tion with jihadism in the Mid­dle East. Antho­ny Lake, US Pres­i­dent Bill Clinton’s Nation­al Secu­rity Advis­er, for­mu­lated the log­ic for the US-led inter­ven­tion on behalf of the Mus­lims. The US nation­al inter­est “requires our work­ing to con­tain Mus­lim extrem­ism, and we have to find a way of being firm in our oppo­si­tion to Mus­lim extrem­ism while mak­ing it clear we’re not opposed to Islam. If we are seen as anti-Mus­lim, it’s hard­er for us to con­tain Mus­lim extrem­ism. And if we stand by while Mus­lims are killed and raped in Bosnia, it makes it hard­er to con­tinue our pol­icy,” Lake argued. That in the process the US would end up part­ner­ing with, sup­port­ing and arm­ing, the very same jihadist forces Clin­ton was seek­ing to con­tain meant noth­ing to Wash­ing­ton. The only thing Wash­ing­ton cared about was the image of a US ral­ly­ing to the res­cue of a Mus­lim cause.

Note that in the 90s the U.S., like Britain, per­mit­ted and facil­i­tated ter­ror­ist net­works to oper­ate in Bosnia and Koso­vo for the pur­pose of Serb-killing, and along with Ger­many we trained Alban­ian and Mid­dle East­ern ter­ror­ists in Alba­nia. Sure enough, the same decade saw U.S. offi­cials par­tic­i­pat­ing in a Decem­ber 1999 meet­ing in Azer­bai­jan very sim­i­lar to the Decem­ber 2009 meet­ing in Tbil­isi, where “pro­grams for the train­ing and equip­ping of muja­hedin from the Cau­ca­sus, Cen­tral and South Asia, and the Arab world were dis­cussed and agreed upon.” The men­tion of this meet­ing comes in as the analy­sis gives back­ground on how we decid­ed to sup­port ter­ror­ism against Rus­sia:

By 1999, the US had giv­en up on rec­on­cil­ing Azer­bai­jan and Arme­nia in order to con­struct pipelines to Turkey, and instead Wash­ing­ton start­ed focus­ing on build­ing pipelines via Geor­gia.

For such a project to be eco­nom­i­cally viable, the Russ­ian pipelines would have to be shut down. Hence, in ear­ly Octo­ber 1999, senior offi­cials of US oil com­pa­nies and US offi­cials offered rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Russ­ian “oli­garchs” in Europe huge div­i­dends from the pro­posed Baku-Cey­han pipeline if the “oli­garchs” con­vinced Moscow to with­draw from the Cau­ca­sus, per­mit the estab­lish­ment of an Islam­ic state, and close down the Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipeline. Con­se­quently, there would be no com­pe­ti­tion to the Baku-Cey­han pipeline. The “oli­garchs” were con­vinced that the high­est lev­els of the Clin­ton White House endorsed this ini­tia­tive. The meet­ing failed because the Rus­sians would hear noth­ing of the US pro­pos­al.

Con­se­quently, the US deter­mined to deprive Rus­sia of an alter­nate pipeline route by sup­port­ing a spi­ral­ing vio­lence and ter­ror­ism in Chechnya....The Clin­ton White House sought to active­ly involve the US in yet anoth­er anti-Russ­ian jihad as if reliv­ing the “good ol’ days” of Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina and Koso­vo, seek­ing to sup­port and empow­er the most vir­u­lent anti-West­ern Islamist forces in yet anoth­er strate­gic region.

In mid-Decem­ber 1999, US offi­cials par­tic­i­pated in a for­mal meet­ing in Azer­bai­jan in which spe­cific pro­grams for the train­ing and equip­ping of muja­hedin from the Cau­ca­sus, Cen­tral and South Asia, and the Arab world were dis­cussed and agreed upon. This meet­ing led to Washington’s tac­it encour­age­ment of both Mus­lim allies (main­ly the intel­li­gence ser­vices of Turkey, Jor­dan, and Sau­di Ara­bia) and US “pri­vate secu­rity com­pa­nies” (of the type that did Washington’s dirty job in the Balka­ns while skirt­ing and vio­lat­ing the inter­na­tional embar­go the US for­mally sup­ported) to assist the Chechens and their Islamist allies to surge in spring 2000. Cit­ing secu­rity con­cerns vis-à-vis Arme­nia and Rus­sia, Azer­bai­jan adamant­ly refused to per­mit train­ing camps on its soil.

Now, just to keep our — includ­ing my — heads straight, let’s remind our­selves that this exer­cise that Robert Spencer was good enough to let me engage in on these pages was not a defense of Rus­sia; it was not meant to start an argu­ment about how bad or how not-that-bad Rus­sia is. The point is that for­eign rela­tions in a mad world require find­ing enough com­mon ground with not-so-great states so that we can work togeth­er where we can work togeth­er. It’s to min­i­mize the messi­ness of things. Why, when we had Rus­sia in its his­tor­i­cally most maleable form, did we insist on pro­vok­ing and pro­vok­ing and pro­vok­ing? Why did we make a bad sit­u­a­tion like Rus­sia worse when we had an oppor­tu­nity to make it bet­ter? As with all prob­lem­atic coun­tries that we nonethe­less find areas of coop­er­a­tion with, we nar­rowed even those areas by deal­ing with the Rus­sians in the bad faith that had been their trade­mark. Simul­ta­ne­ously, we moved away from pick­ing the less­er evil in a giv­en con­flict, and start­ed sid­ing with the greater.

It’s a sur­real sit­u­a­tion indeed when the actions of my sav­ior coun­try put me in the posi­tion of hav­ing to “defend” Rus­sia, whose peo­ple my par­ents thank their lucky stars to not have to live among any­more. I myself am a self-pro­claimed Rus­so­phobe; I just had no idea how much more patho­log­i­cal America’s Rus­so­pho­bia is. So for some­one who is loath to vis­it even Brighton Beach, I find myself in a sur­pris­ing posi­tion here, point­ing out where we went wrong and shoved Rus­sia back into old behav­iors.

Infu­ri­at­ingly pre­dictably, one of the com­ment posters sug­gested that the line I’m tak­ing here is one that’s paid for by Rus­sia. The same “tip” was offered to Robert by a fel­low blog­ger — in that tone of pro­vid­ing “some friend­ly, pro­fes­sional, and cau­tion­ary advice.” The likes of which I’m all too famil­iar with by now. (One Wall St. Jour­nal fix­ture advised me, “Your views on this [the Balka­ns] are deeply misjudged...You’re not doing your career any favors.” Thanks. Good thing I don’t have a career, then.) It cer­tainly would be nice if any­one paid me for any­thing I do, but it wasn’t to be in this life­time.

Regard­less, it shouldn’t seem strange for some­one to be point­ing out that our for­eign pol­icy is being guid­ed by peo­ple with a stronger anti-Russ­ian agen­da than anti-jihad agen­da. And notice where this kind of think­ing has got­ten us. Take the past two decades of West­ern pol­icy and media cov­er­age in the Balka­ns, which were based on infor­ma­tion that made its way into reporters’ note­books direct­ly from the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion of the Bosn­ian Gov­ern­ment run by the fun­da­men­tal­ist Mus­lim wartime pres­i­dent Ali­ja Izetbe­govic. The tem­plate was used again when politi­cians, reporters, NGOs and human rights orga­ni­za­tions duti­fully repeat­ed what was com­ing out of the KLA-run news­pa­pers and oth­er pro­pa­ganda organs of the Koso­vo sep­a­ratists. And so in ser­vice to con­sis­tency, hav­ing got­ten into this hole, we’ve kept dig­ging. With our Yugoslavia inter­ven­tion, as the Defense & For­eign Affairs analy­sis points out, we’ve end­ed up “demo­niz­ing the Serbs and the world of East­ern Chris­tian­ity as a whole.” Such that we’ve arrived at a place where the word “Byzan­tine” is now used to mean prim­i­tive or unciv­i­lized. While the Mus­lim world and Islam­ic her­itage rep­re­sent the height of cul­ture, tra­di­tion, her­itage and civ­i­liza­tion.

One inter­est­ing thing about the reac­tions to call­ing the U.S. on its aggres­sive alien­ation of Rus­sia via, for exam­ple, the use of jihadists is the sense of out­rage and shock at the sug­ges­tion that Amer­ica would sup­port these vio­lent groups, fol­lowed imme­di­ately by a defense or jus­ti­fi­ca­tion of such tac­tics (e.g. “we *should* help the Chechens against the Rus­sians”). Mean­while, these oh-so-incen­di­ary alle­ga­tions hap­pen to coin­cide with overt­ly stat­ed inten­tions and poli­cies. (See the late Sen­a­tor Tom Lan­tos and his ilk applaud­ing the cre­ation of a U.S.-made Mus­lim state in Europe, which the jihadists should “take note of,” Lan­tos hoped.)


9 comments for “Was the Relationship between Brian Glyn Williams and Dzokhar Tsarnaev more than Just Student and “Tutor”?”

  1. The aggres­sive alien­ation of Rus­sia makes per­fect sense if the goal is to recre­ate the cold war nuclear stand­off. The war on ter­ror just does­n’t do it for a high tech arms race the same way as a Soviet/US scale super­pow­er con­flict. Drones are cheap, the prof­it isn’t the same as build­ing ICM­B’s.

    Posted by Chris | May 11, 2013, 11:59 am
  2. @Chris–

    There is a dynam­ic I call “Infor­ma­tion vs. Con­fir­ma­tion.”

    I am in the process of dis­sem­i­nat­ing INfor­ma­tion. Most peo­ple, appar­ent­ly includ­ing your­self, are inter­est­ed pri­mar­i­ly in CON­fir­ma­tion, hav­ing their beliefs, hopes, fears etc. rein­forced.

    You obvi­ous­ly haven’t done much work with the links and admit­ted­ly detailed analy­sis con­tained in the For The Record series about the Arab Spring/WikiLeaks.

    Your analy­sis reflects this.


    Dave Emory

    Posted by Dave Emory | May 11, 2013, 2:13 pm
  3. They prob­a­bly don’t intend to cre­ate a new cold war, but if they keep up sup­port for insur­rec­tion and ter­ror attacks in S. Rus­sia, and the estab­lish­ment of periph­er­al states that under­cut Rus­si­a’s oil/gas sec­tor, it’s dif­fi­cult to believe the Rus­sians won’t react in some tan­gi­ble way.

    Posted by chris | May 12, 2013, 3:31 pm
  4. @Chris–

    Yes, indeed!

    In my opin­ion, we are wit­ness­ing a proxy war with ele­ments in the West (petro­le­um relat­ed) back­ing Sun­ni com­bat­ants and Rus­sia try­ing to pro­tect its south­ern flank by bol­ster­ing Shi­ite com­bat­ants (Iran, Syr­ia.)

    Rus­si­a’s recent deci­sion to sell advanced sur­face-to-air mis­siles to Syr­ia may well be part of that.

    The Boston bomb­ing may well have been blow­back from that–perfectly accept­able to the GOP/petroleum inter­ests.

    It will also help tra­di­tion­al Ger­man “Ost­poli­tik.”

    In this con­text, do read T.H. Tetens’ text “Ger­many Plots with the Krem­lin,” avail­able on this web­site.

    The cur­rent program–FTR #710 is also rel­e­vant, as are the Food For Thought posts about the Boston Marathon bomb­ing.


    Dave Emory

    Posted by Dave Emory | May 12, 2013, 4:01 pm
  5. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/08/07/unlikely-friendship/xQao9NHjkUvtvhTcK1uwCL/story.html

    Tsar­naev friend tells of beliefs in con­spir­a­cies
    By Sal­ly Jacobs
    | Globe Staff

    August 08, 2013

    It was a most unlike­ly friend­ship.

    The elder­ly man was an invalid and a life­long Catholic recent­ly con­vert­ed to Islam. The younger man was a robust Russ­ian immi­grant, as proud of his mus­cled physique as he was devout in his Islam­ic faith. But some­how in the back row of a Cam­bridge mosque over a series of Fri­day after­noons, the bois­ter­ous box­er and the sub­ur­ban senior devel­oped a rare con­nec­tion.

    “Tamer­lan Tsar­naev was my friend and we talked about every­thing from pol­i­tics to reli­gion,” said Don­ald Lark­ing, 67, who began attend­ing the Islam­ic Soci­ety of Boston mosque in Cam­bridge a cou­ple of years ago at Tsarnaev’s sug­ges­tion. “He was very, very reli­gious. He believed that the Koran was the one true word and he loved it.”

    Lark­ing has been iden­ti­fied in news media reports as a con­fi­dant of Tsar­naev, but he has nev­er, until now, spo­ken pub­licly about their bond, and his appar­ent influ­ence on the younger man. It was Lark­ing who intro­duced Tsar­naev, who has been impli­cat­ed in the Boston Marathon bomb­ings and died in a shootout with police in April, to sev­er­al right-wing pub­li­ca­tions col­ored by con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries.

    Last year he gave Tsar­naev a sub­scrip­tion to The Amer­i­can Free Press, which has been crit­i­cized for pro­mot­ing anti-Semit­ic con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, for a Christ­mas gift. He also loaned his young friend his own copies of “The Sov­er­eign, news­pa­per of the Resis­tance!” which sug­gests on its web­site that US mil­i­tary explo­sives were involved in the World Trade Cen­ter col­lapse. But Lark­ing said that Tsar­naev, who was 24 when the two men met, had strong polit­i­cal views long before then.

    “He believed that 9/11 was an inside job and that the gov­ern­ment had pulled it off,” recalled Lark­ing. “His moth­er believed that, too. He didn’t like George Bush for tor­tur­ing pris­on­ers, but he didn’t real­ly like Oba­ma either.”

    Inves­ti­ga­tors have spec­u­lat­ed that Tsar­naev and his younger broth­er, Dzhokhar, who has been charged in con­nec­tion with the bomb­ings, were prob­a­bly inspired by extrem­ist Islam­ic pro­pa­gan­da. But Tsarnaev’s con­ver­sa­tions with Lark­ing sug­gest the elder Tsar­naev may have had a more com­plex polit­i­cal world view, col­ored in part by his belief in domes­tic con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. The FBI declined to com­ment yes­ter­day.

    Lark­ing was intro­duced to the Tsar­naev fam­i­ly in 2011 when friends rec­om­mend­ed Zubei­dat Tsar­naev, Tamerlan’s moth­er, to help care for Larking’s wife, who is a quadra­palegic. Zubei­dat, who sup­ple­ment­ed her income with work as a home health care aide, worked for the Lark­ings in their West New­ton home on week­ends. At times, one of her sons cov­ered her shift. When she returned to Rus­sia last year, Tamerlan’s wife, Kather­ine Rus­sell, took over the job.

    Lark­ing is also dis­abled. In 1974, accord­ing to the family’s lawyer Jason Rosen­berg, Lark­ing was shot in the head dur­ing a holdup of a con­ve­nience store where he worked as a man­ag­er. Lark­ing suf­fered some loss of men­tal acu­ity and now speaks and walks with some dif­fi­cul­ty, Rosen­berg said.

    In Larking’s sev­er­al con­ver­sa­tions with the Globe, his account seemed con­sis­tent and clear.

    In recent years, accord­ing to Rosen­berg, Lark­ing has dete­ri­o­rat­ed emo­tion­al­ly and has become inter­est­ed in anti-Semit­ic and con­spir­a­cy-mind­ed web­sites. But Rosen­berg con­firmed the accu­ra­cy of what Lark­ing said about his rela­tion­ship to the Tsar­naevs.

    Although raised a Catholic, Lark­ing says he became dis­il­lu­sioned with his church years ago when it became the sub­ject of sex abuse scan­dals, and he con­vert­ed to Islam. Tsar­naev urged Lark­ing to attend the Cam­bridge mosque, which he him­self had begun to attend — albeit fit­ful­ly — a cou­ple of years ear­li­er.

    Because of his phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ties, Lark­ing sits on a chair in the rear of the mosque while oth­ers pray upon the floor. On the occa­sion­al Fri­days that Tsar­naev was present for the after­noon ser­vice at the mosque, he fre­quent­ly joined Lark­ing at the end and helped him walk to a hand­i­cap van wait­ing out­side to take him home. Tsar­naev fond­ly dubbed Lark­ing “Dawud,” David in Ara­bic.

    Tsar­naev also urged Lark­ing to grow a beard say­ing, as Lark­ing recalled it, “that all Mus­lim men need­ed beards. So, I said, ‘OK.’ ” When Lark­ing began grow­ing a beard, Tsar­naev came to his home every sev­er­al weeks to trim and take care of it.

    “He was very kind,” Lark­ing said.

    Kather­ine Rus­sell, who mar­ried Tsar­naev in 2010, con­vert­ed from Catholi­cism to Islam for rea­sons sim­i­lar to his own, said Lark­ing. Like him, she was deeply dis­ap­point­ed over the scan­dal that engulfed the church and she was wor­ried that the daugh­ter she had with Tsar­naev would not be safe in the church in which she had grown up.

    “She want­ed a church with more morals,” recalled Lark­ing. “She felt the mosque would be a safer place for her daugh­ter to go to nurs­ery school.”

    One of Tsarnaev’s stronger polit­i­cal beliefs was that Amer­i­ca was too involved in the affairs of nations around the world and should mind its own busi­ness. He often crit­i­cized Oba­ma for US inter­ven­tion in Afghanistan and Iraq, Lark­ing said. Dur­ing the 2012 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, Tsar­naev spoke in sup­port of con­ser­v­a­tive Ron Paul, a fierce pro­po­nent of non-inter­ven­tion over­seas.

    About a year ago, Tsar­naev hand­ed his Cam­bridge land­lord, Joan­na Her­li­hy, a copy of the book, The Pro­to­col of the Elders of Zion, a tract that pur­ports to describe a plan by Jew­ish lead­ers to take over the world. Long ago dis­cred­it­ed, it was first pub­lished in Rus­sia over a cen­tu­ry ago.

    “This is a good book,” he told her, as she recalled.

    Her­li­hy said she warned Tsar­naev that the book was seen as “pro­pa­gan­da.” Still, she took the book and tried to “plow through it” this past win­ter, com­mit­ted to under­stand­ing it enough to have a “seri­ous con­ver­sa­tion” with Tsar­naev. How­ev­er, she nev­er did fin­ish the book and feels bad­ly she missed the chance to engage him, and per­haps dis­suade him, from such extreme ideas.

    “I’ve regret­ted it,” she said.

    A vora­cious read­er, Tsar­naev kept many of the pub­li­ca­tions Lark­ing shared with him in his Cam­bridge apart­ment. But when fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tors ran­sacked the place after the April bomb­ing, some res­i­dents in the build­ing not­ed with inter­est that they left behind some of Tsarnaev’s non-Mus­lim extrem­ist read­ings.

    “I think it’s inter­est­ing the FBI didn’t take them,” said Har­vey Smith, a long­time ten­ant of the same build­ing. “Maybe it’s because it didn’t fit into their think­ing about him.”
    Globe reporter Pat­ty Wen con­tributed to this sto­ry.

    Posted by Vanfield | August 12, 2013, 10:22 am
  6. Re: Tamer­lan Tsar­naev’s friend Toda­shev, shot by the FBI in Orlan­do:

    Ibrag­im Toda­shev was ‘a very good boy who want­ed to live’ dad says of son killed by FBI in Orlan­do



    “He said Toda­shev’s friends have said they were ques­tioned by the FBI in the days before the fatal shoot­ing, and threats were made sug­gest­ing that if the friends did not spy on local mosques, they would risk hav­ing their immi­gra­tion sta­tus­es changed.”


    This sug­gests that Tamer­lan Tsar­naev’s FBI “vis­its” were also about recruit­ing — his immi­gra­tion sta­tus could have been lever­aged due to a domes­tic abuse case against him.

    Posted by Swamp | August 13, 2013, 8:51 am
  7. Remem­ber the shape-shift­ing weapon wield­ed by Ibrahim Toda­shev? If not, jump to ~2:50 here. So was it a knife? A pipe? A broom­stick? No weapon at all?

    It looks like “pipe” is going to be the final answer:

    Wash­ing­ton Post
    FBI agent cleared in Flori­da shoot­ing of sus­pect ques­tioned about Boston bomb­ing

    By Adam Gold­man and Wes­ley Low­ery, Updat­ed: Fri­day, March 21, 12:35 PM

    A Flori­da pros­e­cu­tor has ruled that an FBI agent was jus­ti­fied in using dead­ly force when he shot and killed a Chechen man con­nect­ed to two broth­ers accused of car­ry­ing out the Boston Marathon bomb­ing.

    Law enforce­ment offi­cials said that Ibrag­im Toda­shev, 27, a mixed-mar­tial-arts fight­er, attacked the agent with a met­al pole dur­ing an inter­view at his Orlan­do apart­ment on May 22.

    FBI offi­cials have said the male agent, who has not been iden­ti­fied, was act­ing in self-defense when he shot Toda­shev mul­ti­ple times. The agent suf­fered a wound to the back of the head that required stitch­es. It’s not clear what first sparked the con­fronta­tion.

    The investigation’s con­clu­sion seem­ing­ly brings to an end a 10-month push by Todashev’s fam­i­ly and sev­er­al civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tions for more infor­ma­tion about the shoot­ing.


    The FBI cleared the agent in the Toda­shev shoot­ing sev­er­al months ago. The Jus­tice Department’s Civ­il Rights Divi­sion is in the final stages of fin­ish­ing its own inves­ti­ga­tion and is also expect­ed to clear him, accord­ing to indi­vid­u­als famil­iar with that inquiry.


    Before he attacked the agent, Toda­shev told inves­ti­ga­tors he and Tsar­naev had par­tic­i­pat­ed in a slay­ing in Waltham, Mass., in 2011, offi­cials said.

    Sev­er­al friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers of Toda­shev have insist­ed that he had nev­er pre­vi­ous­ly dis­cussed with them his friend­ship with the elder Tsar­naev broth­er or the Waltham mur­der.

    Ques­tions con­tin­ue to sur­round the shoot­ing, which occurred 10 months ago in an apart­ment com­plex just up the street from the entrance to Dis­ney World. Accord­ing to friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers of Toda­shev, he was ques­tioned for more than five hours in his apart­ment before the shoot­ing and believed that he had been fol­lowed for weeks by fed­er­al agents.

    In the months since the shoot­ing, sev­er­al of Todashev’s close friends — includ­ing a friend who ini­tial­ly attend­ed the fatal FBI inter­view with him, as well as Todashev’s live-in girl­friend — have said that they have been arrest­ed, deport­ed or barred from re-enter­ing the U.S.

    Jef­frey Ash­ton, the Flori­da state pros­e­cu­tor who reviewed the shoot­ing, is expect­ed to make the results pub­lic Tues­day.


    151 here we come!

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 21, 2014, 12:16 pm
  8. The Boston Globe has a sto­ry that “part” of the FBI inter­view of Toda­shev was record­ed on video. His con­fes­sion (about the Waltham Ma. killings) may or may not be on that video.
    They con­sid­er the case closed.


    How­ev­er, this arti­cle in Coun­ter­punch details the mur­der scene with pho­tographs and has a very dif­fer­ent con­clu­sion:


    Note that the blood stains are all at floor lev­el, none on the walls. This sug­gests that Toda­shev was shot while on the floor, exe­cu­tion style.

    Also, a wit­ness friend of Toda­shev’s was dri­ven miles away from the apart­ment to pre­vent them from see­ing the ince­dent.

    It’s a long arti­cle, but here is the con­clu­sion:

    Was the Head Shot then a Coup de Grace?

    Tey­er has their own the­o­ry. Her career in the Army recent­ly tor­pe­doed by the FBI, which mali­cious­ly had her list­ed as a “secu­ri­ty risk,” caus­ing her to decide to retire from the ser­vice, the unin­tim­i­dat­ed Tey­er says, “My the­o­ry is that Ibrag­im had too much infor­ma­tion about Tamer­lan, and they didn’t want that infor­ma­tion to come out.”

    What infor­ma­tion would that be? Tey­er, who is involved with a group fight­ing for the free­dom of the sur­viv­ing Tsar­naev broth­er, Dzhokhar, who faces death if con­vict­ed of the bomb­ing, says she does not believe he and his broth­er Tamer­lan were actu­al­ly the Boston bombers, and says even if they were, they couldn’t have done it alone. “Look,” she says, “those two broth­ers couldn’t have come up with the idea of bomb­ing the Marathon on their own! Some­one would have had to plant the idea in their heads, and some­one would have helped them plan it. Why do you think the police tried to kill Dzhokhar when he was hid­ing in the boat? They fired into that boat over 100 times. Why? He was already sur­round­ed, and with Tamer­lan dead, if he had been involved he would have been need­ed as a wit­ness to find out if there were any accom­plices or fur­ther attacks planned. Instead they tried to kill him.”

    Say­ing it’s clear from all that has hap­pened — the killings and the depor­ta­tions and the block­ing of peo­ple from return­ing to the US — that the FBI is sim­ply elim­i­nat­ing wit­ness­es to some­thing. She adds, “I don’t know what Ibrag­im knew about Tamer­lan, but he must have known some­thing.”

    It’s not such a wild spec­u­la­tion. Sev­er­al news orga­ni­za­tions have report­ed that all but one of the ter­ror­ist attacks between 2001 and the Boston bomb­ing that were “dis­rupt­ed” or foiled by the FBI have fea­tured Bureau infor­mants or under­cov­er agents who played key roles in set­ting the plots in motion. Could the Boston Marathon bomb­ing be a case of such an FBI-involved plot going some­how awry?

    A call to FBI spokesman Paul Bres­son to seek an expla­na­tion for the Bureau’s extra­or­di­nary ongo­ing 10-month hold on the coroner’s report on this killing and on its own lengthy inves­ti­ga­tion into the agent’s shoot­ing of Toda­shev, as well as for an expla­na­tion for the deci­sion to have only one agent with Toda­shev dur­ing an intense inter­ro­ga­tion has so far gone unan­swered.

    A report is due out tomor­row by the Flori­da State’s Attor­ney in Orlan­do, Jef­frey L. Ash­ton, on this shoot­ing. It is not clear what that con­clu­sion will be. Ashton’s office send out terse note to the media over the week­end protest­ing an appar­ent­ly FBI-leaked sto­ry claim­ing his inves­ti­ga­tion would also, like the Bureau, exon­er­age the agent in Todashev’s death. He said that his con­clu­sion had not been reached yet, and called the leak “unfair to both the fam­i­ly and the agent.” A good ques­tion for Ash­ton, what­ev­er his con­clu­sion is, would be whether he had access to the wit­ness­es who knew about the FBI’s harass­ment of Toda­shev between April 16 and his death on May 22, 2013, and espe­cial­ly to Todashev’s friend Taramov, the wit­ness who was removed by the FBI from the vicin­i­ty of the shoot­ing just before it hap­pened. All those wit­ness­es, were dri­ven or deport­ed out of the coun­try by the FBI in the ensu­ing weeks after the killing, and Taramov, who left vol­un­tar­i­ly to attend his friend’s funer­al, was barred from return­ing to the US, despite his hav­ing a valid Green Card. Anoth­er ques­tion for Ash­ton would be whether his own inves­ti­ga­tors had access to the bul­lets removed from the Coroner’s office, and the many items removed from the apart­ment by the FBI.

    Mean­while, both the ACLU’s nation­al office and its Mass­a­chu­setts office, cit­ing the “unbro­ken FBI track record of clear­ing its agents who use dead­ly force,” (that’s 150 agents cleared out of 150 agent shoot­ings of wit­ness­es or sus­pects over 18 years, not count­ing this lat­est shoot­ing, accord­ing to a report in the New York Times), has object­ed to hav­ing the FBI inves­ti­gat­ing its own agent in this shoot­ing and has called for an inde­pen­dent inquiry into Todashev’s death.

    As Howard Simon, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the nation­al ACLU, said, in response to the Boston Globe’s report that the FBI study will exon­er­ate its agent:

    “As we said when we first called for an inves­ti­ga­tion into Todashev’s death, secre­cy fos­ters sus­pi­cion. The DOJ should have called for a tru­ly inde­pen­dent inves­ti­ga­tion of the shoot­ing, and they still can! There remain too many unan­swered ques­tions about what hap­pened in that Orlan­do apart­ment last May. Until they are answered—until the pub­lic knows exact­ly how and why FBI agents and police offi­cers walked into an apart­ment to ask ques­tions and walked out with a 27 year-old in a body bag—we will not stop our calls for trans­paren­cy and answers.”

    Posted by Swamp | March 26, 2014, 8:43 am
  9. Let’s see what’s under this rock:

    Evi­dence Sug­gest­ed Tsar­naev Broth­ers Did Not Act Alone

    By Lara Salahi
    Boston.com Cor­re­spon­dent
    May 22, 2014 3:24 PM

    Spe­cif­ic evi­dence has led fed­er­al offi­cials to believe that Tamer­lan and Dzhokhar Tsar­naev did not act alone in plan­ning the Boston Marathon attacks, accord­ing to argu­ments sub­mit­ted Wednes­day by the US Attorney’s office..

    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyers have request­ed that poten­tial­ly incrim­i­nat­ing com­ments he made while inves­ti­ga­tors ques­tioned him at his hos­pi­tal bed­side to be scrapped as evi­dence in the case against him.

    In response to the defense’s motion, the pros­e­cu­tion filed an oppo­si­tion in the US Dis­trict Court in Boston to sup­press the state­ment Tsar­naev made dur­ing his hos­pi­tal stay, stat­ing Tsar­naev was nev­er forced to answer any of the ques­tions inves­ti­ga­tors had asked. The report also states that the pros­e­cu­tion does not plan to use Tsarnaev’s state­ments as its main argu­ment dur­ing the tri­al and sen­tenc­ing phase.

    One of the fil­ings by the pros­e­cu­tion stat­ed that inves­ti­ga­tors were led to believe from the bed­side ques­tion­ing that “the Tsar­naevs had accom­plices and that they or oth­ers might have built addi­tion­al bombs that posed a con­tin­u­ing dan­ger to pub­lic safe­ty.”

    At least eight clues led inves­ti­ga­tors to this con­clu­sion, includ­ing the “sophis­ti­cat­ed” nature of the bombs that were built that “would have been dif­fi­cult for the Tsar­naevs to fab­ri­cate suc­cess­ful­ly with­out train­ing or assis­tance from oth­ers.” Also, no traces of crushed black pow­der from fire­works need­ed for the devices were found in any loca­tion linked to the Tsar­naevs, indi­cat­ing they may not have built it them­selves.

    Behav­ior by the Tsar­naevs, includ­ing using tem­po­rary phones, and plan­ning anoth­er large-scale attack in New York City, also indi­cat­ed the broth­ers did not act alone, accord­ing to pros­e­cu­tors.

    These details sug­gest, “oth­ers might have rad­i­cal­ized them, direct­ed them, trained them, assist­ed them, and/or con­cealed them; and that these oth­ers might be plan­ning or poised to car­ry out addi­tion­al attacks,” the report stat­ed.


    Here’s more on the mys­tery of the miss­ing black pow­der:

    Offi­cials describe com­po­nents in Marathon bombs
    By Travis Ander­sen
    | Globe Staff May 22, 2014

    Dzhokhar Tsar­naev and his now-deceased broth­er used parts from Christ­mas lights and mod­el cars to build the bombs that they alleged­ly det­o­nat­ed near the fin­ish line of the Boston Marathon, fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors said in a court fil­ing Wednes­day.

    The fil­ing in US Dis­trict Court in Boston came in response to a motion from Tsarnaev’s defense lawyers to sup­press state­ments he made to FBI agents while he was being treat­ed in a Boston hos­pi­tal after his arrest. The defense con­tends that Tsar­naev was inter­ro­gat­ed at length despite repeat­ed­ly ask­ing for a lawyer.

    But in Wednesday’s fil­ing, pros­e­cu­tors wrote that FBI agents had grounds to ques­tion Tsar­naev at the time, since they had to deter­mine whether any accom­plices were still at large who might have posed a threat.

    “The Marathon bombs were con­struct­ed using impro­vised fus­es made from Christ­mas lights and impro­vised, remote-con­trol det­o­na­tors fash­ioned from mod­el car parts,” pros­e­cu­tors wrote. “These rel­a­tive­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed devices would have been dif­fi­cult for the Tsar­naevs to fab­ri­cate suc­cess­ful­ly with­out train­ing or assis­tance from oth­ers.”

    Also, pros­e­cu­tors said, Tsar­naev and his broth­er, Tamer­lan, appear to have crushed and emp­tied fire­works con­tain­ing black pow­der to make explo­sive fuel for the bombs.

    That pow­der is a fine mate­r­i­al, and if the Tsar­naevs had built the bombs them­selves, it was rea­son­able to expect traces of the pow­der would be found where they worked on the explo­sives, pros­e­cu­tors said.

    “Yet search­es of the Tsar­naevs’ res­i­dences, three vehi­cles, and oth­er loca­tions asso­ci­at­ed with them yield­ed vir­tu­al­ly no traces of black pow­der, again strong­ly sug­gest­ing that oth­ers had built, or at least helped the Tsar­naevs build, the bombs and thus might have built more,” pros­e­cu­tors wrote.

    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyers had not respond­ed to the fil­ing by Wednes­day evening. Tamer­lan Tsar­naev was killed in a con­fronta­tion with police in Water­town days after the April 15, 2013, bomb­ings.

    Dzhokhar Tsar­naev faces sev­er­al charges that could bring the death penal­ty.

    The blasts killed three peo­ple, includ­ing a child, and wound­ed more than 260.

    “In short, the facts and cir­cum­stances known to law enforce­ment at the time they inter­viewed Tsar­naev pro­vid­ed ample rea­son to believe that the Tsar­naevs did not act alone,” pros­e­cu­tors wrote in the fil­ing.

    No one else has been charged with par­tic­i­pat­ing in the bomb­ings, and pros­e­cu­tors wrote Wednes­day that Tsar­naev admit­ted his own role in the blasts under ques­tion­ing, but “stead­fast­ly denied” that any­one else was involved. Author­i­ties have not said pub­licly if they are seek­ing addi­tion­al sus­pects in the bomb­ing itself.

    Three of Tsarnaev’s friends face charges of obstruc­tion of jus­tice and lying to the FBI in alleged­ly remov­ing items from his col­lege dor­mi­to­ry room after the blasts and lying about it to inves­ti­ga­tors.


    Well this is going to make the pros­e­cu­tion of the three friends a lot more com­pli­cat­ed since they removed fire­works from his apart­ment:

    Boston Globe
    Tsarnaev’s texts with friend offer new glimpse of case
    Alleges in pre­tri­al hear­ing he was improp­er­ly inter­ro­gat­ed

    By Patri­cia Wen
    | Globe Staff May 15, 2014

    Three hours after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s pho­to was broad­cast as the “Bomber 2” sus­pect, he exchanged a series of casu­al text mes­sages with one of his clos­est friends from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts Dart­mouth, say­ing, “Sor­ry man I’m in Boston” when asked for a ride, and respond­ing “Yea bro I did,” when asked “u saw the news?”

    Some 300 text mes­sages writ­ten or received by 20-year-old Dias Kadyr­bayev — some trans­lat­ed from Russ­ian — were made pub­lic in US Dis­trict Court in Boston Thurs­day as part of a pre­tri­al hear­ing in which the native of Kaza­khstan alleges that fed­er­al agents improp­er­ly inter­ro­gat­ed him, both before and after Tsarnaev’s cap­ture on April 19, 2013. Kadyr­bayev, who faces obstruc­tion of jus­tice charges, has assert­ed his state­ments about hid­ing some of Tsarnaev’s incrim­i­nat­ing items should be sup­pressed pri­or to his tri­al.

    One impor­tant find­ing relat­ed to Kadyrbayev’s case lies in these pages of text mes­sages: As ear­ly as the morn­ing of April 19 when fed­er­al agents were begin­ning to real­ize that Kadyr­bayev and his room­mate, Aza­mat Tazhayakov, were close friends of Tsar­naev, Kadyrbayev’s fam­i­ly alleged­ly had already con­tact­ed Kazakhstan’s Con­sulate General’s office in New York and begun to try to pro­tect the young man.

    Kadyrbayev’s defense attor­ney has por­trayed his client as a naive for­eign stu­dent who was defense­less against manip­u­la­tive fed­er­al agents, and some­one with lim­it­ed Eng­lish skills who nev­er ful­ly under­stood his legal rights to remain silent or demand a lawyer.


    One series of text exchanges goes to the heart of why Kadyr­bayev is accused of obstruct­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion. Around 8:45 p.m. on April 18, short­ly after the FBI released pho­tos of the sus­pect­ed bombers, Kadyr­bayev asks Tsar­naev, “u saw the news?” After acknowl­edg­ing that he did, Tsar­naev said, “Bet­ter not text me my friend,” adding, “Lol.”

    When Kadyr­bayev replies, “u saw urself in there?” and added “aha­ha” and then “haha­ha,” Tsar­naev responds, “If yu want yu can go to my room and take what’s there.”

    About 10 that night, Kadyr­bayev sent a text to Philli­pos, “come to Jahar’s!!”

    The three friends were at the dorm room that night, and, accord­ing to the indict­ment, Kadyr­bayev found Tsarnaev’s back­pack, con­tain­ing some manip­u­lat­ed fire­works, as well as his lap­top.

    He took these items, and they head­ed for the New Bed­ford apart­ment. There, Kadyr­bayev, with Tazhayakov’s knowl­edge, alleged­ly threw the back­pack in a dump­ster.

    Days lat­er, after Kady­bayev alleged­ly admit­ted to fed­er­al agents what he had done, fed­er­al agents found Tsarnaev’s back­pack, along with the fire­works, in a land­fill.


    Also note that the fire­works tak­en by the three friends had the black pow­der scooped out:

    Texts, TV, then trou­ble for bomb­ing sus­pec­t’s pals
    — May. 1, 2013 9:18 PM EDT

    Dias Kadyr­bayev was dri­ving back to his apart­ment when he got a call from a col­lege bud­dy. A clear­ly anx­ious Robel Philli­pos told him author­i­ties had released pho­tos of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers — and one of them looked very famil­iar.

    When he got home, Kadry­bayev turned on the tele­vi­sion to see a shag­gy-haired Dzhokhar Tsar­naev, his friend, class­mate and, by then, one of the most want­ed men in the world.

    That call set in motion a series of events that on Wednes­day turned three col­lege pals into key fig­ures in one of the largest ter­ror­ist inves­ti­ga­tions ever on U.S. soil. Accord­ing to an FBI affi­davit based on inter­views with all three men, this is how it played out.


    The Kazhaks and Philli­pos, who’d attend­ed Cam­bridge Rindge and Latin High School with “Jahar,” as Dzhokhar was known, agreed to meet at Pine Dale Hall, their friend’s dorm. Philli­pos, the 19-year-old son of a sin­gle moth­er, said he want­ed to see for him­self whether the TV reports were true.

    Tsar­naev’s room­mate let them in, say­ing they’d missed him by a cou­ple of hours.

    Accord­ing to Kadyr­bayev, the trio decid­ed to watch a movie (he did­n’t spec­i­fy which one). At some point, they noticed a back­pack.

    Inside, they dis­cov­ered more than a half-dozen fire­works, each about 8 inch­es long, accord­ing to the affi­davit. The black pow­der had been scooped out.

    Kadyr­bayev said he knew instant­ly that his friend was indeed involved in the bomb­ings. But instead of call­ing author­i­ties, he told inves­ti­ga­tors he began think­ing of ways to get rid of the evi­dence.

    Just in case the room­mate thought he was “steal­ing or behav­ing sus­pi­cious­ly” by grab­bing the back­pack alone, Kadyr­bayev decid­ed to take Tsar­naev’s lap­top as well.

    The three returned to the Kazhaks’ apart­ment and watched news reports of the inten­si­fy­ing man­hunt. They dis­cussed what to do with Tsar­naev’s things.

    As the sit­u­a­tion’s grav­i­ty began to sink in, Philli­pos — whose own text to Tsar­naev went unan­swered — said every­one “start­ed to freak out,” accord­ing to author­i­ties. The oth­er two men began speak­ing to each oth­er in Russ­ian.


    Boy did this sto­ry just weirdererer.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | May 22, 2014, 2:32 pm

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