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COMMENT: The recent disclosure that random testing of residents of New York City indicated that roughly one fifth of that municipality’s residents may have had Covid-19 and recovered raises serious epidemiological implications. If the report is remotely accurate, it is epidemiologically absurd to suppose the virus originated in China.
The 1984 interview with Dr. Wilbert Jordan about the anomalous epidemiological information about the spread of AIDS, reprised in FTR #1115, should be reviewed for depth and background to this discussion.
In addition, we speculated in FTR #1127 that New York City MAY have been deliberately vectored with the virus. The report cited above makes little sense if that were not the case.
In this post, we collate a number of items from past programs, considering the possibility that some of the elements we discuss MIGHT have figured in a hypothetical vectoring of New York City:
- We note in that regard that New York City was deliberately targeted for testing of biological warfare agents in the mid-1960’s. ” . . . . In the summer of 1965, Special Operations men walked into three New York City subway stations and tossed lightbulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis, a benign bacteria, onto the tracks. The subway trains pushed the germs through the entire system and theoretically killed over a million passengers. . . .”
- For consideration in this context is the documented record of the use of Nazis, fascists and white supremacists in the American biological warfare development over the decades–not all of it in the aftermath of World War II and Project Paperclip.
We review information about Dr. Larry Ford, an acolyte of “The Turner Diaries,” who had worked for the CIA assisting the apartheid regime’s Project Coast biological warfare program. Ford was investigated for possible involvement with the milieu behind the anthrax attacks after 9/11. ” . . . . he had held extreme racist views and had once told a girlfriend that to understand him, she should read ‘The Turner Diaries,’ the anti-Semitic and white supremacist novel, popular among far-right groups, that prosecutors say inspired the Oklahoma City bombing . . . .”
- Ford operated in conjunction with Project Coast under the auspices of CIA: ” . . . . But ten minutes later the liaison called again and said there was ‘high confidence’ that Ford had biological- and chemical-weapons knowledge and did, in fact, have the capability to coat the knife with a deadly toxin. Shortly after that a third call came in: Ford did work for the CIA, the chastened FBI official told the room full of cops. . . .”
- An Air Force Academy report on Project Coast discussed an international right-wing network that grew out of the South African bio-weapons program: ” . . . . According to a recent U.S. Air Force Academy report on South Africa’s biological warfare program, Ford was part of a global network of scientists that Basson assembled to assist Project Coast. Whether that meant creating — or receiving and storing — toxins produced by the program is a matter of conjecture, the report suggests, as South African officials have been unable to account for all of the dangerous material produced over the years. The Air Force report quotes testimony from a Swiss intelligence agent [Juergen Jacomet?] who laundered money for Basson and who describes a worldwide conspiracy involving unnamed Americans. ‘The death of Dr. Ford and revelations of his South African involvement,’ the report states, ‘[raises] the possibility of a right-wing international network, [still] united by a vision of South Africa once again ruled by whites.’ . . . .”
- Steven Hatfill–another longtime, intelligence-connected biological warfare expert–has worked with white supremacists in both the former Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and South Africa. He, too, was investigated in connection with the anthrax attacks.
- About Hatfill’s CV: ” . . . . Here is a fellow [Hatfill] with a fake Ph.D. who posed for The Washington Times as a bioterrorist with a homemade plague disseminator, and who boasted as recently as last year of having served with the apartheid government’s notorious Selous Scouts during the Rhodesian anthrax epidemic. I have three different editions of his curriculum vitae . . . How did such a rascal come to be instructing the C.I.A., F.B.I., Defense Intelligence Agency, army, navy, Marines, U.S. marshals, and State Department on such matters as the handling of deadly pathogens and of bioterror incidents . . . .”
- About the investigation into Hatfill in connection with the 2001 anthrax attacks and his association with the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB): ” . . . . The FBI’s investigation [of the anthrax attacks] this time focused on Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, who once worked as a research scientist at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Hatfill had spent considerable time in South Africa, and was affiliated with the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB). However, after a thorough investigation, the FBI eventually cleared Hatfill of any connection to the anthrax attacks. . . .”
- Of significant interest in that regard is Hatfill’s close professional relationship with fellow biological warfare expert Bill Patrick, who directed the above experiment/attack on the New York City subway: “. . . . Then there’s the 1965 simulated attack on the New York City subway. On June 8 of that year, under Bill Patrick’s direction, the subway was targeted with the anthrax simulant B.g. Lightbulbs, each containing 87 trillion spores, were dropped onto the tracks. Trains then sucked the clouds of live bacteria into the subway system. C.I.A. and military scientists, bearing fake ID’s, were on location to count the spores. More than a million riders were exposed to B.g. that day; many inhaled more than a million spores per minute. Patrick, when telling this story, still chuckles about how ‘we clobbered the Lexington line with B.g.’. . . .”
- Despite the age difference, Patrick and Hatfill became close: ” . . . . The most curious piece of fieldwork noted on Steven Hatfill’s most recent C.V. is that of ‘open air testing and vulnerability trials.’ In a 2001 paper, ‘Biological Warfare Scenarios,’ Bill Patrick called the 1965 simulated attack on the New York subway “one of the most important vulnerability studies” of the 70 he conducted. . . . By 1998, Hatfill was Patrick’s sidekick in what one colleague has described as a ‘Batman and Robin’ team. But it is from USAMRIID that Hatfill claims to have acquired his working knowledge of army-sponsored ‘vulnerability’ trials. . . .”
- Hatfill has networked with Steve Bannon, appearing on his podcast. (Hatfill threw cold water on the suggestion that Covid-19 may have been manufactured in a laboratory. A highly intelligent, veteran covert operator, Hatfill would have certainly done this, IF he had knowledge of, or involvement with, elements that had authored such an event. Given Hatfill’s affiliation with groups like the Rhodesian Selous Scouts and White Afrikaner Resistance, we wonder if Hatfill or a like-minded individual may have provided information for and/or impetus to, a vectoring of New York City with a relatively mild Covid-19 strain? Might Hatfill’s work on “four levels of biological attack” been an inspirational or operational basis for a “level four” attack?: ” . . . . The fourth level consists of a self-sustaining, unstoppable epidemic. . . .”
In FTR #324, we noted that the Broederbond organization had apparently perpetuated itself in an altogether lethal form as “Die Organisasie” or “Third Force.” Might such a group have links to Steve Bannon and/or Trump’s milieu? Might they have been connected to a hypothetical vectoring of New York City? There are Americans involved with “Die Organisasie.” We wonder if this might be linked to the organization contained in the Air Force Academy report mentioned in the article about Larry Ford?
- About “Die Organisasie”: “. . . . [Nico] Palm spoke enigmatically of ‘Die Organisasie,’ a pulp fiction nom de guerre (which he calls, even more melodramatically, the ‘Spider Network’). It is a group of white South Africans who wait patiently for he demise of the ANC government and a return to the old days. They are not the mad pseudo-Nazis of the far right, but something far more organized, well financed, and patient. Other people know them as ‘The Third Force.’ We are to hear of them time and again from ex-soldiers like Nico Palm all the way up to South Africa’s deputy defense minister, Ronnie Kasrils. Significantly, files have also been opened by MI5 in potentially significant union of like-minded South African right-wingers. All of them are ex-pats now living in the United Kingdom, who may support the destabilization of any black South African government. . . .”
- About Americans in Die Organisasie: “. . . . [former Swiss intelligence agent Juergen] Jacomet, now nervous, is pressed to expand a little. ‘There is a group of people here in London, he says. ‘One could call them the friends of South Africa. They have it in mind to see a strong white South Africa again. There are American connections too. . . .”
- More about the American links to Die Organisasie” ” . . . . Jacomet mentions some well-known South African names—men previously associated with Third Force activities. He also refers to an American name known to Britain’s MI5 for his alleged involvement with Basson in money laundering, sanctions busting, and biological agents procurement. [Emphasis added.] Once again, Die Organisasie is mentioned in respectful tones, and, once again, the details remain scant and elusive. Jacomet remains silent . . . .”
- When informed by the British about Project Coast (the apartheid BW program) and Die Organisasie (or ‘Third Force’), Mandela feared that the weapons would fall into the hands of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) with which Hatfill is connected: ” . . . . In the end it was British representatives who decided to approach President Mandela, with a minimum of fanfare, to advise him that he was inheriting an ugly biological assassination program from the previous administrations. Mandela’s first reaction was: ‘Oh my God!’ He was initially terrified that the South African ‘Third Force’ elements, including such organizations as Eugene Terre’ Blanche’s ultra right-wing and fanatical AWB, might lay their hands on it. . . .”
- Ebola was apparently the focal point of some of Larry Ford’s work: ” . . . . Ford told the Rileys and others his subsequent work for the military and the CIA included research on biological and chemical weapons, consulting on Iraqi capabilities during the Gulf War, and sneaking into epidemic hot zones in Africa to gather samples of such killer organisms as the Ebola and Marburg viruses. . . .”
- Dr. Stamps–Zimbabwe’s Health Minister–had some pointed observations about outbreaks of Ebola during that nation’s war of independence and his belief that they resulted from Project Coast. Note that Hatfill was involved with the Rhodesian Selous Scouts: “ . . . . ‘I have my suspicions about Ebola too. [Dr. Stamps is quoted–the Health Minister of Zimbabwe] It developed along the line of the Zambezi River, and I suspect that this may have been an experiment to see if a new virus could be established to infect people. We looked on the serological evidence on strange cases, including a fifteen-year-old child which occurred in 1980. Nothing really made epidemiological sense. Do I have evidence? Only circumstantial. In fact, the Rhodesian security forces were more expert than the Nazis at covering up evidence.’ . . .”
- Corroborating some of Dr. Stamps’ suspicions concerning Ebola, “Gert” (a pseudonym for a veteran of Project Coast) discussed the use of that virus and the related Marburg virus in Project Coast. “Gert” also implies that US scientists from Ft. Detrick (Dr. Ford? Steven Hatfill) were involved with a Zairian outbreak. “ . . . . ‘Look, I know what one of the very, very, very secret specialized units had. We had to test it. And that was viral capsules that were specifically related to Congo fever and the hemorrhagic fevers.’ Ebola? ‘Yes.’ So Gert is beginning to corroborate Dr. Stamp’s suspicions in Harare that Ebola and Marburg, although indigenous, were also artificially seeded into Southern Africa. Basson, says Gert, was involved in all this. (when the last terrible Ebola outbreak occurred in Kikwit, Zaire, as late as 1995, Gert claims that Basson was there, unofficially. Twenty years earlier, when the village of Yambuku in northern Zaire witnessed one of the first major Ebola outbreaks, two South African scientists were there, allegedly working hand in glove with US military personnel from Fort Detrick.) . . . . ”
- In numerous programs and posts, we have covered the Gilead Sciences drug remdesivir, now approved for treating Covid-19, despite lukewarm information from trials. Remdesivir is made by Gilead Sciences, a major holding of Robert Mercer’s Renaissance Technologies. (Mercer, of course, was Steve Bannon’s financial angel.) Note that Remdesivir was initially developed to fight Ebola, and “fizzled.” Again, might there be a link to Project Coast, the late Dr. Larry Ford, Steven Hatfill, Ft. Detrick, “Die Organisasie” or some combination thereof?
- We also note that China has been making significant inroads into Africa, a development that has been a major focal point of activity by Mike Pompeo’s State Department. It is worth remembering, in this context, that such a development MIGHT make China a focal point of activity by Die Organisasie, perhaps as part of a covert operation overseen by Bannon. Again, might there be a link to Project Coast, the late Dr. Larry Ford, Steven Hatfill, Ft. Detrick, “Die Organisasie” or some combination thereof?
. . . . In the summer of 1965, Special Operations men walked into three New York City subway stations and tossed lightbulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis, a benign bacteria, onto the tracks. The subway trains pushed the germs through the entire system and theoretically killed over a million passengers. . . .
2. “The Message in the Anthrax” by Don Foster; Vanity Fair; October 2003; pp. 188–200.
. . . . It was while looking for information on the B’nai B’rith incident that I found a Washington Times interview with Steven Hatfill, then a virologist with the N.I.H., who was said to have “thought carefully about bioterrorism.” The Times paraphrased Dr. Hatfill“s explanation of the “four levels” of possible biological attack:
The first is the B’nai B’rith variety, in which no real organisms are used. (“Hello. This is Abdul. We have put anthrax in the food at Throckmorton Middle School.” In fact, Abdul hasn’t.) We empty public buildings for bomb threats, how about for anthrax threats” After all, sooner or later, one might be real.
The second level consists in the release of real bacteria, but without the intention of infecting many people. Probably only a few people would get it, and perhaps none would die.
The third level consists in trying to get a lot of people sick, and maybe dead. Anthrax spores put into the ventilation system of a movie theater would do the trick. The result would be horrendous panic even if only 100 people got sick or died.
The fourth level consists of a self-sustaining, unstoppable epidemic. . . .
. . . . In 1999, Hatfill was fired by USAMRIID. He was then hired at Science Applications International Corporation (S.A.I.C.), a contractor for the Department of Defense and the C.I.A., but he departed S.A.I.C. in March 2002, a month after he took a polygraph concerning the anthrax matter that he says he passed. Hatfill at the time was building a mobile germ lab out of an old truck chassis, and after S.A.I.C. fired him he continued work on it using his own money. When the F.B.I. wanted to confiscate the mobile lab to test it for anthrax spores, the army resisted, moving the trailer to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where it was used to train Special Forces in preparation for the war on Iraq. The classes were taught by Steve Hatfill and Bill Patrick.
In March 2002, as the F.B.I. continued to investigate, Hatfill moved on to a $150,000- a‑year job in Louisiana, funded by a grant from the Department of Justice. . . .
. . . . Then there’s the 1965 simulated attack on the New York City subway. On June 8 of that year, under Bill Patrick’s direction, the subway was targeted with the anthrax simulant B.g. Lightbulbs, each containing 87 trillion spores, were dropped onto the tracks. Trains then sucked the clouds of live bacteria into the subway system. C.I.A. and military scientists, bearing fake ID’s, were on location to count the spores. More than a million riders were exposed to B.g. that day; many inhaled more than a million spores per minute. Patrick, when telling this story, still chuckles about how “we clobbered the Lexington line with B.g.” . . . .
. . . . It is not my job to indict or to try my own suspect for the anthrax murders. And even if the F.B.I. should find hard evidence linking Hatfill to a crime, he will remain innocent until proved guilty. But all Americans have a right to know more about the system that allowed Steven Hatfill to become one of the nation’s leading bioterror experts. Here is a fellow with a fake Ph.D. who posed for The Washington Times as a bioterrorist with a homemade plague disseminator, and who boasted as recently as last year of having served with the apartheid government’s notorious Selous Scouts during the Rhodesian anthrax epidemic. I have three different editions of his curriculum vitae . . . How did such a rascal come to be instructing the C.I.A., F.B.I., Defense Intelligence Agency, army, navy, Marines, U.S. marshals, and State Department on such matters as the handling of deadly pathogens and of bioterror incidents” How did he happen to acquire, to quote from his résumé, a “working knowledge of the former U.S. and foreign BW [biowarfare] programs, wet and dry BW agents, largescale production of bacterial, rickettsial, and viral BW pathogens and toxins, stabilizers and other additives, former BG simulant production methods, open air testing and vulnerability trials, single and 2 fluid nozzle dissemination, [and] bomblet design?” How did he obtain clearance to operate in top military labs on exotic viral pathogens, such as Ebola, and on Level 3 pathogens such as bubonic plague and anthrax?
In August 2000, Hatfill trained forces at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, using a makeshift bioterror “kitchen” lab that he built himself out of scavenged parts, as well as biosafety cabinets taken from USAMRIID. The borrowed cabinets, suitable for turning germs into weapons, are still missing and are said to have been destroyed. Hatfill, a certified scuba diver, once spoke of how to use a pond in the Frederick Municipal Forest a few miles from his former residence in Maryland” to dispose of toxins. On that information, the F.B.I. searched Whiskey Springs Pond and found a homemade biosafety cabinet. The pond, when later drained, disclosed a rusty bicycle and a street sign but no new evidence.
This summer, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Associated Press ran stories on Hatfill’s activities as a designer of simulated bioterror labs. None mentioned that Hatfill sprayed his trainees with samples of aerosolized B.g. When questioned about these activities, Hatfill, in apparent contradiction of his 2002 résumé, denied having knowledge of how to refine a dry bacterial powder to the level achieved by army scientists.
The most curious piece of fieldwork noted on Steven Hatfill’s most recent C.V. is that of “open air testing and vulnerability trials.” In a 2001 paper, “Biological Warfare Scenarios,” Bill Patrick called the 1965 simulated attack on the New York subway “one of the most important vulnerability studies” of the 70 he conducted. In 1969, when the army’s biowarfare program was officially terminated, Steven Hatfill was still in fifth grade. By 1998, Hatfill was Patrick’s sidekick in what one colleague has described as a “Batman and Robin” team. But it is from USAMRIID that Hatfill claims to have acquired his working knowledge of army-sponsored “vulnerability” trials. . . .
“The Medicine Man” by Edward Humes; Los Angeles Magazine; July, 2001.
The meeting at the Beverly Hills mansion of the South African trade attaché was unusually secretive, but Peter Fitzpatrick still managed to witness it, peering from an adjacent room through a massive shared fireplace. He watched as Niel Knobel, deputy surgeon general of South Africa — the white-ruled, apartheid South Africa of 1986 — met Larry Ford, a noted Los Angeles gynecologist and infectious disease specialist with an unofficial subspecialty: biological and chemical warfare. The two spoke in hushed tones, then Ford, a devout Mormon who volunteered his services to missionaries and Boy Scout troops, passed over a hefty black satchel. The meeting came to a close. Later Fitzpatrick sat down with the boisterous trade attaché, Gideon Bouwer, who could not resist explaining in his thick Afrikaans accent what had just happened.”
The white minority government of South Africa was in those years in a bloody struggle with its black citizens, willing to do anything to stay in power. Bouwer’s role was to thwart the U.S. trade embargo on locked technology and expertise coveted by the apartheid regime; Fitzpatrick, a young actor, glib and personable, was part of Bouwer’s informal embargo-busting team, making sure the parties at the mansion were well attended by the well-connected.
Fitzpatrick clinked glasses with Bouwer and left, then called his handler at the FBI, where he served as one of two informants planted at South Africa’s Los Angeles consulate. He told the FBI everything; yet, he says, nothing was done. According to Fitzpatrick, the deputy surgeon general flew off with his suitcase full of death. ‘Why didn’t you guys stop him?’ he later asked his handler. The agent just stared at him. . . .
. . . . One of the most chilling stories Ray heard came from the owner of Chantal Pharmaceuticals of Los Angeles, a company that developed an antiwrinkle cream with Ford’s help. She told the FBI that Ford, angry with one of her partners, went into the man’s office carrying a cardboard box with a rabbit inside. He put the box on the man’s desk, pulled on latex gloves, removed a syringe from his pocket, and squirted two drops of a viscous amber liquid onto the rabbit’s shoulder. It immediately convulsed and died, blood pouring out of its nose and ears. Ford, never uttering a word, turned and left, the box still sitting on the desk. . . .
. . . . According to Ray, the agent in charge of the team mocked the notion that Ford was connected to bioweapons research and the CIA. But with Ray insisting that the information seemed good, that it matched other accounts, the agent agreed to contact the FBI liaison to the intelligence agency. In about ten minutes a call came back: The CIA knew of Ford.
The CIA knows a lot of people, the agent laughed. They probably know my grandmother. But ten minutes later the liaison called again and said there was ‘high confidence’ that Ford had biological- and chemical-weapons knowledge and did, in fact, have the capability to coat the knife with a deadly toxin. Shortly after that a third call came in: Ford did work for the CIA, the chastened FBI official told the room full of cops. . . .
. . . . Ford told the Rileys and others his subsequent work for the military and the CIA included research on biological and chemical weapons, consulting on Iraqi capabilities during the Gulf War, and sneaking into epidemic hot zones in Africa to gather samples of such killer organisms as the Ebola and Marburg viruses. . . .
. . . . While this drama unfolded in Irvine, Peter Fitzpatrick was trying to get through to someone, anyone, at the FBI who would listen to his recollections of Ford’s involvement with biowarfare in South Africa. No one was available, so he went to the FBI’s bureau in West L.A., where he was turned away by the receptionist. ‘Basically,’ says Fitzpatrick, ‘they said they didn’t know who the hell I was and that I should go.’ Next he called the Orange County District Attorney’s Office and asked for the prosecutor assigned to the Ford case, but ended up trapped in voice mail. He left an exasperated message, then hung up.
The next day, to Fitzpatrick’s surprise, two FBI agents met at length with him to discuss his information about Ford, bioweapons, and South African surveillance. Then two things happened: First, the weapons team showed up to do another high-risk search and excavation of Ford’s home. They uncovered nearly a hundred firearms, most of them shotguns and rifles, 17 of them illegal automatic or semiautomatic weapons, including four Uzis, an M16, and a gangster-era Thompson submachine gun.
Ford had stowed the illegal weapons in six large plastic cylinders buried in his backyard, along with thousands of rounds of ammunition — something his family apparently did not consider unusual, though they were unaware that one canister contained a large supply of the powerful military explosive C‑4. The plastic explosives were packed with blasting caps and secreted dangerously close to electrical wires. Some 52 homes and several hundred people had to be evacuated to the Hyatt Regency for three days (it was, after all, Irvine — no Red Cross sleeping bags in the school gym for this crowd). . . .
. . . . Ford and Nilsson were befriended by South African deputy surgeon general Dr. Niel Knobel. Ford began advising him on protecting troops from biological attack, as well as suggesting AIDS prevention programs in a country that today has the worst AIDS infection rate on earth — benign and praiseworthy endeavors that Knobel maintains had ‘no political agenda.’ But the AIDS prevention program was for whites in the military, not blacks. A secret right-wing South African organization, the Broeder-bond, conducted studies around this same time that suggested the AIDS epidemic could make whites the majority in the future.
Since then, through the new government’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which was formed to probe the abuses of apartheid, information has surfaced about a secret South African bioweapons program. Code-named Project Coast, it was run by another Ford friend and financial benefactor, Dr. Wouter Basson; Knobel had administrative oversight. Basson’s alleged ties to hundreds of poisonings and assassinations in South Africa and in the neighboring countries of Angola and Zimbabwe earned him the nickname Dr. Death in the South African press. Documents indicating he had arranged an offshore bank account for Ford were found in Ford’s papers after his death.
The commission uncovered evidence that whole villages, including an Angolan settlement of several hundred people suspected of harboring rebels, may have been decimated by Project Coast weapons. This finding parallels information Nilsson’s ex-girlfriend provided: She said Ford more than once boasted of wiping out an entire Angolan village during a civil war. (She claimed Ford had been talking with Nilsson in 1996 about obtaining a missile or bombing system from former Soviet bloc nations that might be used to deliver biological weapons.)
Project Coast scientists called to testify against Basson have said Ford was brought in to brief them on the use of biological weapons in mass attacks and discrete assassination, the latter through the contamination of ordinary items such as Playboy magazines and tea bags. One scientist involved with South African bioweapons development noted that Ford’s ideas — and arrogance — were not well received, and that his work was given little credence in the Project Coast lab. However, Ford continued to work with Basson and Knobel, who had a picture of him hanging in his den at the time of the suicide. . . .
. . . . According to a recent U.S. Air Force Academy report on South Africa’s biological warfare program, Ford was part of a global network of scientists that Basson assembled to assist Project Coast. Whether that meant creating — or receiving and storing — toxins produced by the program is a matter of conjecture, the report suggests, as South African officials have been unable to account for all of the dangerous material produced over the years. The Air Force report quotes testimony from a Swiss intelligence agent who laundered money for Basson and who describes a worldwide conspiracy involving unnamed Americans.
‘The death of Dr. Ford and revelations of his South African involvement,’ the report states, ‘[raises] the possibility of a right-wing international network, [still] united by a vision of South Africa once again ruled by whites.’ . . . .
. . . . They say he [South African trade attaché Gideon Bouwer] raved about the ability to keep whites in power through biological warfare, and he hinted at being part of a separate agenda—some sort of extragovernmental conspiracy, like the one described in the Air Force report, that had plans to unleash biological agents worldwide on South Africa’s enemies if the need should ever arise. “Just be ready,” Fitzpatrick remembers Bouwer warning him cryptically, then asking, “How fast could get your daughter out of the country if you had to?” “I have to be honest,” Fitzpatrick says. “Gideon could be a great guy. But there was something dangerous about him. And when he started talking about that master plan, about what a great service Ford had done for his country, and about getting out of the country, it gave me chills. . . .
. . . . What the searchers did not find was anthrax, and the fear of what remained unfound, along with dozens of other questions, set off investigations that ranged from Beverly Hills to South Africa and back to the Nevada desert . . . .
. . . . . . . After his [Ford’s] death, Detective Ray said, the authorities learned that Dr. Ford had been a consultant to Project Coast, which has been accused of creating weapons for use against enemies of apartheid. They also discovered that he had held extreme racist views and had once told a girlfriend that to understand him, she should “The Turner Diaries,” the anti-Semitic and white supremacist novel, popular among far-right groups, that prosecutors say inspired the Oklahoma City bombing . . . .
. . . . Perhaps the deepest fear in the entire affair was that Dr. Ford had been working with anthrax. That trail, too, has run cold. After Dr. Ford’s suicide, the police got tips that he had buried anthrax in a gold mine. They searched fruitlessly in California. Four months later, documents in a Nevada trash dump showed that Dr. Ford had been in touch with people involved in anti-tax and antigovernment groups. Some of them had tried to use bacteria to extract gold from dirt.
In December 2000, investigators searched a derelict gold milling site outside Henderson, Nev. They found a separator funnel, a white liquid and Dr. Ford’s business card. A federal agent said they also found directions for making chemical and biological weapons, including anthrax. But that was all. The site’s proprietor had recently died of unrelated causes.
. . . . ‘I have my suspicions about Ebola too. [Dr. Stamps is quoted–the Health Minister of Zimbabwe] It developed along the line of the Zambezi River, and I suspect that this may have been an experiment to see if a new virus could be established to infect people. We looked on the serological evidence on strange cases, including a fifteen-year-old child which occurred in 1980. Nothing really made epidemiological sense. Do I have evidence? Only circumstantial. In fact, the Rhodesian security forces were more expert than the Nazis at covering up evidence.’ . . .
. . . . ‘Look, I know what one of the very, very, very secret specialized units had. We had to test it. And that was viral capsules that were specifically related to Congo fever and the hemorrhagic fevers.’ Ebola? ‘Yes.’ So Gert [a pseudonym for a Project Coast veteran] is beginning to corroborate Dr. Stamp’s suspicions in Harare that Ebola and Marburg, although indigenous, were also artificially seeded into Southern Africa. Basson, says Gert, was involved in all this. (when the last terrible Ebola outbreak occurred in Kikwit, Zaire, as late as 1995, Gert claims that Basson was there, unofficially. Twenty years earlier, when the village of Yambuku in northern Zaire witnessed one of the first major Ebola outbreaks, two South African scientists were there, allegedly working hand in glove with US military personnel from Fort Detrick.) . . . .
. . . . The most determined of these whites came to be known as ‘The Third Force’. They comprised not the mad neo-Nazi right, but revanchist politicians and hard men in the military, and the military intelligence and civilian intelligence agencies, and the myriad covert action groups involved in fighting clean or dirty, internally or externally, to maintain white supremacy. . . . .
. . . . In the end it was British representatives who decided to approach President Mandela, with a minimum of fanfare, to advise him that he was inheriting an ugly biological assassination program from the previous administrations. Mandela’s first reaction was: ‘Oh my God!’ He was initially terrified that the South African ‘Third Force’ elements, including such organizations as Eugene Terre’ Blanche’s ultra right-wing and fanatical AWB, might lay their hands on it. . . .
. . . . [Nico] Palm spoke enigmatically of ‘Die Organisasie,’ a pulp fiction nom de guerre (which he calls, even more melodramatically, the ‘Spider Network’). It is a group of white South Africans who wait patiently for he demise of the ANC government and a return to the old days. They are not the mad pseudo-Nazis of the far right, but something far more organized, well financed, and patient. Other people know them as ‘The Third Force.’ We are to hear of them time and again from ex-soldiers like Nico Palm all the way up to South Africa’s deputy defense minister, Ronnie Kasrils. Significantly, files have also been opened by MI5 in potentially significant union of like-minded South African right-wingers. All of them are ex-pats now living in the United Kingdom, who may support the destabilization of any black South African government. . . .
. . . . It is with in this context that Gert now raises the question of Die Organisasie. He is clearly apprehensive of its power, and it is the only moment he appears truly concerned. ‘These are people who take no prisoners,’ mutters Nico [Palm]. Gert grimly nods his head. . . .
. . . . We recall there was, in the documents found at his [Basson’s] home, a fax from Britain. It stated that should Basson ever find himself in trouble—real trouble—there was a safe house ready for him not half-an-hour from London. All he had to do was to make his own way to Heathrow. The signature on the fax had been whited out. In fact, the message had been sent by a former Rhodesian/South African citizen who now lives and works in West London, who was once very close to Basson, and worked with him on the biological warfare program. He is ex-Special Forces, and linked to Die Organisasie. Now he is a businessman, married with family, whose permanent residence is in London. . . .
. . . . [former Swiss intelligence agent Juergen] Jacomet, now nervous, is pressed to expand a little. ‘There is a group of people here in London, he says. ‘One could call them the friends of South Africa. They have it in mind to see a strong white South Africa again. There are American connections too. [Emphasis added.] They need funds, and it is possible that the drug business has helped them. You know, it would really be very foolish of me to talk more about this. They are serious people.’ Jacomet searches for the popular expression, and, remarkably, finds the same aphorism used by Gert about the same people. ‘They don’t take prisoners,’ he says finally. . . .
. . . . And who are ‘they’? Jacomet mentions some well-known South African names—men previously associated with Third Force activities. He also refers to an American name known to Britain’s MI5 for his alleged involvement with Basson in money laundering, sanctions busting, and biological agents procurement. [Emphasis added.] Once again, Die Organisasie is mentioned in respectful tones, and, once again, the details remain scant and elusive. Jacomet remains silent. . . .
. . . Shortly after 9/11, the United States was beset with a second round of terrorist attacks in the form of anthrax-laden letters sent to Senator Tom Daschle and various representatives of the media. According to one account, several top level CIA and FBI officials suspected that domestic extremists were responsible for the anthrax attacks Perhaps the chief reason for this suspicion was that several years earlier, Larry Wayne Harris, a microbiologist by training and reputed extreme right sympathizer, had previously been arrested for possessing what authorities believed was the anthrax agent. The FBI’s investigation this time focused on Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, who once worked as a research scientist at the U.S. Army Medical Reserch Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Hatfill had spent considerable time in South Africa, and was affiliated with the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB). However, after a thorough investigation, the FBI eventually cleared Hatfill of any connection to the anthrax attacks. . . .
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