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COMMENT: In FTR #791, we highlighted research indicating that Hitler did not die in the Bunker as believed. The authors of Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler posit that Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann reached a deal to exchange Hitler for German military expertise rendered under Project Paperclip and the sparing of the treasures of Western art.
In FTR #864, we detailed Peter Levenda’s research indicating that Hitler may have ultimately found his way to Indonesia.
As noted by Williams, Dunstan and Levenda, many documents about Hitler’s postwar whereabouts are still classified, more than 70 years after his alleged death. WHY?
Furthermore, the authors of Grey Wolf have been receiving death threats! It is difficult to imagine that death threats would be lodged against authors of a “disreputable” or “fantastic” volume, as Williams and Dunstan’s worthy book has been called.
” . . . Yesterday, Swansea-born Williams, who grew up in Coychurch, Bridgend, said: ‘We have ruffled some very big feathers. Traditional historians don’t like it and certain governments don’t like it. We have had some death threats already.’ . . . .”
. . . . During this period [the late 1940’s], the FBI was taking reports of Hitler being in Latin America very seriously. Thousands of documents pertaining to Hitler from these years are still classified as Top Secret on both sides of the Atlantic; nevertheless, and despite the very heavy censorship of the few files released into the public domain, some information can be gleaned. . . .
“Death Threats for Hitler Book Author Gerard Williams;” Wales Online; 3/21/2013.
A South Wales author who has sensationally claimed Adolf Hitler escaped the bunker to live in Argentina says he and his research team have received death threats.
Former Bridgend Grammar School pupil Gerrard Williams, pictured, spent five years with military historian Simon Dunstan researching Grey Wolf – The Escape of Adolf Hitler. It claims Hitler spent 17 years in the foothills of the Andes in Argentina until his death in 1962.
The book also claims Hitler’s escape was carried out with the blessing of the US authorities who wanted rocket secrets and details of where priceless art treasures were hidden.
Yesterday, Swansea-born Williams, who grew up in Coychurch, Bridgend, said: “We have ruffled some very big feathers.
“Traditional historians don’t like it and certain governments don’t like it. We have had some death threats already.”
Williams, who studied journalism in Cardiff and worked for the BBC and Sky News, said: “I discovered the story while working on a documentary about the Falklands War in Argentina.
”History books say with Berlin’s Reich Chancellery virtually surrounded on April 30, 1945, Hitler shot himself, while his new wife Eva Braun bit into a cyanide capsule to evade capture. Their petrol-soaked bodies were then burned.
But Williams claims Hitler and Braun slipped out of the besieged Führerbunker via a secret tunnel and were replaced by doubles chosen by Reichsfuhrer Martin Bormann.He says they were then whisked by plane to Spain and by submarine to the Argentine coast at Necochea.
The body doubles were shot and burned. They later had two daughters. Williams said: “He and Braun separated in 1953, taking the girls to live in the town of Nequen. In the early 2000s the women were still alive.“Hitler died on February 13, 1962 at 3pm.”
Williams spent five years with military historian Simon Dunstan researching Grey Wolf – The Escape of Adolf Hitler.
It claims Hitler spent 17 years in the foothills of the Andes in Argentina until his death in 1962.
The book also claims Hitler’s escape was carried out with the blessing of the US authorities who wanted rocket secrets and details of where priceless art treasures were hidden.
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