This program is set against the background of our recent discussions with Peter Levenda about the profound Nazi presence in Indonesia before, during and after World War II. The bloody 1965 coup against Sukarno is known to have been largely engineered by the CIA. We now learn that the BND–the German foreign intelligence service and the final incarnation of the Gehlen spy outfit–played a major role in the coup, as well. The apparent BND point man for the Federal Republic’s role in the coup was Rudolf Oebsger-Roder, like so many Gehlen org officers, a veteran of the SS. The second half of the broadcast consists of a reading of a section of Terence McKenna’s book “True Hallucinations.” McKenna allegedly came across a German mining engineer working for what may well have been the post-war Bormann capital network.
Returning once again to “L’Affaire Snowden,” we note the revealingly profound discontinuities in this event and the key characters involved. We also revisit some of the key features of what appears to have been an Underground Reich intelligence operation. Far from being “shocked, shocked” by the Snowden material, the German BND (successor organization to the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit) HELPED the NSA spy on foreign leaders. The Snowden “op” also serves as a rationalization for Europe’s assault on American Big Tech and a push for censorship of the Internet. As the New York Stock Exchange, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal simultaneously experienced what were described as technical glitches, we note that the “Anonymous” hacker group (whoever they are) foreshadowed the event. Program Highlights Include: Electronic Frontier Foundation John Perry Barlow’s work as Dick Cheney’s campaign manager; the EFF’s links to Snowden and the hacker encharged with securing Glenn Greenwald’s computer; the EFF’s work shilling for Big Tobacco; Glenn Greenwald’s work shilling for Big Tobacco; allegations that the Snowden leak compromised American and British spies to Russian and Chinese intelligence; the fact that one of the people with “root access” to the OPM data base was in Argentina (an epicenter of the Underground Reich).
As is the case with so much of recent American history, the official version of the Oklahoma City bombing obscures the fact that there was much more to this event than we have been told. Of particular interest is the testimony of ATF undercover informant Carol Howe that Andreas Strassmeier, the son of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s chief of staff Gunther Strassmeier, was the mastermind of the bombing and that Timothy McVeigh was his protege. Howe passed a polygraph test on her testimony. Strassmeier bears a strong resemblance to the composite sketches of John Doe #2, seen by eyewitnesses in the company of McVeigh prior to the bombing. Strassmeier and John Doe #2 are pictured at right. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
For decades, we have covered the OUN/B, a Ukrainian fascist organization allied with the German general staff in World War II. With a profound presence in the GOP’s Ethnic division, as well as the contemporary Ukrainian political infrastructure, the OUN/B is anything but an historical relic. Centered on the Swoboda party, as well as the Pravy Sektor, the military and judicial processes in the Ukraine are firmly under the control of the OUN/B heirs.
A vitally important post by “Pterrafractyl” frames some considerations that have serious implications. Are Germany and Brazil beginning an economic warfare campaign against the U.S. tech industry? Are they planning on cooperating with criminal and terrorist elements in this regard? Note that a Brazilian banker was recently found with undecipherable encrypted files.
We have discussed the Max Planck institute in past posts and programs. Originally named the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, it was a major epicenter of Nazi science. In the 1950 Madrid circular letter crafted by the Nazi government in exile, we find reinforcing argument that the Max Planck Institute remained an epicenter for scientific and technological development for the Underground Reich.
The recent deaths of two of the robbers from Britain’s Great Mail Train Robbery call to mind an important part of that crime that has been obscured. In FTR #83, we noted the alleged role of SS commando-chief and ODESSA operative Otto Skorzeny in the Great Mail Train Robbery, as it has been known. (Recently deceased robber Ronald Biggs is seen above, at right.)
Continuing our analysis of the “disclosures” of Eddie the Friendly Spook [Snowden], we highlight the Palantir firm which, its official disclaimers to the contrary notwithstanding, appears to be the company that manufactures the PRISM software at the center of Snowden’s leaking. Ostensibly “left/progressive,” with a taste for smoking joints and J.R. Tolkien, Palantir CEO Alex Karp heads a firm that would permit one of its intelligence community and/or corporate sponsors to sit down at a keyboard and check someone for hemorrhoids. The largest investor in Palantir is Peter Thiel, whom we examined at length and in detail in FTR #718. Thiel was also the main financier of Ron Paul’s 2012 Super PAC. (Ron Paul was Eddie Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice.) Thiel is so far to the right that he explicitly rejects democracy, in no small measure because we made what he sees as the mistake of allowing women to vote. An examination of Karp and his intellectual mentor Juergen Habermas, suggests that both are “not as advertised.”
In numerous programs, we have discussed the Underground Reich’s use of Al Qaeda and other Muslim Brotherhood and Arab allies as proxy warriors against the United States. We have also spoken of Osama bin Laden’s goal of undermining the U.S. economy through his terror program. We can see Ayman al-Zawahiri’s proposed strategy of advising Muslims to invest in currencies other than the dollar and advising them not to purchase American goods as both a strategy to undermine the United States, per se, and in terms of a long term strategy of helping to elevate Germany economically.
In a recent post, we highlighted the Max Planck Institutes, formerly the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes–an epicenter of scientific research for the Third Reich. Psychotropic drug researcher Terence McKenna alleges that, during a trip to Timor in 1970, he encountered a “Dr. Karl Heintz,” whose alleged curriculum vitae appeared to place him as working for the Bormann capital network. “Heintz” alleged that he and his compatriots came together and operated under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute. IF true, that places the Max Planck Institutes squarely at the epicenter of The Underground Reich.