The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
by Gary Webb
1999, Seven Stories Press
ISBN 1888363932
548 pages
In July 1995, San Jose Mercury-News reporter Gary Webb found the Big One—the blockbuster story every journalist secretly dreams about—without even looking for it. A simple phone call concerning an unexceptional pending drug trial turned into a massive conspiracy involving the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, L.A. and Bay Area crack cocaine dealers, and the Central Intelligence Agency. For several years during the 1980s, Webb discovered, Contra elements shuttled thousands of tons of cocaine into the United States, with the profits going toward the funding of Contra rebels attempting a counterrevolution in their Nicaraguan homeland. Even more chilling, Webb quickly realized, was that the massive drug-dealing operation had the implicit approval–and occasional outright support—of the CIA, the very organization entrusted to prevent illegal drugs from being brought into the United States.
Within the pages of Dark Alliance, Webb produces a massive amount of evidence that suggests that such a scenario did take place, and more disturbing evidence that the powers that be that allowed such an alliance are still determined to ruthlessly guard their secrets. Webb’s research is impeccable—names, dates, places, and dollar amounts gather and mount with every page, eventually building a towering wall of evidence in support of his theories. After the original series of articles ran in the Mercury-News in late 1996, both Webb and his paper were so severely criticized by political commentators, government officials, and other members of the press that his own newspaper decided it best not to stand behind the series, in effect apologizing for the assertions and disavowing his work. Webb quit the paper in disgust in November 1997. His book serves as both a complex memoir of the time of the Contras and an indictment of the current state of America’s press; Dark Alliance is as necessary and valuable as it is horrifying and grim. —Tjames Madison
Available commercially. Learn more about Gary Webb.
The Buzz:: Jeremy Renner may play late reporter Gary Webb in movie
Published: Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013 — 12:00 am | Page 3A
Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013 — 3:10 pm
Modesto native Jeremy Renner, star of “The Hurt Locker,” is set to play the late Capitol investigative reporter Gary Webb in the upcoming film “Kill the Messenger,” according to news reports.
Webb worked in the Capitol press corps for the San Jose Mercury News, which published the 1996 “Dark Alliance” series alleging CIA ties to the U.S. crack cocaine market. Webb’s series asserted that drug dealers flooded African American communities with cut-rate cocaine, using profits to finance Central American guerrillas backed by the CIA.
After several major publications disputed Webb’s claims, the Mercury News reassigned him and he ultimately left the paper in 1997.
He published a book in 1999, “Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine Explosion,” that further detailed his story.
Webb later worked in the Assembly as a committee consultant, investigating subjects such as a failed state Oracle Corp. contract, and at the Sacramento News & Review.
He committed suicide in 2004 at his Carmichael home.
OC Weekly managing editor Nick Schou wrote the 2006 book “Kill the Messenger: How the CIA’s Crack-Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Journalist Gary Webb” that serves as the basis for the new film.
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