Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Your search for '"the Underground Reich"' returned 430 results.

FTR #870 The Underground Reich and Indonesia

This pro­gram is set against the back­ground of our recent dis­cus­sions with Peter Lev­en­da about the pro­found Nazi pres­ence in Indone­sia before, dur­ing and after World War II. The bloody 1965 coup against Sukarno is known to have been large­ly engi­neered by the CIA. We now learn that the BND–the Ger­man for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vice and the final incar­na­tion of the Gehlen spy outfit–played a major role in the coup, as well. The appar­ent BND point man for the Fed­er­al Repub­lic’s role in the coup was Rudolf Oeb­s­ger-Roder, like so many Gehlen org offi­cers, a vet­er­an of the SS. The sec­ond half of the broad­cast con­sists of a read­ing of a sec­tion of Ter­ence McKen­na’s book “True Hal­lu­ci­na­tions.” McKen­na alleged­ly came across a Ger­man min­ing engi­neer work­ing for what may well have been the post-war Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work.

FTR #854 The Underground Reich and the Obverse Oswald: Update on the Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook

Return­ing once again to “L’Af­faire Snow­den,” we note the reveal­ing­ly pro­found dis­con­ti­nu­ities in this event and the key char­ac­ters involved. We also revis­it some of the key fea­tures of what appears to have been an Under­ground Reich intel­li­gence oper­a­tion. Far from being “shocked, shocked” by the Snow­den mate­r­i­al, the Ger­man BND (suc­ces­sor orga­ni­za­tion to the Rein­hard Gehlen spy out­fit) HELPED the NSA spy on for­eign lead­ers. The Snow­den “op” also serves as a ratio­nal­iza­tion for Europe’s assault on Amer­i­can Big Tech and a push for cen­sor­ship of the Inter­net. As the New York Stock Exchange, Unit­ed Air­lines and the Wall Street Jour­nal simul­ta­ne­ous­ly expe­ri­enced what were described as tech­ni­cal glitch­es, we note that the “Anony­mous” hack­er group (who­ev­er they are) fore­shad­owed the event. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Elec­tron­ic Fron­tier Foun­da­tion John Per­ry Bar­low’s work as Dick Cheney’s cam­paign man­ag­er; the EFF’s links to Snow­den and the hack­er encharged with secur­ing Glenn Green­wald’s com­put­er; the EFF’s work shilling for Big Tobac­co; Glenn Green­wald’s work shilling for Big Tobac­co; alle­ga­tions that the Snow­den leak com­pro­mised Amer­i­can and British spies to Russ­ian and Chi­nese intel­li­gence; the fact that one of the peo­ple with “root access” to the OPM data base was in Argenti­na (an epi­cen­ter of the Under­ground Reich).

Andreas Strassmeier, “John Doe #2” and the Underground Reich: Observations on the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing

As is the case with so much of recent Amer­i­can his­to­ry, the offi­cial ver­sion of the Okla­homa City bomb­ing obscures the fact that there was much more to this event than we have been told. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est is the tes­ti­mo­ny of ATF under­cov­er infor­mant Car­ol Howe that Andreas Strass­meier, the son of Ger­man Chan­cel­lor Hel­mut Kohl’s chief of staff Gun­ther Strass­meier, was the mas­ter­mind of the bomb­ing and that Tim­o­thy McVeigh was his pro­tege. Howe passed a poly­graph test on her tes­ti­mo­ny. Strass­meier bears a strong resem­blance to the com­pos­ite sketch­es of John Doe #2, seen by eye­wit­ness­es in the com­pa­ny of McVeigh pri­or to the bomb­ing. Strass­meier and John Doe #2 are pic­tured at right. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #779 OUN/B Redux: The Underground Reich and the Ukrainian Crisis

For decades, we have cov­ered the OUN/B, a Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion allied with the Ger­man gen­eral staff in World War II. With a pro­found pres­ence in the GOP’s Eth­nic divi­sion, as well as the con­tem­po­rary Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal infra­struc­ture, the OUN/B is any­thing but an his­tor­i­cal rel­ic. Cen­tered on the Swo­bo­da par­ty, as well as the Pravy Sek­tor, the mil­i­tary and judi­cial process­es in the Ukraine are firm­ly under the con­trol of the OUN/B heirs.

Is the Underground Reich Beginning a Terrorist and Economic World War III against the U.S. and Britain?

A vital­ly impor­tant post by “Pter­rafractyl” frames some con­sid­er­a­tions that have seri­ous impli­ca­tions. Are Ger­many and Brazil begin­ning an eco­nom­ic war­fare cam­paign against the U.S. tech indus­try? Are they plan­ning on coop­er­at­ing with crim­i­nal and ter­ror­ist ele­ments in this regard? Note that a Brazil­ian banker was recent­ly found with unde­ci­pher­able encrypt­ed files.

The Underground Reich and the Max Planck Institute

We have dis­cussed the Max Planck insti­tute in past posts and pro­grams. Orig­i­nal­ly named the Kaiser Wil­helm Insti­tute, it was a major epi­cen­ter of Nazi sci­ence. In the 1950 Madrid cir­cu­lar let­ter craft­ed by the Nazi gov­ern­ment in exile, we find rein­forc­ing argu­ment that the Max Planck Insti­tute remained an epi­cen­ter for sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ment for the Under­ground Reich.

The Great Mail Train Robbery, Ronald Biggs and the Underground Reich

The recent deaths of two of the rob­bers from Britain’s Great Mail Train Rob­bery call to mind an impor­tant part of that crime that has been obscured. In FTR #83, we not­ed the alleged role of SS com­man­do-chief and ODESSA oper­a­tive Otto Sko­rzeny in the Great Mail Train Rob­bery, as it has been known. (Recent­ly deceased rob­ber Ronald Big­gs is seen above, at right.)

FTR #757 The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook, Part 4: Dramatis Personae, Part 4 (The Gruppenhobbit and the Underground Reich)

Con­tin­u­ing our analy­sis of the “dis­clo­sures” of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook [Snow­den], we high­light the Palan­tir firm which, its offi­cial dis­claimers to the con­trary notwith­stand­ing, appears to be the com­pa­ny that man­u­fac­tures the PRISM soft­ware at the cen­ter of Snow­den’s leak­ing. Osten­si­bly “left/progressive,” with a taste for smok­ing joints and J.R. Tolkien, Palan­tir CEO Alex Karp heads a firm that would per­mit one of its intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and/or cor­po­rate spon­sors to sit down at a key­board and check some­one for hem­or­rhoids. The largest investor in Palan­tir is Peter Thiel, whom we exam­ined at length and in detail in FTR #718. Thiel was also the main financier of Ron Paul’s 2012 Super PAC. (Ron Paul was Eddie Snow­den’s Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date of choice.) Thiel is so far to the right that he explic­it­ly rejects democ­ra­cy, in no small mea­sure because we made what he sees as the mis­take of allow­ing women to vote. An exam­i­na­tion of Karp and his intel­lec­tu­al men­tor Juer­gen Haber­mas, sug­gests that both are “not as adver­tised.”

Al Qaeda, the Underground Reich and Proxy War

In numer­ous pro­grams, we have dis­cussed the Under­ground Reich’s use of Al Qae­da and oth­er Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and Arab allies as proxy war­riors against the Unit­ed States. We have also spo­ken of Osama bin Laden’s goal of under­min­ing the U.S. econ­o­my through his ter­ror pro­gram. We can see Ayman al-Zawahir­i’s pro­posed strat­e­gy of advis­ing Mus­lims to invest in cur­ren­cies oth­er than the dol­lar and advis­ing them not to pur­chase Amer­i­can goods as both a strat­e­gy to under­mine the Unit­ed States, per se, and in terms of a long term strat­e­gy of help­ing to ele­vate Ger­many eco­nom­i­cal­ly.

Waltzing the Enigma: Is This a Hallucination or a “True Hallucination?” (The Max Planck Institute and the Underground Reich)

In a recent post, we high­light­ed the Max Planck Insti­tutes, for­mer­ly the Kaiser Wil­helm Institutes–an epi­cen­ter of sci­en­tif­ic research for the Third Reich. Psy­chotrop­ic drug researcher Ter­ence McKen­na alleges that, dur­ing a trip to Tim­or in 1970, he encoun­tered a “Dr. Karl Heintz,” whose alleged cur­ricu­lum vitae appeared to place him as work­ing for the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work. “Heintz” alleged that he and his com­pa­tri­ots came togeth­er and oper­at­ed under the aus­pices of the Max Planck Insti­tute. IF true, that places the Max Planck Insti­tutes square­ly at the epi­cen­ter of The Under­ground Reich.

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