Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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While Everyone Was Paying Attention to the Latest “Lone Nut” . . .

COMMENT: Future posts will ana­lyze the lat­est “not polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed”, “lone nut” polit­i­cal assas­sin in Ari­zona. [Ini­tial press accounts dis­cussed more than one sus­pect.] What has received lit­tle notice is the death in a strange-sound­ing car fire of Ash­ley Tur­ton,  the wife of Oba­ma’s liai­son to the now-GOP con­trolled House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives, Dan Tur­ton.

Was the death of Ms. Tur­ton a mes­sage to her hus­band?

Is THIS the GOP’s con­cept of bi-par­ti­san­ship?

NB: Some salient, rel­e­vant com­ments below.

The late Ms. Tur­ton’s car appears hard­ly dam­aged [right].

“Tur­ton Fire Caused by Low-Speed Crash, Police Say” by Rachel Blade, Jes­si­ca Brady and Ann Palmer; Roll Call; 1/10/2011.

EXCERPT: The car fire that led to the sud­den death of Ash­ley Tur­ton was caused by the impact after a low-speed crash, accord­ing to the major crash inves­ti­ga­tion unit of the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Police Depart­ment.

“It’s quite pos­si­ble that the vic­tim was maneu­ver­ing the car and came in con­tact with some kind of flam­ma­ble chem­i­cal mate­ri­als,” D.C. Fire spokesman Pete Piringer said.

Tur­ton, 37, was the for­mer chief of staff to Rep. Rosa DeLau­ro (D‑Conn.) and wife of White House liai­son to the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives Dan Tur­ton. . . .

. . .  Police said there was a heavy fire in the garage at 4:45 a.m. that caused sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to the 2008 BMW X5, which was par­tial­ly backed out into the dri­ve­way and looked singed. Fire dam­age could also be seen on a cor­ner of the brick home Mon­day.

When the fire was extin­guished, fire­fight­ers dis­cov­ered Turton’s body inside the car. . . .


7 comments for “While Everyone Was Paying Attention to the Latest “Lone Nut” . . .”

  1. Hel­lo Dave. I’ve been scan­ning a whole bunch of the news reports on Jer­ry Lough­n­er late­ly, but some­thing caught my eye which has­n’t been open­ly dis­cussed yet by most; Have you ever seen this guy’s sup­posed Amer­i­can Renaissance{the vicious racist, anti-immi­grant, and pro-eugen­ics shill out­fit} con­nec­tions?

    Alleged AZ Shoot­er May Have Links To Pro-White Racist Orga­ni­za­tion

    Amer­i­can Renais­sance: Was Jared Lee Lough­n­er tied to anti-immi­grant group?

    Ari­zona Shoot­ing Gun­man Jared Lough­n­er Con­nect­ed to Amer­i­can Renais­sance, Sus­pect­ed Anti-Semit­ic Group

    Inter­est­ing how groups like these are almost nev­er dis­cussed when some­thing like this hap­pens...........

    Posted by Steven | January 12, 2011, 9:05 am
  2. Hi Dave, I’m glad to see some­body else inter­est­ed in this very sus­pi­cious death. Police were said to be inves­ti­gat­ing the mat­ter, in one account I read, but remind­ed the pub­lic that Tur­ton lived “near a bad neigh­bor­hood”– as if dri­ving a flam­ing car that crash­es into one’s own garage in the ear­ly morn­ing hours was the work of near­by hooli­gans or pranksters.

    Oh yeah, and she was a top lob­by­ist for Progress Ener­gy, which lit­er­al­ly JUST com­plet­ed a mega-merg­er with Duke Ener­gy, mak­ing it the sin­gle largest util­i­ty in Amer­i­ca. Coin­ci­dence? Maybe so.

    Any­way, I’m a long-time lis­ten­er and I real­ly like your show.

    Posted by Roger H. | January 12, 2011, 4:38 pm
  3. Tur­ton was linked to RUDY GIULIANI’S law firm — see below.

    Duke, Progress Ener­gy to Cre­ate Largest U.S. Util­i­ty
    Quote: “Merg­er mania in the util­i­ty indus­try con­tin­ues with the grand­dad­dy of them all — at least so far. Duke Ener­gy DUK and Progress Ener­gy PGN have announced their intent to merge in a deal that would cre­ate the largest util­i­ty in the Unit­ed States and among the largest in the world with a $37 bil­lion mar­ket cap­i­tal­iza­tion, $65 bil­lion enter­prise val­ue, and $20 bil­lion in rev­enue.”

    When she died, Tur­ton was the lead Con­gres­sion­al lob­by­ist for Progress Ener­gy.

    Accord­ing to the WSJ arti­cle on Tur­ton’s death (cur­rent­ly hid­den behind a pay­wall, see link below), Progress Ener­gy was rep­re­sent­ed by BRACEWELL & GIULIANI (yes, that Giu­liani). Tur­ton per­son­al­ly knew peo­ple at the law firm.

    Accord­ing to the WSJ arti­cle, Tur­ton per­son­al­ly played a role in the merg­er, over­seen by Bracewell & Giu­liani.

    White House Aide’s Wife Found Dead In Burn­ing Car In Wash­ing­ton

    BRACEWELL & GIULIANI is a law firm based in HOUSTON, TEXAS. Rudy Giu­liani joined in 2005, at which time the law firm was RENAMED to include Rudy’s sur­name. Rudy helped estab­lish the law firm in NYC, accord­ing to Wikipedia.

    Bracewell & Giu­liani (Wikipedia arti­cle)

    Many NOTEWORTHY FIGURES have worked at the law firm, and it has an inter­est­ing CLIENT BASE.

    Posted by R. Wilson | January 12, 2011, 8:21 pm
  4. Inter­est­ing pho­to of the scene of death.

    The vehi­cle is not destroyed, and indeed appears bare­ly dam­aged.

    Posted by R. Wilson | January 12, 2011, 9:11 pm
  5. Per Daniel Hop­sick­er’s the­o­ry about the truth com­ing out in the first 24–48 hrs after the event:

    Gabrielle Gif­fords case: Sec­ond man sought in mass Ari­zona shoot­ing

    Unfor­tu­nate­ly the “three name” par­a­digm has prob­a­bly already sealed this as a “lone nut” case and any fur­ther infor­ma­tion about a sec­ond shoot­er will be secret­ed and for­got­ten.

    Posted by Sandra | January 12, 2011, 9:52 pm
  6. A note on San­dra’s com­ment:

    Jared Lee Lough­n­er’s “three name par­a­digm” (the stan­dard pre­sen­ta­tion of three names that has become odd­ly-cus­tom­ary to rep­re­sent killers [both “ser­i­al” and “mass-”] in the annals of infamy) was intro­duced (or per­haps pre­sent­ed) to the pub­lic by JLL “him­self” in his own YouTube video. An uncom­mon way to rep­re­sent ones­self?:


    Posted by R. Wilson | January 13, 2011, 8:12 pm
  7. @Roger H.: I’ve only been lis­ten­ing to Dave since around Sept. of ’09, but in that short time peri­od, I’ve learned quite a lot from lis­ten­ing to him.......I only wish I could’ve come across this when I first start­ed research­ing back in 2007.

    @Sandra: I agree, this is quite unfor­tu­nate. =(

    @R. Wil­son: Does make you ask ques­tions, does­n’t it?

    Posted by Steven | June 2, 2011, 5:04 am

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