by Bernard Fensterwald, Jr.
1977, Zebra Books
ISBN 0–89083-232–3
592 pages
With something like 600 books that have been published on the JFK assassination, we are now seeing books that keep track of other books. Two examples are Coincidence or Conspiracy by Bernard Fensterwald (1977) and The Assassination of John F. Kennedy by James Duffy and Vincent Ricci (1992). The former is recommended as a reference work for researchers; while it has fewer names, the descriptions are more complete and they include footnotes to some primary sources. The latter benefits from fifteen years of additional research and contains over 500 names. One major secondary source is given for each name, but the description under the name is brief and serves mainly as an introduction for the beginner.
Serious researchers with an interest in a particular name should consult the impressive collection of material — particularly government documents and obscure books, some of which are cumulatively name-indexed — held at the
Assassination Archives and Research Center
918 F Street NW, Suite 510
Washington DC 20004
Tel: 202–393-1917
The Center was founded in 1984 by Bernard Fensterwald, and since his death in 1991 has continued under the direction of James H. Lesar.
THIS BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. Available from used booksellers. Learn more about Bernard Fensterwald.
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