Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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What Was Gary O’Donoghue Working On at the Time of His Death?

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COMMENT: In FTR #‘s 772, 792 and 823, we looked at a num­ber of high­ly sus­pi­cious deaths of peo­ple involved with the finan­cial industry–we termed them “col­lat­er­al­ized death oblig­a­tions.” Now we learn of the curi­ous demise of Gary O’Donoghue, a lawyer work­ing as “a solic­i­tor in cor­po­rate finance” in the City of Lon­don eco­nom­ic epi­cen­ter.

A skilled “foot­baller,” (soc­cer play­er) O’Donoghue went miss­ing at his 29th birth­day par­ty.

His corpse was found at the bot­tom of a “dis­used rub­bish chute in a block of flats.”

We won­der what O’Donoghue was work­ing on at the time of his death?

This one does NOT pass “the sniffs test.”

Quick: when was the last time you heard of some­one falling to their death in an unused rub­bish chute? 

“City Lawyer Fell to His Death Down Rub­bish Chute at His Own 29th Birth­day Par­ty in East Lon­don” by Jen­ny Awford; The Dai­ly Mail [UK]; 2/6/2015.

A city lawyer died at his own 29th birth­day par­ty after falling down a dis­used rub­bish chute in a block of flats.

Gary O’Donoghue, a solic­i­tor at EMW Law firm, dis­ap­peared dur­ing a cel­e­bra­tion friends had thrown for him at an apart­ment in Shored­itch, east Lon­don, at around 6am.

 His body lay undis­cov­ered for 24 hours, but was found by police at the bot­tom of the chute after offi­cers searched the build­ing. . . .

. . . . He was last seen at around in the ear­ly hours of Jan­u­ary 25 at the flat in Quak­er Street, off Com­mer­cial Street in Spi­tal­fields and friends hunt­ed for 12 hours before call­ing police.

 Police are treat­ing Mr O’Donoghue’s death as unex­plained but at this stage do not believe there to be any sus­pi­cious cir­cum­stances. . . .

 . . . . Mr O’Donoghue had worked as a solic­i­tor spe­cial­is­ing in cor­po­rate finance at EMW Law firm, based in Chancery Lane, for more than five years. . . .

. . . . A Met Police spokesman said: ‘We were called to Quak­er Street on Jan­u­ary 25 at 6pm after a man was report­ed miss­ing. We searched the prop­er­ty and the man’s body was found. We are treat­ing the death as unex­plained.’


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