Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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What the New York Times Didn’t Tell You about Robert (Bob) Whitaker

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COMMENT: A recent New York Times Op-ed piece men­tioned that Robert (Bob) Whitak­er was run­ning for Vice Pres­i­dent on a white suprema­cist plat­form in 2016. What the piece (pre­dictably) failed to note was that Robert (Bob) Whitak­er held a sen­si­tive posi­tion in the Rea­gan White House

This coun­try’s Nazis are enabled by its “Not-Sees.”

“White Suprema­cists with­out Bor­ders” by Mor­ris Dees and Richard Cohen; The New York Times; 6/22/2015.

. . . . In recent years, extrem­ists have dis­tilled the notion of white geno­cide to “the mantra,” parts of which show up on bill­boards through­out the South, as well as in Inter­net chat rooms. It pro­claims “Diver­si­ty = White Geno­cide” and “Diver­si­ty Means Chas­ing Down the Last White Per­son,” blam­ing mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism for under­min­ing the “white race.” The white nation­al­ist Amer­i­can Free­dom Par­ty has made the mantra’s author, a seg­re­ga­tion­ist from South Car­oli­na named Robert Whitak­er, its vice-pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in 2016. . . . 

“A White Future is Com­ing: an Inter­view with Bob Whitak­er” by Kevin Alfred Strom; Amer­i­can Dis­si­dent Voic­es; 7/3/2004.

EXCERPT: . . . KAS: When we intro­duced you for the first time to our read­ers in Nation­al Van­guard, we gave a cap­sule biog­ra­phy of you as fol­lows:

‘Mr. Whitak­er was born and raised in South Car­olina, and attend­ed the Uni­ver­sity of South Car­olina and the Uni­ver­sity of Vir­ginia Grad­u­ate School. He has been a col­lege pro­fes­sor, an inter­na­tional avi­a­tion nego­tia­tor, a Capi­tol Hill senior staffer, a Rea­gan Admin­is­tra­tion appointee, and a writer for the Voice of Amer­i­ca.”

So you’re a Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tion appointee — what’s the sto­ry behind that?

BW: I was Spe­cial Assis­tant to the Direc­tor of the Office of Per­son­nel Man­age­ment, in charge of secu­rity clear­ances, staffing, and that sort of thing. . . .



One comment for “What the New York Times Didn’t Tell You about Robert (Bob) Whitaker”

  1. Not the first Rea­gan asso­ciate to be asso­ci­at­ed with white suprema­cy and out-and-out fas­cism. As Mr Emory has spo­ken of in the past:


    “...Helene von Damm, Reagan’s direc­tor of per­son­nel and pro­tege of Otto von Bolschwing, Adolf Eichmann’s supe­rior in admin­is­ter­ing “Jew­ish mat­ters” for Hitler.”

    Posted by bassface | July 10, 2015, 12:10 pm

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