How WestÂern EspiÂonage Betrayed the JewÂish PeoÂple
by John LofÂtus and Mark Aarons
1997, St. MarÂtÂin’s GrifÂfin
658 pages.
ISBN 0312156480
PubÂlishÂer’s ComÂment
A hugeÂly conÂtroÂverÂsial work that exposÂes a series of scanÂdals from OlivÂer North to the British royÂal famÂiÂly, The Secret War Against the Jews reveals as much about politÂiÂcal corÂrupÂtion inside WestÂern intelÂliÂgence as it does about Israel. Using thouÂsands of preÂviÂousÂly top-secret docÂuÂments and interÂviews with hunÂdreds of curÂrent and forÂmer spies, LofÂtus and Aarons, both vetÂerÂan invesÂtiÂgaÂtors, Nazi-hunters, and authors, present a comÂpelling narÂraÂtive.
The authors demonÂstrate that numerÂous WestÂern counÂtries, espeÂcialÂly the UnitÂed States and Great Britain, have conÂductÂed repeatÂed and willÂful spyÂing misÂsions on PalesÂtine and latÂer Israel over many decades. While on the surÂface these two counÂtries and othÂers proÂfess to be ardent allies of Israel, they work, in fact, through their intelÂliÂgence serÂvices to betray Israel’s secrets to the Arabs. Their motive: oil and multiÂnaÂtionÂal profÂits, which must be attained at any price through interÂnaÂtionÂal covert poliÂcies.
The pageant of charÂacÂters appearÂing in this narÂraÂtive is vast and shockÂing. This is not only a comÂpelling work of hisÂtoÂry, but also a volÂume whose grave alleÂgaÂtions will be debatÂed for years to come.
Using preÂviÂousÂly top secret docÂuÂments and interÂviews with curÂrent and forÂmer spies, vetÂerÂan invesÂtiÂgaÂtors and authors, the authors demonÂstrate that numerÂous WestÂern counÂtries have conÂductÂed spyÂing misÂsions on PalesÂtine and Israel throughÂout most of this cenÂtuÂry driÂven by a desire for huge oil and multiÂnaÂtionÂal profÂits.
AvailÂable comÂmerÂcialÂly. Find out more about John LofÂtus.
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