Continuing our analysis of an overlapping series of massive covert operations in the Earth Island utilizing Muslim Brotherhood-based Sunni jihadists and intersecting Pan-Turkist elements, we analyze the genesis of ISIS. Stemming from a covert operation in which elements of CIA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood are operating in Southern Turkey to enable jihadists in Syria, ISIS appears to be something of a Frankenstein’s monster. Envisioned as a Salafist principality in Eastern Syria to destabilize the Assad regime, the Islamic State used AQI (Al-Qaeda in Iraq) infrastructure to spread into Iraq, threatening the “gains” of the misguided U.S. invasion of that country. Now, this Islamist Frankenstein’s monster is attacking the West, driving the political spectrum in Europe and the United States rightward. That reaction, in turn, is fueling Muslim alienation to the delight and benefit of ISIS. Program Highlights Include: ISIS chief Al-Baghradi’s “former” membership in the Muslim Brotherhood; the decisive role of Chechen fighters in ISIS; the alliance of UNA-UNSO fighters (Pravy Sektor) in Chechnya and Georgia; ISIS’s use of Bitcoin to stash their financial assets; ISIS’s use of an encrypted Berlin-based messaging service for its communiques; an oblique endorsement of ISIS by the chief of Turkish intelligence; review of the re-direction of the anti-Soviet jihadist effort in Afghanistan to anti-Russian combat in Chechnya; review of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s endorsement of using jihadists against Russia in the Caucasus and China in central Asia.
Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land known as the “Earth Island”: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination. In this broadcast, we examine what might be termed political strange bedfellows grouped together against Russia and China and advancing an apparent Underground Reich and corporatist agenda in parts of Russia and China. In addition to the Tibetan Buddhist milieu of the Dalai Lama, Uighur Muslims associated with Al Qaeda and the Pan-Turkist movement are ranked together under the banner of the UNPO and the House of Habsburg. Active in Ukraine, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for centuries, the Habsburgs appear to be a coordinating executive element mobilizing the diverse ethnic groups working against Russia and China. Program Highlights Include: OUN/B operative Paula Dobriansky’s control of the Tibet Desk at the State Department; Uighur links to Al Qaeda and other Muslim Brotherhood offshoots; review of the Dalai Lama’s historical relationships with the SS and the CIA; review of Peter Levenda’s concept of “weaponized religion;” support for the Uighurs by the Pan-Turkist and fascist National Action Party; Erkin Altepkin’s alliances with the Habsburg milieu, the Dalai Lama and elements of Western intelligence; the growing presence of ISIS-affiliated fighters from Chechnya in the Ukrainian conflict.
Discussion of Islamist terrorists has pointedly omitted the perpetrators’ links to the Muslim Brotherhood–the Islamic fascist organization that spawned groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Portrayed in the West as a “moderate’ organization, the Muslim Brotherhood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nurtured as anti-communist cadre by Western Intelligence (CIA in particular) during the Cold War. Much of the program reviews and details the corporatist and free market economic philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideology that endears the Ikhwan to powerful political and economic interests in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. Among the events that has been obscured by the passage of time is the open opposition to the Treasury Department’s attempts at interdicting terrorist financing money, on the grounds that it would “restrict” the free-flow of international capital. Brotherhood elements continue to be used as proxy warriors by elements of Western and Saudi intelligence in places like Syria, the Caucasus and China’s Xinjiang Province. Program Highlights Include: The use of ISIS-linked Chechen fighters in Ukraine; Saudi Bin Laden Group’s use of Sullivan and Cromwell as its general counsel; Sullivan & Cromwell’s work on behalf of the financial institutions that were (successfully) resisting the Treasury Department’s attempts at interdicting terrorist financing; review of the forced resignation of Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill following the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids.
Continuing our analysis of the resuscitation of Ukrainian fascism, we note the ongoing role of unabashed, celebratory heirs of the OUN/B in that unfortunate country. Following an announcement by Ukrainian interior minister Arsen Avakov that personnel from the 173rd Airborne Brigade would begin training of the Nazi Azov Battalion on April 20th (Hitler’s Birthday), the U.S. House of Representatives voted not to arm that unit. They made no objection to the elevation of Pravy Sektor leader Dymtro Yarosh to be an adviser to the head of the Ukrainian army. Head of one of the explicit political heirs to the OUN/B in Ukraine, Yarosh led his followers in an attack on a gay rights parade in Kiev. Pravy Sektor has also functioned as an enforcer for Ihor Kolomoyskyi, one of Ukraine’s most important oligarchs. Kolomoyskyi’s primary place of business is the Ukrainian province of Odessa, which will now be governed by Georgian expatriate Mikhail Saakashvili. Unable to return to Georgia because of crimes he apparently committed there, Saakashvili was very “business friendly” to the Privat companies controlled by Kolomoyskyi. Program Highlights Include: Ukraine’s move to standardize its military to NATO requirements; the re-routing of information on nuclear weapons from the UK to Ukraine; a threat by Prime Minister Yatsenyuk to halt Ukraine’s payments to creditors; charges against Yatsenyuk that he embezzled up to 325 million dollars; Petro Poroshenko’s threat to invade Crimea; the apparent systematic assassination of political opponents and critics of the Poroshenko regime.
A worthy post from “German Foreign Policy,” which feeds along the bottom of the front page of this website, fleshes out our understanding of the use of jihadists as proxy warriors. With Saudi and Western intel backing, Sunni extremist combatants are being used against Iran, Syria and Russia. Is ISIS “blowback” from this dynamic? All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Pop conspiracy theory casts the Bilderberger group in a sensationalist, politically and historically illiterate “New World Order” context. In this broadcast, we examine the history of Prince Bernhard, the former SS officer and I.G. Farben spy who founded the group, against the background of the Battle of Arnhem (Operation Market Garden) in September of 1944. As head of the Dutch “resistance,” apparent double agent Bernhard sacrificed a resistance fighter named Christian Lindemans (code named “King Kong”), who took the blame for the deliberate betrayal of the Allied battle plan. Sabotage of the Arnhem operation has also been partly attributed to Peter Carrington (later Lord Carrington and former British Foreign Secretary during the run-up to the Falkalands War.) Attacked for his stunning lack of insight with regard to the Argentine fascist junta’s invasion of those islands, Carrington has never been properly vetted with regard to the betrayal of part of the British battle plan for the Falkalnds campaign. The program also examines the fascist activities and involvements of Bernhard’s heirs in the Royal Family of the Netherlands.
As our title indicates, this program brings a number of paths of inquiry up to date, as well as highlighting some new points of interest. Beginning with the onslaught of ISIS–The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq–the broadcast sets forth information generally ignored in media coverage of the event. Chief of Saudi intelligence Prince Bandar–nicknamed “Bandar Bush” for his close relationship to the Bush family–may well have been the driving force behind the Iraqi and Syrian Sunni jihadists comprising ISIS. Perhaps that occasioned Bandar’s recent replacement as head of Saudi intelligence. Much of the program focuses on the formation of lethal right-wing military formations in both the United States and Germany. The recent standoff between Cliven Bundy’s paramilitary supporters and federal agents portends a more expanded and deadly militia and neo-secessionist landscape. The Bundyites did not operate in a vacuum, with ideological and journalistic support from the GOP and its amen chorus in the media. A clandestine army in early 1950’s Germany composed of Wehrmacht and Waffen SS veterans enjoyed the support of the Adenaurer government and the Gehlen-dominated BND. It was networked with the SS–still clearly active in the 1950’s.
Behind the propaganda about the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 being “mysterious,” the program notes the evidentiary tributaries running between the pilot of the plane and the Muslim Brotherhood. In turn, Anwar Ibrahim (the pilot’s political idol) is deeply connected to the individuals and institutions investigated in the Operation Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002. Grover Norquist’s lobbying firm appears to have represented Ibrahim. The program also looks at a strange incident, in which a young Somali boy successfully stashed himself in the wheel well of a jet at San Jose airport. Muslim Brotherhood-linked elements figure in the background of the event. Concluding with the corporatist philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood, the broadcast examines comparisons between the organization and the GOP.
German and Brazilian drives to update and popularize their IT sectors, supposedly in response to Edward Snowden’s “disclosures,” can be safely assumed to have been anticipated quite some time ago. The Snowden “psy-op” is almost certainly a device for propagandizing on behalf of the German/Brazilian drive, which constitutes economic warfare under the circumstances. Snowden’s Russian sojourn appears to have been arranged by WikiLeaks, which also appears to have arranged his flight to China from Hawaii. Throwing Obama’s “reboot” with Russia under the bus, the Snowden “op” is probably part of the broader operation that brought the Nazi heirs to the OUN/B to power in the Ukraine.
Never have we seen the news media–The Ministry of Truth in the most literal, Orwellian sense–behave more shamefully. The same Islamist/Muslim Brotherhood elements figure into this investigation as into 9/11 and–most recently–the Boston Marathon bombing. The pilot was a devotee of Malaysian Muslim Brother Anwar Ibrahim, who was convicted on sodomy charges hours before the plane’s disappearance.