Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Recommended Reading  

Unholy Trinity

The Vat­i­can, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks
by John Lof­tus and Mark Aarons
1998, St. Mar­t­in’s Press
432 pages.
Pub­lish­er Com­ments:
Writ­ten in riv­et­ing fash­ion by the coau­thors of The Secret War Against the Jews, Unnholy Trin­i­ty tells one of the dark­est tales of World War II. After the war had end­ed, fear­ing a surge of Sovi­et growth, the Papa­cy entered into an espi­onage alliance with British and Amer­i­can intel­li­gence agents. Sub­sum­ing jus­tice to the nascent Cold War ide­ol­o­gy, these three pow­ers fer­ret­ed Nazi crim­i­nals out of Europe so that they could be used in the sup­pos­ed­ly greater fight against Com­mu­nism. The Vat­i­can’s Nazi smug­gling net­work was pen­e­trat­ed by Prince Anton Turkul, the great Sovi­et dou­ble agent who turned the oper­a­tions into a sting for his mas­ters in the Krem­lin. Unholy Trin­i­ty expos­es Turkul’s “Red Nazi” oper­a­tion for the first time and shows how Kim Phil­by, the infa­mous British-Sovi­et dou­ble agent, and his net­work were near­ly sac­ri­ficed to pre­serve Turkul’s Vat­i­can oper­a­tion.

Explor­ing the Vat­i­can’s role in aid­ing Nazi crim­i­nals to escape pun­ish­ment for their crimes, this book, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 1991, first revealed the Vatican—Swiss bank con­nec­tion to Nazi gold and doc­u­ment­ed the hid­den links to West­ern investors in Nazi Ger­many. Since 1991, major rev­e­la­tions about the role of Swiss banks have con­firmed Unholy Trin­i­ty’s expose of the flight of the Naz­i’s stolen trea­sures; the new intro­duc­tion and new final chap­ters, writ­ten by Aarons and Lof­tus for this edi­tion, bring the book com­plete­ly up to date and show how the media have missed the vital Vat­i­can con­nec­tion in the Swiss-bank sto­ry. Among oth­er things, the authors demon­strage that U.S. and British code-break­ers were ful­ly aware of the Holo­caust as ear­ly as 1941 but lied to the West­ern press; that the code-break­ers bugged the Swiss banks and then buried secrets of Nazi gold trans­fers to pro­tect U.S. intel­li­gence chief Allen Dulles; and that the Aus­tralian, British, and Cana­di­an gov­ern­ments are still wag­ing a cam­paign to keep their cit­i­zens igno­rant about the Nazi war crim­i­nals liv­ing among them.

Cov­er­ing all these top­ics and more, Unholy Trin­i­ty is the defin­i­tive his­to­ry of a series of pro­found­ly dis­turb­ing cov­er-ups invol­ing the Holy See, Allen Dulles, the Swiss banks, and the rem­nants of the Third Reich.

Avail­able com­mer­cial­ly. Find out more about John Lof­tus.


One comment for “Unholy Trinity”

  1. [...] cen­tro  focale del pro­gram­ma con­siste nel­la dis­cus­sione e nell’analisi del  libro di John Unholy  Trin­i­ty: The Vat­i­can, The Nazis and the Swiss Banks (scrit­to insieme a Mark Aarons.) Pri­ma di dis­cutere il libro abbi­amo  ril­e­va­to il ripristi­no di [...]

    Posted by Intervista a John Loftus sul legame tra Vaticano e Nazifascismo | Informare per Resistere | May 27, 2013, 9:40 am

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