COMMENT: Keeping up with events these days requires a strong stomach and nerves. The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has noted that an illegal immigrant not only obtained a pilot’s license but was allowed to open a flight school!
And THIS in the wake of 9/11! Surreal!
For background on this stunning development, listeners are referred to the landmark work of heroic investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker, whose research on Huffman Aviation and the highly illegal flight school activities in Southern Florida has shed much light on the operations of Mohamed Atta and company.
“U.S. Fails to Secure Flight Schools”; Judicial Watch Blog; 2/22/2011.
EXCERPT: Nearly a decade after terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon how could the U.S. government permit an illegal immigrant to obtain a pilot’s license and run a school that trains dozens of foreigners to fly small aircraft?
The question is directed at the Homeland Security agency responsible for scrutinizing all foreign flight students before they can take lessons or get a pilot’s license in the U.S. Here’s a hint the agency was created after 9/11 specifically to prevent another terrorist attack by protecting the nation’s transportation system especially aviation. It’s the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
A few months ago a news report [1] alerted TSA officials that a flight school in Stow Massachusetts, a rural community about 25 miles west of Boston was operated by an illegal immigrant who somehow got a U.S. pilot’s license. Enrolled in the school (TJ Aviation Flight Academy) were more than 30 illegal aliens who were actually cleared by the TSA to train as pilots. Several of them had entered the U.S. legally but their visas expiredjust like several of the 9/11 hijackers. . . .
Why don’t you just saying “Fucking” when you mean it, instead of the childish “F*” .... geeze ... if people can’t take reality, fuck’em!
I wholeheartedly agree with, Val. And it’s not because fuck is my favorite word. Fuck fascists and authoritarians!
@Josh: That’s the kind of stuff I like to hear, man! =)