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What’s Wrong with This Picture?

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COMMENT: A New York Times sto­ry pro­vides lit­tle sub­stan­tive detail in the text about U.S. trained, prospec­tive Syr­i­an police/security per­son­nel, des­tined to serve in Raqaa after its pro­ject­ed cap­ture from ISIS.

A pho­to­graph (at right) rais­es the ques­tion as to what polit­i­cal ori­gins the grad­u­ates have, and what kind of ide­o­log­i­cal train­ing they might have received? We have not­ed in many pro­grams that Mus­lim Broth­er­hood ele­ments, as well as the relat­ed Al-Nus­ra Front (Al-Qae­da affil­i­ate) are fight­ing as West­ern prox­ies in Syr­ia.

Assum­ing those pic­tured are not audi­tion­ing for an anti-per­spi­rant com­mer­cial, one won­ders if they might be Broth­er­hood-derived. For pur­pos­es of com­par­i­son, we recap a pic­ture of Hamas sol­diers salut­ing. (Hamas is, of course, the Pales­tin­ian branch of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.)

“U.S. Sends Civil­ians to Sta­bi­lize Recap­tured Syr­i­an Areas” by Michael R. Gor­don and Eric Schmitt; The New York Times; 6/23/2017.

The Trump admin­is­tra­tion is send­ing a civil­ian team into Syr­ia to try to bring sta­bil­i­ty to areas that Amer­i­can-backed forces have retak­en from the Islam­ic State . . . .

The team con­sists of only sev­en mem­bers, State Depart­ment offi­cials and secu­ri­ty per­son­nel, sev­er­al of whom have already arrived in Syr­ia. . . .


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