Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Recommended Reading  

Covert Action Information Bulletin / Covert Action Quarterly

1500 Mass­a­chu­setts Avenue NW, Suite 732
Wash­ing­ton, DC 20005
Tel: 202–331-9763
Fax: 202–331-9751
Subs ($22/year) and back issues ($8/ea) are avail­able from Covert Action Quar­ter­ly.

From the web site:
Covert Action Infor­ma­tion Bul­letin
began pub­lish­ing in 1978, and cur­rent­ly issues a well-pro­duced quar­ter­ly of about 70 pages with no adver­tis­ing. Some themes include CIA in acad­e­mia, the new world order, CIA in East­ern Europe, George Bush, domes­tic sur­veil­lance, CIA and drugs, AIDS, the reli­gious right, and the Nazi-Vat­i­can-CIA nexus. Most arti­cles con­tain plen­ty of foot­notes. Most names from almost every issue through 1992 (Num­ber 42) are in Name­Base; since Num­ber 43 the mag­a­zine changed its name to Covert Action Quar­ter­ly (CAQ) and the index­ing in Name­Base has been more selec­tive.

Before 1982, this pub­li­ca­tion was best known for its “Nam­ing Names” col­umn, which tracked CIA offi­cers under diplo­mat­ic cov­er by research­ing the State Depart­ment Bio­graph­ic Reg­is­ter and the diplo­mat­ic lists issued by the U.S. and oth­er coun­tries. This final­ly became ille­gal when Rea­gan signed the Intel­li­gence Iden­ti­ties Pro­tec­tion Act. CAIB was forced to drop this col­umn and also became gen­er­al­ly more cau­tious on the mat­ter of CIA names. One for­eign pub­li­ca­tion is con­tin­u­ing the ear­li­er tra­di­tion, but CAIB/CAQ’s rep­u­ta­tion for qual­i­ty, con­sis­ten­cy, and accu­ra­cy make it a hard act to fol­low.

Learn more about the Name­Base Site.


One comment for “Covert Action Information Bulletin / Covert Action Quarterly”

  1. test

    Posted by participo | August 14, 2013, 9:56 am

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