Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Your search for '"Lucy Komisar"' returned 62 results.

FTR #387 Interview with Lucy Komisar on The Financial War on Terror

Finan­cial aspects of the abortive “War on Ter­ror.”

For The Record Programs, From 1200 Complete Audio

Com­plete FTR audio: 1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700–799 | 800–899 | 900–999 1000- 1100 | 1100–1199 | All files are MP3 for­mat.  FTR#1200 The Nar­­co-Fas­­cism of Chi­ang Kai-shek and the Kuom­intang, Part 7. FTR#1201 The Nar­­co-Fas­­cism of Chi­ang Kai-shek and the Kuom­intang, Part 8. FTR#1202 The Nar­­co-Fas­­cism of Chi­ang Kai-shek and the Kuom­intang, Part 9. FTR#1203 The Nar­­co-Fas­­cism of Chi­ang […]

FTR #900 The Panama Papers and the Underground Reich

Analy­sis of the Pana­ma-based Mos­sack Fon­se­ca law firm sug­gests the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the firm is an intel­li­gence front of some kind. Beyond that, there are indi­ca­tions that the out­fit and/or key peo­ple involved with its gen­er­a­tive milieu are linked to the Under­ground Reich. Erhard Mos­sack, father of Mos­sack Fon­se­ca co-founder Juer­gen, not only served in the SS, but appears to have been recruit­ed by U.S. after the war. Erhard Mos­sack was in pos­ses­sion of lists of Were­wolf gueril­la unit mem­bers. Orig­i­nal­ly assem­bled to con­duct gueril­la war­fare against Allied armies occu­py­ing Ger­many, the Were­wolves were a key ele­ment of post-war Nazi escape routes and the Otto Sko­rzeny-man­aged ODESSA net­work. The Were­wolves were also the tem­plate for the ear­ly CIA/Gehlen Org “stay behind” units, the gen­e­sis of what became pop­u­lar­ly known as Oper­a­tion Glad­io. Mos­sack Fon­se­ca has helped “off­shore” mon­ey for many inter­ests, includ­ing the Mar­cos fam­i­ly’s Gold­en Lily-derived for­tune and the Thyssen-Borne­misza fam­i­ly’s art deal­ings. One of the most inter­est­ing of Mos­sack Fon­se­ca’s oper­a­tions is its piv­otal­ly impor­tant Neva­da sub­sidiary, head­ed by a Chilean woman named Patri­cia Amu­nategui, an admir­er of Augus­to Pinochet, Sara Palin, Mitt Rom­ney, the Koch broth­ers, the Dalai Lama and the cult built around Swa­mi Yoganan­da. A well-known and sem­i­nal “guru,” Yoganan­da was an admir­er of Hitler and Mus­soli­ni in the 1930’s. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Mos­sack Fon­se­ca’s use of bear­er bonds for some of its sub­sidiary oper­a­tions; Erhard Mos­sack­’s prob­a­ble work spy­ing for the CIA on Cuba in Pana­ma; Juer­gen’s broth­er Peter’s work as Pana­ma’s Hon­orary Con­sul in Frank­furt, seat of the Euro­pean Cen­tral Bank; review of the use of stolen art as a key cap­i­tal resource by the Nazis; the BND’s refusal to release infor­ma­tion about Erhard, although they had a file on him; review of the BND’s prac­tice of recruit­ing from among the fam­i­lies of exist­ing BND mem­bers; Pierre Omid­yar’s refusal to pub­lish Ken Sil­ver­stein’s sto­ry on Mos­sack Fon­se­ca and sub­se­quent demand for pay­ment by “Vice News,” which did pub­lish the arti­cle.

Germany, Greece and Franco’s Blue Division

Wolf­gang Schauble (Ger­many’s Finance Min­is­ter) has stat­ed that Ger­many need­n’t repay the bil­lions it stole from Greece dur­ing World War II, because a gov­ern­ment is not oblig­at­ed to ful­fill the pledges of pre­vi­ous regimes. The fact that Ger­many con­tin­ues to pay pen­sions to vet­er­ans of Spain’s Blue Divi­sion (which fought on the East­ern Front dur­ing World War II) sug­gests that the Ger­man gov­ern­men­t’s judg­ments are self-serv­ing­ly selec­tive. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #866 Because They Can, Part 2: More about Technocratic Fascism

Although high-tech can be an enlight­en­ing, enter­tain­ing devel­op­ment offer­ing remark­able pos­si­bil­i­ties for improv­ing human exis­tence, there exists anoth­er, sin­is­ter poten­tial. Many big tech firms and coders of var­i­ous types don’t play well with others–they embody anoth­er eth­ic: ” . . . . [they are] telling us that coders don’t just have good things to con­tribute to the polit­i­cal world, but that the polit­i­cal world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it. . . .” Poten­tial­ly real­iz­ing the wet dream of pow­er­ful eco­nom­ic elites, cryp­to-cur­ren­cies like Bit­coin are seen as cir­cum­vent­ing the abil­i­ty of nation states to tax in what might be termed as “cyber-off­shoring.” Such a devel­op­ment would spell doom for nation-states. Major finan­cial firms impli­cat­ed in the crash of 2008 have cir­cum­vent­ed reg­u­la­tors with their end-to-end encryp­tion ser­vice called “sym­pho­ny.” Ethereum CEO Gavin Wood enthus­es about the pos­si­bil­i­ties of smart-con­tracts: ” . . . illic­it activ­ity enabled by Ethereum could change the world, he says. . . .” Pro­gram High­lights Include: Tar­get stores’ intro­duc­tion of robot work­ers after employ­ees vot­ed to union­ize; Hin­du fas­cist Naren­dra Mod­i’s court­ing of Sil­i­con Val­ley at the same time as he works to under­mine Indi­a’s child labor laws; Ethereum’s tech­nol­o­gy enabling: the assas­si­na­tion of polit­i­cal lead­ers, the van­dal­iz­ing of web­sites, the sub­ver­sion of any form of state reg­u­la­tion and the tech­no­log­i­cal replace­ment of lawyers and oth­er admin­is­tra­tors. Low-wage work­ers aren’t the only ones fac­ing replace­ment by dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy.

FTR #855: Greek Tragedy, Part 3

Fol­low­ing Ger­many’s imple­men­ta­tion of an aus­ter­i­ty pro­gram on Greece that offi­cial­ly and as a mat­ter of course negates Greek nation­al sov­er­eign­ty and democ­ra­cy, we exam­ine that agree­ment and the his­to­ry that led up to it. Even rel­a­tive­ly con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­can and Euro­pean observers are label­ing the devel­op­ment a “coup” against Greek democ­ra­cy. We would call it a for­eign occu­pa­tion by Ger­many. The events in Europe can only be under­stood in terms of the exe­cu­tion of a con­sum­mate­ly bril­liant, cyn­i­cal plan to imple­ment Ger­man polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic hege­mo­ny through a series of wars and what Von Clause­witz called “Post-wars.” The con­ti­nu­ity of Ger­man polit­i­cal, mil­i­tary and eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy through decades and across a chal­leng­ing diver­si­ty of events is far-sight­ed and rig­or­ous. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schauble’s use of Third Reich cross-bor­der sub­ver­sion spe­cial­ist Theodor Veit­er as a key advis­er on Euro­pean eco­nom­ic affairs; the explic­it con­trol of Greece’s eco­nom­ic affairs by “the insti­tu­tions” [of Ger­many and the EU]; Schauble’s appar­ent goal of dri­ving Greece out of the Euro­zone; Ger­many’s suc­cess­ful eva­sion of its World War II debt; an overview of the evo­lu­tion of Friedrich List’s blue­print for eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal con­trol of Europe and the world; review of the troika’s impo­si­tion of a 2011 Greek coali­tion gov­ern­ment that includ­ed the fas­cist LAOS par­ty; the fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent approach of Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions to car­tel agree­ments from that of their inter­na­tion­al partners/competitors.

FTR #770 Bit[coin]burg, Part 3: Fool’s Gold

Pre­sent­ed as an alter­na­tive to the exist­ing mon­e­tary and fis­cal par­a­digms, bit­coin is–in fact–as bad, or worse, than what it is designed to replace. Sub­ject to a wide vari­ety of crooked machi­na­tions, bit­coin also lends itself read­i­ly to con­cen­tra­tion of ownership–get ready for the “bit­coin 1%.” The bit­coin milieu increas­ing­ly over­laps that of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook and “The Paulis­tin­ian Lib­er­tar­i­an Orga­ni­za­tion.”

FTR #761 The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook, Part 7: Why the NSA Should Be Spying on Germany and Its Chancellor

This pro­gram high­lights German/Underground Reich con­nec­tions to both the 9/11 attacks and the Okla­homa City bomb­ing. Of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance is Ernst Uhrlau: chief of Ham­burg police at the time Ger­man intel­li­gence had the 9/11 cell under sur­veil­lance, appoint­ed coor­di­na­tor of intel­li­gence for the Ger­man chan­cel­lor in 1998 and head of the BND in 2005. The son of Chan­cel­lor Kohl’s chief of staff may have mas­ter­mind­ed the Okla­homa City bomb­ing and BND may well have been manip­u­lat­ing Mohamed Atta.

Memo to Merkel: Get a Grip!

It should come as no sur­prise that the NSA would tar­get Ger­many as a “hot spot” for elec­tron­ic sur­veil­lance. We call atten­tion to Ernst Uhrlau, chief of police in Ham­burg dur­ing the time Ger­man intel­li­gence had the Ham­burg cell of 9/11 hijack­ers under sur­veil­lance, lat­er spe­cial advis­er to Chan­cel­lor Hel­mut Kohl on intel­li­gence mat­ters (the son of whose chief of staff may have mas­ter­mind­ed the Okla­homa City bomb­ing), and even­tu­al­ly head of the BND! UPDATED ON 10/30/2013.

How Did George W. Bush Spend the Campaign?

Although he has done so out of the lime­light, George W. Bush has stayed true to form. Dubya made speech­es in the Cay­man Islands, instruct­ing atten­dees at his talk on how to invest out­side the Unit­ed States. At least Bush is con­sis­tent. He worked against the best eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal inter­ests of the Unit­ed States and con­tin­ues to do so. One can but won­der what tips he may have got­ten from Mitt Rom­ney in this regard, or vice ver­sa.

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Martin BormannMartin Borman, Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning. German corporate capital flight program in the waning years of WWII.
Available for download. Read more about the Bormann Organizaton »