Translation from the Swiss paper Le Temps. BabelFish has been used to obtain a rough and ready translation. The original French language version follows. The article cites a book published recently by the journalist Sylvain Besson, titled The conquest of the Occident, about the contents of a document found at the villa of the Al-Qaeda […]
Listen: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio With public attention focused on the attacks of 9/11 by the public hearings of the commission investigating the assault, Mr. Emory is producing several programs consolidating key information about the attacks. This is one of those “compendia.” At the foundation of the Al Qaeda organization in particular […]
Events in and around 9/11 as an extension of World War II.
Bank al-Taqwa’s Youssef Nada, Ahmed Idris Nasreddin active despite international sanctions; links to SAAR network, Muslim Brotherhood, GOP ethnic outreach.
Background of Islamofascism, early association with Third Reich; U.S. and Saudi-based money laundering.
“Islamofascism” and the Al Taqwa connection.
A previously unpublished list reveals that backers of a bank that the U.S. says helped fund al-Qaida include prominent members of the Arab world. by Lucy Komisar SALON.COM Mar. 15, 2002 | According to an unpublished list obtained by Salon, the Al Taqwa bank, part of a network of financial companies named by the Bush […]
by Jay BushinskyChronicle Foreign Service Bern, Switzerland — At the behest of President Bush, Swiss law authorities are investigating an alliance between Islamic militants and European neo-Nazis who have allegedly been providing financial support to Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network. Experts say Islamic militants and far-right movements — a coalition they call the Third […]