Recorded March 14, 2004 Listen: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio This program supplements earlier broadcasts about the Underground Reich’s use of the Muslim peoples of the “Earth Island” as proxy warriors against the United States. (For more about this concept, see—among other programs—FTRs 395–400.) In particular, the program highlights the apparent role of […]
Bank al-Taqwa’s Youssef Nada, Ahmed Idris Nasreddin active despite international sanctions; links to SAAR network, Muslim Brotherhood, GOP ethnic outreach.
Fascist milieu of Al Taqwa and the Muslim Brotherhood; investigation and harassment of Operation Green Quest investigators by the FBI and the CIA.
White House facilitated the escape of Saudi elite; update on Al Taqwa-Nada Management-Saddam Hussein links.
Examining the operations of the Muslim Brotherhood in Chechnya and the United States.
Islamofascism, within and among other fascist movements and elements.
George W. Bush’s energy companies linked to drug smuggling and 9/11.
Nazi-Islamist axis combines with Bush administration, resulting in 9/11.
As the title indicates, this broadcast updates old subjects of inquiry and introduces new stories.
Continuing reflections on the “Capitol Riot” of 1/6/2021, the program reviews and fleshes out Nazi links to the 9/11 attacks, this in the context of George W. Bush’s rhapsodizing about the “peaceful transfer of power” in this country.
We call attention to a number of things:
1.–What happened in Washington D.C. on 1/6/2021 was not fundamentally different from the “Brooks Brothers Riot” in Florida that aided the theft of the 2000 election. Organized by Trump flak catcher Roger Stone, that incident and the efforts of current Supreme Court Justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett saw to it that Shrub would inherit his father’s Presidential mantle.
2.–In the wake of the Capitol Riot, the “Opining Heads” raised the subject of the Turner Diaries and its foreshadowing of fascist violence. In 1998, the author of that tome,–William Luther Pierce–explicitly foreshadowed the 9/11 attacks which defined and cemented Dubya’s administration. “ . . . . In one chilling commentary Pierce, (after noting that Bin Laden and the rest of the lost generation of angry Moslem youth had it with their parents’ compromises and were hell bent on revenge against infidel America) issued this stark, prophetic warning in a 1998 radio address titled, ‘Stay Out of Tall Buildings.’ ‘New Yorkers who work in tall office buildings anything close to the size of the World Trade Center might consider wearing hard hats . . .’ Pierce warned.’ . . . The running theme in Pierce’s commentaries is—to paraphrase his hero Hitler—that Osama Bin Laden’s warning to America is ‘I Am Coming.’ And so is bio-terrorism.’ . . .”
3.– In (among other programs) FTR #186–the last program recorded in 1999–Mr. Emory noted that George W. Bush’s first business venture–Arbusto Energy–was capitalized by the family of Osama Bin Laden.
4.–Also in FTR #456, we also noted that Francois Genoud was a key financial adviser to the Bin Laden family. One of the most important figures in the Nazi diaspora, Genoud was the heir to the collected works and political last will and testament of: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann. “ . . . . According to [financial expert Ernest] Backes’ information, the trail leads to Switzerland, to the accounts of an organization that was founded by the late lawyer Francois Genoud and evidently still survives. Says Backes, ‘One of the grounds for accusation is that this Swiss attorney had the closest connections with the Bin Laden family, that he was an advisor to the family, one of its investment bankers. It’s known for certain, that he supported terrorism and was the estate executor for Hitler and part of the terror milieu.’ . . .”
5.–The Bank Al-Taqwa had an account for Al Qaeda’s operations with an unlimited line of credit. Also in FTR#456, we noted that Al Taqwa chief (and former Nazi intelligence agent) Youssef Nada helped the Grand Mufti escape from Europe in the aftermath of World War II. “ . . . . Another valued World War II Nazi collaborator was Youssef Nada, current board chairman of al-Taqwa (Nada Management), the Lugano, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Bahamas-based financial services outfit accused by the US Treasury Department of money laundering for and financing of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. As a young man, he had joined the armed branch of the secret apparatus’ (al-jihaz al-sirri) of the Muslim Brotherhood and then was recruited by German military intelligence. When Grand Mufti el-Husseini had to flee Germany in 1945 as the Nazi defeat loomed, Nada reportedly was instrumental in arranging the escape via Switzerland back to Egypt and eventually Palestine, where el-Husseini resurfaced in 1946.) . . . .”
6.–The San Francisco Chronicle reported that: “ . . . . Authorities believe Genoud founded Al Taqwa Bank and allocated its resources to support international terrorists such as Vladimir Ilich Ramirez, alias Carlos the Jackal, and Bin Laden. . . . .”
7.–One of the most important elements in the investigative trail leading to and from the 9/11 attacks is SICO–the Swiss-based holding company that manages the Bin Laden family interests. Here, too, we see the influence of Genoud: “ . . . . This company, established by the bin Ladens in 1980, is the flagship for the group’s activities in Europe. It is headed by Yeslam bin Laden, and the board of directors is made up almost exclusively of members of the family clan, except for a Swiss citizen, Baudoin Dunand. This well-known lawyer from French-speaking Switzerland, who is on the boards of several dozen companies, came to public notice in 1983 when he agreed to represent the Swiss banker Francois Genoud, a controversial figure who had been a disciple of Hitler . . . .”
Another of the crocodiles shedding tears in the aftermath of the Capitol Riot was Arnold Schwarzenegger, who compared the events of 1/6/2021 to Kristallnacht. In FTR #492, we detailed Schwarzenegger’s links to William Armstead Robinson, who may well be a political/financial cat’s paw for the deadly Bormann network.
Next, we note that Merrick Garland has been confirmed as Attorney General. Previously, he had been the federal prosecutor in the Oklahoma City Bombing. Numerous evidentiary tributaries were not investigated–those evidentiary elements led in the direction of a much wider conspiracy.
Garland failed to investigate profound links between the Oklahoma City Bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing and the 9/11 attacks.
Garland also failed to pursue the apparent role of Andreas Strassmeier in the bombing.
9/11 Attacks’ Links to OKC Bombing detailed in FTR#456 Include:
1.–A motel at which witnesses saw Timothy McVeigh in the company of a number of Middle Eastern men/Arabs, including Mohamed Atta and “20th hijacker” Zaccharias Moussaoui. Moussaoui was represented by Jacques Verges, a protege of Francois Genoud (see above).
2.–Andreas Strassmeier’s apparent pursuit of a Lufthansa surplus Boing 747.
3.–Philippine intelligence agent Edwin Angeles’ report of a meeting in the Philippines involving Ramzi Youssef (mastermind of the first attack on the World Trade Center.
Next, we noted the refusal of Ukraine to extradite an accused murderer, who had fought with Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) in Ukraine.
Another outcropping of Ukrainian fascism is manifesting in the full-court propaganda press against China. Adrian Zenz has become the “Go-To” source for U.S. political and media figures on the political fantasy of Chinese “genocide” against the Uighurs.
The military coup in Myanmar has been widely reported on, however there has been little discussion of the possible effect of the coup on China, which borders that benighted nation and has partnered with the deposed civilian government on economic projects.
We conclude with analysis of the Japanese fascist cult Happy Science, and their reinforcement of official Japanese historical revisionism.
The title refers to the U.S. and its citizens harvesting the crops risen from deadly seeds sown for decades. The Capitol Riot was one of those.
It is to the U.S. as the Beerhall Putsch of 1923 was to Germany–a harbinger of things to come.
The program begins with discussion of Richard Hofstadter, whose theories have been bruited about in the wake of the Capitol Riot. An icon of the mainstream media and the so-called progressive sector, Hofstadter’s work was underwritten by the CIA.
In the context of Hofstadter’s work being underwritten by CIA, one of the factors allowing the seeds of evil to grow has been the government financing of much of U.S. political life.
Intellectual curiosity has been dampened by financial gain.
The armed confrontation in the Capitol reminded us of a confrontation that took place in Parkland Hospital on 11/22/1963.
A contingent of Secret Service agents and Kennedy aide Kenneth O’Donnell confronted and threatened Parkland physicians who were going to autopsy President Kennedy’s body in accordance with law.
(Author Joseph McBride presents convincing evidence that O’Donnell faced probable indictment for corruption. He helped arrange the Kennedy motorcade route through Dealey Plaza, setting JFK up for assassination. O’Donnell succumbed to alcoholism, dying in 1977.)
McBride—drawing on scholarship by numerous authors and researchers—concludes that the Federal agents were intent on preventing an autopsy in Dallas, so that JFK’s body could be surgically altered to obscure the fact that Kennedy was killed in a crossfire.
The “official version” of the murder—an institutionalized historical fiction–maintains that Oswald—the lone assassin—slew Kennedy by firing from the rear.
Analysis of the Capitol Riot highlights a “Before” and an “After.”
Even relatively staid political and national security insiders, as well as media outlets openly expressed fear after a series of post-election shuffling by Trump at the Pentagon.
” . . . . there is speculation that more defense officials may be on their way out and that this is just the beginning — even with only 70 days until the Biden administration takes over. . . . The flurry of departures apparently sent shockwaves through the Department of Defense. A defense official told CNN that the situation was ‘unsettling,’ adding that ‘these are dictator moves.’ The Associated Press wrote that ‘unease was palpable inside’ the Pentagon Tuesday. . . . ‘I’ve been shot at a lot. I’ve been nearly killed a bunch of times. I’m not an alarmist. I try to stay cool under pressure. Mark me down as alarmed,’ retired four-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey said on MSNBC Wednesday. . . .”
Unnamed officials in NATO countries have opined that the events of 1/6/2021 were a coup attempt by Trump’s forces.
In addition, there is an ongoing investigation of an active duty PSYOP officer who operated under the Special Forces command structure for leading a contingent of 100 strong to the “rally” on 1/6/2021.
As veteran listeners/readers will no doubt realize, these events are to be seen against the background of numerous programs and posts highlighting Specialized Knowledge and Abilities and Serpent’s Walk.
Notable among the crocodiles shedding tears over the Capitol Riot was former President George W. Bush. Condemning the riot in one breath, he intoned that he would be attending the inauguration and that “ . . . . witnessing the peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of our democracy that never gets old,’ he added. . . .”
The program concludes with discussion of some of the Nazi connections to the 9/11 attacks, as well as to the business relationship between Dubya and the Bin Laden family.