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WikiLeaks EMPLOYED Holocaust Denier with Swedish Nazi Background (AND his Son!)

Com­ment: It now devel­ops that Wik­iLeaks and Julian Assange actu­al­ly EMPLOYED “Israel Shamir” aka “Joran Jer­mas.” This fel­low is the alleged­ly Israeli, for­mer­ly Russ­ian, cur­rent­ly Swedish Holo­caust denier who was the main source for the char­ac­ter attacks on Assange’s accusers in Swe­den.

AND the Lib­er­tar­i­an mag­a­zine Rea­son has not­ed that Wik­iLeaks also employed Shamir’s son, of a sim­i­lar polit­i­cal mind­set!

Note that Wahlstrom–the son–was in charge of all the cables in Scan­di­navia!

“Wik­iLeaks’ Rus­sian­Russ­ian Rep­re­sen­ta­tive: A Holo­caust Denier” by Charles John­son;  Lit­tle Green Foot­balls; 12/14/2010.

Excerpt: One of the cra­zi­est weirdos LGF has been fol­low­ing for years is a guy named Israel Shamir, a Russ­ian-born bark-at-the-moon anti­semite and Holo­caust denier who used to write for the Sau­di Eng­lish-lan­guage jour­nal Arab News. Here’s an LGF Search page with some of our arti­cles about this nox­ious psy­cho.

After the 9/11 attacks, when I was search­ing the Inter­net to try to make sense of it all, Israel Shamir’s arti­cles stood out for their sheer hate­ful­ness. This was a per­son who was pos­sessed by a strange kind of mind-virus, that I still don’t real­ly under­stand.

Imag­ine my sur­prise, then, to dis­cov­er that Israel Shamir is appar­ent­ly now an employ­ee of Wik­ileaks, serv­ing as the group’s con­tent aggre­ga­tor in Rus­sia. . . .

“Assange’s Extrem­ist Employ­ees: Why is Wik­iLeaks employ­ing a Holo­caust Denier and his dis­graced son?” by Michael C. Moyni­han; Rea­son Mag­a­zine; 12/14/2010.

Excerpt: The Swedish media has iden­ti­fied Shamir’s son, a dis­graced jour­nal­ist named Johannes Wahlström, him­self accused of anti-Semi­tism and fal­si­fy­ing quotes, as a Wik­iLeaks spokesman in Swe­den. Indeed, Wahlström has authored sto­ries based on the Wik­iLeaks mate­r­i­al for the news­pa­per Afton­bladet and is cred­it­ed as a pro­duc­er on a recent Swedish pub­lic tele­vi­sion doc­u­men­tary about the group.

But while being the son of a famous Holo­caust denier is per­haps only suggestive—Wahlström is sure­ly not respon­si­ble for his father’s many sins—his cel­e­bra­tions of his father’s work in print and his con­tri­bu­tions to Shamir’s web­site sug­gest ide­o­log­i­cal affin­i­ty.* Indeed, in 2005 Wahlström wrote a sto­ry for the left­ist mag­a­zine Ord­front argu­ing that Swedish media, not known for being friend­ly to the Jew­ish state, was in fact being manip­u­lat­ed by Jew­ish inter­ests on behalf of the Israeli gov­ern­ment.

Three of the jour­nal­ists inter­viewed for the story—Cecilia Uddén, Lot­ta Schüllerqvist, and Peter Löfgren—claimed that Wahlström fal­si­fied quotes, lead­ing the mag­a­zine to with­draw the sto­ry and issue an apol­o­gy. Heléne Lööw, a his­to­ri­an of fas­cism and Euro­pean neo-Nazism, com­ment­ed that the Wahlström sto­ry con­tained all the “ele­ments that one would find in a clas­sic anti-Semit­ic con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry.”

A mem­ber of Ordfront’s edi­to­r­i­al board, writ­ing in the news­pa­per Dagens Nyheter, lament­ed that the piece was ever pub­lished, cit­ing Wahlström’s “close work­ing rela­tion­ship with Israel Shamir,” with­out point­ing out just how close the two were.

Wahlström and Shamir, father and son, are the Wik­iLeaks rep­re­sen­ta­tives for two rather large geo­graph­ic areas. Accord­ing to Swedish Radio’s inves­ti­ga­tion, Wahlström is the gate­keep­er of the cables in Scan­di­navia, and “has the pow­er to decide” which news­pa­pers are pro­vid­ed access and what leaks they are allowed to see. (At the time of fil­ing, Wahlström had yet to respond to an email request for com­ment.) . . .


One comment for “WikiLeaks EMPLOYED Holocaust Denier with Swedish Nazi Background (AND his Son!)”

  1. Israel Shamir is in Belarus, appar­ent­ly in sup­port of Lukashenko



    Posted by Anonymous | December 19, 2010, 7:01 pm

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