In FTR #962, we highlighted an alleged meeting at the Dallas home of Texas oil man Clint Murchison, on 11/21/1963. In his recent book “The Plot to Kill King,” William Pepper fleshes out details concerning those in attendance: Ostensibly, it was an event to honor J. Edgar Hoover, who was a close friend of Murchison, H.l, Hunt, and the other Texas oil giants. The guest list included John McCloy, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank [and a future member of the Warren Commission–D.E.] ; Richard Nixon, George Brown, of the Brown and Root Construction Company; R.L. Thornton, president of the Mercantile Bank; and Dallas mayor Earle Cabell, brother of General Charles Cabell, former Deputy Director of the CIA, who was fired by President Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs. Pepper also informs us of paperwork found by a former FBI agent in a car linked to the assassination of Martin Luther King that connects James Earl Ray’s handler “Raul” with Jack Ruby, H.L. Hunt and [possibly] the Atlanta office of the FBI: ” . . . One piece came from a 1963 Dallas, Texas, telephone directory. It was part of a page that had been torn out. The telephone numbers on the page included those of the family of H.L. Hunt, but more significantly, in handwriting at the top of the page, was the name “Raul,” the letter “J” and a Dallas telephone number, of a club in Dallas which at the time was run by Jack Ruby, the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald. The second piece of paper contained several names; alongside of each were sums of money. It appeared to be some sort of payoff list, and at the bottom was Raul’s name and date for payment. Wilson also said that he recovered a third piece of paper, on which was written the telephone number and extension of the Atlanta FBI field office. . . .”
Jane Mayer’s Dark Money has received considerable discussion and media play over the last couple of years. In past discussion of the Koch family, we noted that patriarch Fred Koch worked with Hitler building one of Nazi Germany’s most important refineries–one capable of refining the high-octane fuel needed by fighter planes. In addition, we noted that Fred Koch was one of the first members of the John Birch Society and remained an important member of the group after that. Mayer notes that Fred Koch helped finance ads in the wake of the JFK assassination that pinned responsibility for the crime on the Soviet Union–one of the primary levels of disinformation. We have covered the “painting of Oswald Red” in numerous programs, including FTR #‘s 925 and 926. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Highlighting the links between the OUN/B and the assassination of JFK, the broadcast underscores the disinformation linking the alleged KGB assassination of Stephan Bandera with Lee Harvey Oswald. Supposedly trained as an assassin by the same KGB units that allegedly killed Bandera, Oswald was “painted red” in order to deflect blame for the assassination onto the Soviet Union. The disinformation linking the Bandera assassination with the killing of Kennedy was largely disseminated by elements that were to coalesce as the World Anti-Communist League a few years later. Both the OUN/B elements in the United States and key figures in the cover-up of the JFK assassination track back to the Crusade For Freedom, a covert operation that precipitated the formation of a Nazi branch of the GOP. Program Highlights Include: Senator Thomas Dodd’s role in spreading the KGB killed Kennedy disinformation; Dodd’s links to the American Security Council; the role of OUN/B functionary Lev Dobriansky in disseminating the Oswald/KGB/Bandera killing disinformation; the roles of Ronald Reagan, Allen Dulles, Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush in both the Crusade For Freedom activities and the events in Dallas in 1963.
America’s political assassinations continue to loom large over our political landscape. A recent New York Times obituary touched on Daniel Burros, the American Nazi Party member whose name, address and phone number were in supposed “leftist” Lee Harvey Oswald’s address book. “Family of Secrets” author Russ Baker informs us that Sirhan Sirhan’s first attorney Grant Cooper was under indictment with possible JFK co-conspirator John Roselli when he represented RFK’s accused assassin.
Contemporary journalists and most historians have overlooked links between the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers (as well as links between their killings and other murders). Liaison officer between the CIA and the House Select Committee on Assassinations, George Joannides had served as the Agency’s liaison to the anti-Castro Cuban militant groups, some of which are imlicated in JFK’s assassination. Joannides never told the committee about his work with the Cubans. Joannides was also present at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles when RFK was shot.
We’ve produced much programming and posting over the years on the assassinations of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King. All of these killings are connected and, together, comprise the systematic elimination of viable progressive leadership in this country. Stating the obvious, Robert F. Kennedy’s kids RFK jr. and Rory have stated that President Kennedy was not assassinated by a lone nut. We’ve not seen any statements by Kennedy family members about the assassination of Robert Kennedy. That case is heading back into court. The investigation of Robert Kennedy’s assassination yields evidentiary tributaries leading in the direction of his brother’s killing, Dr. King’s assassination and the shooting of George Wallace.
Were 13 shots fired? Was a security guard involved? Who wore the polka dot dress? by Michael Taylor San Francisco Chronicle The assassination was over in a few seconds. In the photograph of that moment, Bobby Kennedy, his eyes open and glazed, lies on his back on a hotel pantry floor, his head cradled by […]
The cover-up of the killing, the degradation of judicial, journalistic, military, economic and intelligence establishments resulting from Kennedy’s assassination.
Officially pinned on James Earl Ray, the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was actually the result of a large conspiracy of powerful interests.
Forensic evidence points conclusively to more than one gunman being involved in the murder of Robert F. Kennedy.