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What’s Up with This? Muslim Men “Firing Hundreds of Shots” and “Chanting” in San Bernardino County! No Arrests Made

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COMMENT: An arti­cle that rais­es ques­tions graced the Los Ange­les Times in late March. A group of 17 “Mid­dle East­ern men” fired “hun­dreds of shots” and were heard “chant­i­ng.” No arrests were made.

This in San Bernardi­no Coun­ty!

Although one of the rifles lacked ser­i­al num­bers, hav­ing been assem­bled from spare parts, offi­cial­dom has been dis­mis­sive, although an FBI inves­ti­ga­tion appar­ent­ly con­tin­ues.

In an atmos­phere in which peo­ple speak­ing in Ara­bic have been removed from com­mer­cial air­line flights, we have no answers, but lot of ques­tions in this regard:

  •  With the transnational/GOP/Underground Reich fac­tion of U.S. intel­li­gence fund­ing jihadists as proxy war­riors and armed her­alds of cor­po­ratist eco­nom­ics, we won­der if these men might have been trainees, with pro­tec­tion by covert action spon­sors?
  • Will a ter­ror­ist inci­dent be allowed to take place in order to make Oba­ma look “weak” and “soft on ter­ror­ism?”
  • In a vari­a­tion of the pre­vi­ous point, we won­der about Don­ald Trump. Scorned by the GOP estab­lish­ment, he has opined that the U.S. should lessen its NATO com­mit­ment and refrain from “nation build­ing.” This can­not sit well with dom­i­nant ele­ments of the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment. With the Cal­i­for­nia pri­ma­ry upcom­ing, we won­der if “Islam­ic terrorists/ISIS” will be allowed to do to Trump what was done to Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 and George Wal­lace in 1972? This would make Oba­ma look “weak” and “soft on ter­ror­ism,” at the same time as elim­i­nat­ing Trump, enrag­ing his fol­low­ers and chan­nel­ing them toward the GOP can­di­date of choice.

“FBI Inves­ti­gat­ing Reports of Mid­dle East­ern Men Fir­ing Hun­dreds of Shots in Apple Val­ley” by Richard Win­ston; Los Ange­les Times; 3/29/2016.

The FBI on Tues­day was con­tin­u­ing to ques­tion peo­ple after receiv­ing reports from campers that a group of armed men in a remote part of Apple Val­ley fired hun­dreds of shots Sun­day morn­ing.

San Bernardi­no Coun­ty sheriff’s deputies and an FBI agent respond­ed to the area known as Deep Creek Hot Springs after reports of gun­shots and chant­i­ng in the predawn hours, offi­cials said. Accord­ing to law enforce­ment sources, 17 men of Mid­dle East­ern descent were detained.

But none were arrest­ed or charged in con­nec­tion with shoot­ing firearms and they coop­er­at­ed with deputies, author­i­ties said.

San Bernardi­no Coun­ty sher­if­f’s spokes­woman Jodi Miller said the men were released after author­i­ties found no evi­dence of a spe­cif­ic crime or out­stand­ing war­rants.

“None of the per­sons inter­viewed yes­ter­day were iden­ti­fied as ter­ror­ists,” she said.

One rifle did not have a ser­i­al num­ber because it was bought in parts, Miller said. But it was deemed to be legal in Cal­i­for­nia. She said the FBI may be con­duct­ing addi­tion­al inter­views with the men.


FBI spokes­woman Lau­ra Eimiller said agents are work­ing with local author­i­ties to deter­mine if crimes were com­mit­ted.

A caller to 911 report­ed hear­ing more than 100 shots fired and see­ing sev­er­al men wear­ing tur­bans in the area of the shoot­ing.

With the assis­tance of a sheriff’s heli­copter, deputies locat­ed the men walk­ing away from a creek car­ry­ing back­packs and oth­er items.

A search found sev­er­al hand­guns, a rifle and a shot­gun, accord­ing to a sheriff’s state­ment.

“A records check of the sub­jects, their weapons, and their vehi­cles was com­plet­ed,” the state­ment said. “The records check revealed none of the sub­jects had a crim­i­nal his­to­ry or out­stand­ing war­rants, the weapons were reg­is­tered with the Depart­ment of Jus­tice except for the rifle, and the vehi­cles were also reg­is­tered.”

Sheriff’s inves­ti­ga­tors con­tact­ed sev­er­al hik­ers, but none wit­nessed the guns being fired. “There was no evi­dence found that a crime had been com­mit­ted by any of the sub­jects who were detained, and they were released,” the depart­ment said.

A pho­to­graph tak­en at the scene shows the men hand­cuffed as sev­er­al deputies exam­ine their back­packs and equip­ment.



One comment for “What’s Up with This? Muslim Men “Firing Hundreds of Shots” and “Chanting” in San Bernardino County! No Arrests Made”

  1. This is con­sis­tent with a May 3, 2016 inter­view with Defense Sec­re­tary Ash Carter and com­ments made by DNI James Clap­per. Addi­tion­al­ly, the A May 4 arti­cle in the Dai­ley Mail stat­ed:

    “Amer­i­ca’s fight against the Islam­ic State ter­ror­ist group is far from over, Defense Sec­re­tary Ash Carter has warned in a cri­sis meet­ing with inter­na­tion­al mil­i­tary offi­cials in Ger­many.”

    “His {Ash Carter’s} words on Tues­day came as James Clap­per, Oba­ma’s intel­li­gence chief, pre­dict­ed ISIS could stage a Paris-style attack in the US at any time.”

    “The pres­i­dent has insist­ed Amer­i­ca faces less of a threat than its Euro­pean allies.” [Ed. Note: this could be quot­ed out of con­text if a ter­ror­ist strike occurred to make Oba­ma look inept and naive on ter­ror­ism, even though there is a very sig­nif­i­cant threat, it is less than one Europe. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Pres­i­dent wants to calm fears, not play into them.]

    “The ter­ror­ist group has shown their capac­i­ty to ‘either infil­trate peo­ple or incite peo­ple who are already here,’ he said. It means home­grown attacks coor­di­nat­ed between a net­work of jihadists around the coun­try are a con­stant con­cern for US intel­li­gence offi­cials. ‘That’s some­thing we wor­ry about a lot in the Unit­ed States, that they could con­jure up a raid like they did in Paris or Brus­sels,’ Clap­per told CNN.”


    Posted by Anonymous | May 5, 2016, 4:44 pm

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