Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Your search for 'biological warfare' returned 213 results.

White Supremacists, Nazis and Biological Warfare

In FTR #1127, we not­ed that a ran­dom test­ing of New York City res­i­dents indi­cat­ed that up to a fifth of the city’s res­i­dents may have been infect­ed with one of the milder strains of Covid019. That sug­gests very strong­ly that the city was vectored–it is epi­demi­o­log­i­cal­ly absurd to assume that the virus came from Chi­na. In that same pro­gram, we not­ed that New York had been the site of a bio­log­i­cal war­fare test in 1965: ” . . . . In the sum­mer of 1965, Spe­cial Oper­a­tions men walked into three New York City sub­way sta­tions and tossed light­bulbs filled with Bacil­lus sub­tilis, a benign bac­te­ria, onto the tracks. The sub­way trains pushed the germs through the entire sys­tem and the­o­ret­i­cal­ly killed over a mil­lion pas­sen­gers. . . .” In FTR #317, we set forth the late Dr. Lar­ry Ford’s work for the CIA assist­ing the South African apartheid regime’s Project Coast bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram. Ford: was a devo­tee of “The Turn­er Diaries; secured Ebo­la and Mar­burg virus­es for Project Coast; may have been linked to a glob­al net­work of white suprema­cists that grew out of Project Coast; was posthu­mous­ly inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with the anthrax attacks of 2001. In FTR #642, we high­light­ed bio­log­i­cal war­fare expert Steven Hat­fil­l’s asso­ci­a­tion with the white nation­al­ist regimes of Rhode­sia (now Zim­bab­we) and apartheid South Africa, includ­ing White Afrikan­er Resis­tance (AWB). Hat­fill was inves­ti­gat­ed in con­nec­tion with the 2001 anthrax attacks as well, and sub­se­quent­ly exhon­er­at­ed. Hat­fill was very close to Bill Patrick, who over­saw the 1965 bio­log­i­cal war­fare exper­i­ment which infect­ed the New York City Sub­way sys­tem with mil­lions of sim­u­lat­ed path­o­gen­ic bac­te­ria. We won­der if Hat­fill may have (per­haps indi­rect­ly) pro­vid­ed impe­tus to a vec­tor­ing of New York City with a mild strain of Covid-19? We also note that Hat­fill has net­worked with Steve Ban­non, who is at the epi­cen­ter of the anti-Chi­na effort. In FTR #324, we exam­ined Project Coast in detail. That exam­i­na­tion includ­ed the oper­a­tion’s use of Ebo­la (alleged­ly in tan­dem with per­son­nel from Ft. Det­rick) and very cred­i­ble accounts of a pow­er­ful, alto­geth­er dead­ly net­work of post-apartheid operatives–“Die Organ­isas­ie”– linked to Project Coast and aspir­ing to a return to white dom­i­na­tion of South­ern Africa. With Chi­na mak­ing inroads into Africa, we won­der if that alto­geth­er lethal net­work MAY have been enlist­ed in the anti-Chi­na effort? We also won­der if some of the Project Coast research MAY have had bear­ing on the selction of remde­sivir (developed–unsuccessfully–to fight Ebo­la), pro­duced by Gilead Sciences,a major invest­ment of Robert Mer­cer’s Renais­sance Tech­nolo­gies?

FTR #1115 Review of Some Information about AIDS as a Biological Warfare Agent

Against the back­ground of our dis­cus­sion of the Covid-19 out­break as what Mr. Emory has termed a “Bio-Psy-Op,” we present archival mate­r­i­al about the devel­op­ment of AIDS as a bio­log­i­cal war­fare agent.

(Pro­grams con­tain­ing infor­ma­tion on AIDS as a BW weapon include: AFA #s 16 and 39, as well as FTR #‘s 16, 19, 63, 317, 324, 557, 597, 606, 642, 644, 682, 820, 912, 1012.)

The pro­gram begins with review of an inter­view with Dr. Wilbert Jor­dan of Mar­tin Luther King Hos­pi­tal in Los Ange­les (from AFA 16.) Done in Decem­ber of 1984, it gives per­spec­tive on the epi­demi­o­log­i­cal aspects of AIDS–information that under­mines the pre­vail­ing the­o­ries at the time con­cern­ing the ori­gins of the dis­ease.

Not­ing that a dis­ease as lethal as AIDS was at the time (before anti-virals devel­oped to treat HIV infec­tion), Dr. Jor­dan is dis­mis­sive of the notion that such a lethal ail­ment could have been present in either Zaire or Haiti and then ret­ro­spec­tive­ly traced there after being dis­cov­ered in the U.S.

The notions of Haiti and/or Zaire being the point of ori­gin of the dis­ease played into the anti-immi­grant/xeno­pho­bic dynam­ic that has become preva­lent in the era of Don­ald Trump.

Dr. Jor­dan con­cludes by hypoth­e­siz­ing that the dis­ease was cre­at­ed in a lab­o­ra­to­ry, in all prob­a­bil­i­ty in the Unit­ed States.

Next, the pro­gram high­lights infor­ma­tion from FTR #686, set­ting forth infor­ma­tion about the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute’s Spe­cial Viral Can­cer Research Project.

After the [offi­cial] aban­don­ment by the U.S. of offen­sive bio­log­i­cal war­fare research, the Nixon admin­is­tra­tion declared a “war on can­cer” in 1971. As part of the War on Can­cer Nixon turned Fort Det­rick (the Army’s top BW research cen­ter) over to the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute for its Viral Can­cer Project. The Viral Can­cer Project was inex­tri­ca­bly linked with bio­log­i­cal war­fare research and may well have served as a cov­er for ongo­ing BW work. (Lis­ten­ers inter­est­ed in this mate­r­i­al are encour­aged to check out, among oth­er pro­grams, FTR #‘s 606, 682.)

For the pur­pos­es of the present dis­cus­sion, it is worth not­ing that it was the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute’s VCP that was at the epi­cen­ter of AIDS research in the Unit­ed States.

The VCP/NCI bio­log­i­cal war­fare con­nec­tion uti­lized strong con­nec­tions to uni­ver­si­ty research facil­i­ties. The Naval Bio­sciences Lab­o­ra­to­ry (man­aged by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia), as well as Fort Det­rick were pro­found­ly involved with the NCI’s VCP. The Cell Cul­ture Lab­o­ra­to­ry at the Naval Bio­sciences Facil­i­ty pro­vid­ed the seed stock for the pro­duc­tion of vast quan­ti­ties of car­cino­genic and immuno­sup­pres­sive virus­es that were gen­er­at­ed by the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute.

The pro­duc­tion of those virus­es for the NCI was over­seen by Drs. James Duff and Jack Gru­ber, both long­time vet­er­ans of Fort Det­rick and its bio­log­i­cal war­fare research.

The aer­i­al trans­mis­sion of dead­ly path­o­gen­ic agents was a major focal point of the NCI’s VCP, appar­ent­ly over­lap­ping BW research projects. Two oth­er key researchers for the NCI, Drs. Alfred Hell­man and Mark Chatigny also had bio­log­i­cal war­fare research back­grounds, includ­ing work with aer­i­al trans­mis­sion of path­o­gen­ic agents.

Yet anoth­er com­po­nent of the NCI/VCP/BW con­nec­tion was the incor­po­ra­tion of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies in the research pro­grams. The Pfiz­er com­pa­ny pro­duced virus­es for the NCI’s VCP, includ­ing the immuno­sup­pres­sive Mason-Pfiz­er mon­key virus, like HIV, a retro­virus.

Among the most sig­nif­i­cant and alarm­ing aspects of the NCI’s VCP pro­gram is the fact that, when Fort Det­rick was con­vert­ed to the Fred­er­ick Can­cer Research Cen­ter, it was admin­is­tered by Lit­ton Bio­net­ics, a biotech­nol­o­gy subi­sidiary of Lit­ton Indus­tries. Lit­ton was a major defense con­trac­tor and a fre­quent vehi­cle for covert oper­a­tions.

Pri­or to assum­ing stew­ard­ship of Fort Det­rick for the NCI, Lit­ton Bio­net­ics had employed Dr. Robert Gal­lo (the “dis­cov­er­er” of HIV).

Of para­mount impor­tance in this inves­ti­ga­tion is the fact that the NCI’s VCP pro­gram involved numer­ous exper­i­ments and oper­a­tions designed at get­ting organ­isms to “jump species.” Promi­nent researchers famil­iar with these efforts expressed alarm and the con­vic­tion that such work should be out­lawed, lest it lead to the cre­ation of new, dead­ly organ­isms that would infect humans.

Obvi­ous­ly, this broad­cast and the line of inquiry approached in Mr. Emory’s decades-long inves­ti­ga­tion of AIDS as a man-made dis­ease high­light the possibility/probability/near cer­tain­ty that HIV is just such an organ­ism.

The pro­gram con­cludes with review of an excerpt from tes­ti­mo­ny before a House appro­pri­a­tions sub­com­mit­tee that was draw­ing up the defense bud­get for the fol­low­ing year. (The hear­ings were in 1969.) The tes­ti­mo­ny dis­cuss­es the pos­si­bil­i­ty of using genet­ic engi­neer­ing to pro­duce a dis­ease that would be “refrac­to­ry” to the immune sys­tem. This is vir­tu­al­ly the clin­i­cal def­i­n­i­tion of AIDS. It is worth not­ing that the project was fund­ed, and just such a disease—AIDS—appeared in just the time frame posit­ed. It is also worth not­ing that, in the 2002 edi­tion of A High­er Form of Killing, this pas­sage is omit­ted!!

A High­er Form of Killing; Robert Har­ris and Jere­my Pax­man; Hill and Wang [SC]; ISBN 0–8090-5471‑X; p. 241 (p. 266 in e‑book).

. . . As long ago as 1962, forty sci­en­tists were employed at the U.S. Army bio­log­i­cal war­fare lab­o­ra­to­ries on full-time genet­ics research. ‘Many oth­ers,’ it was said, ‘appre­ci­ate the impli­ca­tions of genet­ics for their own work.’ The impli­ca­tions were made more spe­cif­ic that genet­ic engi­neer­ing could solve one of the major dis­ad­van­tages of bio­log­i­cal war­fare, that it is lim­it­ed to dis­eases which occur nat­u­ral­ly some­where in the world. ‘With­in the next 5 to 10 years, it would prob­a­bly be pos­si­ble to make a new infec­tive micro-organ­ism which could dif­fer in cer­tain impor­tant respects from any known dis­ease-caus­ing organ­isms. Most impor­tant of these is that it might be refrac­to­ry to the immuno­log­i­cal and ther­a­peu­tic process­es upon which we depend to main­tain our rel­a­tive free­dom from infec­tious dis­ease.’ [Ital­ics are Mr. Emory’s.] The pos­si­bil­i­ty that such a ‘super germ’ may have been suc­cess­ful­ly pro­duced in a lab­o­ra­to­ry some­where in the world in the years since that assess­ment was made is one which should not be too read­i­ly cast aside. . . .

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Lit­ton Bio­net­ics’ work on the Mason-Pfiz­er mon­key virus while under con­tract to the NCI and when it employed Dr. Robert Gal­lo; research empha­sis on “zoonoses” (dis­eases that jump from ani­mals to humans) by the joint military/civilian con­sor­tium; Gal­lo’s work with NCI VCP/Ft. Det­rick vet­er­an Dr. Jack Gru­ber in a mass viral inoc­u­la­tion pro­gram under­tak­en by Lit­ton Bio­net­ics; the use of the Mason-Pfiz­er mon­key virus in the Lit­ton Bio­net­ics mass inoc­u­la­tion pro­gram.

Supplement to FTR #1111: Is Coronavirus A “Biological Warfare Psy-Op?”

In FTR #1111, we cov­ered dis­turb­ing evi­dence that the coro­n­avirus out­break in Chi­na is a “bio­log­i­cal war­fare psy-op,” part of the desta­bi­liza­tion of Chi­na. When we record­ed the pro­gram, arti­cles were com­ing in as the broad­cast was being pre­pared. In our haste we neglect­ed to include a very impor­tant sec­tion of a post by Joseph Mer­co­la. Oth­er key fea­tures of the post are in FTR #1111: Dr. Mer­co­la not­ed that: ” . . . . As men­tioned, a num­ber of reports raise ques­tions about the source of the 2019-nCoV [The Chi­nese coronavirus–D.E.]. For starters, a 2014 NPR article32 was rather prophet­ic. It dis­cuss­es the Octo­ber 2014 U.S. mora­to­ri­um on exper­i­ments on coro­n­avirus­es like SARS and MERS, as well as influen­za virus, that might make the virus­es more path­o­gen­ic and/or easy to spread among humans. The ban came on the heels of  ‘high-pro­file lab mishaps’ at the CDC and ‘extreme­ly con­tro­ver­sial flu exper­i­ments’ in which the bird flu virus was engi­neered to become more lethal and con­ta­gious between fer­rets. The goal was to see if it could mutate and become more lethal and con­ta­gious between humans, caus­ing future pan­demics. . . . How­ev­er, for the past decade there have been red flags raised in the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty about biose­cu­ri­ty breach­es in high con­tain­ment bio­log­i­cal labs in the U.S. . . . The fed­er­al mora­to­ri­um on lethal virus exper­i­ments in the U.S. was lift­ed at the end of Decem­ber 2017,38 even though researchers announced in 2015 they had cre­at­ed a lab-cre­at­ed hybrid coro­n­avirus sim­i­lar to that of SARS that was capa­ble of infect­ing both human air­way cells and mice. . . .”

In our haste we neglect­ed to include a very impor­tant sec­tion of a post by Joseph Mer­co­la. Oth­er key fea­tures of the post are in FTR #1111:

Alarming Insight on GMO’s and Biological Warfare

In AFA #39, we returned to the issue of AIDS as a genet­i­cal­ly-engi­neered, bina­ry bio­log­i­cal weapon. In that con­text, we high­light­ed Bay­er’s pur­chase of Mon­san­to. ” . . . . Ken Alibek, who played an impor­tant role in the Sovi­et Union’s bio-weapon­ry pro­gram before emi­grat­ing to the US, says he encoun­tered ‘an alarm­ing lev­el of igno­rance’ about bio­log­i­cal weapons with­in the expert com­mu­ni­ty of his adopt­ed coun­try. He reports: ‘Some of the best sci­en­tists I’ve met in the West say it isn’t pos­si­ble to alter virus­es genet­i­cal­ly to make reli­able weapons. . . . My knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence tell me that they are wrong.’ . . . .” All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

Ebola: The German/American/Biological Warfare Connection

Although we have no hard infor­ma­tion of a pos­si­ble bio­log­i­cal war­fare link to the out­break, an arti­cle from for­mer Naval Intel­li­gence offi­cer Wayne Mad­sen is worth con­sid­er­ing in that regard. In 2009, Ger­many was pon­der­ing the ship­ment of dead­ly pathogens, includ­ing Ebo­la virus to Ft. Det­rick in Mary­land. They voiced con­cern about the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the sam­ples might be weaponized, pos­si­bly giv­ing them­selves plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­i­ty in the event that they were used for bio­log­i­cal war pur­pos­es. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 10/2/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve.

Biological Warfare: Did the Germans Cause the 1918 Flu Epidemic?

Deeply engaged in sab­o­tage in the Unit­ed States, even before Amer­i­ca entered the First World War, Ger­man agents were spread­ing anthrax to live­stock head­ed for the front to feed the troops. British intel­li­gence offi­cers opine that the dead­ly 1918 flu epi­dem­ic that killed scores of mil­lions world­wide may well have been spread by the Ger­mans. Appar­ent­ly hav­ing dis­cov­ered this dead­ly flu strain in 1916, the Ger­mans may well have dis­sem­i­nat­ed it in an attempt to neu­tral­ize the deci­sive entry of the Unit­ed States into the war. (The first case was dis­cov­ered in Mary­land in Jan­u­ary of 1918.)

FTR #686 Update on the National Cancer Institute’s Viral Cancer Program, Biological Warfare and AIDS

Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute appar­ent­ly used as a cov­er for bio­log­i­cal war­fare research; Ft. Det­rick and the Naval Bio­sciences Lab­o­ra­to­ry involved; defense con­trac­tor Lit­ton Indus­tries used for much of the work. This nexus at the cen­ter of U.S. AIDS research.

FTR #642 Update on the Anthrax Attacks, AIDS and Biological Warfare

Fol­low­ing sui­cide of Dr. Bruce Ivins, 2001 anthrax attacks return to jour­nal­is­tic cen­ter stage.

FTR #585 Update on Biological Warfare and Lyme Disease

Lyme dis­ease, bio­log­i­cal war­fare research, Amer­i­can employ­ment of Nazi sci­en­tist Erich Traub fol­low­ing World War II,

FTR #324 Biological Warfare, AIDS, Ebola & Apartheid

Record­ed less than 48 hours before the 9/11 attacks, fore­shad­ow­ing the anthrax attacks that fol­lowed, and offer­ing pos­si­ble clues as to why, view­ing worlds of clan­des­tine fas­cist pol­i­tics, the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and bio­log­i­cal war­fare research.

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