Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Recommended Reading  

Coincidence or Conspiracy?

by Bernard Fen­ster­wald, Jr.
1977, Zebra Books
ISBN 0–89083-232–3
592 pages

From namebase.org
With some­thing like 600 books that have been pub­lished on the JFK assas­si­na­tion, we are now see­ing books that keep track of oth­er books. Two exam­ples are Coin­ci­dence or Con­spir­a­cy by Bernard Fen­ster­wald (1977) and The Assas­si­na­tion of John F. Kennedy by James Duffy and Vin­cent Ric­ci (1992). The for­mer is rec­om­mend­ed as a ref­er­ence work for researchers; while it has few­er names, the descrip­tions are more com­plete and they include foot­notes to some pri­ma­ry sources. The lat­ter ben­e­fits from fif­teen years of addi­tion­al research and con­tains over 500 names. One major sec­ondary source is giv­en for each name, but the descrip­tion under the name is brief and serves main­ly as an intro­duc­tion for the begin­ner.

Seri­ous researchers with an inter­est in a par­tic­u­lar name should con­sult the impres­sive col­lec­tion of mate­r­i­al — par­tic­u­lar­ly gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments and obscure books, some of which are cumu­la­tive­ly name-indexed — held at the

Assas­si­na­tion Archives and Research Cen­ter
918 F Street NW, Suite 510
Wash­ing­ton DC 20004
Tel: 202–393-1917

The Cen­ter was found­ed in 1984 by Bernard Fen­ster­wald, and since his death in 1991 has con­tin­ued under the direc­tion of James H. Lesar.

THIS BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT. Avail­able from used book­sellers. Learn more about Bernard Fen­ster­wald.


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